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Town Square I

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Re: Town Square I

Postby NarniaNut95 » Jul 09, 2010 1:02 pm

Mortereve all!

Ali wrote:I don't use Firefox anymore- when my dad switched computers, he didn't put on Firefox, only Internet Explorer. But if I download it again, I'll get Lazarus, thanks :) .
Oh, I see. Well, I hope you do get around to downloading it.

Ali wrote:ditto, except we had a busy weekend and we have an exchange student and are getting another one at the end of July :) .
Oh, that's neat! Where are they from?

cep wrote:Not up there with a MegaPost, but good sized.
I have to say, it's been a while since the Square has seen a MegaPost.

Libby wrote:it's 102 degrees here in New England!
You a fellow New Englander? :) We're not used to such heat, eh?

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 09, 2010 2:29 pm

Narnianut95: your from New England? awesome! what part? I'm from Nashua, New Hampshire :D
hehe yeah, the weather has been insanly hot!

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Jul 09, 2010 8:30 pm

*enters in the square with his mouth wide open* So is my computer playing tricks on me or is the Square really this slow?

Anyway Hello all! (those who are here) And how are your days going for you? Hope everything is well!

*Sends a friendly wave to Micah* Hey! How is life treating you? Have not talked in a while, yes I know my fault! /:)

*waves to Libby* Wow! That is really hot! And no AC! Right now if I went outside I would need a jacket! It gets pretty cold up here in the mountains!

*waves to Queen Susan* And how is her Majesty today? :ymhug: Anything exciting happening lately? Oh I see that you are going on a vacation! Fun! See you when you get back!

Well goodnight all! :ymhug:

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 09, 2010 9:11 pm

*comes in singing Skillet's song "Dead Inside"*

Ben: yeah, it's been crazy hot here :P so how cold is it there?

I must dash!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby daughter of the King » Jul 10, 2010 6:30 am

*hurries into the Square.....*

Good Mortereve everyone!

Finals are coming up for Summer I so I've been studying. And today begins the annual 75% off sale at a used bookstore in town and I'm about to leave so that I can be sure and find some good stuff. *quickly skims through the last page and a half*

Vern wrote:*Greetings miss Daughter of the King or Dot! (is it alright to call you that?)

You certainly may call me Dot, and the Prince may too. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Vern. :)

No air conditioning, Liberty? Sounds dreadful. Is it humid as well as hot where you are?

Have fun on your vacation Queen Susan!

Well, it's almost time to go. I'm so excited! Last year I found a copy of Jo's Boys that was printed in 1949 for only $8. I wonder what treasures I'll find this time......

*.....waves and hurries out again*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 10, 2010 1:58 pm

daughter of the king: yeah, no AC.....and it's REALLY hot here where I live! :D :P I have learned to live with it though since I have never had AC in my home since I was little!

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Jul 10, 2010 4:32 pm

*enters into the quiet square*

Still hardly any movement in here! ;))

So did I ever tell you all that I jumped off a 44 ft bridge into a river? I was thinking about that today for some reason and I thought I would just say it ;)) :P

Liberty Hoffman wrote:Ben: yeah, it's been crazy hot here :P so how cold is it there?

Right now it is 55 degrees Fahrenheit!

Alright see you all around!

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Djaq » Jul 10, 2010 6:23 pm

*slowly makes her way into the Square*

Does anyone remember me? ;;) :ymblushing: I don't even remember what page I posted on last time I was here! *goes to look* Please hold..... Page #166!! My goodness! That was May 27th. Well, I have never backed down from a ketchup post and I don't intend to start now. :| /:)

Anyway, little update on me, myself and I: Last Tuesday, I received a copy of the book that I wrote during NaNoWriMo (it's called "Times")!! :D I am soooo excited about that!!
I had a little bout with hives two weeks ago and that was NOT fun, but I'm okay now.
My family has been doing a TON of work on our backyard, and it is looking so much better! It's basically just dirt now, but it's finally flat! :P ;))
I went to my first rodeo recently, and that was really fun! /random

Marvelous Mel, I loved all of the "titles" in your post here. Brilliant! :D

*waves to Ella and Ben* :) How are you two doing?

Cor wrote:Now, now! It's not very becoming on nice young lady as yourself to be sulking like that. [-x ;) (likewise kidding)

Is it? Fine then! *pause*... :D Better? :P ;)

The Princely (ish) Cor wrote:"Be with you in just a minute, Mr. Peebody!" (Bringing Up Baby) :p

:(( *sniff, sniff* It's... alright. I'm O.K now. *sniff* :o3 ;) :p

"I want it now!" Nicholas Nickleby

*waits (unsympathetically) for a minute* /:) You okay now? :P

Mr. Bennett wrote:Well... er, kind of, sort of, not really. On Occasions. :p [about being predictable]

Excuse me? /:)

*waves to malkah and sends a hug* That's wonderful that you got a job at Chick-fil-a!! :D

Aunty Jo wrote:Just thinking how this would look if the homonyms were mixed up such as "Kleenex nose knowses like know one nose knowses; Kleenex nose knowses ... best". ;))

Lol! ;)) That is...interesting.

Jo wrote:*enjoys the banter and creative names between Djaq and PC*

*bows* I'm glad to hear that. ;))


Fanny wrote:Which VBS are you doing? :) (as in, theme/program/curriculum/etc)

It wasn't an official curriculum. It was one that we pretty much made up. It was called "A Hive Of Busy Bees". :)

Lady L!! :D :ymhug: You were back for a while and I wasn't here! :( *pouts*

Ben wrote:Oh cool. You make very awesome graphics! Both you sisters do!

Aww, thank you very much! Yes, flam is awesome! :D
How are you doing? You're in Colorado, right? How is that going? :)

Lucy wrote:Djaq, do you have a favorite Robin Hood character? :)

Hmm, it's probably Will Scarlett! ;)) He's really quiet and sweet (sweeetlilgurlie and I say that he is "awkwardly awesome")... ;)) But, I also love Marian. Do you have a favorite?
I love your current avatar, btw!

Abigail wrote:Ok, I'm going to watch it this time to make sure I get it right. ;)) "Well, we actually found some latent letter fragments. Take a look."

I'll see if I can do this without watching it... ;)) "Does Gates know about this?" It's something like that, right?

Nutty wrote:Thanks. "Hiding! Come on!" Riley, NT1.

lol! "You are so smart!" Toy Story 3.

Aiden wrote:Not long before you noticed it. I have a love of long and interesting words.

That's really intriguing! :) ("intriguing" is one of my favorite words)

Dani wrote:*enormous wave to Djaq who she has not seen in a million ages!*

Okay, not quite a million, but it has been a long time. What have you been up to these days? Enjoying summer? You and Flam are still playing mandolin, right?

*sends an enormous wave back!* You're right! It has been a while! I am enjoying my summer quite a lot! :D Yep, we're still playing our mandolins. :) We
played with a group on the town square (the real one ;) ) recently. ;)) It was fun. *is listening to "When You Come Back Down" by Nickel Creek*
What about you? What has been going on for you lately? :)

StudyMate! You don't really know me, but I used to lurk in the Square a looong time ago and I remember your posts. ;)) It's nice to finally "meet" you! :D

Bella wrote:*waves to Djaq* I have picked a topic for us since that problem always confronts us. *wears a sign of victory* :P How do you feel about gardening? ;] [/randomness] How're you doing? :)

*gives a nod of approval* I appreciate your initiative! ;) I think that gardening is very interesting and productive. We don't have a garden of our own, but one of my sisters has a very large one and it's always neat to help out with it. :) And your own opinion?
I'm doing very well, thank you! I'm having fun hanging out with family and friends, playing the piano and mandolin, holding my little (or not-so-little-anymore) nephew and nieces (they are too cute!), and reading, among other things. :) What has been keeping you busy these days? Have you made any delicious desserts lately?

Rosa wrote:OH!! And... I have fantastic news. *trumpet blast* I'm really, actually, and FINALLY going to a Joshua Bell concert!!! July 13th is the day, and it will be held in Chicago. Major, major outbursts of excitement and insanity are in store. :D

How fun!! :D Congratulations! I have heard some of his music and I think it's really pretty!

Jojo wrote:Who here likes/loves/has heard of Michael Buble? Pop-singer, Frank-Sinatra-esque, hit song is "Haven't met you yet" and "Crazy Love"? Anyway, I had to ask, or this next piece of news would not make any difference to anyone: I just bought his "Crazy Love" album from iTunes and I crazy-love it!! :D

*raises her hand* All of the above (likes/loves/has heard of)! :D ;) I don't own the CD, but I kind of want you recommend it? :D

QS wrote:Hehe, actually, I was reading a book today/yesterday that had it spelled--something like "gung-ho" or "gung-hoe"... I always pronounced it without the "g" at the end. ;))

Really? ;)) I have always pronounced it with the "g" at the end. ;)) It's just one of those phrases that I have never really typed out though.

QS wrote:I forget why, but I was thinking about you the other day--Oh yeah, something to do with Robin Hood. And your Username. And spellings and other names. And nicknames. And--nothing really important. :p

Lol. Um, thank you? ;)) Just kidding. There are several things that will randomly make me think of NarniaWebbers. (they are almost always, if not always, pleasant ;) )

QS wrote:Ah yes, now that NaNo is over, all the fun chats in the chat room are over too... :( Until November. ;) I suppose they don't have to be over--but you can't go on expecting other people there most times. :p

Yeah. I think I would have gotten more writing done in November if I hadn't been chatting so much... ;)) Then again, I wouldn't have done as many word wars, so...oh well. ;))
Wow!! Congratulations on the 5 year anniversary! :ymapplause: (I'm waaay late, but does it still count? :ymblushing: ;)) )

I missed Ali's birthday, didn't I? :( I hope you had a wonderful one!! :D

*waves to Becca*

lys wrote:Dear, when did you all get me to start using this terrible pun [saying "ketchup" instead of "catch up"]? I was against it for so long ... and now I've crossed over to the dark side!

*grins deviously* I probably didn't have much to do with it, actually, but I just wanted to do that... :P ;))


Wow, Fanny, your signature is beautiful! :D

Betsie wrote:Djaq and flam, I miss you!

I have missed you too! *sends a hug* I need to reply to your PM, don't I? :ymblushing:
I'm so very happy about how your book turned out! :D I was grinning a little too much after I saw the pictures. ;)) I'm so happy for you! Have you read it yet?

Betsie wrote:I'm frightfully sorry if I missed anyone. Just make a scene, or something, and I'll probably notice you....

It's almost too bad that you didn't miss me...I would have enjoyed making a scene. Perhaps next time? :D

*quite likes the nickname "Dot" for daughter of the King* Hello, Dot! Have we met? I can't seem to remember. I have been gone for too long though, so it doesn't surprise me. How are you doing? :D

*waves to Winty* Congratulations on getting your braces off!! :D I'm sure you have been asked "are you glad to have them off?" a million times already, so I won't. ;))

greenleaf!! :D How are you? It's lovely to see you back here! I haven't been around much myself, but... ;))

malkah wrote:Have you heard any of David Klinkenberg's work? He's a Christian violinist, and although I'm not sure he's as good as Joshua Bell, he is very, very talented. Djaq and flambeau are major fans of his. ;)

*coughs* You called? ;) Yes, I am a major fan of David's! :D I highly recommend his music.

Rosa, did I hear that you got a kitten? Sofie? I'd love to see pictures! :)

*sends a huge wave to pogginfan* :D

Wow, Betsie! The pictures that you posted of the cloche hat are unbelievably cute! I especially love the first one! :D Great job!

*skims over the most recent pages* I'm afraid that I didn't respond to half of what I read through...

I'm done! *collapses*

Mortereve all! Maybe now I won't be such a stranger here. :)

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Narnian at Heart » Jul 10, 2010 7:33 pm

*Sneaks in quite sneakily wearing Sneakers and, unfortunately, snickering a little bit too* Hehe! I've just skimmed nine pages in...*checks watchless wrist* oh, about twenty minutes. Let's see, let me calculate accurately. I've listened to eight songs since I started skimming...that makes it about 30 minutes since I started skimming. K, so I was off ten minutes....but I'm here to do a real quickie-type catch-up 'cause I feel like I kind of disappeared without reason and may or may not need to 'splain. ;)

Here we go, I'll respond as I skim! :)
Bestie, how perfectly delighted I am to see your free-proof of your book!!! If I had only known that Createspace did that, I would have crammed to get in on it! I'm going to see about working with CreateSpace to publish my other (not NaNo-related) full-length novel sometime this year. How perfectly thrilling, and your book looks amazing!!!
Of COURSE I mind if you have another berry. You can't just help yourself like that! What ungratefulness; when I picked them, broke my back bending over the plants, sunburned my neck during that process, sacrificed myself to the mosquitoes, and then lumbered my tired self back to the house and into the Square just so you could gobble 'em up! I'm hurt, Bets, really........... ;) ;) But of course, now we have raspberries and mullberries comin' out of our ears. Want some?? :D
How brave you are to show your brothers Emma '09. ;) My brother has seen clips of it; he said nothing, but I am of the impression that he liked it all right. He's really not Austen-anything, but I can change that, methinks. I personally loved the movie. =D

Dear Mel,
This is my little note to you:
1: Your avatar is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. I want to be Victoria. And I want to see that movie in its full very soon. (I missed it on Masterpiece, very sadly!)
2: Your signature makes me giggle every time I read it!!
3: How are you doing these days?
4: Remember how we talked last winter about your friend's wedding coming up? Has that already been and gone? If so, how'd it go? :)
5: I hope you're well!

Hehe, Jo, I must say that I don't like all million-and-some Americans either. ;)

Malkah, I am glad you find enjoyment in Michael Buble's music! I love anything and everything Frank Sinatra, so I'm kind of biased, but Michael's music is new and fresh enough to make it his own and not just Frank. How are you doing? :)

*sends hugs 'n greetings to Miss Rosario* How are you this summer? What's been keeping you busy? :)

*had really meant to write more on her novel tonight...but y'all are just too irresistible!* ;)

Glenny! (Oh Great One! ;) ) Ooh, which five autographed cds do you have? If I were to collect anything, it would be autographed stuff; I have quite a few ticket stubs autographed by the stars of the show; a DVD; a CD; and three pictures now! :)

M'dear Djaq! :ymhug: OH yes, I do very highly recommend Michael Buble's CD! It's all very cute; very dramatic; very heartfelt; very pretty. I think you'd like it a lot! =]

Well, I guess that does it; nobody really said much to me. *sniffs in a corner* ;)

I've been very busy these past two weeks; actually, I don't know when it all started, but the last weeks have been a blur...I worked at the fireworks' stand last week, and that really messed up my days and nights, dates and times. :p It was very fun, though, as usual. This week I've been outside, inside, writing, picking produce, baking bread, experimenting with "other stuff" in the kitchen, making jams and jellies, cleaning, and THOROUGHLY enjoying my MacbookPro laptop and Ivory software which allows me to play on the most beautifully toned Italian Grand piano!! :-D It really is the bestest.

Better scram before it gets too late and I miss my reading opportunity for the night. Or wait, I was going to write tonight. Or wait, is that my friend online I see? Maybe I'll chat...or write an email...or maybe I should just read...or go to bed early? Maybe I should practice the piano. Perhaps I should put together an outfit for tomorrow and make sure it's ironed...I DON"T KNOW, but I'm sure of one thing: I'm going right now before I drive you lovely people crazy ANY more!!!

Bye! :)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby ceppault » Jul 10, 2010 9:08 pm

Djaq wrote:Does anyone remember me?
Some sort of vague memory there. :p Like I have been visiting the Square a lot in the last year? Some improvement since I have given modding a break.

*tips his hat to the ladies about, and waves to the gentlemen*

For those of you that don't have Facebook, I posted this picture in the pets blog. Rachel Marie (ramagut) was quick and got her dog to pose. Disgustingly cute little dog.

Narnian at Heart wrote:[i]... I've been outside, inside, writing, picking produce, baking bread, experimenting with "other stuff" in the kitchen, making jams and jellies, cleaning, and THOROUGHLY enjoying my MacbookPro laptop ...
You seem to be very productive. :) And I love my MacBook too; tis about five years old now and it still does the job very well.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Jul 11, 2010 12:54 pm


Djaq wrote:*slowly makes her way into the Square*

Does anyone remember me? ;;) :ymblushing: I don't even remember what page I posted on last time I was here! *goes to look* Please hold..... Page #166!! My goodness! That was May 27th. Well, I have never backed down from a ketchup post and I don't intend to start now. :| /:)

Oh yeah I think that I remember you! You are Dqaj? No no that's not it, Qjad? Oh yes of course! Djaq! ;)) How are things with you these days?

Anyway, little update on me, myself and I: Last Tuesday, I received a copy of the book that I wrote during NaNoWriMo (it's called "Times")!! :D I am soooo excited about that!!

Oh how exciting! That would be so thrilling!

*waves to Ella and Ben* :) How are you two doing?

As well as you can expect I suppose ;))

Aww, thank you very much! Yes, flam is awesome! :D
How are you doing? You're in Colorado, right? How is that going? :)

*skips the first question seeing as how he has already answered that one* ;)) :P Yep I am! It is going good! It is so beautiful out here! And the weather is very nice!

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 11, 2010 3:06 pm

Ben: 55? wow! that's cold! maybe I can mail you some hot air in a bottle! :P lol

I must dash!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Jul 11, 2010 3:29 pm

Liberty Hoffman wrote:Ben: 55? wow! that's cold! maybe I can mail you some hot air in a bottle! :P lol

I must dash!

No thanks I'll keep the cool air :P Much better than that hot!

*gulps* Wow have not made a short post like that ^^ in a while!

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 11, 2010 3:34 pm

Ben: maybe you can send me some cold air then :D it's hot like an oven today! yikes!

I am so hyper and hot and tired all at once!

I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Meltintalle » Jul 11, 2010 3:37 pm

Poggy wrote:*returns the wave* Indeed! :D And how have you been?
*tosses the wave back like a hot potato* I've been quite well. Hot. It seems like I've been crazy busy, but then there were also days when I didn't do much at all, so... Yourself? Seen any fun sights this summer?

Dot wrote:And when I was younger we listened to Down Gilead Lane a lot.
Ah. If that's the show I'm thinking of... I think it used to play in the afternoons on Saturdays before Radio Theatre, and... I never listened to it. :p Unless, of course, it isn't, and the show was something else entirely. I don't suppose you ever heard a show called Ranger Bill: Warrior of the Woodlands?

That does sound like a fun play. Why were you touring the schools? Trying to recruit people to join your group, or some other reason?

FF wrote:My brother and I are taking back the term "Dominon Day" vs. "Canada Day", as we like the former much, much, better, and think it speaks more elequantly about why at least us celebrate July 1st
Ah! Thank you! That may help in keeping Victoria Day and Dominon Day straight in my head. :D *drinks some whole milk from her family's goats* It's so much more tasty... *eats the cheerios dry*

MissRosario wrote:I can just see myself getting halfway through and then losing interest... wandering off to plan another project... ;))
Ha. Me too. ;)) That's a good plan for drawing cards. Or even writing the thank you notes... which I have trouble with.

NN wrote:*waves back* How've you been? :)
*invents a new answer* I have been concocting a new way of travelling between worlds and visiting ancient civilizations. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with a princess, or a Curdie. But I'm sure an answer to the question of what 'the Curdie' might be will eventually show up... How about yourself?

LadyAmalthea wrote:Oh, get over it narrator! It's a modest swim suit.

*Yes. An 1890's reproduction?*

*wants pictures* Or would that be too much for the narrator's sensibilities? I'd hate for him to drop you in the pool or something...

Doyenne Djaq wrote:Marvelous Mel
*preens* *bestows a title of equally pretentious portent because she decided not use 'dusty' or 'delinquent' referring to the recipients' long absence* I really enjoyed the rodeo I went to as well. What was your favourite event?

Dear Jojo,
This is my note in reply to your note of the previous day which I have received:
1. Thank you. However,
if you actually want to be Victoria after finishing the movie, our friendship may have reached its end. :p I think she's a bit of a jerk.
*sighs over the blue outfit* She has a simply splendid wardrobe, doesn't she?
2. It comes from here and the last one makes me think of you and your wonderfully quirky sense of humour. :)
3. I am inventing new and varied replies, because I am in wonderful good humour, and most pleased with my recent viewing of Star Wars in Concert. :D (They had costumes on display! They had the flame handmaiden gown!!! :D)
4. It is very very close now, but it hasn't happened yet. It's like... two weeks away...
5. I hope this finds you in best of health and spirits.

*joins the ranks of those rejoicing over their copies of their NaNoWriMo's* My dad has already found several typos, though. But he likes the story. :D
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Miss Rosario » Jul 11, 2010 5:40 pm

Mortereve, all! *sends waves and hugs from Missouri* We've been down here since Wednesday at our family reunion, which has been nice. We head home tomorrow--eight hour drive!

I've been doing fairly well; I'm a bit blind at the moment, after having cortisone cream rubbed into my eye by my wonderful (trying to be positive, here) cousin. :| Heh.

Thank-you, Poggy! I found it somewhere online and liked it quite a bit, too--Princess Bride is such a fun movie. ;))

Cep, speaking about the mod moot wrote:And if memory serves, Princess Rosario will be there too.

Yup! I'm pretty jealous. ;))

My sister's been following the World Cup, Nick, but not I. Our TV doesn't work. *sighs* How about you?

*gapes at Ben's ability to ride unicycles*

Ben wrote:So did I ever tell you all that I jumped off a 44 ft bridge into a river?

..... What? So, you ride unicycles and jump off 44 ft. bridges. Wow. I'm rather impressed. ;))

Congrats on getting the copy of your NaNoWriMo book, Djaq. How exciting! Did you design the cover? (Heh, stupid question. Of course you did.) ;))

And yes, I'd be happy to PM you pictures of Sofie. :)

*returns Jojo's hugs* I'm so happy you dropped back by! I love reading your posts. And I'm doing well, thanks. I've been down in Missouri for a couple days, which was... nice... ;)) I've been working on my violin pieces, reading several books.... Speaking of which, the Joshua Bell concert is coming up! This Wednesday, in fact.
What about you? Breads, jams, & jellies.... sounds busy! AND, you have a MacBookPro laptop. *likes this concept very very much*
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NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie

"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
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Miss Rosario
NarniaWeb Fanatic
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Joined: May 28, 2008
Location: Behind a book
Gender: Female


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