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The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 09, 2017 3:43 pm

As long as you retreat, you'll be in the same spot when you get back. I recommend at least 40 sand if you have the Paladin's Bane blessing, and 60+ if you don't have the blessing.
Of course, I just went in with tons of sand (I don't remember how many exactly, but it was over 60) and I had major DHU and ran out of sand even though I didn't need any more mice to catch the Acolyte. Just couldn't attract him. X(
I said I wouldn't go back in again without the Paladin's Bane blessing a while back, but this time, they just wouldn't give me the hallway and I thought I had enough resources to get it. Apparently not...
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jul 09, 2017 5:38 pm

At least you can get Acolyte Chambers to appear at 30 sand now...the first time I went after an AA, I ran out of sand once and the second time I bailed early because I saw I was getting close to running out again and I didn't want to have to spend a ton of time re-farming sand just to get another Chamber for a few hunts.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby DiGoRyKiRkE » Jul 09, 2017 6:50 pm

I am never going in to an acolyte chamber without 60+ sand and 80 pieces of runic cheese.

I have gotten two blessings thus far. . . the frozen portal thing just engaged as far as curses go. . . hoping to thaw that out soon.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Varnafinde » Jul 10, 2017 10:13 am

Gymfan15 wrote:At least you can get Acolyte Chambers to appear at 30 sand now...

I got one at 15 sand.
If I had retreated to get more cheese and just wanted to go in again for the last few hunts, that would have been just what I needed - I'll try to remember, in case I need it some time.
In my case I had just started a new run, so I chose a potion lab instead.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 11, 2017 2:37 pm

Well, I got my 11th Acolyte and he dropped 10 cogs instead of 5, which brings my total to 65. If my next Acolyte drops another 10, I'll have the base.
Even so, that last run was brutal. I'm having to rebuild all my supplies. On a good run, I usually come out, maybe not ahead on Runic cheese, but I at least break even. But this time around I'm having to farm all of my Ancient and Runic and Time sand supplies from scratch, so it's slower going than usual. The good news? I already have the two best blessings, so I don't have to worry about it this time around. ;)
Oh, and the updated Acolyte Influence blessing seems to act in the same way to an Acolyte like the Monger Charm does on the Warmonger. Definitely worth getting, but I still prefer Paladin's Bane. ;))
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby DiGoRyKiRkE » Jul 13, 2017 2:36 pm

If you get the chance to take a lucky tower. . . . . TAKE IT! I got my first one today, and it's amazing. SO MUCH LOOT drops, and you get to stay in there for a while too.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 13, 2017 2:48 pm

Haven't had a Lucky Portal yet, but same goes for Wealth Portal. Lots of amazing loot. :D

Congrats DiGs!
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Varnafinde » Jul 16, 2017 6:58 pm

I haven't seen any of those portals yet. I'll surely grab them as soon as I can.

I just caught my 5th Absolute Acolyte, and since one of their boxes contained a Timesplit Rune, all I needed was their 25 Cogs (including one from 100 Sprockets) - so I've bought the Clockwork Base.

Strangely enough it took me more than ten hunts to find a Chronomaster in my current Timewarp chamber. I'll leave there for now and hunt in Furoma Rift for a while instead. I have repaired 8 batteries, but I need to collect hundreds of fragments for the last 2.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jul 16, 2017 7:13 pm

I *just* got my 5th Acolyte (and thus the base)...seems indelicate to complain about DHU in the Bristle Woods Rift given that I've looted two Timesplit Runes out of 5 AA's, but gosh dang it, this area does drive me a bit crazy. 8-} I just never seem to get the portals I need, in the order I need them. So very, very frustrating. I thought this last run would be pretty quick because I got a Timewarp Chamber right out of the gate, but no was a solid week and going back and forth, going into the Acolyte Chamber, having to go back out, FINALLY getting all the blessings (waaaaay after I'd already started working on the Acolyte), going ages without getting a decent portal...ugh.

I dunno if I just have bad luck with the random draw of the portals, or if I need to play a bit smarter. I've never used a Portal Rekindling Key (should I?) and up until a few days ago had been ignoring Ingress Chambers because I didn't think the risk/resources used of that portal was worth the blessing, but maybe I'm wrong. Thoughts?
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 16, 2017 9:08 pm

Congrats Varna and Gymmie on your new base. :)

@Gymmie, I'm the type of player who is a bit wasteful with my supplies, especially when an area is first released. And so, I've used many, many portal scramblers to help get portals I need. Sometimes it doesn't work, but more often than not it does. If I don't feel like I have a lot of sprockets to spare, I'll just take a Gearworks, use Runic Cheese to catch a Chamber Cleaver, and then get a new selection of portals that way.
Gymmie wrote:...up until a few days ago had been ignoring Ingress Chambers because I didn't think the risk/resources used of that portal was worth the blessing, but maybe I'm wrong.

All I know is that my last run through I had the Fourth Portal blessing and ended up with two Wealth Portals and one Luck Portal. Could be just lucky coincidence, could be that the bonus portal statistically increased the chance of them showing up, or it could be a combination of both. The Ingress Chamber is the one I don't particularly care about, but if it shows up, I do grab it. It's not a big deal to me to have an additional mouse to catch in other areas of the BWRift if I end up with the curse.

I have started my progress on the trap. I figured that if I have tons of DHU and never get a timesplit rune to drop, I'll need 55 Acolytes to get the trap. :P As of today, I'm 1 down, 54 to go. :P

Also trying the FRift/BWRift treasure map. I'm curious what kind of treasure I'll get out of it.

Did anyone watch FBF last Friday? The "new and improved" Toxic Spill comes out at the end of this month. It's basically Balack's Cove with the rise and fall of toxicity levels. :P
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jul 16, 2017 10:38 pm

^^ Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I suppose I can probably afford to buy some Keys if needed; I've got enough Sprockets for sure.

Yeah, I saw about the new Toxic Spill; I've got my Polluted Theme now so I actually don't imagine I'll be in the Toxic Spill much since I'm pretty much done with that area, lol. Thanks Devs for making Pollutonium a GotD!
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jul 17, 2017 10:56 pm

Hmm, okay so complaining works because after I caught my 5th Acolyte I got all the blessings basically back to back and headed into the Acolyte Chamber less than 24h after starting that particular run... ;)) Of course I'm just a TEESNY big short on sand so I've bailed to go find another Timewarp chamber, but DHU aside, I think I ought to get this next Acolyte pretty quickly. That feels SO much better than before, lol.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 21, 2017 2:36 pm

Wealth and Luck Chambers have slowed me down farming Acolytes. Maybe there will come a day when I feel like I can skip those, but it is not this day. :P ;)) Luck Portals load you up on Ancient Potions and various Rift Luck Charms. Wealth Portals are even better with Quantum Quartz, Rift Wealth Charms, and Runic Potions.
I got my Bristle Woods Rift Journal Theme, but admittedly, it's a bit disappointing. I thought it would have that cool 3-D shifting effect, but no. :P
I mentioned on FB that my last AA Mouse dropped a Timesplit Rune, and as I had my Pocketwatch activated, it gave me a second rune. Nice! So if my math is correct, I now need at most 43 AAs to get my trap... down from the original 55. ;))

Posting a reminder to myself to head to the Toxic Spill tomorrow to finish the Adventure Book Quest there.

Did anybody else see Jacob's mouse from today? It's pretty cool. ;)) Even though Moussu Picchu is what I've dubbed a "stepping stone" area, I'm looking forward to it!
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Aravanna » Jul 22, 2017 5:57 am

Congrats on your Bronze crown F.K. And congrats to everyone who has the new base.

Boy, I figured Timesplit Runes were just rare but you guys seem to be getting them left and right. I'll have enough cogs for the base my next Acolyte catch but I'm stuck until I get a rune to drop. Also I skipped getting the Fissure base back in the day so I have to go farm for that. :ymblushing:

I'm also I little leary of buying all these bases if Ronza is going to show up any day. Have we gotten any hints on her eta?

I can't seem to find any feed back Friday summaries newer than June on the forum but I didn't look very hard either.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby starkat » Jul 23, 2017 3:15 pm

I finally got my first Acolyte. Not quite sure why it's taking so long when I try and be on fairly regularly. But I think I'm starting to get a pattern down. Didn't realize that the Acolyte portal would hold where you were when you left due to being out of runic.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jul 23, 2017 3:19 pm

No, I think the Timesplit Runes are rare. ;))

On the subject of bases, you all have me curious, so I'm going to take a look.

Minotaur Base 1,000 20% 10% 15
Clockwork Base 800 20% 5% 13
Clockwork Base 800 40% 5% 23 (with the three piece set bonus, and Codex)

So the Minotaur Base is still a tiny bit more powerful and has better attraction, but the Clockwork Base has a lot more luck IF AND ONLY IF you have a Rift Trap and Rift Charm armed with it, along with the Codex.
DiGs, you were asking about skipping the Minotaur base a little while back, I still say it's better a better base in areas outside of the Rift.

Ara wrote:Have we gotten any hints on [Ronza's] eta?
None whatsoever.

Ara wrote:I can't seem to find any feed back Friday summaries newer than June on the forum but I didn't look very hard either.
They're stickied in the Tavern on the MH forum. You can also look on their YouTube gaming channel if you want to watch them.
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