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The Movies Thread!

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Movie Aristotle » May 07, 2018 6:12 pm

Can't say that I have. Was it good?

Also: How 'bout that Infinity War? How do you think Markus and McFeely did on their latest Marvel script?
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Valiant_Nymph » May 07, 2018 6:25 pm

Movie Aristotle wrote:Can't say that I have. Was it good?

Also: How 'bout that Infinity War? How do you think Markus and McFeely did on their latest Marvel script?

Yes, I liked it and would recommend it. Will Poulter is fantastic. My only complaint about the film is that the ending came on too quickly and felt rushed.

I haven't seen Infinity War. What do you think about it?
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby AJAiken » May 08, 2018 2:04 am

Son of Rambow is a great film. It's been a while since I last saw it, I should watch it again! I think it does a good job of exploring some difficult issues without becoming too dark.

Infinity War ... I had such a good time watching it. I saw it on opening night, and it was probably the rowdiest screening I've ever been to in the UK. (The first few times I saw films in the US and Canada I was shocked when people whooped and clapped and yelled. That just doesn't happen here.) It probably helped that a sequence near the beginning of the film was shot in Edinburgh, so it was fun to see a place I (and most people in the cinema) knew well on screen.

The thing I enjoy so much about the Marvel movies is how each character has such good development, and a lot of time is spent on that in their individual movies. That suffered in the previous Avengers movies - understandably, given the number of characters on screen. In Infinity War there are SO MANY CHARACTERS that none of them develop. But it would be impossible to do that for all of them, so perhaps it's unfair to complain about it. What happens instead is that Thanos is the one who is developed. Not that he learns anything in particular (though wouldn't it be fun if Marvel could redeem him after this) but the audience learns about him. Perhaps that's my issue about the film after all. No one really learns anything except the audience. And instead of the dark night of the soul being in the middle of the film, it's at the very end. Marvel is now sending the audience on its very own hero's journey.

I'd be interested to know what people who see it who haven't seen all the other movies think. There weren't any explanations of who people were, it just got on with the story.

It's not my favourite Marvel film, but I may like it more when it's in context with the next part of the story. But overall, I liked it!
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby narnia fan 7 » May 08, 2018 7:06 am

I really liked Infinity War. Going in I was just a little concerned that would end up being a clustered mess with the sheer amount of characters it has to balance. But I think they did a great job with that, a lot of characters don't really have a lot of screen time or development and given that most of them have had multiple films of development it's hard for me complain about that.

I thought Thanos was great. I was impressed by how they managed to make him empathetic without really going the full sympathetic villain route. And he's me of the few MCU villains that I've found legitimately intimidating.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Valiant_Nymph » May 09, 2018 4:12 pm

narnia fan 7 wrote:I really liked Infinity War. Going in I was just a little concerned that would end up being a clustered mess with the sheer amount of characters it has to balance. But I think they did a great job with that, a lot of characters don't really have a lot of screen time or development and given that most of them have had multiple films of development it's hard for me complain about that.

I thought Thanos was great. I was impressed by how they managed to make him empathetic without really going the full sympathetic villain route. And he's me of the few MCU villains that I've found legitimately intimidating.

Thanks. I might check it out in a couple of weeks, once I'm done all my exams.

What movies are you looking forward to this summer? To be honest, I don't have anything in mind, and I haven't been to the movies in awhile. I find I'm tired of all the reboots/prequels/sequels and all. 8-| I'd love to know if there is anything exciting coming up .
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby SnowAngel » May 09, 2018 8:58 pm

My Dad, brother, and I watched 12 Strong this past weekend, it was good. But I read the book...a statement that readers everywhere understand. :) I was a little underwhelmed by the movie, there were a couple of scenes I was expecting to be more impressive and/or more detailed than they were. It was interesting to see Chris Hemsworth in a role other than Thor.

Parents and siblings are currently watching Arizona (1940) starring William Holden and Jean Arthur. And just listening to it from another room makes me want to watch it. :)

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby AJAiken » May 11, 2018 1:19 am

Valiant_Nymph wrote:What movies are you looking forward to this summer? To be honest, I don't have anything in mind, and I haven't been to the movies in awhile. I find I'm tired of all the reboots/prequels/sequels and all. 8-| I'd love to know if there is anything exciting coming up .

All the films I'm looking forward to are sequels. :D There are lots of films that I don't know much about, so surely there's some good stuff out there. But I am especially looking forward to The Incredibles 2. The first film is one of my favourite films, and I'm hoping it will be better than the average sequel. I'm also excited for Ant-Man and the Wasp, not only because I like the Marvel films but because the first Ant-Man was brilliant.

I really liked the last M:I film so I may see Mission: Impossible - Fallout. The other sequel/prequel/tie-ins I may see are Solo: A Star Wars Story and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, but I'm not sure because neither trailer has particularly grabbed me.

The Breadwinner is releasing in UK cinemas this summer, but I believe it's already been and gone in the US. It's a powerful film.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Valiant_Nymph » May 12, 2018 7:05 pm

Ha, ok AJ Aiken. Maybe I should give some sequels a chance :P
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby SnowAngel » May 13, 2018 8:33 pm

So, watching 12 Strong had me think about action/war films I want to watch or rewatch and I did something I almost never do and watched two films by myself in two days. I rewatched Olympus Has Fallen and London Had Fallen and I had lot of fun even watching by myself. I am planning to watch Black Hawk Down after I finish reading the book. And I am thinking about watching 13 Hours since I found it on my brother's shelves.

The only upcoming movies I am interested in right now are Death On The Nile and Angel Has Fallen, both of those movies are suppose to be out next year.

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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » May 26, 2018 12:04 pm

I've watched three movies lately that are based on true events: Hidden Figures, Dunkirk, and The Darkest Hour.
My favorite of the three was The Darkest Hour, hands down. I don't know how accurate it was to real life events, but it felt the least fake. Both Dunkirk and Hidden Figures suffered from trying to cram all the bad things that happened at that point in history into a limited number of characters and as a result, they both felt incredibly fake to me. I think it does a disservice to people who actually went through those things to have their stories "embellished" for the sake of making a good movie.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby AJAiken » Jun 05, 2018 2:33 am

I haven't seen The Darkest Hour yet, but I've heard good things about it. Dunkirk doesn't bother me in that way, at least not as much as Hidden Figures did. What I don't like is the timeline and structure of the film; it felt like it was repeating bits of the story.

Have you seen Their Finest? It's a story about the people making British propaganda films during WW2, and it addresses some issues around embellishing the truth. Ironically, it's an 'inspired by' movie (though based on a novel).

Last night I caved and saw Solo after reading some positive reviews. It was fun! I think I like it better than any of the other recent Star Wars movies, though Rogue One has more depth. I loved how Han gets his surname, how he meets Chewbacca, and how he wins the Millennium Falcon. All these moments felt true to the character, and didn't detract in any way. One of the things I don't like about the prequels is how various things feel shoehorned in: C3PO and R2-D2, for example. What I didn't like in Solo were the golden dice as a symbol. In TLJ they are used at the very end, but they had no meaning for me - I'd never noticed them before. The way they were used in Solo made it feel like this film was supposed to come first. The other thing I'm unsure about is the Darth Maul reveal at the end. It didn't seem to have any real purpose other than shock. Something I really enjoyed was how vast the Star Wars universe felt while watching this film. Most of the other films are concerned with a very specific set of characters and locations and it was exciting to see beyond that.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby Ryadian » Jul 08, 2018 9:28 am

I haven't seen any movies in theaters lately other than Avengers: Infinity War, but I'm currently interested in seeing The Incredibles 2 and Won't You Be My Neighbor? Has anyone seen either of these movies? What did you think of them?

I also recently saw a trailer for a movie called The House with a Clock in Its Walls. I understand it's based on a book, but I've never read it. I'm debating reading the book before the movie comes out, but a) I'm still in the middle of trying to read through all the Jane Austen novels, and b) I have a sneaking suspicion that if I want to enjoy the movie, I should probably watch it first, then read the book and find out what they did wrong after the fact. ;))

Wow, this year is going by fast. I suddenly started seeing people reacting to Ant Man and the Wasp and realized that the movie must be out already. It feels like just a couple of weeks ago that I was eagerly anticipating and dreading A:IW!
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby fantasia » Jul 08, 2018 12:21 pm

Well, I haven't seen any new releases. I've been dreading The Last Jedi, because even though I don't know what happens, I have strong suspicions. Star Wars I'm burned out.

Still keeping up with, and loosely enjoying Avengers, but I think after the primary storyline is done, I'll be done with that too.

I'm interested in Incredibles 2. I'll see that as soon as it's available on DVD.

@Rya, so, The House with a Clock in its Walls is a good book. I just read it last year for the first time and enjoyed it. It's properly creepy, but at the same time, it's a very simple read. The trailer... eh. I really want to like it because Cate Blanchett + Jack Black. ;)) In case you're interested, here are some very MINOR spoilers. The magic in the movie appears to be very overdone, just from watching the trailer. It's far more subtle in the book. Like those magic pumpkins? They don't exist.
Also, even though there's a hint of a potential romance, it occurs at the VERY END of the book and it looks like they couldn't keep their hands off of a romance in the movie... again.

I think I'm still interested in seeing it, just because I want to watch something that's not a sequel or franchise.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby AJAiken » Jul 09, 2018 1:26 am

I've seen The Incredibles 2 and it's very good. The sequel has a lot to live up to, but it delivers! The short film before it, Bao, is also excellent. I didn't like all of the new characters (like Infinity War it felt a bit busy in parts, and lacked development for these characters) but the film did do really well developing the main characters. I like how it built on the themes from the first film and added to them. Violet, in particular, was wonderful. One of the things that was great about the first film was how high the stakes were. Sometimes animation can feel a bit 'un-tense', that everything will work out because it's animated; this film has real tension and 'Noooo!' moments. It's been a while since I went to see a film twice in the cinema, but I think I may be seeing this again.

Because of the World Cup (Football/Soccer), Ant-Man and the Wasp isn't coming out here until next month! I'll have to be careful to avoid spoilers. Somehow Disney must have foreseen that England were going to get to the semi finals, something they haven't managed for 28 years ...

I've heard of Won't You Be My Neighbour? but I don't think it'll be coming to the UK. I've never seen any Mr Rogers programmes - I don't think they ever screened over here. I only heard of him through the good ol' internet.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby starkat » Aug 03, 2018 7:13 pm

So I ran away today and watched a movie on opening day. Something I rarely, if ever do. This will be relatively spoiler free and this is based on the movie as itself...

What to do .. what to do...

Honey, woods, kids, bouncing, London, and a grown-up who forgot a certain bear... Well the bear comes and finds him.

I went to see Christopher Robin. This has to be, with the exception of the brief war scene (all explosions and him calling for reinforcements no blood), the most family friendly movie I have seen in YEARS. And I mean family friendly in the style it was when I was a kid. I was the only single adult (that I was aware of) in a theater full of kids and their parents or kids and their grandparents. Even the under 8 sitting next to me only got restless once. All of the kids were as enthralled as the adults.

"Sometimes doing nothing can lead to the very best of something."... Something Cristopher and others say through the movie.

I want to go see it again! Silly old bear.

PM me if you have any spoiler related questions.
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Re: The Movies Thread!

Postby coracle » Aug 04, 2018 5:39 am

As a person who for artistic/personal reasons has never seen any Disney versions of Winnie the Pooh (stories, music, movies - can't avoid seeing the vast amount of merchandising), I can only hope that it will cause some people to go back to the actual books by A.A.Milne, and read them to themselves, and then aloud to themselves and their children. :)

I don't see a lot of movies, but I do notice some of the trends - for instance there was a rash of body-exchange movies (Freaky Friday, 18 Again), a rash of baby movies. etc

Recently the animation world has got hold of children's classics, including more modern classics, featuring furry creatures.
Some of these are well done (Paddington), others have changed their characters and nationalities, or given them a totally 21st century agenda and attitude (Peter Rabbit? Oh, Miss Potter, try not to weep! - I refused to see this movie, whose trailer indicated that it was more like Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox).

There are so many great children's novels that have been adapted, and most of them very well, for screen. Does anyone have experiences of seeing something not only adapted but converted, i.e. turned into a modern politically correct tale without the innocence and fun?
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