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Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

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Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby Madame Gosté » Dec 31, 2009 4:44 pm

Bon annee, mon cheries!

Zees New Year’s Eve, ze Ditto Town Hosts and Moderators have decided to give vous a special treat: Ze Premier Holiday Special!

Each Holiday Special will run for a week, so, s’il vous plait, keep that in mind with vous plots! Throughout ze year, Holiday Specials will appear. Somewhat like ze Mansion, everyone is invited. However, unlike ze Mansion, zere is no main plot to stick to! Feel free to introduce any sub-plots you would like: as in ze Fountain, no plot is too wacky! So, sit back and enjoy ze first Holiday Special, and from all ze hosts and moderators:

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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby qwertykate88 » Dec 31, 2009 4:57 pm

Once upon a time, on a crisp day in the month of December (on the very last day of the month of December to be exact), Calamity the elf decided to pay a kindly visit to her twin sister Chaos. Her sister Chaos lived in a small cottage that was located in the middle of the woods of Ditto Town. Gathering her basket, her cape, and her hat, Calamity set off down the path towards her sister's house (which was located in the middle of the woods, if you've forgotten already) without a thought towards trouble.

Trouble just seemed to follow her wherever she went...Trouble was her shadow.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby Lady Arwen » Dec 31, 2009 5:10 pm

Chaos looked around her kitchen, and frowned.

"I'll never be able to clean up before New Year's!" she muttered. It is unclear as to who she thought she was talking to since, well, no one was around.

Chaos suddenly smiled. She quickly began stacking plates, pots, pans and any other available dirty item at towering heights. Holding it aloft, she pulled on her oven door. At first, it didn't budge, then flew open with a resounding bang, which was shortly followed by a crash as Chaos flew backwards and her china made neat summersalts in the air then shattered to the ground.

"Oh, what blue ruin (definition 2) this is!" Chaos wailed. "I shall never have an apple-pie house."

Now, dear reader, I believe our dear Chaos must have been slightly hungry, so why she was trying to put dirty dishes in her oven is unclear at this time. However, we shall see what occurs next.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby qwertykate88 » Dec 31, 2009 6:49 pm

Calamity tripped through the forest (towards the middle where her sister's house was located), basket in hand, holding tightly to her hat with the other. Now Calamity wasn't a clumsy person, per say, she just wasn't very graceful. Brier and bramble that she tripped over insisted on coming with her, clinging to her stockings and sticking in her hair. She never assumed she was messy, she just figured the brier and bramble must be lonely.

Reaching nearer to Chaos' cottage, she heard the wailing of her sister coming from inside and didn't bother to stop to knock. Instead, Calamity just kept right on tripping until she had tripped down the hill, tripped over a pumpkin outside, and tripped right through the open window instead (why the window was open, one would never know).

Landing on her backside with a shriek, her basket landed in her lap- mercifully right side up.

"Mercy!" exclaimed Calamity, smashing her hat back onto her head. "What is all the fussing for?" she asked of her caterwauling twin.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby eustacegirl » Dec 31, 2009 6:51 pm

And Peter Scrubb and Justin Thompson, the cousin due from Sunrise of Life are popping in to say, "Happy New years!"
And Peter turns up the music real loud. "Brian, ready to countdown?"
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby lover of narnia » Dec 31, 2009 7:03 pm

"HAPPY NEW YEARS WORLD!!!! Sure Peter go ahead!" Brian called back to him

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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby eustacegirl » Dec 31, 2009 7:11 pm

Justin waves his hands in the air. "Wait! It's not 11:50 yet!" Peter looks at him, dumbfounded. "Oops."
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby zlcva » Dec 31, 2009 7:50 pm

((OOC: Oh why not? One more party before I go. ;) ))

In Maximal City (formerly Ditto Autobot City) the Maximals (formerly Autobots) were busy preparing for their own New Years party. Everywhere you looked, laser streamers were being activated and energon punch was being brewed.

Warpath, leader of Maximal City, strolled down the halls of the city, listening to the joyful conversations of his fellow Transformers as they prepared to ring in the New Year Cybertronian-style. Warpath couldn't help but feel tiny, but that was because the city was still proportioned for massive Autobot bodies, not the newly downsized Maximals that now wandered the halls and decorated the entire city.

He stopped at an intersection and waited patiently for VACS, Space Case and Airraid to roll a massive drum of energon punch past. Judging by the size of the drum, Warpath guessed that the night was going to be epic...


Flying high above the surface of Dittotopia, higher than even the gryphons flew, was a larger-than-normal falcon, Solarflare's new beast mode. He actually enjoyed his new body, and was able to appreciate anew the freedom that comes with flying.

New year, new body, a whole new life ahead of me, Solarflare thought contentedly. I couldn't ask for more. Thank you, Primus.


In a ritzy flat in Ditto Monstropolis, the Meryl family was hosting their annual New Year's party. Many members of the Monstropolis Police Department were present (those that weren't on patrol of holiday crooks), and numerous members of the metropolis's business elite were enjoying cocktails and sharing witty anecdotes. Mr. and Mrs. Meryl were mingling with their respective peer groups, while their daughter, Nessie, was sitting in a corner by herself, sullenly wishing someone even remotely close to her age was at the party.

She had begged her parents to let her go to her uncle Chase's place in Ditto Town, but they had adamantly refused. She hadn't been allowed to visit her eccentric uncle ever since the incident on Ditto Metru earlier that year. She heaved another heavy sigh and continued to let her mind wander.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby Lady Arwen » Dec 31, 2009 9:21 pm

((Huzzah! I'm glad you joined us, zlcva. We wouldn't mind at all if Natalie made a special appearance, either. :D ))

"I think I broke my hand," Chaos moaned, "and I'm sure I broke the dishes."

She sniffled, then blew her nose loudly in a handkerchief that had heretofore yet to be mentioned.

"I'll never have everything apple-pied, and then New Year's will never disembark!" she finished with a wail. She sniffed again, and wiped her eyes. "Wh--what are you doing for New Year's, sister?"
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby narnianerd » Dec 31, 2009 9:47 pm

In the city, far below Solarflare a man was with his wife making preperations for a new years party. His chin was begining show signs of stubble, he sighed and hung up the last banner, his wife came along side him and they embraced before a young woman burst through the door "I'm sorry I'm late to help decorate, I was... Delayed..." said Kale. Matthew laughed and said "Its ok Kale... Come in, come in" he said and turned to see R5-W4, better known as Scrappy roll in from a side room, a young child handing onto the small droid. Matthew mock sighed "I'm getting old"

Shone strolled the streets of the maximal city... No he didn't feel small at all because this was how he always felt, but now instead he was a bit different, his Moutain Lion body must of had something to do with it... Yeah that was it. He aproched the three maximals pushing a large drum of energon across the street and joined them.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby Rising_Star » Dec 31, 2009 11:07 pm

Grump the house-elf hated New Year's Eve. People always left such messes around. And then expected him to clean it up without even asking. He grumbled and muttered to himself as he made his way down Ditto Town's cobbled streets, on the lookout for anyone who would call to him for clean-up duty. Already he had cleaned up a house, a fire station, an accountant's office, and a dog kennel.

Although he knew it was not the right holiday, Grump grumped rather loudly: "Bah, humbug!" every time someone called out "Happy New Year!" He felt it gave his opinion of the whole matter very nicely.

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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby narnianerd » Dec 31, 2009 11:29 pm

Matthew sent Scrappy out to give out inventations to assorted indivuduals in the town... The first one he ran into was Grump he beeped out a messege then spit a peice of paper out at the house-elf before moving on with a smile.

Then he sent a messege to Shono the autobot... Err Maximal, he sent a messege inviting him to come, Shono replied "I'll be there..." Scrappy beeped happily then continued forward.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby zlcva » Jan 01, 2010 1:19 am

Chase Ramsey entered the Cup & Platter and after some jostling through the merry crowd, found an empty seat in a corner. He felt the need for some social interaction, but was too shy to actually do any actual interacting. Being in a crowded room was enough for him. He wished he could have been with his sister and brother-in-law in Monstropolis, but after the Metru incident, he wasn't on the best of terms with them. Plus, his old boss from the Monstropolis University was there, so he'd really be asking for trouble if he showed up. So he contented himself to blend in with a crowd.


Warpath ducked into his quarters and turned on his personal communication receiver. He checked his messages, scrolling down the list until he saw the one he was looking for. Opening it, a smiling image of the Nalum family appeared.

"Greetings, Warpath! Sorry we missed you. We just wanted to wish you all a happy New Year! I wish we could be there with you to celebrate together, but you know how it is running a city. Anyway, tell the other Maximals we said hi, and don't let things get too wild there. The All bless you."
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jan 01, 2010 12:56 pm

Kari Leeman woke up and blinked her eyes. What day was it? Wait! It was New Years! She got out of bed and looked around, trying to see if she could tell that anything specific was different about this year.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby narnianerd » Jan 01, 2010 5:04 pm

Scrappy rolled into the Cup and Platter looking for Kari Leeman, unfourtanatly she didn't seem to be around so he went to turn back out when he found a man who looked like he needed a party; Chase Ramsey so he rolled over to him and spat out an invitation.
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Re: Holiday Special I: New Years 2010

Postby zlcva » Jan 01, 2010 7:55 pm

Chase was quite surprised at the sudden approach of the R5 unit. When the droid spat out the invitation, Chase instinctively lifted his feet off the floor to avoid contact with the paper. Realizing that it wasn't going to explode in his face or anything, he cautiously picked up the paper and read over its contents. His eyes widened at the prospect of actually being invited to a party. He looked down at Scrappy and grinned excitedly.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed. "I'll be there! Thank you very much!" And without any further delay, he leaped to his feet and strode quickly out of the Cup & Platter, humming a festive tune.
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