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Ditto Fountain I

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 11, 2009 10:59 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

I nodded absently to Isabelle, sitting up straighter when Nathanael asked about the paper and pencil. I was about to say something rather sarcastic (as I'm prone to do when I'm nervous or annoyed or just plain bored), when Cordelia and Drake walked in.

"Oh look. Cordelia and Drake," I deadpanned. Nothing could surprise me now. I hoped.

"Maybe we should ask them for help," I suggested, half-getting out of my seat.


A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Jakov took the card slowly, wondering if this was really wise. Could he afford missing one more day of the search for possible information on Maria and his former master? He realized he know was extremely curious to find out how Cei had survived. Jakov had left him for dead. No one could have lived through that beating.

"Thanks," he mumbled as he pocketed the card. "I'll be sure to stop by . . . if I have the time."



Jonathan gulped when Nick started laughing.

"Hey man, I wanted to tell you but . . . I didn't exactly know how you'd take it. I mean, when Gilbert found out we were doing a research project together, he almost went through the roof." He grimaced and took a slight step away from Roxanne. "Dude, I totally didn't mean for it to go on this long without telling you."


Alyson sighed, digging out her cell phone and handing it over to him. "I told you I had his number," she said. "You must be more out of it than I thought. Here. Call him. And talk quickly, he might hang up on you." She leaned back in her chair. "And I think he lives in some fancy hotel. I don't quite remember the name for it. I might have it somewhere here though." She began rummaging through her big purse again.


Chase grinned. "Nope. This is my version of bowling. We go to all our teacher's houses and give them bowling balls. It's an awesome, completely nonsensical prank. It's fun."

He pointed at the ball in her hands. "Try it. I'm going back to the truck. You see that house next door? Believe it or not, that's the Principal's house. Walk up to the door, set down the ball, and then run back to the truck as fast as you can. It's a great rush, trust me." He winked and jogged back to the truck, getting in and then waving at MJ through the window.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Sep 12, 2009 6:37 am

A Funny Thing Happened

Drake and Cordelia came in and I slowly recovered from the shock of seeing Kari in person. "I'm Sweeetlilgurlie. Also known as Sweeet. Which I guess is what you can call me."

I brightened at Ryan's suggestion. "Yeah, maybe they know how to get through the fountain and find our pool!" The possibility of going to the Wood Between the Worlds hadn't occurred to me until that moment, but admittedly, it would be awesome.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Captn. Peregrin » Sep 12, 2009 7:37 am

((It came with me from Earth :p ))

Funny Thing

I still wasn't sure exactly what time period it was, but I was sure that Sholi (my most tortured and most powerful character) would be long gone by then. It suddenly struck me, however, upon hearing Booky's thought-of-yet-unwritten story coming to life, that I had a though-of-yet-unwritten story of my own involving a very powerful being and another person with similar powers (and much cause to be angry at her author). And since I hadn't written it down yet, I wasn't sure exactly how powerful or vengeful she might be.

Still, how hard could it be to get to the Wood between the Worlds? Even if she was out there, I wouldn't be around long enough to meet her.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 12, 2009 7:55 am

A Funny Thing

Nathanael did have a point. But I didn't have much time to ponder the profundity of that since Ryan was already half-way out of her seat, looking at the two people who had just walked into the Cup & Platter.

"Wait--" I said. "WBTW is also Crisis, right?" I said, a little confused and wishing desperately I had intently read that role-play thread. I edged away from Lightsaber of Doom.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 12, 2009 11:45 am

A Funny Thing Happened

I looked over at Isabelle, confused myself for a minute. "What? Oh no, the Wood Between the Worlds is inside the Fountain. Like, you go in the Fountain to get there. It's that place in the Chronicles of Narnia. The World Between the Stories is an RP that's a sort of prequel to the RP Crisis in the Snow." I glanced at Nathanael and Sweeet to make sure that was right.

I considered Sweeet's suggestion for a moment, then shook my head. "Even if we could find a pool to Earth, it wouldn't be our Earth. It would be the Earth some of our characters are originally from." Pausing, I glanced over at Drake and Cordelia once more. "They might have a book on this sort of thing though," I said, more to myself than anyone else.

Even as I walked over to Drake, thinking he was probably in a better mood than Cordelia, I wondered if this was the smart thing to do. After all, who knows if they could figure out who we really were. Still, I knew we had to get home before Le Loup Noir figured out what happened and came to kill us all. I really wouldn't put it past him.

Tapping Drake on the shoulder, I tried to look pleasant and not like I was shaking out of my shoes. (Then I realized suddenly that I wasn't wearing any shoes. No wonder my feet hurt.)

"Um, excuse me?" I asked hesitantly.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Sep 12, 2009 3:10 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

I nodded. "Yep. It goes Dark Side Rising, The Wood Between the Stories, then Crisis in the Snow." I frowned. "Amë is gonna be so mad at me for not posting in Crisis."

I followed Ryan when she got up and decided to let her do the talking. It seemed to me that I froze up when talking to characters. But were they really characters? Were these real people? I was rather confused still.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 13, 2009 6:12 pm

<Shono to Warpath> he said over the comlink <I'm right under the falling objects but I'll pull off> "Darn that old robot is always ruining my fun" he muttered to himself as he pulled out of sector 2.
Scrappy replied "Well duh! did you glance at the book she's holding? Of course you wouldn't know about that particular cult" he said narrowing his round optics skeptically.
Kale turned to Matthew "Now were is he going?" she asked and he replied with a sigh "I have no idea" he then said "Well lets get back to our objective; Teaching you how to fly my interceptor!"
A Funny Thing
I had been in the middle of creating currancy for ditto town so I infact had some coins that I had been creating and thats what I planned to pay with, "A book eh?" I asked "Well realms would be the place to look then" I said with a nodd to Booky.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 13, 2009 7:07 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Katie tilted her head to the side, almost twisting her body all the way around in order to read the books in Miss Lucinda's hands. "The . . . Books . . . o' . . . Ascension." She straightened. "So she wants to learn 'ow to fly. That ain't nothin' strange. I can fly too." She grinned proudly.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 14, 2009 6:47 am

A Funny Thing Happened

I was still confused, but I nodded and made some understanding noises. I really didn't want to keep asking because a) I was pretty sure I was the youngest except for maybe nerd but b) Boys don't count.

However, the aforementioned nerd produced some coins out of nowhere. Unless that was Canadian funny money, it was something else. Well, duh. But I wasn't thinking about that.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bookwyrm » Sep 14, 2009 1:30 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

I reluctantly followed Ryan and Sweeet to talk to Drake. Despite the fact that Sylvia was a goddess, Drake was still probably my most powerful character. For starters, he was a dragon. In his scaly lizard form, he could probably burn down half of Ditto Town before someone stopped him. Then there was his magical abilities. He'd started out a fairly inept wizard, more Rincewind than Gandalf. I'd changed that long ago. Add in the wizard's staff that Gawain had given him and Drake was powerful enough to take on cosmic beings like Galactus or a Q. He'd once fought Mxyzptlk to a stalemate. That was why I'd stopped using him. Near all-powerful characters ruin stories.

Drake turned to face Ryan and replied," Can I help you?"

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Sylvia returned to the main room and looked around malevolently. Matthias was wandering the stacks and Cordelia was talking to a customer. There was no one to notice Sylvia deliberately knock a mug of coffee over on the floor.

"Oh, Grump?! You missed a spot!" Sylvia yelled, struggling to hold back a snicker.

One thing very few people knew about Miss Lucinda, for all her talking and talking, was that she had desperately wanted a little girl of her very own. Crueler members of the elderly population said she had never married because she talked all her prospective love connections to death. The truth was, she'd just never met anyone she liked enough to marry, much less bring little bundles of joy into the world with. But here was this adorable little girl, in need of mothering! It was like an answered prayer, if Miss Lucinda was the type to pray. Well, she was, but not to very nice people. Certainly not the kind that sends little girls to lonely old ladies.

"Oh, I can already fly, dearie. These old books are for something else entirely," Miss Lucinda said before planting a very determined little-old-lady foot on Scrappy's dome and flipping him over with an unusual burst of strength.

"Come along, dearie," she said, offering her hand to Katie.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 14, 2009 1:50 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

"Um, do you . . . know where I can get books about, um, universe hopping?" I asked, trying to sound as clueless as possible (it was not hard). I did not want to appear I knew anything about the Realms bookstore, being a newcomer to Ditto Town.

I glanced over at Cordelia. "Oh and um, a place where I can get some shoes?" I hoped the stores here did not have a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. That could be a bit difficult considering how some creatures could not fit into shoes . . . or shirts for that matter.

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Grump whirled around, growled, and Apparated to the spot. He glared down at the very obviously recent coffee stain, then up at Sylvia.

"ARGH! Infuriating goddess of messes! Stupid woman with ugly hair! You did that on purpose!" he screeched, dancing another jig in his anger. Grabbing his large ears, he pulled on them painfully, jumping from side to side now in pain and anger.


"Okay," Katie said with a grin, taking the old woman's hand, visibly impressed by the show of strength. "I'm called Katie Navy Blue. Wot you called?"

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby zlcva » Sep 14, 2009 11:12 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life
Chip nodded and returned his attention back to his meal. In a few minutes, he had wolfed it down and paying the tab while Nessie scraped the last morsels off her plate. A series of sonic booms suddenly shook the walls of the Cup and Platter, and most of the other buildings in Ditto Town.

"What was that?" Nessie exclaimed.

"Let's find out!" Chip replied with eyes gleaming excitedly. Grabbing his change and his jacket, he rushed out the door, Nessie hot on his heels. They made it out onto the street and looked up into the sky. Chip shielded his eyes from the sun, scanning the air for the source of the noise.

"There!" Nessie suddenly shouted and pointed above them. Chip followed her finger and spotted the three black dots soaring through the air overhead. A gleam to his right caught his eye, and he adjusted his glasses as he looked intently.

"Oh, brilliant!" he said with a grin and pointed at the five silver specks rocketing towards the black ones, leaving long white contrails in their wake.

"I think those are Autobots!" he explained to Nessie. "I see them flying around occasionally. Did you know they helped fight Enselm in 1491?..."

The five silver gleams were indeed Autobots. Each one had the form of various aircraft, ranging from a commercial airliner to single-seat fighters.

"This is Silverbolt. Targets sighted, Air Team is enroute to intercept," the lead jet radioed to Autobot city as they approached the stasis pods.

"Air Team, move into formation for magnetic net!"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 15, 2009 11:27 am

Scrappy beeped angrily then fired up his Booster rockets with a confident 'I can fly two' beep. he turned his head and floated away towards the hanger when the sonic boom messed up his circuits temporarily and dropped him to the ground "beep"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bookwyrm » Sep 15, 2009 3:09 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Aaron Ravine lurched into the Town Square, outfitted in his suit of mechanized armor. The suit was painted mostly in shades of silver and blue, except for a few unfortunate splashes of pink. Also a few sparkly sequins. Aaron's painter droid had mistaken a Bedazzler for a spray gun.

Mishaps were the story of Aaron's life. His ant mind control ray had instead turned an entire ant colony into poodle-sized mutants that had nearly wiped out the woods near Ditto Town, only being stopped by Sylvia and assorted dryads and Ents. His enlarger beam made things turn purple instead of getting bigger. His attempts to create a quick-growing grain crop resulted in carnivorous plants roaming the streets of Ditto Town for months. Now Aaron was prepared to launch his mechanized armor suit on its maiden voyage. All over Ditto Town, people were hiding under their beds.

Aaron looked up and spotted the approaching objects as the sonic booms shook Ditto Town.

"Fear not, noble Dittopians! Adamant-Man shall save you from this oncoming menace!" Aaron shouted, his voice amplified and digitally-altered by the suit. A few people brave enough to stay outside rolled their eyes. Aaron's antics were infamous in Ditto Town.

The hapless inventor fired his boot jets and took to the skies. He had reached a decent height when the jets began to misfire. He spiraled off-course and hurtled back toward the town, tumbling wildly.

Cordelia finished helping her customer and started to walk to the counter. She stopped and seemed to be listening to something.

"Anyone hear something like a rocket?" Cordelia asked, puzzled.

Sylvia was about to fire back at Grump, but a screaming Aaron smashed through the front of the store. Debris flew through the air directly at Grump. Sylvia flung herself forward, knocking the little house elf out of the way and getting hit by the debris herself.

A Funny Thing Happened

"Universe-hopping? That's an unusual subject of inquiry. Fairly dangerous too. The magic involved is quite difficult," Drake said. "Unless you're using technology. Don't think anyone around here's managed to do that yet."

"Oh, what happened to your shoes?" Cordelia asked, sounding concerned. "You must be cold. Drake, give her some shoes."

Looking like he wanted to avoid another argument, Drake waved a hand and said something suitably arcane. A pair of shoes in Ryan's size appeared from thin air
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 15, 2009 6:24 pm

A Funny Thing
I just shrugged at hummy and then stood up and walked over to were the others were talking to Drake when the shoe's showed up out of midd air and hit me on the forhead knocking me over "Ouch!" I yelled "watch it!" I said before I remembered I was talking to an almost all powerful wizard.
Caden smiled "Its a long story" suddenly the memory of the piper and the children came flooding into his mind, he pushed himself up on his elbows and said "The children"
The Aftermath
((eusy we are going to ignore that last post as Ellie does not live in any other castle than the one she guards))
Matt replied "You have guard dutie from three to four and eleven to twelve" he marked off something on his papers before looking up again "Anything else" he asked.
A (Slightly) Less Normal Life
Matthew turned to walk towards the hanger when a jet sputtered out and a large crashing noise came from behind him. He groaned "Aaron!" he yelled before turning to see the damage the inventor had done this time... He hoped it wasn't more plants, seeing that it wasn't the case he walked towards the book store "Well Kale our flight has been postponed he opened the door and walked into the mess "Is everyone alright in here?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 15, 2009 7:43 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Jakov looked more annoyed than fascinated as he followed Chase and Nessie outside to investigate the sonic boom. Shielding his eyes with one hand, he peered up into the sky.

"Interesting," he said mildly. "I wonder what it is they are trying to intercept."

"It could be some valuable cargo," one of the beefy bodyguards said with a greedy light in his eyes.

Jakov's lips twitched. "Could be," he said. "Perhaps we should investigate."


Katie almost fell over herself when the sonic boom occurred, only staying upright because she was holding on to Miss Lucinda's hand.

"Holy boomin' noises!" she cried. "That was loud, wot?"


Grump pulled harder at his ears when he saw one of his co-employers being hit by debris. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he cried, wincing at the pain in his head from all the pulling. "You are the stupidest woman I have ever met!" He rolled around on the floor for a moment before finding his feet and standing.

"Look at this mess!" he screeched. "And there's blood! Do you know how much blood stains?!?!"

A Funny Thing Happened

I snatched the shoes quickly before they could do any more damage. They were no type of shoes I was familiar with, but they were shoes and so I put them on quickly. My feet had not been cold per se, but it had been darn uncomfortable.

"So um, universe-hopping. It's kind of a delicate matter. You see . . . we" here I gestured to myself and the fellow RPers "are not . . . from around here." I gave him a pointed look while I tried to be as vague as possible. I really hoped we could get this matter settled without anyone finding out we were, in fact, the authors of certain characters. Including one very bad character who was about to be unleashed on Ditto Town if I could not stop it.

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