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Things that Make Your Day

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Things that Make Your Day

Postby Aslanisthebest » May 01, 2010 7:38 pm

Haha, well...

Seeing as we have a Things that Annoy You thread, it seems right to have a positive thread at things that make you really happy. :)

I'll think up a short list...sooner or later. ;))

For starters, new books are always a delight!
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Glenstorm the Great » May 01, 2010 7:47 pm

The littlest things make my day. Someone just saying "lol" to something I said or giving me a :) or :ymhug: make me very happy. Anything little like that. Or suprises. And one thing that makes me especially happy is when someone understands me (or at least part of me :p ). Like why I like a certain song or book or why I don't like cheesecake or Twilight ( ;) ). Or when someone doesn't make fun of my allergies and general nerd-iness :p .
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby stardf29 » May 01, 2010 7:47 pm

This thread.

(Specifically, that someone actually posted a thread about the nice things that happen, instead of just complaining about the bad things. :) )
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » May 01, 2010 8:09 pm

A good book
Quality time with friends
Interesting discussions
Food ;)
Colourful Autumn leaves
Knowing I'm loved by God, family and friends
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby IloveFauns » May 01, 2010 9:44 pm

1. watching futurama(also finding out their will be a new season in june after the last finished in 2003)
2. sewing
3. Art in general
4. Getting answers right
5. spending time with my friends shopping and watchign movies
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Lion's Emblem » May 01, 2010 10:07 pm

Wow, it's nice to take a moment to think about the things that can really turn a day around:

1. A good joke
2. Completing a long art project with positive/uplifting results.
3. Hearing new VDT news.
4. A good book, movie, and/or t.v. episode
5. Finding a solution to a problem that has bothered me for a long time.
6. Receiving a nice piece of mail and/or hearing good news from a dear friend.
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby coracle » May 01, 2010 10:55 pm

Having a warm sunny day - again - even though it's now the third month of autumn! (my cherry tree still most of its leaves and lots are green! weird)
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby narnian_at_heart » May 01, 2010 11:05 pm

1. Everyone hurrying in the locker rooms so I can leave my job early.
2. The temperature being only 75 -80% at the pool instead of 86 - 90 when I'm working.
3. Snow
4. Playing the piano
5. Someone calling me on the phone
6. Getting e-mails
7. Checking the mail and there being something for me in there.
8. Sunshine (where I live, it's frequently cloudy. It'll sometimes be a nice warm day but it's cloudy so sun is nice)
9. Dancing to music!!!
10. iTune's free single of the week being a song that I actually like (that's only been twice in the past sixth months are so)
11. No one being home so I can crank my music up and dance and sing out loud.
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby StudyMate » May 02, 2010 12:27 am


Things that make my day include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Finding a handwritten letter in the mail addressed to me!
2. Finding a letter in the mail for me.
3. Finding mail.
4. Written messages in general, on sticky-notes, normal notes, text messages, wall posts, nice long emails....for me, words that express thoughtfulness make my day. :D
3. Crisp apple strudel, and schnitzel with noodles :p (actually I take that last bit back, who has noodles with their schnitzel anyway?)
3 1/2. Corny jokes! [see above point for clarification]
4. Brown paper packages tied up with string (my modern day equivalent would be brown paper boxes that deliver your internet shopping)
5. A good book and movie; or a combination of the two blended to perfection totally makes my day.
6. Finding that quirky piece that made sorting through the other things in an op-shop worth it!
7. A nice, hot cup of coffee on a generally miserable day.
8. Strangers who smile back at you when you pass by them.
9. Cute elderly couples crossing the street.

Lion'sEmblem: ...Finding a solution to a problem that has bothered me for a long time.

Yes and yes. Totally day-making material. :)
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby wolfloversk » May 02, 2010 5:52 am

1 Having dreams about Narnia
2 mint chocolate candy
3 Patchy & Daisy
4 Snow
5 sun
6 star gazing
7 catching a fish
8 seeing a new species of bird
9 going on a car ride
10 watching an awesome movie on tv
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby greenbird37 » May 02, 2010 8:49 am

Being able to wake up to see another day, a smile from my children, being nice to people, giving to those in need! :)
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby The Pendragon » May 02, 2010 10:45 am

1. Getting an letter from a friend in the mail (they're always hand-written, which makes it extra special.)

2. A good conversation with a friend or my sister

3. Hanging out with my friends, or going shopping with them, or bike riding!m :)

4. Watching a movie or a show with my family.

5. Not having any homework! :D Or very little...

6. A new Narnia Podcast, Switchfoot Podcast, or Tenth Avenue North Webisode/ video. :)

7. When I find REALLY cool pictures or graphics of something I love online (like I did yesterday :) )

8. Discovering an amazing song!

9. No track, or a fun day at track! :p

10. Talking on the phone for hours and hours with a good friend. :)
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Valiant_Lucy » May 02, 2010 11:05 am

What REALLY makes my day:

1)Every time I get an email (that's not spam :P), or a post on my FB wall, or a comment on a picture on FB, I get cheered up :D

2)Having something amazing for supper

3)Something I'm really looking forward to on TV in the evening (or a movie to watch)

4)Getting good stuff in the mail (stuff I ordered online, magazines, catalouges, letters etc)

5)Shopping :D

6)When my favorite youtuber uploads a new video, or when one of my top blogs I follow make a new post. :D
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Kate » May 02, 2010 11:30 am

I agree with Frank. This thread is wonderful.

1)Getting mail from my family.
2)Getting a package!
3)Going grocery shopping (this only happens like once every two weeks).
4)Playing my guitar.
5)Hanging out with friends.
6)When one of my Bible Study members is honest with me about the ways God is moving in their life.
7)New music.
8)Blue skies and sunny weather.
9)Enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings.
10)A new book to read/finishing an old one.

Look what a wonderful celebration of life's little things this is!
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » May 02, 2010 1:00 pm

Aslanisthebest wrote:Seeing as we have a Things that Annoy You thread, it seems right to have a positive thread at things that make you really happy. :)

I'd been thinking about starting one but I couldn't think of a good subject. :p
StudyMate wrote:Crisp apple strudel, and schnitzel with noodles :p (actually I take that last bit back, who has noodles with their schnitzel anyway?)
I don't know. Most of the time I see schnitzel offered with french fries. That's the way it came when I got in in Germany. When I read your post, that song got stuck in my head. :p

Here's my list (It isn't in any particular order)
  1. Watching the BBC's CoN, especially when someone else suggests it. :D (I'm actually watching VDT right now)
  2. Watching Walden's Narnia
  3. Being on NarniaWeb
  4. Finding people I have something in common with, especially when it's something I didn't expect anyone to understand. Like in this quote by Lewis: "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
  5. Getting new news, pictures, etc. about VDT
  6. Snuggling with a cat (especially if it is Mystery because she doesn't often do it)
  7. Reading a good book
  8. When God answers my prayers /learning something new from the Bible
  9. Getting emails / letters that are personal (i.e. not newsletters, ads, etc., but are specifically for me
  10. When I haven't subbed somewhere in a while and a kid or kids come up and give me a hug and tell me they missed me
  11. Finding that there is a dessert I like at a banquet, restaurant, party, etc.
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Re: Things that Make Your Day

Postby daughter of the King » May 02, 2010 2:07 pm

1. when I don't have any homework (sadly, that hardly ever happens)
2. when I'm taking pictures and I get a really good shot
3. reading a good book
4. watching a good movie
5. finding out something new and interesting
6. when things run exactly as they're supposed to
7. my nephew and niece (they're so cute and funny!)
8. chocolate-mint anything
9. anything that makes me smile
10. a large milkshake
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