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Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Apr 16, 2018 12:13 pm

We'd gladly send some moisture your way, wagga (or to the US desert southwest which is also in severe drought). 20 inches (508mm) of new snow this weekend, with a southern suburb reporting 27.1 (688mm). Snowiest April ever, beating out 1983. Oh, with 3-6 inches more coming in a couple days.

(At least it's not January, when bitter cold well below zero would be here now).
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby coracle » Apr 16, 2018 12:46 pm

We're getting warmer weather now, with our maximum temperatures usually above 10 C. Spring is here, in the north of England.
A strange warm patch this week will take our weather into summer temperatures for a day or so midweek!
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Kalta79 » Apr 16, 2018 6:54 pm

Here in southern Oregon we're having cold icky weather as well(that's one reason I've been so quiet, well that and health issues). It's supposed to start getting better though from now on, up into the low 60s by the weekend.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby narnia fan 7 » Apr 17, 2018 10:45 am

The weather has been really inconsistent here in Ohio. Over the last week we've gone from snow, to sunny and 80 degrees, to heavy rain and now back to snow again. It's supposed to warm up again later this week, but this has been one of the strangest springs weather wise I've never seen.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby fantasia » Apr 19, 2018 6:47 am

Our bi-polar weather has mellowed out finally. Highs in the mid 60Fs and lows in the upper 30Fs and low 40Fs. :) We have much needed rain in the forecast now, Yay!
I hope all you northerners have been able to dig yourselves out of the snow. ;))
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby johobbit » Apr 19, 2018 7:46 am

Wow, this bizarre April weather has been so wide-spread! Snow-snow-snow, plus we even had an ice-storm last weekend here in SW Ontario. Thankfully we didn't lose power (although it did flicker), but many did.

And it is still cold, well below freezing, so everything is very white here. However, that will be changing this coming weekend as temperatures finally reach seasonal levels, around 12C/54F. This normality is supposed to continue all through next week. I can't recall the last time the sun shone, so it will be unusual to see that bright orb again over the next few days. ;))

Of course, jokes have been going around about the wintry April weather. For example:
*knee-high by the 4th of July just may refer to snow this year (instead of the common reference, corn) heehee
*this isn't April 19; this is January 109th! :P

The poor robins and other birds are so confused. Mamas are ready to lay those eggs, but it's just too cold! The nests are ready, as we have seen them busy in those very few days when we've been above freezing.

I love winter, so I'm fine with this cold, snowy weather at this time of year, but most people are like :-w ;)).
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Puddleglum » Apr 20, 2018 6:46 pm

I would say hope is on the way my good hobbit, but then I would be putting a bright face on what could turn out to be nothing more than more disapointment :(
As it stands in this part of the Northern Hemisphere, the frost appears to have finally broken with the sump pump finally starting in the basement of the Wig-wam. The front yard has once again showed it's brown blades of grass, but how often has that happened this "spring", and in vain we hoped? /:)
I noticed as I wandered home from my labors that the fire pit was now exposed to the bright light of the sun. Briefly, ever so, the thought of a roaring fire, accompanied by fried eels, and possibly some sweetmeats to follow ( S'mores, for those unfamiliar with such camping fare). But no. Reality soon loomed to crush such musing as I saw the fire pit full to the brim with water. Apparently the branches, and kindling provide excellent insulation to said sun's rays. :(( Even at 50F plus day time temps the last two days have not been enough to break through. We hope the 60F plus by Tuesday? Perhaps.
Walking across the grass gives the soothing gushy feel of marshes on the webbed feet. But it is soon followed by the frosty shock of reality to the senses :-o
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby fantasia » Apr 20, 2018 7:18 pm

Just want you all to know that I had to mow my lawn today. ;)) Seems so funny considering we had snow falling from the sky this past week.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby QueenLucyTheValiant15 » Apr 20, 2018 9:12 pm

Lucky! I wish we had snow in April here...
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Apr 20, 2018 9:13 pm

That's rather humorous, fantasia, since the lawns around here are just beginning to emerge from the mountains of snow we got last weekend.

This month is running way below average, temperature-wise (around 18F/10C degrees below average), and we may get to average temperatures by Monday (the average high then is 61F/16C, which should take care of the rest of the snow). The highest temperature here this year so far is only 53F/11C.

We'll probably go directly from winter to summer. ;))
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby coracle » Apr 21, 2018 8:44 am

I am happy to say we have had temperatures over 20 C in northern England in the last week, not every day, but two or three days. We have loved seeing sunshine, people have worn short sleeves, and I have been restoring the colour of my freckles. Needs a few more weeks to stop looking pasty-armed though.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Grandmama » Apr 21, 2018 11:06 am

Coming home from the library today, I saw a boy outside in shorts and a tee shirt, building a snowman with what's left of the snow.

Puddleglum, your last post made me laugh.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Puddleglum » Apr 21, 2018 6:11 pm

I am pleased to give you some moments of mirth Grandma. But please. Do not tell any other Marsh-Wiggles.
I was able to take staff in hand, and stroll for a bit today. Actually worked up a bit of sweat in the 50F+ tempreatures. Doffed the jacket once I returned to the Wig-wam, and proceeded with lawn work. Though the green is yet to show itself, I did fire up the mower to make sure all is functioning.
Note to self. Oil change for mower, and snow blower to be added to"To do list."
Uncovered "Gnorman", the lawn Gnome, and the rose bush from the styrofoam. Outside water spouts are uncovered, and await the hose reels.
Just a step at a time. Not getting my hopes up to much.
The snow shovels are still withing easy reach in the porch.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Apr 23, 2018 1:30 pm

What a difference a week makes! Last Monday we were still digging out from mountains of new snow, with temperatures struggling to reach freezing.

Today the snow is gone (except for the big piles where it was plowed, or areas sheltered from the sun), and the temperature will likely reach the first 70F/21C reading of the season.

Here come the seasonal allergies and mosquitoes. Hope you enjoyed spring! ;))
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby QueenLucyTheValiant15 » Apr 23, 2018 4:15 pm

Down here southern Texas, we've had just about NO snow, and we're all wishing it would snow. If anything, it was snowing POLLEN last month!
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Apr 25, 2018 1:11 am

Much further south than Texas, Down Under, it should be a typically Silver Chair type of dreary autumn day for Anzac Day. It is definitely cooler by night though still wearing short sleeves by day. It was smoky this morning from backburning. And it was lightly cloudy by mid afternoon. But there has been no rain. The largest dam is down to 74% capacity. France, where it is spring, and where there are also Anzac Day commemorations, looked far more autumn-like.
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