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The Movies Thread!

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Apr 17, 2016 12:46 pm

I'm so behind the curve it's not even funny. Everybody's talking Batman vs Superman and Captain America: Civil War and I'm all like "Hey, I just watched Age of Ultron last night. Go me!" ;))
Anyways, I'm going to be in the minority (as always) and say I liked Ultron WAAAY better than the first Avengers movie which I really did not care for at all (and everyone loved for some reason I don't understand ;)) ). There were still some plot holes that bugged me, as is often the case, but it was an enjoyable, actiony, popcorn flick.
I'm loosely trying to catch up for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 due out in over a year, and it takes me like 2 months to watch a movie I get to my house on Netflix. ;)) I still need Ant-Man, and theoretically Thor 2 and Iron Man 3, but on the latter two I may just read a plot summary as I'm just not that excited to watch those. I'm also not at all interested in Civil War, but I may watch it just to be in-the-know (and also to prep for GotG2).

A few weeks ago I watched Pixels, and to quote Sokka from The Last Airbender, "This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I've been missing!" It was horrible, but I really liked it. :)) Totally bringing out the video game nerdiness in me. :-B Not as good as Wreck-It Ralph, but definitely along the same lines. Some adult humor though, which was too bad.

Added Zootopia and Risen to my Netflix list for when they come out. Everyone seems to love them so I'm kind of curious now.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby mm1991 » Apr 18, 2016 4:49 pm

Eye In The Sky (Alan Rickman's last on-screen role) was great. I can't wait to see the Jungle Book, it has been getting amazing reviews.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby SnowAngel » Apr 28, 2016 11:38 pm

Isn't anyone else excited that there will be four new mystery movies on Hallmark M & M in June? :D My sisters and I enjoyed both of this month's mystery movies. We enjoyed Flower Shop Mystery: Snipped in the Bud the best, really like Brooke Shields and Brennan Elliot together. I think I might be looking forward to Flower Shop Mystery: Dearly Depotted the most of the four June movies.

Other recently watched movies included Old Fashioned (2014), Blood Diamond (2006), Girl Shy (1924), and Welcome Danger (1929).

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » May 18, 2016 6:45 am

I finally got around to watching Inside Out yesterday afternoon. I had my box of tissues ready to go. :P ;))
Interestingly enough, I found this film to be, well, boring. At least right up until the point that Riley ran away from home.
It was more of a psychological look at the way the mind works from a cartoon animation point of view, and from that perspective it was very interesting. I read an article somewhere that said children's councilors and psychologists absolutely love this movie because it's opened a whole new way for them to communicate with kids. I can totally see that.
But as I said above, Joy and Sadness wandering through marble-memory world just didn't quite do it for me. Glad I watched it, probably won't watch it again. ;)
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby SnowAngel » May 25, 2016 9:03 pm

My brother is going to be home for the weekend and I have several movies on the DVR for us to watch if he has time. One is At War With The Army (1950) which we haven't seen in years, but we had it on VHS when we were kids. B-) ;)

Lately my sisters and I have been watching the third season of Remington Steele, but it's finally close enough to the June Hallmark movies that the DVR is now set to record for the first three movies. :D Currently we are planning to watch all nine new movies on both Hallmark and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby ValiantArcher » Jul 18, 2016 5:29 pm

How have the Hallmark movies been, SA? :)

I got to watch The Peanuts Movie the other night; it was fun. :) I enjoyed how they showed Charlie Brown's character through his "failures", particularly when he gave up his part in the show to help Sally and then when he admitted he had won the ribbon by mistake. I also admired his determination in reading War and Peace in a weekend. ;)) There were also a lot of little details that I liked, such as the boy behind Linus at the dance looking relieved when Sally drags Linus off and not him. ;)) For the most part I thought they did pretty well with mixing the familiar comic book aspects/plot points with new material; it kept the familiar feel of the comics without it either being a set of vignettes or a rehash of one of the specials. I won't rush to watch it again, but it's a movie I'd likely sit down again to watch it if others are (which is getting rarer). :)
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Jul 18, 2016 7:08 pm

The Peanuts movie is on my list to watch soon. :)

I watched 'The Good Dinosaur' the other night. The story, 'meh'. But the animation was gorgeous. But the Rocky Mountains are one of my favorite places in the world sooo... I may have been a bit biased. ;))

I'm curious if anybody else has noticed this. Recent Pixar films have almost always had gorgeous scenic animation (Cars, Finding Nemo), but in the last few works of theirs, it's actually gotten SO good, that I can no longer tell in some shots if it's real or animated. But then, they add their classic characters in that are very animated looking. It's starting to bug me a bit. :P Reminds me of some of the old Disney movies like Pete's Dragon or Mary Poppins where they've mixed real life and animation. I never did care for it.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Shawna » Jul 19, 2016 4:21 pm

Let's see...

I saw the new Ghostbusters already. I thought it was very funny and generally excellent. A handful of very lame parts (like a painful Pringles product placement), but overall very good. I was never a fan of the original (actually only watched it this month and thought it was kind of 'meh'), but I thought this one was much better. Still pretty spooky/creepy with the ghost stuff, but almost entirely lacking in, shall we say, "adult" (that is, immature frat boy) humor and anti-women elements that I saw in the original. And Chris Hemsworth is unbelievably funny. Cracked me up so hard and with so little apparent effort.

I want to see the Secret Life of Pets but I'll probably wait until it comes to our second run theater.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Jul 31, 2016 12:33 pm

I liked the old Ghostbusters movie, although you're right in that the "adult" humor was blegh. I'm interested in seeing the new one. I thought it looked funny. :)

I was hoping to take my kids to see The Secret Life of Pets at the drive-in theater here in town, but they stuck it in as the second showing behind the latest Ice Age movie... which meant Pets started at 11pm. Soooo, I'll just wait for the DVD.

I watched Zootopia last night with the family. It was good, but I was kind of turned off by the underlying PC rhetoric. Fine, whatever, it's not a bad thing. But I don't like being preached to in movies when I just want to be entertained. The only movie that's gotten away with the not-so-subtle preaching is Wall-E, and I know others were really put off by it in that movie.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby ValiantArcher » Jul 31, 2016 7:09 pm

I saw Zootopia last week, fk, and either I missed a bunch of the rhetoric or I just saw it from a totally different filter? I mostly saw it as a general reminder that people on either side of any division can be oppressed or oppressors, regardless of the "traditional" roles of the division. Though I did also think of it in the context of the major racial/class conflict and violence recently... And I thought there were a lot of fun parts, so overall I enjoyed it pretty well.

I also saw Star Trek Beyond last week and really enjoyed it. While the first two movies mainly focused on the relationships between Kirk, Spock, and Uhura, the characters get scrambled in this film so we get to see different relationships and it was great. The "minor" characters at least appear to get a lot more screentime, and it also resulted in some hilarious banter and moments (especially between Spock and Bones ;)) - we keep quoting the "tracking device" sets of lines ;)) ). There are a few things I wasn't quite happy with for one, I'm not really sure in the end why they split up Spock and Uhura and if they got back together again or not? Also, Spock's (and to a lesser extent, Kirk's) decision to leave/reversal of that decision seemed a bit weakly done. My head also reeled a bit in some of the fight scenes, but that may've just been me. :P Overall, I thought it was quite good. :)
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby SnowAngel » Aug 05, 2016 7:57 pm

ValiantArcher wrote:How have the Hallmark movies been, SA? :)
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, it's been crazy here for the last month. The mysteries movies were really good. My sisters, mom, and I had a terrific time watching them. Murder She Baked: A Deadly Recipe was narrowly the favorite of the June releases.

Since the Olympics are starting, we are going to watch Chariots of Fire this weekend. It's been years since the last time I saw it, looking forward to watching it again.

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby David West » Aug 07, 2016 4:04 am

I recently saw "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" and I cannot reccomend it enough. It's hilarious, exciting, unique, and genuinely touching and heartwarming. The performances are excellent and the cinematography is gorgeous. Best film of the year so far. On a $2.5 million budget it puts pretty much every blockbuster of the year to shame. It takes place in the New Zealand bush, too, so Narnia fans in particular should enjoy it! ;)
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Sep 06, 2016 6:22 am

My kids have lately become obsessed with Pixar's Cars. They love it so we watch it all the time now (like, I try to limit it to every other day :)) ). I know it's one of Pixar's less popular movies, but it's one of my top three, so I don't mind too much. ;) We've also introduced them to Ratatouille, Toy Story, and Wall-E, but Cars is hands down the favorite.
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Disney's "A Wrinkle In Time" film

Postby CorazonBandido55 » Sep 15, 2016 2:02 pm

So it looks like Disney was approved for a tax credit in California to film a movie adaptation for the fantasy book "A Wrinkle In Time". The credit that was approved was for films that have a budget of no less than $100 million dollars. This will be a big budget production. I am excited for the upcoming film. A release will be in the 2018-2019 time frame.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Sep 15, 2016 2:32 pm

I admit I'm very much looking forward to 'Wrinkle in Time'....a book that I love. Of course the danger with books you love is that it's hard to get them just right to the approval of fans ;) but there is that "other" movie version that already lets us know just how bad this movie can be. I'm sure this one will be much MUCH better than that. ;)
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby johobbit » Sep 15, 2016 2:38 pm

Likewise! Wrinkle is a beloved book, to be sure, so I am really hoping this will be an excellent adaptation. (It's a favourite of Nellie of Narnia's too!) Thanks for posting this news, Corazon! We shall watch the progress with anticipation ... and hopefully not be disappointed in the final result.
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