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Town Square I

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Lady_Liln » Jul 11, 2010 9:31 pm

Mortereve, all! 11 pages? I can catch up on that. . . I think. :-\

*is semi-obsessed with Sky Sailing (another project of Adam Young's, the guy behind Owl City) at the moment*

Minor service announcement. I'm noting that many new folks are in the Square, whom I've not got an "official color" for. If you like (or dislike) a color I use, let me know so I can try to be consistent. :) :p

*is glad PA came back* :ymhug:

Rose wrote:I, too, am not a fan of chat speak. (With the exception of lol, btw, and rofl). It drives me insane, heh. ;))
Hear, hear! I use several here and there, but when an entire sentence/conversation looks like that, my grammar alert goes off and I'm a red pen maniac. ;) ;)) Abbreviations on the other hand. . . :p

Eep! Rose, you're reading Attolia! YAY! What do you think of it? How do you like Gen? Where are you in the series? Yay! :D ;))

The lovely Miss named similar to a flower wrote:And yay for having my special 'rose' color back! I missed it. ;)
It missed you too! ;)

Jo, I'm surprised Ly or WW haven't talked you into a McKillip yet! :p The Bell at Sealy Head is indeed a good start for her writing. Plus, it's such lovely writing. :D

Thanks for the kind reply about The Hobbit. I'm not following it well enough to have had an opinion about Del Toro, but I did think it was sad that he stepped down, though I agree that it's an understandable move. Do they have a new director yet, or is PJ doing it?

Cor wrote:@ LL. Yes... well, you still could have said something like "waves to Cor and Vern" or something of the like. :| But, never mind all that now. You have spoken (typed?) to me, so all is forgiven. :) :p
So, if I just quote you this time, does that avert the insult I unknowingly conferred on his Highness last time? ;) :p

*chuckles at Vern's antics which resulted in a wet Cor* Let's do it again! ;))

Becca! Glad to see you in the Square! We're all a bit crazy here, some more so then others. The crazier ones, like myself, post terribly long posts because we think it's fun. My therapist and I are discussing this phenomenon. ;) ;)) (Disclaimer: I am completely joking and do not need a therapist. . . yet)

Matette wrote:P.s. I have seen you around as well, nice to officially meet though (and be given my own colour)! :D
Glad you like the color! *makes note of Matette's color* Oh, and glad I could help with the quote code. :)

Matette wrote:exam time means not much eating or sleeping for me (I've already lost 3kgs and gained under eye circles). :-s ;))
Agreed on the lack of sleep, though for me, exams usually mean eating lots of junk foods. :ymblushing: :p Hope your exams went well!

Kathy wrote:I think the rainy season has started for real in Japan now, so.. goodbye sunny days and dry weather for about a month and a half. :(( I finally get out of school and all it'll be doing will be raining. :( :p
Not fun! June was terribly rainy here, but I doubt it was like yours.

Kathy wrote: B-) (I don't really get the point of this smiley so I just use it at random times)
I think it's supposed to be a "cool" smiley. Cause shades mean one's wickedly cool. ;) ;))

Betsie wrote:So greetings, all my old friends, and those who may some day be new friends! What's up? How have you been? What are you reading? (That's my favorite question, in case you hadn't noticed yet...) I: finished school; am doing tolerably well for the (maybe) 90th day since I saw sunlight (I love rain, but I think I have had Too Much); and am reading Start Here, the sequel to Do Hard Things.
*hugs Betsie to pieces* *puts the pieces back together and chatters to Betsie* The sky's up, as is the moon. I've been pretty well. I'm currently reading LWW and Till We Have Faces; I've read a multitude of books which I recently posted in the Books thread, I won't post them all here, for fear of being kicked out due to my boring list. School is finished for forever, or just for the summer? I can't recall if you graduated this year or not. :ymblushing: *mutters "I wonder where this goes. . . anatomy and physiology are not being remembered. . . maybe she won't mind having a right leg and a left hand on the same side. . ."* ;) ;))

Aiden wrote:My sig does say to avoid sesquipedalianism, but obviously it's quite ironic because it is sesquipedalian itself. So, despite advising people to eschew it, I obviously do have a preference for it.
Ahkay. I thought so, but I can be a tad too literal sometimes. :ymblushing: :p

*chuckles at Mel's nursery rhyme* When can I expect to see Mother Goose, As Remembered by Meltintalle at B&N? ;) What is your sig quote from?

Ali, have you gotten into any more McKillips?

Jojo! :ymhug: It is so lovely to see you again! Do you really butcher your own chickens for food? That's cool, but just something I'm not used to people doing. :ymblushing: :p

*gives the Westlife songs another chance* Not too bad. I still think that "My Love" music video looks like a boy band though (the late '90's hair styling isn't helping). ;) Seeing as I only like maybe half of the music videos of the bands I like, this isn't is bad as it may seem. :p *decides not to look at the videos for the other songs Jojo suggested* "Seasons in the Sun" is pretty nice. I think the music just has to grow on me.

Ly wrote:(Dear, when did you all get me to start using this terrible pun? I was against it for so long ... and now I've crossed over to the dark side!)
Mwahahaha! :ymdevil: It isn't that terrible of a pun! :p

Ly wrote:To answer all the inquiries and expressions of concern: I'm afraid my cell phone is lost for good, and I will have to purchase a new one in the next couple of days. I'm afraid also that I'm going to cut dairy completely out of my diet for a while now, and maybe try to ease it back in in a few months.
That really stinks. :( Hopefully you'll be able to add dairy back in. :ymhug: Edit: ye cell phone died a noble death in the washing machine. Mayhaps it was attempting to reach another world and could only attain a strong signal in the bucket which fills with water and suds and spins to achieve a stronger connection. ;) [/randomness] (Actually, I take that back, this whole post is random ;)) )

*enjoys reading the posts made here as folks waited for the trailer* I didn't have the ability to stay up for the trailer, sadly. :( I think I would have been terribly depressed if I had though. :p

*chuckles a Booky's post here*

*hugs QS* Tis lovely to see you as well!

Jo wrote:Hey ho on this Voyage Trailer Day! :D I'm pretty much of the same opinion as lys when he said that some scenes were simply right on (Dufflepuds, the ship herself, the Magician's library, the sea of lilies ♥ ... ), but other parts I went :-o and almost keeled over.
I know we've discussed this elsewhere, but a hearty ditto to you! And, I am very glad you didn't keel over! ;) :p

*hugs Fanny* I've not spoken to you in forever; how are you doing?

*chuckles at Cor being able to fill the pool in twenty minutes ;) * It does feel good to jump in though! *splashes the Soundtrack Man*

Mal wrote:We had my graduation party a few days ago, which was a lovely time, with all sorts of dear people I hadn't seen in forever. :) It's really sad that it takes your graduation, wedding, or funeral to bring everyone you care about together. And you don't even get to attend the funeral. :( ;))
Conga Rats! And, that is rather sad about how difficult it is to bring all one's family/friends together. :(

Mal wrote:Well, I'd like to study nursing, and then eventually get my master's degree as a nurse practitioner.
I didn't know this! I'm studying nursing currently (taking my first clinical this fall). Best of luck with it, and many blessings. I'm sure you'll do well! :ymhug:

*is starting to skim more* So, sorry if I miss anything that I should have seen, but I'd like to get to bed before 4AM tonight. ;) ;))

*has a wonderful laugh at Lady A's post* Nice to see you and Narrator are still posting as usual. *sneaks Lady A some more fresh chocolates, without letting Narrator see, of course; hands Narrator a toothbrush, to prevent Royal cavities, of course* :p

Betsies wrote:And here is a Scary Thing: I am afraid I don't remember all of those names I made up for you!!!
I was Aggravation Impersonated or some such thing, I believe. ;))

Winter! Yet another lovely Oar Sunion, er, Square Sounisian, um, I mean Square Onion that I've not seen in ages! :ymhug:

And, Valia! Yay! :ymhug:

Dot, what are you studying? I didn't think most majors required students to take two lab sciences, which is why I'm curious. It might just be your college though. ;) :p Edit: I see you're studying communications/drama. Sorry about the sciences. :p

Nice to see you about, Leafy! Eep! And, you've read CoK? What'd you think of it? How'd you like Sophos?

*Only six more pages. . .*

Dot wrote:I was thinking about starting a club, something like The Honorable Society for Witches Who Are Dead to Stay That Way.
May I join? :D

*laughs for a Long Time at Mel's recreation of my and Aiden's ads for Lazarus* (And, yes the Square's history is fascinating. We're all crazy, that's what makes it so humorous. ;)) )

*skims way faster*

Ti! It's been ages since you've been in here! Wonderful to see you in here again! I looked at your blog; you little niece is so cute, and your nevvys are still adorable. :p

Poggy, sorry about summer school. That's no fun. :( What is fun is seeing you in here! :ymhug:

Kathy, that's truly miserable that you don't get VDT until late February. :ymhug: *offers chocolates and lots of other goodies to make up for this*

Ruby! *also hugs Ruby, but not to pieces*

*starts just looking for her name*

Cep! Nice to see you about again as well! Gorse and you still drinking that acorn tea? ;)

Dot wrote:Well, it's almost time to go. I'm so excited! Last year I found a copy of Jo's Boys that was printed in 1949 for only $8. I wonder what treasures I'll find this time......
Ooh!! Whadidya find? Anything amazing? *eagerly awaits the list of all Dot's finds*

*thinks the name Djaq sounds familiar, wonder how it's pronounced though* ;) :ymhug:

Djaq wrote:Lady L!! :D :ymhug: You were back for a while and I wasn't here! :( *pouts*
*LL will pout if Djaq waits this long to return again* ;) It's been lovely seeing you in the chatroom, though!

Cep, little Tayla looks like she loves you, and I'd be inclined to say you love her too, no matter what you say to the contrary. ;) :p She's a really cute dog! She takes good pictures. Oh, and it's a good shot of you too. ;)

And, I think that's everything. :p

*waves/hugs any and all that she missed earlier*

Not much to report going on with me. Just this and that; mostly the sorts of things which while away the summer.

*snags some chocolates while Lady A's Narrator isn't looking and heads to Dreamland*

Sweet dreams all, and God bless!

*adds colors and hits submit*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby stargazer » Jul 11, 2010 10:22 pm

Wow! That's a most impressive and colorful post, Lady_Liln! I salute your diligence in reading and commenting on the previous pages.

"Impressive. Most impressive. ;)

Alas, my visit will be brief and my post short. It is after midnight here and my bed is calling. But a few comments on recent posts...

Liberty Hoffman wrote:...and it's REALLY hot here where I live! I have learned to live with it though since I have never had AC in my home since I was little!

I can't imagine 102F heat with no AC...especially if it's humid! Give me 40F any day. ;))

Benjamin wrote:Right now it is 55 degrees Fahrenheit!

Now that's the ticket! Perfect camping weather! Soon it'll cool off to those kinds of temps here. :)

Welcome back to the Square, Djaq, and congrats on getting a printed copy of your NaNo story. That sounds pretty exciting!

Nice signature, Benjamin. Not sure which episode that comes from, though.

And that's a cute picture of you and Tayla, cepp.

Mel wrote:...and most pleased with my recent viewing of Star Wars in Concert. (They had costumes on display! They had the flame handmaiden gown!!! )

That is definitely one of my favorite costumes from the prequel trilogy.

...joins the ranks of those rejoicing over their copies of their NaNoWriMo's* My dad has already found several typos, though.

And congrats to you as well! (I'd have a similar issue if I ever saw any of my writing in print...I'd be proofreading them or coming up with ways to try to improve them. ;)) )

Miss Rosario wrote:*sends waves and hugs from Missouri*

Glad you're enjoying your trip!

I've enjoyed several visits there over the past few years...they've even been NarniaWeb related (like the St Louis Lion Party for PC). Fun times! :)

I should really retire for the night...or the morning. ;)) A good mortereve to all!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslans Country » Jul 11, 2010 10:38 pm

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! *comes to a crashing halt #:-s *
So much for summer meaning more time on the internet.. I'm actually finding.. that I can survive without the internet :-o :-o Just kidding.. ;))

Anyway, good mortereve :)

Ben wrote:You doubting my abilities? Yes I'm serious

Hehe, no. Just curious, because I used to ride one.. years ago. I've since, um, grown, :p and can't ride it anymore, but.. that's awesome. :-bd

Are you back from Colorado yet? I guess I'll find out in the next few pages.. :p

Ooh, Miss R, I have to tell you that I'm about to start reading Cheaper by the Dozen - it was you that mentioned it to me, right? :)

Ali wrote:Well it's a little hard to explain. Erm, about this little town where there's a bell that rings every sunset and no one knows why or where it is. Also, there's a house and sometimes when you open the doors in the house they lead to another place. It's pretty awesome .

It's fairly similair, but PJO is better .

I love reading too, and talking about it, except when I'm tired .

Ah, ok, cool. :) I'll try and remember the name in case I come across it in a bookshop/library. PJ is better? Haha. ;))
I take it you were tired when you wrote that? ;)

Oh, I should tell you - because I never get over to the music thread these days :ymblushing: - that I bought Calendar Days on iTunes the other day. I haven't even listened to it that much, but Bryce sounds really different and younger. Haha. It's cute. If you're still into TRS. ;)

I love Momo in Avatar:The Last Airbender! He is so funny!

lol, there's a girl in my class called Momo. ;)) Sorry, </random>

you have AC and I don't.....

*smacks self on head* no, that's not my name.. *sigh*. :p I so should've picked a different nickname. ;)

Lady_Liln wrote:Not fun! June was terribly rainy here, but I doubt it was like yours.

I actually think the rain skipped us by this year, it hasn't been that bad at all. Of course, now we just have 100% humidity. ;) Still, I haven't felt the heat that much.

I think it's supposed to be a "cool" smiley. Cause shades mean one's wickedly cool.

Ah.. of course. ;) B-)

Kathy, that's truly miserable that you don't get VDT until late February. *offers chocolates and lots of other goodies to make up for this*

Aww, thank you. :ymhug:
Oh, and I absolutely love your avatar. That scene is going to be so beautiful.. :ymdaydream:

There wasn't actually that much to catch up on, but I poked my nose in random places, so as usual there are a lot of quotes and not much content. :p

EDIT: *spots this*
Lady_Liln wrote:
Dot wrote:I was thinking about starting a club, something like The Honorable Society for Witches Who Are Dead to Stay That Way.

=)) YES. Please do this. ;))

*goes back to enjoy her internet-free summer*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Meltintalle » Jul 12, 2010 7:57 am

LL wrote:*chuckles at Mel's nursery rhyme* When can I expect to see Mother Goose, As Remembered by Meltintalle at B&N? ;)
I believe you would be a little more likely to see it on Amazon, first, but... sometime after I mangle a few more.


Around and around the Square
Like a Teddy Bear
First we stop
Then we flop
Then we stare

Posting in the Square
Will tickle you under there
First we boast
Then we toast
Then we post

I think it'd be targeted at a very niche market. =)) (I think that's a combo of the teeth riddle and the Square is actually a garden.)

My signature is from Dear Enemy by Jean Webster. That's the sequel or companion volume to Daddy Long Legs. :)

gazer wrote:I can't imagine 102F heat with no AC...especially if it's humid!
I can. It's not too bad if you have a fan and some shade and don't move a lot...

I'd like to think that any changes I make to my story at this point are improvements. After all, it just kind of stops instead of wrapping up. ;))
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Cymru » Jul 12, 2010 8:16 am

Nice rhyme, Mel. :D You've mentioned toast and now I'm hungry.

*is pondering purchasing a copy of C.S. Lewis Discarded Image*

*wants it but just can't afford it* *yet*

Good mortereve all. :) Lunchtime (a nice indian dish) and further foray into my checked-out-from-the-library steampunk novel can't come too quickly.

I've decided I could save so much more money if the books I wanted to read were at the library. I admit, I like odd books - and they have all of the most popular, usually. But *sigh*

It's nice to see such rainbowesque responses in Town Square. It makes me want candy.

All this talk of food. You'd think I was starving.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jul 12, 2010 11:08 am

Mortereve, all!

Well, I figured I'd show my face/icon? in here sooner or later. Sooner was now, later was when the new Town Square opened. I liked sooner.
I'm afraid I've been away due to busyness so long that I've forgotten proper protocol how to act in here. :ymblushing: And, it seems my conversation skills in chat have decreased too. *sigh* Like you all needed to hear that. :P
Anyways, I'm perfectly blithe today! Why?
1. My sickness of two days has gone away, so that's always something to be piped up about.
2. Writer's block, that venomous fiend, has been slowly conquered by insomnia and reading the dictionary. B-)
3. My and Ella's business got a plentiful purchase today! :D 'twas my second offcial business check, and I felt quite grown-up. ;)) A friend spotted my mom and CS (walking home from Miss Learnin'-to-be-driver's Drivers. Ed. ;) Yeah, I'm not going when she will be practicing behind the wheel. I'm going to stay home and pray, overworried little sister I am. ;;) ) Well, anyways, the friend was invited over for a cup of tea and somehow we got into a thread of discussing of our growing business. She wanted to see some amigurumi, scarfs, and hats and then decided to buy some stuff I've been dying to sell.
4. I've gotten my crocheting knack back of yesterday
5. I've finally found something to read and am loving rereading it entirely.
God is so good. So mindful of little things, so caring...
I'm so glad that Jesus set me free and let me enjoy the beauty of this world and of Him!
Now, for catchup... I forgot where I last posted and going back those many pages would be very exhausting, but I will do from where the little catch-up scroller thing goes down far enough... I do hope I will be forgiven!

I'm sorry you don't have AC, Libby! We've gotten used to not having AC lately, but we have one's much helpful but makes me sneezy. ;)) How have you been doing of late? :)

Djaq wrote: *gives a nod of approval* I appreciate your initiative! I think that gardening is very interesting and productive. We don't have a garden of our own, but one of my sisters has a very large one and it's always neat to help out with it. And your own opinion?
I'm doing very well, thank you! I'm having fun hanging out with family and friends, playing the piano and mandolin, holding my little (or not-so-little-anymore) nephew and nieces (they are too cute!), and reading, among other things. What has been keeping you busy these days? Have you made any delicious desserts lately?
Haha. Neat about your sister's garden! (or not entirley neat literally, because gardening is not a very neat activity but still fun, nonetheless. ;))) What does your sister plant? :)
Garbed with dreams to be a botanist, I must say that I dote on gardening. ^.^ Not that I am very good at it--this is the first year it's actually worked, but I still do like it. :P
I'm glad you're doing well! Oh, right, you and Flam take mandolin... I frogot. Is it like a little guitar or something? I think my mom took it a while ago, but I'm not entirley sure. That's very cool, though! :) D'awww, your nephew and nieces sound 'dorable. What have you been reading lately? :)
What's been keeping me busy, hey? Well...we're looking after a little girl (more like my mom teaching her how to read and write and us entertaining her.) It's....uh, an interesting experience. :/ But other than that reading, crocheting, writing...
And that's awesome about you getting your NaNo book! :D
Haha, sadly, I have not been cooking any delicious deserts lately -- or have tried, but have exhausted whatever skill I possessed of the whim so I'm waiting to, you know, recharge and then try my hand at it again. ;)) What about you? :)

*waves to Jojo and hugs her*
Hehe, your "sneakers" remind me of a little, silly, punny joke... "What do you call sneakers that you've walked in the rain with?"
squeakers! Hilarious, no? ;)
It sounds like you've been very productive, as always. What's been keeping you entertained of recent, m'dear? :)

*waves to Cep* D'awwww! To echo Lady L, it does seem that Tayla is quite fond of you. That is such a picturesque picture. :)

*waves to Ben* What have you been doing lately? :)

*smiles widely,warmly and a little cornily at Mel as way of greeting, because her arm hurts from all the waving* ;)
Ooh, that's perfectly uncomparable and lovely about getting your novel! I can't imagine the enthralling feeling of seeing something one has written, there in a book of your very own! :)
Anywho, how's you? =]

Awww, I'm sorry about your eye, Miss R! That definitely must be quite terrible. :( I hope you feel better! :) Apart from the eye, how's your summer been swinging along? :)

And looky-look! There's Lady L with her gorgeous "rainbowesque" (to borrow Cymru's pretty phrase) post. A familiar, fond sight. :ymhug: How is the "Brielle"-lover doing? ;)

*waves to stargazer and Kathy* How are you both?

Oh, and I'm done! I'll be around for a little then I must run to my chores. Mortereve!
*climbs up the peach tree and snags a couple deliciouses*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby ceppault » Jul 12, 2010 12:09 pm

Lady Liln wrote:Gorse and you still drinking that acorn tea?
*Paul T and Gorse take up a bench in Town Square, quietly sipping green tea flavored with pomegranate*

Liberty Hoffman wrote:I am so hyper and hot and tired all at once!
This is not a feeling I know. :p

Miss Rosario wrote:
Cep, speaking about the mod moot wrote:And if memory serves, Princess Rosario will be there too.

Yup! I'm pretty jealous. ;))
I would be if I had the time to think of it. Someone needs to be working to pay the bills. ;)) The house is also in the process of being sold.

Lady_Liln wrote:
Rose wrote:I, too, am not a fan of chat speak. (With the exception of lol, btw, and rofl). It drives me insane, heh. ;))
Hear, hear!

... little Tayla looks like she loves you, and I'd be inclined to say you love her too, no matter what you say to the contrary ... it's a good shot of you too.
Ditto on Chat Speak. You may be right, but I still feel she watches me while I sleep, plotting my destruction by the thousand fleas on a flying squirrel. Thank you. :) Credit goes to the photographer.

*Gorse chimes in, "Anyone hear some sort of buzzing noise?" He is clearly ignoring Paul T's commentary on flying squirrel hygiene*

Aslanisthebest wrote:I'm afraid I've been away due to busyness so long that I've forgotten proper protocol how to act in here ... it seems my conversation skills in chat have decreased too. *sigh* Like you all needed to hear that.
Aww. :ymhug: People come. People go. That's Ditto Town Square. Life happens. :)

stargazer wrote:I can't imagine 102F heat with no AC...especially if it's humid! Give me 40F any day. ;))
We are getting into the scorching hot time of year. Expecting 115F (46.6C) this week. Hotter later this month. Anything about 122F (50C), we don't fly as this goes outside the range of the engine performance charts.

Cymru wrote:All this talk of food. You'd think I was starving.
Time for lunch. Brown rice, broccoli, and spinach. Disgustingly healthy, eh? :D
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Cymru » Jul 12, 2010 1:18 pm

Ceppy, Brown Rice, Broccoli, and spinach sound wonderful to me! Acorn tea sounds like a treat too!

Aslanisbest, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loves to read the dictionary. :) I love especially (and because of all the links to other words right inside the definition. I can click and click and click on and am lucky if I remember the word that originally sent me to the site. And I love how they list phrases and not just other words. For example if you type in "really," it will say things like: "on the button" or "on the nose." There are some really funny ones that I wouldn't want to reproduce here...

As for insomnia and writing, I read an article a couple of weeks back in which a sleep therapist was being interviewed and he said more than a third of his patients were writers. :D It can be useful (being awake in the middle of the night working out plot elements) but irritating come 3pm.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby johobbit » Jul 12, 2010 1:40 pm

Mmm, brown rice, broccoli, and spinach? Love all those, cep. Enjoy! And my, but it is good to see you in the Square again. :ymhug:

Okay, skimming through five or six pages ...

Ruby wrote:Read any good books lately?

Yep! ;)) :ymhug:

Mel wrote:Happy Canada Day! Uh... didn't you guys just have a holiday? *gets confuzzled*
;)) July 1st is our nation's birthday. The last national holiday we had was in May (the weekend nearest the 24th, Queen Victoria's birthday).

So, how is your math course faring, pogginfan?

Fanny, so glad you had such a good trip, and that you got to meet wisewoman!!! :D

A very belated Fourth of July to all my friends from the U.S. of A! Thanks for posting your beautiful national anthem, kat. Such stirring words ...

And in reciprocation, here is a (long) page on Canada's national song. :)

*chuckles at Louise the First's procrastinating poem*

cep wrote:Rachel Marie (ramagut) is so totally looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks, Stargazer. :) And if memory serves, Princess Rosario will be there too.
*coughsandjohobbitcoughs* ;)

NN/Aiden was asking about the World Cup. To be upfront and honest? I had no interest. :ymblushing: :P

stargazer, as you're aware, I'm not as familiar with TLA as some of you here, and I'd still like to see the movie before it leaves theatres. Possibly this coming weekend. Will let you know my reaction.

cep, you mentioned walking in the heat. In the fall, winter, and spring months I go for a jog, then walk, every evening after dark, but in this heat we've been having, I simply cannot do it, and I miss it sooooo much. *counts the days until Autumn*

PrinceCor! :ymhug: I surely hope you enjoy your vacation. So, who/what exactly is Ralph? Another dragon? And what if Vern tackles the tapestries when you're gone? :-s Or the slippers? /:)

So good to hear that Vern enjoyed the newts. :D Probably in my next Town Square post I'll nab another treat for him. Mmmm ...

Lady A!!! :ymhug: *joins the Royal Lady in a swim in the Ditto pool* Oh my, but that's refreshing. :D Enjoy your vacation, dear one.

Speaking of swimming a few laps, our pool liner of 20 gave way this spring, so we had to make a decision, which came down to three choices:
1) fill the pool in
2) keep it the same shape and size
3) make a different shape

We picked #3: we're making it into a length/lap pool (since we all love swimming for exercise), then we're having a deep end (the existing one) off to one side. It will look something like this. 'Tis a full summer project though. Whew! It'll be 43 feet long and 6 feet wide, when complete. Then the deep end sticking off to the side add more width in that one spot.

Ben wrote:*enters the square riding on the back of a five story elephant*
As in a Mûmakil?

Wow, Liberty, "Beyond Belief" is a great ol' song from Petra. Good stuff!

daughter of the King, what treasures did you uncover at that booksale? :D And hurrah about the 1949 copy of Jo's Boys!

You jumped 44 feet into a river, Ben? Wow, that's quite the jump! How did it feel? Exhilarating? Would you do it again? Did you have to hold your body like a pin, so no limbs would be flailing around? :P

'Tis loverly
to see you back. :ymhug: (Cute poem there, Jo. ;)))

You too, Jojo! :D

cep, that is just too adorable a photo of you and Tayla.

A hearty congratulations to all those of you who have received copies of your NaNo stories. How special to hold it in your hands!

Mel, the Star Wars concert sounds simply amazing! So glad you could attend.

Louise the First, safe traveling today. Sounds like you had a wonderful time (except for the cortisone in the eye :P).

Lady_Liln wrote:Jo, I'm surprised Ly or WW haven't talked you into a McKillip yet! :p The Bell at Sealy Head is indeed a good start for her writing. Plus, it's such lovely writing.
Well, they have tried at times. ;)) I just haven't yet succumbed. Thanks for the suggestion!

As for The Hobbit, things are still iffy with MGM *sigh*, so no word yet as to whether PJ will helming this yet or not. I do hope this film(s) can still be made in my lifetime. :P

*admires L_L's dedication and attentiveness to so many posts and her beautifully-coloured one in response*

*waves to so many I haven't mentioned and dittos the love of reading dictionaries/thesauri (plural?) ;))* I just wish I could recall all the cool words I read.

Hi there Cymru, so nice to see you here! Are you having a pleasant summer?

Welcome back, Bella!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Narnian at Heart » Jul 12, 2010 3:59 pm

Greetings everyone! :) *sends raspberry cordial waves to all persons*

Again, I find myself writing you a note dearMel,
1. Yes, Victoria seems rather...strongly opinionated and not exactly sweet. But did she turn around at all in the end? I just think she's pretty, and I adore/envy her style and circumstances. :)
2. Hehe! Those are all very funny and clever signatures; I do find myself liking them all. And that last one is highly entertaining. It made my day to think it makes you think of me. :)
3. Wow! Star Wars in Concert, eh? Never been but I've heard that it's extra cool to see! I'm in good humour too, and I think its mainly because I've been so very busy this day and feel productive...
4. Ah! So now all the last-minute preparations can take place; hopefully not in a frenzy?
5. Indeed, I am well, thank you.

Miss Rosie, :ymhug: s to you too! Thank you, it's good to be back and to see you again too! Ooh, Missouri is a good state; one of my favorites. You're going to a Joshua Bell concert? I'm very jealous of that!!! Have FUN!! :D Yes, I'm busy, and keeping well. I like the Macbook pro too ;)

Lady Liln of the colorful posts is here!! :ymhug: Hehe, well, your perception of late-90's hair is spot on 'cause that's when they started, back in '98. Well, I 'spose their music ain't for everyone. If you're not a fan, I can still be their #1 fan then. ;) What's new with you, missy??

Bella! *runs forward and throws her arms about her neck* :ymhug: Ha! That's a terribly funny little joke you shared! *squeaks* ;) Like I said, I've been entertained by work lately...(I'll be replying to your letter very soon...that is, if I haven't lost my marbles and it really is my turn...)

Gotter skitter and go cleanin'. Yes, more cleaning. It's not like I haven't cleaned the whole playhouse-going-to-be-turned-guesthouse today! :P :P


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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 12, 2010 4:05 pm

Stargazer: yeah, well, I have gotten used to it :P

AslanIsTheBest: it's alright, though I wouldn't mind if we had AC but our electricity can't take it.....

johobbit yeah! I love their music (they were the first rock band I heard when I was little) and that song is awesome! I have an old tape player and an old copy of their album "Petra Praise: The Rock Cries Out" and I play it all the time! my favorite album of theirs...... :D

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Re: Town Square I

Postby daughter of the King » Jul 12, 2010 4:13 pm

Good Mortereve everyone!

Djaq wrote:Have we met? I can't seem to remember. I have been gone for too long though, so it doesn't surprise me. How are you doing? :D

I don't think we've officially met, but I have seen you around. I am alright, except for summer school. How about you? :)

Mel wrote:I don't suppose you ever heard a show called Ranger Bill: Warrior of the Woodlands?

*thinks* Nope, doesn't ring a bell. It sounds exciting, though. I shall have to look it up.

Why were you touring the schools? Trying to recruit people to join your group, or some other reason?

Mostly we were just trying to establish that the Drama Club still existed because it had fallen by the wayside for awhile. And we wanted to let the high school seniors know that if they liked drama our college had stuff to offer.

Lady_Liln wrote:It might just be your college though. ;) :p

Yep, must be. :p Although some schools require three lab sciences so I suppose I shouldn't complain. Oooh! And I love the color you picked for me!
Lady_Liln wrote:May I join? :D

Aslans Country wrote:=)) YES. Please do this. ;))

;)) Alrighty. I'll start it, as soon as I know how to start a club........are there rules about clubs, or do I just post in my sig that I'm starting one or what?

I realized that I made a mistake in my previous post. The copy of Jo's Boys that I found wasn't published in 1949. It was published in 1947.

Here's a list of everything I bought:

Tales from Watership Down by Richard Adams (a lovely little hardcover copy with a beautiful slipcover)
Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Family Collection (a compilation of articles that she wrote for a farm paper called the Ruralist)
Beauty by Robin McKinley (I love this book! The public library's copy is falling apart, so I thought I better get my own)
The Young Unicorns by Madeline L'Engle
The Light Princess by George MacDonald (with lovely illustrations by Maurice Sendak)
Little Men (the same edition as the Jo's Boys I bought last year!)

I hope to go back this weekend and see what else I can find, but in the meantime I need to study as I have two tests this week.

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Re: Town Square I

Postby RubyGamgee » Jul 12, 2010 4:42 pm

So...our internet service decided to go completely bonkers for a week and not work at all. Which means, our home has had no internet for a week! It didn't really matter that much, me being busy all last week and all, but still, it was very, very aggravating.

I think (hope and pray) we're getting a new service.

Anyway, many apologies for ignoring you guys for the past several days. It looks like the Square has been somewhat busy, which is nice. I'm seeing a couple new and unfamiliar faces (Hmm, there aren't really faces on NW forum--perhaps icons? avatars?) on the forum. Happy to see you here!

Well, I'm afraid I must be off now...a big hello and a hug to all and perhaps I can get on later sometime and make something of a proper post. :)

God bless, all! Have a lovely day!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslans Country » Jul 13, 2010 2:26 am

*runs into the Square jumping excitedly for no particular reason*

Today was uncharacteristically (?) cold.. although to be honest I didn't really go outside, if you don't count the balcony. :p I see a lot of talk of ACs.. we've managed to survive without turning ours on so far, but soon I think our family will succumb. ;) And my room is the only room that doesn't have one.. *pouts* X( :p *wonders how many.. erm, Fahrenheit there are to a Centigrade :p *

Bella! Nice to see you.. :-h *wishes there was a more normal-looking-waving-smiley* And it looks at you're doing well. :) I'm doing excellently too, thanks. This summer has been very relaxed so far.

*climbs up the peach tree and snags a couple deliciouses*

*gasps*.. yummy.. Peaches are my absolute favourite fruit, well, at least when they're available - like now. ;)

My brother just informed me that he has.. um, killed my iPod?! *must go and investigate*.. oh, he just means the battery's dead. Huh. [-(

ceppault wrote:We are getting into the scorching hot time of year. Expecting 115F (46.6C) this week. Hotter later this month. Anything about 122F (50C), we don't fly as this goes outside the range of the engine performance charts.

Ohh.. this answers my wonderings above nicely. ;) 50C? Really? I didn't know it got that hot anywhere in the US.. :-o

*skims and waves to various people*

dot (may I call you this? Despite having never *met you* :ymblushing: wrote: Alrighty. I'll start it, as soon as I know how to start a club........are there rules about clubs, or do I just post in my sig that I'm starting one or what?

I would not be one to know these things, :p but I wouldn't think there would be any rules. Better to ask someone of more *authority* though. :ympeace: Hehe.

Aww Ruby.. that's horrible about your internet dying, I hate it when that happens, especially during schooltime, when I have a lot of researching to do. Not helpful, and teachers can be very un-understanding. [-( Anyway, hope you can get a new service soon. :ymhug:

Have a great mortereve, all! :)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Jul 13, 2010 8:13 am

! Newsflash !

Yesterday, the Epic One was not feeling quite himself. In fact, he was experiencing symptoms that led him to believe that he was suffering from a cold. Nevertheless, and after careful consideration of his condition, he went to work. Yet when he arrived he found that he was feeling a bit drowsy, and began wondering if he had taken his NightTime medication with his breakfast instead of its DayTime counterpart. The Epic One, suddenly doubting his Epicness, even hastened to mention to one of his coworkers that he was feeling rather "out if it," and added that he hoped there would be no emergency situation that he would need to respond to, as he did not feel "quite up to it."

Of course, 20 minutes later a small child jumped off the diving board and began thrashing and flailing about. The Epic One blew a long whistle, jumped off his stand, and reached the child just as he was beginning to sink.

A couple hours later, a former acquaintance of the Epic One, who had witnessed the rescue, described it as "Epic."

The moral of this story, my children, is this: not even sickness can override the Epic One's Epicness. :D
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Re: Town Square I

Postby ceppault » Jul 13, 2010 8:15 am

Aslans Country wrote:50C? Really? I didn't know it got that hot anywhere in the US.. :-o
And then some. United States temperature extremes (click here).

RubyGamgee wrote:I'm seeing a couple new and unfamiliar faces ... Happy to see you here!
Indeed. Likewise. I may be one of them in the "unfamiliar" category. I have not visited Town Square much over the last few years. Having taken a breaking from moderating has helped encourage me to visit in here again.

johobbit wrote:Enjoy! And my, but it is good to see you in the Square again. :ymhug:


... you mentioned walking in the heat. *counts the days until Autumn*
It is nice to be back in the Square again. Seriously considering not modding again, as I seem to enjoy myself by far more NOT being a mod. :ymblushing: OK. Perhaps some limited duty time around December. I take Rachel Marie to the airport next Tuesday. She arrives in Ohio on Wednesday. She is under orders to take a lot of pictures. Likewise, counting the days till it cools off ... in October.

And if anyone is curious, I am totally self-sufficient when my wife is gone. :p I'm away from home for 20 days a month anyway. ;))

Edit: Good mortereve, Lysander. "Epic." ;))

Lady_Liln wrote:[color=#9933cc] *is semi-obsessed with Sky Sailing (another project of Adam Young's, the guy behind Owl City) at the moment*
Never heard of either band or person until mentioned in this post. Now Sky Sailing is showing up on my iTunes. Conspiracy? /:) And the color codes are totally not behaving for me.
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