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Books: 2nd Edition

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Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Kate » Aug 31, 2010 9:48 pm

Ideally, this thread's brown background and blank writing spaces would somehow transform when entered into a gothic library with vaulted ceilings supplied with row upon row of leather tomes. There would be plenty of squashy velvet armchairs for reading and a fireplace to sit by and discuss books with others. Perhaps there could even be tea service. (Perhaps we could hire Jeeves?)

Since that's impossible, bookish NarniaWebbers will have to make do with their excellent imaginations and this streamlined means of communication for their warm bibliophilic discussions and witty, insightful, clever, and sentimental accounts of books read.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby johobbit » Sep 01, 2010 7:09 am

Kate, I love your Intro! I was saying elsewhere that the description (especially the armchair sentence) vividly reminds me of the Gryffindor Common Room. So inviting ...

Well, I haven't posted in the Books thread in simply ages, but that doesn't mean I haven't been reading, no, preciousssss. But first, to go back a bit:

Lady Haleth wrote:Its okay if there are some authors you just don't like, or are lukewarm about. I've always been sort of lukewarm about Jane Austen. They were okay (Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were the best), but her books/story lines just aren't my kind of story.

Ahh, another NarniaWebber who isn't an Austen fan. Image ;)) I respect her influence and story-telling very highly, but, as you say, they are just not my style.

As for DiGs' very honest post ... we still are confuzzled by love you non-Tolkien fans!

Kate wrote:I actually was never that big a fan of Inkheart. A book about a book-binder who reads books?

Actually, it's more about what happens when he reads books. ;) I encourage you to give it another try, Kate.

Good to read everyone's thoughts on Mockingjay. I've just begun it, so have the whole book ahead of me. Without reading too many spoilers, though, I get the distinct impression it's going to be a rather depressing read. I am glad that the love triangle slips into the background more here. I was getting weary it.

Mara wrote:Well, I finally found the second Harry Potter at the library. I've read up to the fifth one now. Books 2, 4, and 7 I got/will get from the library; the rest were lent to me by a friend. I'm really enjoying them, but Harry is annoying me more and more with his teenagerness. Shut up, wizard angst. ;)

Good for you! Glad you're enjoying them. I have recently (the past 7 months) read through the series for the first time, as well, and have become quite hooked, after trying to resist the fandom for years. ;)) But, Rowling's imagination and compelling and engaging story-telling have finally drawn me in, I must admit.

I do totally agree with you about Harry's 'teenagerness' being quite annoying. Yet, I compare it to any teen, for who, in their early years, it is very natural to be immature: there's so much growing up to do. Then by the time they reach 17 or 18, they have grown by leaps and bounds—with still more to do, of course, but having come such a long way from 12 or 13. So, bear with him. :P

Even more than this, though, is his propensity to lie and go directly and purposefully against the rules. His disrespect, offtimes, of authority is not setting a good example for millions of young readers. Having said that, this seems to have to do with his maturity level as well (along with his strong desire for adventure and curious nature), as in the latter books, the blatant rule-breaking does become less.

Guess, maybe, all this could have gone in the HP topic, but you got me going, Mara. ;))

We are reading aloud Deathly Hallows now (I have read it, myself, prior), and are anticipating the upcoming films in a huge way!

In other news, I am reading various and sundry books at present, which I don't have time to delve into right now. Especially in this terribly muggy weather, one can't be outside hardly at all *sniff*, but I take opportunities, as much as possible, to use some of the time for reading in my comfy, cozy reading chair (near the window air-conditioner :P).
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby DiGoRyKiRkE » Sep 01, 2010 7:12 am

Drinks? In a library, Kate? Oh the insolence! Maybe if there could be a cafe on the top floor, provided that seepage from spillage couldn't access the priceless volumes!!!! Perhaps we could hire Jeeves to build a waterproof-bladder underneath the cafe so that any leaks could be contained. Or we could build the cafe in the basement :P

*is getting a bit carried away*

This isn't really in relation to any book in particular, but I thought it would be cool to mention any ways.

I'll be transferring to The Ohio State University: Columbus Campus this fall. Earlier this week, my dad and I went down for a walking tour of campus before classes start on the 22nd. Well, stopping at the campus library was a very cool experience. The very centre of the library has an open ceiling that goes right up to the roof. The books that are housed there, are arranged in large circular rooms around this central emptiness, and the walls are made from glass. So one can look up, and see eleven stories of books surrounding you! It's a glorious sight to see, and it gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it!
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Lady Haleth » Sep 01, 2010 7:55 am

Sounds totally cool. I'm at Appalachian State, and their library is gorgeous.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Valiant_Lucy » Sep 01, 2010 9:07 am

Jo wrote:Ahh, another NarniaWebber who isn't an Austen fan. Image ;)) I respect her influence and story-telling very highly, but, as you say, they are just not my style

*raises hand* another non-Austen fan. ;) I can certainly say that her books are well written, and I can understand why people like them so much, I just can't get into them and find the style hard to read, myself. Basically, what you said, Jo. :P

And on the subject of LOTR...I definetly enjoyed the books more then Jane Austen, and I did love The Hobbit. But I find the TTT and ROTK kinda hard to slog through. I'm not sure if it's the lengthy descriptions or just the writing style...I have a hard time focusing on the story. :ymblushing: I am definetly a LOTR fan though. ;))

Mara wrote:And my ability to forget about characters is unparalleled
I thought I was the only one who did this. ;))

Mara wrote:I think what I liked best about the Inkheart books was the way they talked about books. It's like inside, in the know talks between book lovers.
Yes! Exactly. I remember one scene where Meggie is packing a box of books to take on a trip, and the way it was described was just utterly perfect. :D

I prefer Inkheart as a stand-alone book, and I found Inkspell had too much complications. :P

Mara wrote:I HATE THE NEW BAYERN COVERS. They are awful. The old ones were quite lovely, in a painting sort of way. X( (I overreact to things like this all the time. ;) It is how I roll.)
Yay! I completely and utterly agree. ;))
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby equustel » Sep 01, 2010 10:34 am

I'm currently reading Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl by N.D. Wilson and I've been raving about it to anyone who will listen. I originally picked it up just because I heard Wilson is writing the screenplay for The Great Divorce film, and I was curious what his writing chops were like.

...I couldn't be more excited now, because if this book's anything to go by, this guy "gets it" in a huge way. It's non-fiction, very stream-of-consciousness, but there is so much wisdom and insight on every page. He's extremely well-read in philosophy and theology, and it shows, but the book's point is that our heads can get too full of "knowledge" and voices arguing with each other... there comes a time when you have to shut it all up and step out into reality and just look at this crazy world with the eyes God gives you. Beautiful, and a huge help to me as I'm going through a rough time in my personal life right now.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby johobbit » Sep 01, 2010 11:00 am

*waves to another non-Austen fan* Hi, Val! ;))

Methinks I am due for another LotR read again, but even moreso, The Silmarillion. ♥

Boy, the title alone—Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl—is enough to make me want to nab this. Thanks for the recommendation, equustel. And the fact that Wilson is slated for The Great Divorce screenplay intrigues me all the more. In looking over his website and bio, he seems like a really fun, out-of-the-box, and dynamic person. *makes a special note of this book*

Yesterday I ordered a long-awaited book, which is due for release October 5, The Music of the Lord of the Rings by Doug Adams, Howard Shore's 'shadow'. A volume that is packed full of music analysis and discussion relating to those glorious Middle-earth themes has me hopping with eagerness. And ... it includes a rarities CD from Shore's LotR music that has never before been presented to the general public. Woooot!
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby narnian1 » Sep 01, 2010 11:03 am

Billy: The Untold Story of a Young Billy Graham and the Test of Faith that Almost Changed Everything

By Paul McKay and Ken Abraham

I recently purchased this book, as an ebook actually. It focuses not only on Billy Graham, but also on Charles Templeton. I grew interested in it after having seen a documentary, and I wanted to know a bit more- since I virtually knew nothing about either man, east of all Chuck.

Two men, one faith. A test, that would lead to two separate roads entirely. It truly is an inspiring yet sad read, and I am thankful for that final chapter.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Kate » Sep 01, 2010 11:51 am

I want to go back to the old thread and comment on a few things people said, but that will have to wait.

Digs wrote:Drinks? In a library, Kate? Oh the insolence!
;)) I am not as meticulous about my books as you and narnian1, but I think tea (peppermint in particularly) is the best friend of books.
Jack himself wrote:You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.

I'm jealous of all these beautiful college libraries. Mine is made of concrete. /:)

equustel: Interesting. I know ND Wilson's fiction is a favorite of NarniaWebbers. I picked up Leepike Ridge last night. I'm only two chapters again, but I love his writing style. He talks about moon-flavored night air. What an incredibly eloquent, original, yet accessible description!

I finished Something Missing by Matthew Dicks. It was a gift from a friend. It's about a rather pathetic man named Martin who works as a thief. But he has OCD and a very rigid set of rules in place to ensure he never gets caught. Martin's guiding rule is that he only steals things that won't be missed. He steals a few potatoes from your 4 lb bag or some advil out of the bottle behind your mirror. He steals from the same "clients" for years without them ever knowing. The story did pick up after a while, but in the end, it as mundane as the things Martin steals.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby AJAiken » Sep 01, 2010 12:10 pm

Forest Born finally came out in the UK! Annoyingly it's a different cover design, though I still like it. The only comment I really have is that I would have preferred something less pink ... Old Cover New Cover

After being quite disappointed with Enna Burning and River Secrets, I was prepared to hate the latest offering. However, Shannon Hale really surprised me! I really related to Rin and I love how her character grows through the book. One thing that I really liked was that she didn't "get the guy", or, indeed, any guy. One thing that was getting a little too samey in the Bayern Books was the way that everything seemed to be solved at the end - happy country, happy friends, and of course a lover on the arm.

I'm still in two minds about the return of Selia. I thought there were some lovely touches, but the whole "following like a lover" thing was a bit sickening and way beyond (for me) the power of people-speaking. However I think it gave a really nice bit of contrast between Rin and Selia, and I liked how Hale investigated the good side of people-speaking.

What was particularly nice was the way that Rin really looked up to the other girls and learned from them. It felt very real, even if they were blasting things to bits or quenching fires!

Overall I think it's become my second-favourite of the series! Even so, I find myself hoping that Shannon Hale will focus on something else for a while. I do love the world she's created, but I think another war (or rumour of war) in those kingdoms will send the poor residents mad - and I'm not even mentioning the readers!
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 01, 2010 12:24 pm

I guess I'm the only one who prefers the new covers of the Books of Bayern covers. ;)) I just think they're really pretty, while as the old covers reminded me of a really ugly painting I saw once. ;)) In the style at least. I find disproportionate bodies to be rather distracting and not very nice-looking. But I guess that's just me, hehe.

Out of curiosity, AJ, what disappointed you about Enna Burning and River Secrets? Razo being a favorite character of mine, I really liked those two. ;))

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby stargazer » Sep 01, 2010 12:52 pm

I quite enjoyed your introduction, Kate! Very atmospheric...

With the coming of the longer, cooler nights of fall, my mind turns to mythology (all the northern autumn constellations spell out the story of the Andromeda-Cassiopeia-Perseus myth of the Greeks, popularized by its retelling in the Clash of the Titans movies).

But I'm actually turning to a different source for my current reread: They Dance in the Sky: Native American Star Myths by Jean Guard Monroe and Ray A. Williamson. It recounts stories from various native American tribes and how they relate to what they saw in the night skies.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Sep 01, 2010 2:31 pm

ok, I read the first paragraph of "The Hunger Games" while I was at Barnes & Noble last night - and I am hooked! I am SO getting this out of my library! :D
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Adeona » Sep 01, 2010 2:37 pm

Rising_Star wrote:I guess I'm the only one who prefers the new covers of the Books of Bayern covers. ;)) I just think they're really pretty...

I do, I do! And I thought I was the only one! :D The old covers do kind of grow on me, but I definitely prefer the new ones. Except: the Forest Born cover AJAiken showed us, that came out in England. That one is positively inappropriate! :p

Valiant_Lucy wrote:If you haven't read any of her other books, besides the Bayern books, I'd highly, highly reccomend Princess Academy. It's my second favorite book by Shannon Hale (River Secrets being the first). There's just something deliciously cozy yet "girl power!" and a pinch of fairy-tale-ness about it. :P I didn't enjoy Book of a Thousand Days as much, it was merely just okay. The graphic novel "Repunzel's Revenge" was really fun and clever, and I loved it :D

Thanks! I have actually read all of those already, before the Bayern series, and agree with your opinions on all of them. :) Princess Academy was the first Hale book I read, and it's still one of my favorites.

johobbit, I share your feelings of love for the Silmarillion. I think I can say it's actually one of my top five favorite books. Calling it an epic is not an exaggeration.

Just finished The Queen of Attolia, having stayed up till 2 am to do so. :ymblushing: It was even more of a stand-out work then The Thief, and gave me even stronger mixed feelings. Again, really wonderful character development and just the right amount of description. I also appreciate that Turner doesn't tell you everything. You have to figure out stuff for yourself, and that is a really refreshing thing! ;) :) Chapter three is gut-wrenching. A little difficult to read, even. So real. The gods and goddesses were just as busy in this book as the last, which was a disappointment; I'd been hoping for a toning down of that particular element. But some of the theology was unusually sound - bad things happening to you doesn't mean God has turned against you or that you've done wrong; they're part of God's big plan, and everything is working towards the best possible ending. I feel uncomfortable with the Gen/Attolia thing. She's got to be 5-10 years older than him, and that's a bit of a stretch, to me. Makes her look a little weird. But I'm definitely going to keep on with the series. Maybe a reread of QoA, before moving on, though. I went through it so fast!
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Bookwyrm » Sep 01, 2010 3:10 pm

Queen of Attolia:

The Gods: I'm not sure what MWT's religion is or if she has any at all, but I have noticed that for a story featuring a made-up pantheon of deities, the theology is actually pretty good. A lot of parallels with Christianity, oddly enough.

Gen's and Attolia's age is something we've debated quite a bit. I think Gen acts younger than he actually is and Attolia acts older than she really is, so the age gap seems a little larger than it probably is. Still it would be nice if MWT would give us ages.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby equustel » Sep 01, 2010 3:17 pm

Kate wrote:Interesting. I know ND Wilson's fiction is a favorite of NarniaWebbers. I picked up Leepike Ridge last night. I'm only two chapters again, but I love his writing style. He talks about moon-flavored night air. What an incredibly eloquent, original, yet accessible description!

Oh, that is lovely. I definitely plan on checking out his fiction soon - I like how he seems to be following in Lewis's footsteps by specializing in my two favorite things: perspective-altering theological non-fiction, and children's fiction. :)

Liberty Hoffman wrote:ok, I read the first paragraph of "The Hunger Games" while I was at Barnes & Noble last night - and I am hooked! I am SO getting this out of my library!

I am about 50 pages away from the end of Mockingjay, the final book that just came out, and it is FANTASTIC. A fair warning: some of the themes in this series are pretty heavy, and there is a lot of jarring violence. However, part of Suzanne Collins's point in including this is to critique it, along with the media-saturated culture she depicts. Very intense, very well-done. But then, I've always had a thing for dystopian sci-fi. :D
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