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The Post Office

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Re: The Post Office

Postby lover of narnia » Aug 08, 2010 4:32 pm

General Information

Character Name: Liam
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown / Deep blue
Weight/Height: 140 lbs. / 6'0
Distinct Markings: A small scar that runs from his left temple down his cheek
Clothes and Other Accessories:
Shirts, breeches, and other clothing fitting to his time and life style.
Weapons: Sword: ... ss_big.gif
Dagger and Bow also
Armor: Relatively light. Chainmail under-curess with clothe over curess sewed with crest of Vayond

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Wherever he can lay his head. Usually camped out in the forest, but on occasion he'll stop in an Inn
Occupation: ,
Protector of the Kingdom
Knight of Vayond

Mode of Transportation: Feet, Horse
Overall Personality: Chivalrous, patient, kind, a light temper, respectful, he up holds honor as best as he can, he struggles with turns and choices of fate
Personality Flaws: A temper. It generally is well contained but there are times when it explodes at certain targets. Struggles with loss
Hobbies: Learning the art of the blade, archery
Likes/Dislikes: Swords, horses, friends, a lesson well earned, a trust worthy individual / Tyranny, the suffering of his people, injustice, His Father
Long-term Goals: Someday sit on the throne, be a fair ruler of Vayond
His Skills are with: The Blade, and Bow. He's rode a horse since he can remember.
Magic Skills: None

Family: A Father, Deceased Mother
Friends: Stendar
Enemies: Lots
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A horse
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: To be revealed

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A


(credit to for pictures of weapons.)

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Re: The Post Office

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Aug 13, 2010 7:15 pm

General Information

Character Name: David Cunningham
Character Nicknames or Titles: David, Dave, Sly Pig
Screen Name of Author: Sweeetlilgurlie

Character Information

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Light brown/Grey
Weight/Height: Thin but muscular/6' 1''
Distinct Markings: Battle-worn face
Clothes and Other Accessories: Usually armor for MESS or military fatigues
Weapons: Guns, body, hands

Residence: MESS barracks
Occupation: MESS soldier and guard
Mode of Transportation: Speeders, hovercraft, feet, anything he is given.
Overall Personality: Tough, kind, sensitive (deeper down), has a wry sense of humor, fiercely protective of his family, dutiful.
Personality Flaws: Well, the duty isn't really his fault. Other than that, he gets caught up in his own ideals and can't quite figure out how to live by them rather than just have them.
Hobbies: Target practice, dancing.
Likes/Dislikes: Family, good friends, excellent fighters (thinks that good fights are like dances), justice, duty/MESS, people who flirt with his sister, jerks, lazy people.
Long-term Goals: Find a way to live by his ideals rather than just know them.
Skills: Better watch this guy in hand-to-hand combat; he's insanely good. He also handles guns well and can hit a target from as far as a quarter mile away, if his gun is good.

Family: Sister (Grace), Little brother (Joe, deceased), Mother and Father (Jen and Michael) very far away.
Friends: Ace.
Enemies: MESS (though he works for them), injustice, criminals.

Short History: David was forcibly recruited into the MESS through a neighborhood sweep for able-bodied men. A sensitive guy who liked dancing, he was not happy with the new arrangement. However, in training, David began to see how fighting could be almost an art. He excelled at hand-to-hand combat and became proficient in targeting. Almost, just almost, David became happy that he was in the military and became excited to fight for justice.

The sad bit was that David learned, once assigned, that MESS wasn't about justice. It was about enforcing the Senate's rules. He hates the MESS, but cannot and will not leave for reasons undisclosed here.

(And, because it's interesting, David's bunkmate began calling him Sly Pig because the mate was a wordmeister and discovered that a synonym for "Cunning" is "Sly" and for "Ham" is "Pig". The jest was meant in good fun (before training got serious), and the name stuck.)

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Return of the Fountain Fellowship


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Re: The Post Office

Postby humdedum » Aug 14, 2010 3:13 pm

General Information

Character Name: Alec Butterworth (now say it in a British accent :p )
Character Nicknames or Titles: None remarkable.
Screen Name of Author: humdedum

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/Brown
Weight/Height: Short side/skinny
Distinct Markings: Nothing distinct. Lol.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Your typical college-aged kid clothes.
Weapons: His brain, a (slightly outdated) MacBook.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Meterpolis
Occupation: Thief :ymsmug:
Mode of Transportation: A silver '99 Chrysler
Overall Personality: Obsequious, proud, daring, creative, sweet, childish, mischievous, positive
Personality Flaws: Gets frustrated when someone else one-ups him, lies as a way of living/a pretender
Hobbies: Being a lifeguard
Likes/Dislikes: Rain, cotton candy, grey, elephants/Dealing with people, constant noise
Long-term Goals: Tries to not think about what would happen in the long-term future. Maybe steal a painting from the Louvre.
Skills: Lying, pickpocketing, distracting people, calming others down, entertaining the high-strung group that is Micah's dad's gang

Family: An only child; two parents who could care less.
Friends: Those in the inner circle of thieves.
Enemies: Does Interpol count?

Short History: Alec began hacking emails in sixth grade just to prove that he could, then began pickpocketing and scamming in high school. The summer before college, he successfully stole a wallet from a man who turned out to be a thief in Frank's group. They picked him up after tracking him down and getting the wallet back, and Alec waved his derelict parents in California a good-bye.

When Micah (Frank's son who had other ideas about life) ran away from his family and thievery group, Alec was sent to find him and tracked him down to Ditto Town, Virginia. After a brief visit/interrogation with Ally Carter [humdedum] and some extra research through Micah's email account, Alec discovered that Micah was holed up with Ian, who had recently disappeared off the grid from Frank's group. He alerted his boss and Frank, with rather large group of back-up, drove up to Ditto. During this time, Alec discovered that an FBI agent, Nate [narnianerd] had bugged his phone. After a failed attempt at negotiations, Alec dropped the connection and dumped the phone.

At the park, Frank [eustacegirl] and his goons found Micah with some friends, including Ian [lover of narnia], Justin Thomas [eustacegirl], Peter Thomas [eustacegirl], Miley Thomas [eustacegirl], Kahlynn [wolfloversk], and a few others.

Alec managed to grab Ian from some of his coworkers and loaded him up in his own car, (which was in the hotel parking lot, which was across from the park). He gave some faked identity papers to Ian, for the man to start a new (and safe-from-Frank) life. He then revealed that he also had papers for Micah, but Micah was nowhere to be seen.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Sunrise of Life
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Re: The Post Office

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Aug 15, 2010 9:01 am

General Information

Character Name: Grace Cunningham
Character Nicknames or Titles: Grace, Gracie, Graciella, Graceland, it goes on and on and on…
Screen Name of Author: Sweeetlilgurlie

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/Hazel
Weight/Height: Slender and petite/5’4’’
Distinct Markings: Birthmark on her left shoulder.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Classy clothes bought on a tight budget or a lab coat, glasses. (She also wears contacts from time to time)
Weapons: Syringes. She also knows a good deal about hand-to-hand combat from judo lessons.

Residence: Usually a small flat in near the MESS headquarters, sometimes with her parents in Dittoburg.
Occupation: Scientist. Her expertises are in Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine. She loves the Physical Sciences.
Mode of Transportation: Usually a little moped. (The Zipper 252)
Overall Personality: No-nonsense, logical, blunt, scientific, sensitive deep down, has a pretty good understanding of morals and has some, knows what she believes.
Personality Flaws: Grace knows what she believes, but she rarely acts on it. She can let pretty talk and high-sounding ideas sway her from doing what she knows is right. In hindsight, this frustrates her.
Hobbies: Chemistry! She loves making lotions and perfumes for fun.
Likes/Dislikes: Family, good friends, handsome men, people who talk genuinely and freely/small talk, not understanding things, illogical conclusions, isolation.
Long-term Goals: Pick a moral way to live life and actually live life by those standards. She’s generally pretty moral, but never constantly.
Skills: She’s one of the outstanding scientists of Dittotopia, is unparalleled in DNA work, good at judo, good at making friends.

Family: Older brother (David), Little brother (Joe, deceased), Mother and Father (Jen and Michael) very far away.
Friends: Her brother, various scientific colleagues.
Enemies: People who trick her.

Short History: Grace and David were always best friends. One of the worst days of her life was when the MESS came and took her brother away. She cried herself to sleep many nights afterward but, fortunately, she recovered. She developed an interest in all of the sciences, particularly the sciences having to do with life. Her father recognized what a good interest this was and encouraged her by signing her up for classes and eventually hiring her a tutor.

Slowly but surely, Grace became a great scientist. The MESS noticed and wanted to hire her. They have paid her way to come to their headquarters and are working to forcibly hire her. First, however, they are trying to court her and make her think that the job is so wonderful that she wants to take it. Grace is considering the job, but she's not so sure that she wants to accept it. A perk of being at the MESS headquarters, though, is that she is around her brother more.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Return of the Fountain Fellowship


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Ithilwen » Aug 25, 2010 3:41 am

General Information

Character Name: Alder Eliza Worthington
Character Nicknames or Titles: none
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: female
Species: human
Original World: Our world
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/brown
Weight/Height: slightly pudgy, 5’7
Distinct Markings: She has very round eyes
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: shy, gentle, sensible, sort of the leader of their circle of friends
Personality Flaws: fearful, sometimes too quiet due to shyness
Hobbies: knitting, cooking, drawing, reading, writing, listening to classical music
Likes/Dislikes: likes quiet hobbies, being with people she likes/ dislikes her new life at the Academy and “The Givers” or teachers
Long-term Goals: to solve the mysteries that surround her and get back home
Skills: very sensible, a good planner
Magic Skills: none

Family: Back in our world, she had a mom, dad, sister, and aunt.
Friends: Her fellow students -- especially Stevie and Brownie. She looks up to Nan.
Enemies: The “Givers” at the Academy
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: She had a Beagle back in our world. Now she has a pet rat named Harold, which she keeps secretly.

Short History: brought from our world, to a strict, horrible school in another world in the Ditto Universe called Brywahr.

Stories Character has been in: Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Steven Xavier Vizh
Character Nicknames or Titles: Stevie
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 13
Gender: female (in her world, girls have boy’s names)
Species: human
Original World: Xaphra -- a World of Opposites
Hair/Eye Colors: brown, wavy hair, blue eyes
Weight/Height: slender and fragile, 5’3
Distinct Markings: fair, porceline-like skin
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: sweet, gentle, yet fierce and stubborn
Personality Flaws: fierceness, stubbornness, sometimes even spiteful or revengeful
Hobbies: taking care of animals, taking walks, being in nature, swimming in streams
Likes/Dislikes: likes nature and good friends/ dislikes people who disagree with her or won’t let her have her way
Long-term Goals: to go back home, to always be right and win every argument
Skills: very persuasive, good with animals, good with young children
Magic Skills: none

Family: a father back in her home world. Her mother died.
Friends: fellow students. Especially close to Alder.
Enemies: The “Givers”. Dislikes Brownie for no good reason.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: birds

Short History: brought from her home world, to a strict, horrible school in another world in the Ditto Universe called Brywahr.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Browning William Mason
Character Nicknames or Titles: Brownie, “The Pet”
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: male
Species: human
Original World: Unknown (He lost his memory, and can’t remember)
Hair/Eye Colors: brown hair that flips up at ends/ blue eyes
Weight/Height: average weight/5’3
Distinct Markings: freckles
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: sweet, giving, caring
Personality Flaws: accident prone, hasty, usually ends up humiliating himself somehow
Hobbies: trying to think of ways to help the other students, Science, art
Likes/Dislikes: helping people/ dislikes all the embarrassing situations he gets himself into, or the fact that the other students pick on him for being a favorite of the “Givers”
Long-term Goals: Getting his memory back, helping others, helping his friends get back home
Skills: staying out of trouble better than any other student -- which is not to his credit at all though, but rather because he is a favorite of the “Givers”
Magic Skills: none

Family: unknown
Friends: fellow students
Enemies: unkown
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None, but he plays with Alder’s rat Harold a lot.

Short History: got amnesia, supposedly by being brought into Brywahr. For some unknown reason is a favorite of the “Givers” and can do almost anything he wants without getting into trouble. He does not take advantage of this however, because he is by nature well-behaved. Many of the other students despise him for the special treatment he receives, including his sometimes-friend Stevie.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Lyssa LuVinna
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: female
Species: human
Original World: Loryshia -- A World of Beauty and Light
Hair/Eye Colors: blond fiber-optic hair/ blue eyes
Weight/Height: slender, 5’5
Distinct Markings: perfect skin
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: nice on the inside, but her true self is hard to reach through her tougher exterior
Personality Flaws: cynical, sarcastic, snarky, sassy
Hobbies: painting, music
Likes/Dislikes: likes all the students/ dislikes the “Givers”, pretends to dislike the other students
Long-term Goals: to go back home, to make a true friend she can open up to
Skills: her beauty, her beautiful singing voice, painting
Magic Skills: none

Family: she never tells
Friends: sometimes friends with the other students, but mostly she goes off by herself
Enemies: The “Givers”, certain students she doesn’t get along with
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none

Short History: brought to Brywahr Academy from her own world

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Nanette O’ Brian
Character Nicknames or Titles: Nan, “Mother Nan”
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 19, almost 20 (the oldest student there at the time)
Gender: female
Species: human
Original World: Our world
Hair/Eye Colors: red, curly hair/blue eyes
Weight/Height: average weight/5’8
Distinct Markings: freckles
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: Kind, sensible, sympathetic, caring, like a mother to the others, has given up on ever going back to her own world and is trying to just “accept her new destiny in Brywahr”
Personality Flaws: worries a lot, but tries to hide it so as not to concern the others needlessly.
Hobbies: learning new things, taking care of the other students
Likes/Dislikes: helping people/rude people, the “Givers”
Long-term Goals: to survive her 20th birthday
Skills: Being a mother to the others
Magic Skills: none

Family: she says everyone is her family
Friends: the other students
Enemies: The “Givers”
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none

Short History: Brought to the Academy a long time ago. All of her friends at that time are gone, because they all turned 20 and disappeared. Her 20th birthday is approaching quickly.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Sam
Character Nicknames or Titles: “The Wild Girl”
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: female
Species: human
Original World: Grestin - a World of Wild Nature and Freedom
Hair/Eye Colors: very long, red hair, expressive blue eyes
Weight/Height: very thin, 4’9
Distinct Markings: tan skin, freckles
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform which she hates

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: fierce, “As free as a wild horse that can’t be tamed”
Personality Flaws: rebellious, fiery
Hobbies: running, being in nature
Likes/Dislikes: likes doing as she pleases, dislikes rules and people in general
Long-term Goals: to escape
Skills: Well, she’s pretty good at throwing temper tantrums
Magic Skills: none

Family: unknown
Friends: none at first
Enemies: everyone at first
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none now. Used to ride horses in her Home world

Short History: Has just been brought to the Academy

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Brywahr Academy


General Information

Character Name: Ms. Tivvens
Character Nicknames or Titles: She is one of the “Givers”, which is what teachers are called at Brywahr
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 42
Gender: female
Species: human
Origianl World: Brywahr -- the world where the story takes place
Hair/Eye Colors: brown hair, blue eyes
Weight/Height: extremely skinny/extremely tall
Distinct Markings: the stern, fiery look in her eyes
Clothes and Other Accessories: Teacher’s uniform

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Giver
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: cruel
Personality Flaws: cruel
Hobbies: punishing children
Likes/Dislikes: likes discipline/hates rebellion
Long-term Goals: no one knows
Skills: Being a terrible person
Magic Skills: none

Family: no one knows
Friends: none, unless her fellow givers can be considered friends
Enemies: the students
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: Steals children from other worlds, brings them to Brywahr, and teaches them Science, for some unknown reason

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


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Re: The Post Office

Postby eustacegirl » Aug 27, 2010 2:46 pm

General Information

Character Name: Daniella Granger
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: eustacegirl

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: female
Species: human
Origianl World:
Hair/Eye Colors: brown hair, blue eyes
Distinct Markings: bruises
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: sweet, kind
Personality Flaws: won't leave abusive boyfriend
Likes/Dislikes:playing soccer with Brownie when the Givers are not looking. She also likes Brownie and teddy bears and music.
Long-term Goals:
Magic Skills: none

Family: no one knows
Friends: Brownie
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: Steals children from other worlds, brings them to Brywahr, and teaches them Science, for some unknown reason

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Jillhope » Aug 30, 2010 3:13 pm

General Information

Character Name: Leanna Rose
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lilly
Screen Name of Author: Jillhope

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: female
Species: human
Origianl World: Earth
Hair/Eye Colors: Curly brown hair, Violet eyes
Weight/Height: Slim/ Short
Distinct Markings: half heart shaped birthmark on the outside corner of her right eye.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Plaid skirt with white blouse.

Residence: (France) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: none
Overall Personality: sweet, Curious, Sensitive to other's feelings, Shy.
Personality Flaws: A little socially awkward, Quick temper.
Hobbies: Art/Music/Dancing.
Likes/Dislikes:Likes... (hobbies), Animals, Beautiful things, Winter/Autumn. Dislikes... Summer, Heat (over 80 degrees), dry, dusty fields.
Skills: (Hobbies)
Magic Skills: None

Family: dead
Friends: unknown as of yet.
Enemies: unknown as of yet.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: a small dove as a pet.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: she was orphaned when she was 4 years old.
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Postby Chloë Máiréad » Aug 30, 2010 4:10 pm

General Information

Character Name: Stella Mariah Whitney
Character Nicknames or Titles: Often, she introduces herself as “Professor Whitney.”
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Original World: Lesadonia, A World of Dense Forested Hills
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown hair/brown eyes
Weight/Height: Slim and fit/Tall
Distinct Markings: A dark red tattoo on her wrist that marked which clan she belonged to on her home world.
Clothes and Other Accessories: School uniform.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: None
Overall Personality: Stella is a troublemaker. She’s stubborn, independent and free-spirited, but very clever.
Personality Flaws: She doesn’t like to follow rules and she tries her best to bend them.
Hobbies: Stella is a great reader; she’ll read anything she can get her hands on.
Likes/Dislikes: Scary stories, books about war, books about weapons, rain, gardening/snobby people, being shut up inside.
Long-term Goals: To graduate from Brywahr and return home.
Skills: Very clever. She can handle most weapons with expertise and she’s proud of that fact, although that skill doesn’t come in handy at the Academy.
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Her clan back at home.
Friends: The students at the Academy.
Enemies: Dorothy Pickett and the Givers
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: The closest she’s ever come to owning a pet was a turtle carved out of blue stone, affectionately named Tristan

Short History: Stella grew up on a world where hunting was as natural as breathing. She was taught to hunt, how to handle most weapons and how to identify most plants.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy



General Information

Character Name: Dorothy Ann Pickett
Character Nicknames or Titles: Her name is Dorothy and that is all.
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Original World: Our world
Hair/Eye Colors: Curly blonde hair/blue eyes
Weight/Height: Her figure and height are considered perfect.
Distinct Markings: None.
Clothes and Other Accessories: School uniform

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: None
Overall Personality: Snobbish, proud and vain.
Personality Flaws: Check Overall Personality.
Hobbies: Sewing, playing the violin.
Likes/Dislikes: Herself, flowers, the color pink/lizards or any other creature of the sort.
Long-term Goals: To graduate.
Skills: Sewing.
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Her mother and father.
Friends: Some of the students.
Enemies: Anyone who doesn’t like her.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.

Short History: Dorothy grew up in a very proud and rich family.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Ithilwen » Aug 30, 2010 9:31 pm

General Information

Character Name: Wryorden (pronounced REE-or-den)
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Head, Head of Brywahr Academy
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Original World: Believed to be Brywahr
Hair/Eye Colors: Unknown
Weight/Height: Unknown
Distinct Markings: He is never seen, except by the Givers as a Shadow on a screen
Clothes and Other Accessories: Unknown

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Head of the Academy
Mode of Transportation: None
Overall Personality: Cruel, mysterious
Personality Flaws: Cruel, mysterious
Hobbies: Running the Academy, plotting something unknown
Likes/Dislikes: likes his plans running smoothly/dislikes anything that hinders his plans
Long-term Goals: Unknown
Skills: Running the Academy, secrecy
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Unknown
Friends: None.
Enemies: unknown
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.

Short History: Is the Head of Brywahr Academy, is never seen, and is plotting something no one knows. The Givers only only know small parts of his plans, which he reveals to them when necessary.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Fountain -- Brywahr Academy


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Jillhope » Aug 31, 2010 2:32 pm

General Information

Character Name: Elizabeth Glassard
Character Nicknames or Titles: Eliza
Screen Name of Author: Jillhope

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Red and strait/ Blue/Green
Weight/Height: 115 lb/ 5 foot 2"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Whatever she's feeling like wearing at the moment.
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) SOL.
Occupation: Acting in theater.
Mode of Transportation: the buss.
Overall Personality: Sense of humor, Quick temper, smiley attitude, and strong will.
Personality Flaws: Quick Temper.
Hobbies: Writing, Acting.
Likes/Dislikes: Acting, Singing, Writing/ Speaking in public when she hasn't prepared anything.
Long-term Goals: None
Skills: Singing, Writing, Drawing, acting.
Magic Skills: None

Family: none (any more)
Friends: None yet
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A Cat Named Moonbeam.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Has Lived in England for her whole life in a house owned by her aunt.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Sunrise of Life
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
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Re: The Post Office

Postby lover of narnia » Sep 01, 2010 11:24 am

General Information

Character Name: Ms. Nvust (N is silent. V-u-st)
Character Nicknames or Titles: None. Always call her Ms. Nvust
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 35
Gender: Femle
Species: Human
Home World: Brywahr
Hair/Eye Colors: Light Brown/Blue
Weight/Height: 130lbs / 5'7
Distinct Markings: Dark eyeliner which makes her eyes extremely intense
Clothes and Other Accessories: Teachers Uniform. Always a ruler in hand
Weapons: Words, Ruler
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Giver
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Cruel, Deceivingly Charming (she'll make you think for a minute or two she likes you, but the next second she'd just as easily send you off to punishment.) Quiet, Strick
Personality Flaws: Cruel, Deceitful, finds pleasure in her mean ways
Hobbies: Disciplining, being mean
Likes/Dislikes: Strictness, no rebellion,
Long-term Goals: Do you know? /:)
Skills: Being her, which is they above ^
Magic Skills: None

Family: None
Friends: Except over Givers, none
Enemies: All the students. She hates them as much as they hate her
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: It's like the other Givers..

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers)
: Brywahr Academy

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A



General Information

Character Name: Kacey Alexandra Tamil
Character Nicknames or Titles: Kace, "Spit Fire"
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Home World: Tilinire; A world of warmth and sunshine. Its has hot temperatures all year around and generally the people there have red hair
Hair/Eye Colors: Red/Blue
Weight/Height: Average, healthy/ 5'4
Distinct Markings: Pale skin. Which is unexpected for coming from a sunny world
Clothes and Other Accessories: School Uniform
Weapons: Temper
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy
Mode of Transportation: She can't travel, but she walks
Overall Personality: Fiery, kind, a leader, will not throw tantrums but is strongly opposed to anything she thinks unfair, stubborn, opinionated, soft and comforting, she has a heart of gold which is moldable ,
Personality Flaws: Fiery Temper
Hobbies: Sketching
Likes/Dislikes: Givers, The Academy, unfair treatment and tasks/ Fellow Students, books, drawing,
Long-term Goals: To someday get away from the Academy (ssshhhh you don't know that )
Skills: drawing/sketching
Magic Skills: None

Family: None
Friends: Other Students
Enemies: Givers
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Was kidnapped from her home-world and taken to the very cruel and unpleasant Brywahr Academy

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Brywahr Academy

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Anonymous_mysique » Sep 06, 2010 7:21 pm

General Information

Character Name: Ivorianna Eboness.
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lady Ivorianna, friends call her Ivy.
Screen Name of Author: Anonymous_mysique

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: female
Species: Psasvionionnian (Pav-ah-nee-oh-nian)
Origianl World: Psasvionionnia (Pav-ah-nee-oh-nia)
Hair/Eye Colors: Knee Length and Velvety black that always looks like it's rustling in the wind/ Blue so dark that you would think it was black.
Weight/Height: Slim/ normal, but she looks tall because she floats 6 inches above the ground.
Distinct Markings: Iridescent, Glowing skin that's pale like the moon.
Clothes and Other Accessories: black billowy gown made out of thin silky veil-like material with glowingg white discs that look a little like seashells.

Residence: (Psasvionionnia) Brywahr Academy
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: floating
Overall Personality: Regal, A little to commanding, Loyal to the death, dry sense of humor.
Personality Flaws: A little to commanding.
Hobbies: Singing, making light orbs (like all other Psasvionionnians).
Likes/Dislikes:Likes... Music, pale light, the moon, fog, and darkness. Dislikes... direct sunlight (like all other Psasvionionnians), the Givers, and people who don't listen to her.
Skills: (Hobbies)
Magic Skills: Making Light Orbs (like all other Psasvionionnians).

Family: none. nobody from Psasvioninnia have family.
Friends: unknown as of yet.
Enemies: unknown as of yet.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: she was brought to the Academy when she was ten.
Avi by Jillhope.
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Jillhope » Sep 06, 2010 7:27 pm

General Information

Character Name: Evan Donnal (last name is unknown so her generally uses Doe meaning nobody, as his last name).
Character Nicknames or Titles: Dan.
Screen Name of Author: Jillhope

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: male
Species: Human.
Origianl World: Nobody knows.
Hair/Eye Colors: Rddish brown and curly/ Brown .
Weight/Height: average/ Tall.
Distinct Markings: strange scar on his right hand.
Clothes and Other Accessories: School Uniform.

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: his feet
Overall Personality: Kind, Good sense of humor, Over passionate about his anger towards the givers, Nimble Imagination.
Personality Flaws: Over passionate about his anger towards the givers, His imagination might be a little too nimble.
Hobbies: Writing, exploring the halls and passageways of the academy, painting/sketching.
Likes/Dislikes:Likes... he likes almost anything but the givers and darkness, and the thought of turning 20.
Skills: (Hobbies).
Magic Skills: none.

Family: unknown.
Friends: Brownie.
Enemies: The givers.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A dog named Theory.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: he has been at Brywahr Acaemy since he was 6 and he doesn't remember ever being anywhere else.
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Reepissweet » Sep 12, 2010 5:53 am

Character Name: William Wordsworth Kindly
Character Nicknames or Titles: His friends call him Will
Screen Name of Author: Reepissweet

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Short brown hair, brown eyes.
Weight/Height: average/5’6”
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal clothing
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy (Originally from London, England)
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: His feet.
Overall Personality: kind, laidback, idealistic, optimistic
Personality Flaws: A little to laidback, and sometimes lost in his thoughts and writings.
Hobbies: When he’s not learning he is somewhere writing a poem or something like it.
Likes/Dislikes: writing stuff/sports and rude outgoing people.
Long-term Goals: To be a famous writer
Skills: Writing stuff, coming up with good ideas.
Magic Skills: N/A.

Family: Both his Father and Mother were English and Humanities Majors from England.
Friends: He likes to be friends with most people he meets.
Enemies: “Doers of evil.” He likes to say.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None

Short History: He used to live in England living with his parents who were both English professors of a university. He doesn’t quite remember the events that placed him in Brywahr Academy, but that’s where he is now.

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Narnian_Dreamer » Sep 12, 2010 7:51 pm

Character Name: Tess Peterson
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Narnian_Dreamer

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Golden blonde/ big and hazel twinkle with mischief
Weight/Height: 89 Ibs./ 4'5"
Distinct Markings: Birthmark in the shape of a star on left hand
Clothes and Other Accessories: same as everyone else at Brywahr Academy
Weapons: has some skill with a bow and arrow
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Brywahr Academy (came from our world)
Occupation: reciever
Mode of Transportation: feet but cant see or go outside
Overall Personality: was once outgoing and exciting, now timid and quiet but still as courageous and charming as ever
Personality Flaws: is very impatient
Hobbies: reading, making friends, horseback riding, being active
Likes/Dislikes: being active and talking to friends/ having no friends, silence, not able to be doing something
Long-term Goals: Getting out of Brywahr Academy
Skills: making plans, being mischievious and innocent, riding horses, climbing trees
Magic Skills: none

Family: had a mother and father
Friends: Shes new so she doesnt know anyone yet
Enemies: the Givers
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Had had a new puppy

Short History: She had had a perfect life everyone liked her, she was rich and everyone thought she was beautiful! The last thing she remembers is her birthday cake, a beautiful butterfly, then suddenly she was at Brywahr Academy, scared for the first time in her life! She wanted to get new friends and decided that she really liked her roommate, Daniella, because she saw that Daniella was also mischievous. She also could relate with a girl named Sam who was used to being free and wild. Tess used to climb trees and ride horses all the time.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
[/attachment]Brywahr Academy!
3887200858_c0d9ffa5f7_o.jpg (58.2 KiB) Viewed 19981 times
~ N.Dreamer <3


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Ithilwen » Sep 12, 2010 8:53 pm

General Information

Character Name: Henry Greerson
Character Nicknames or Titles: Reverend Greerson
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: male
Species: human
Original World: Ahlverite
Hair/Eye Colors: blond hair, hazel eyes
Weight/Height: average weight, slightly short
Distinct Markings: he wears glasses
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform, glasses

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: Pastor, student at Brywahr
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: quiet, responsible, extremely loving to his wife.
Personality Flaws: doesn't think much of himself because of relentless teasing back on his home world
Hobbies: reading the Bible, studying, helping out
Likes/Dislikes: Likes God, his wife, dislikes evil and mean, teasing people
Skills: memorization
Magic Skills: none

Family: His wife Janiece (People marry young on his home world
Friends: none yet.
Enemies: none yet.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: was teased all his life about not being as strong or handsome as the other boys his age. Became close to God during that time, since God was his only friend. Met Janiece who was also teased. They both adored eachother and married at the age of 12 -- a perfectly normal age for marriage on their home world.

RPs the character appears in: Brywahr Academy



General Information

Character Name: Janiece Greerson
Character Nicknames or Titles: Called "Jan" by her husband. Everyone else calls her Janiece.
Screen Name of Author: Eustace+Jill

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: female
Species: human
Original World: Ahlverite
Hair/Eye Colors: light brown hair, blue eyes
Weight/Height: slender, short
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: school uniform, pink barette in her hair which is what married girls wear in her home world instead of a wedding ring.

Residence: Brywahr Academy
Occupation: pastor's wife, student
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: She is positive all the time, and yet very depressed. Completely in love with her husband. Scared and nervous a lot which came from being teased and tormented all her life.
Personality Flaws: depression
Hobbies: helping people, reading the Bible, being with Henry, cooking, cleaning
Likes/Dislikes: Likes God and Henry, dislikes mean people, being alone, and she is afraid of many things -- especially the dark.
Skills: cooking
Magic Skills: none

Family: Her husband Henry
Friends: none yet
Enemies: none yet
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: Teased terribly all her life, and almost killed herself. The teasing damaged her, and now she is afraid of many things. She met Henry, right before she was about to commit suicide, and she adored him and he adored her. He introduced her to God, and she became a Christian. They were married at the age of twelve. Now she and her husband have been brought to Brywahr Academy.

RPs the character appears in: Brywahr Academy



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