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Everyone Talks About the Weather...

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Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby stargazer » Aug 22, 2009 3:54 pm

...but no one does anything about it.

Or so goes the old cliche. ;)

Here's the latest version of NarniaWeb's Meteorology and Weather thread (the previous thread begins here). Feel free to tell us what's up, weather-wise, in your area - or perhaps you have some obscure weather trivia or statistics to share (for example, it's only 37 days until the start of the possible snow season here :) ).

Or perhaps you are a professional meteorologist or storm chaser (or are considering such a career). What is your job like? Let us know what inspired your choice, what subjects you studied, and so on.

While this thread focuses mostly on the weather, we also occasionally comment on other bits of phenology - those other annual and seasonal cycles in nature. For example, maybe you've watched the Perseid meteor shower or seen the Northern (or Southern) Lights. Tell us about it!
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Horse_Lover » Sep 04, 2009 5:16 am

Yay! first post! :D
I did watch the Perseid meteor shower(at least I'm pretty sure this is the one :) ) with my sibs and dad. I saw 3 and 1/2 to be exact.

The weather where I live is getting cooler, fall coming on and all. :)
It probably won't snow(hopefully) here for a few more months.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Narnian_Storm » Sep 04, 2009 5:55 am

As a meteorologist, I must say I am quite bored with the weather. I have scarcely seen a cloud since Sunday, and there is no precipitation at all in the forecast for at least another 7 days. (-| Very rare for us to have such a long stretch of quiet weather here in Upstate New York...but it always seems to do this in September.

Glad to see this thread got converted quickly though :D
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby jadis of narnia » Sep 04, 2009 8:50 am

Well, we've had alot of thunder storms lately in Florida aka hurricane/thrunderstorm central.. lol.. It's been cloudy all week.. and on a frightening note, I almost got myself nearly struck by lightening the other day.. Not cool! I was in shock over it for almost an hour.. :S

But here lately Ive noticed that the wearther has been dropping into the 80's.. that means Autumn is finally on the way.. excited about that.. :)

Hopefully, these storms will start going away as more cold weather comes on..

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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Horse_Lover » Sep 04, 2009 10:07 am

Gosh! That sounds really scary, jadis! :-o
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby jadis of narnia » Sep 04, 2009 2:56 pm

Oh, it was.. I just know now to be much more careful around water and metal objects when it's lightening outside.. I'll be so happy with the weather improves for the better though.. :)

~ jadis
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby greenbird37 » Sep 06, 2009 9:09 pm

Its getting cooler here in NY, summer is definitely over. Havent had any rain for a while here though.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Narnia93 » Sep 07, 2009 4:09 am

While we were at Crater Lake NP. this summer we got to see some really cool lightning. We went on a hike down to crater lake- about a 750ft hike down- and the weather was goregeous; not a cloud in the sky. About 30 min. later there was some cumulonimbous clouds off to the west. We decided to start the hike back up. Good thing we did. My sister and I got to the 3rd bend from the top and a lightning bolt struck probably 2 miles away- close enough to see it clearly. Then a little while later when my sister and I were up at the top there was a really close strike that was so close the thunder and the lightning were simulataneous. Mom and Dad weren't up at the top yet and turns out they were about 100yds from the strike. They weren't injured or anything but as they continued up the trail they started to smell a campfire smell. Turns out that strike started a forest fire.
I don't think I'll be seeing that anytime soon again.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Tiana » Sep 07, 2009 7:28 am

Nothing much new is happening here where I live in Texas.....ok I take that back it has been a bit cooler, so instead of being 107 degrees F it is around 85 degrees F or so. It has also been a lot cooler in the mornings.

Still no rain as of yet though.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby Bother Eustace » Sep 07, 2009 5:19 pm

Still rather warm here where I live. Thankfully we get ocean breeze which keeps it cool, but it signs of Autumn have yet to arrive. Then again, this is Southern Florida, so I'm not thinking I'll see any change in weather for quite a bit. ;)
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby stargazer » Sep 07, 2009 8:02 pm

Crater Lake is one of those places I'd like to visit someday, Narnia93 - though perhaps not with quite the weather excitement you had. Glad everyone's safe.

So many of you seem to be having really warm weather. We had a spectacular weekend, warm by local standards (around 80F/27C) - just right for camping. We had sunny days and Moonlit nights, and saw a couple of Iridium flares. My favorite time of year is just about upon us!
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby littlgriz » Sep 08, 2009 5:25 am

its suney to day finaley
her in the uk its bin raning alot
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby johobbit » Sep 08, 2009 8:31 am

Great intro, stargazer! :)

the Perseid Meteor Shower peaked on early Wednesday morning, August 12th. Glad you were able to see some! :)
Narnian_Storm wrote:As a meteorologist, I must say I am quite bored with the weather. I have scarcely seen a cloud since Sunday, and there is no precipitation at all in the forecast for at least another 7 days.

Oh my, I'm so glad to hear someone else say this! I get quite tired and bored of long stretches of sunny days with blue skies (even though I dearly love when the nights are clear for looking at the sky (*) ). I do so enjoy action in weather. So, I can well relate to what you say, Todd, and I'm not even a meteorologist, but for a few of my teen years I was investigating that profession, and am still fascinated by it.

jadis of narnia,
that's pretty scary! Was it a freak storm that just popped up seemingly out of nowhere?

greenbird, considering we had a very rainy July and some of August as well, the last couple of weeks have been similar to yours: dry. We could use some rain now, which, I believe, is coming in the next day or so. It's very grey today and the air feels laden with moisture. (I'm in southern Ontario, so our weather would be similar to yours.)

Glad it's 'cooler' for you, Tiana! Would a hot cup of ~o) do you good? ;) *sweats buckets thinking of drinking a hot drink on a relatively 'cooler' 85° day* ;))

Bother Eustace, have you ever had snow where you live in Florida?

Sounds like a lovely weekend for stargazing, stargazer! Autumn is definitely a favourite time of year for me as well. (~~)

Narnia93, what a scary, awesome, unforgettable experience! Glad y'all stayed safe. I could feel my heart pounding more as I read through your paragraph.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby IloveFauns » Sep 09, 2009 6:30 am

I am so glad winter is over, spring is here and summer is next. I love summer. No worrying about school.
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby stargazer » Sep 10, 2009 6:26 pm

Enjoy the summer, Ilf! Before long it'll be snowing here. :)

I had a rather unusual weather-related experience last evening. It had rained earlier, and remained very warm and humid. The sky was mostly cloudy and hazy - I couldn't even see bright Jupiter through the murk. But inspired by johobbit's comments about seeing the International Space Station through the clouds, I went outside anyway and was rewarded with a view of both the ISS and the shuttle Discovery as they crossed the sky.

The weird part was that it was raining lightly while I watched them go by. ;))
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Re: Everyone Talks About the Weather...

Postby TheGeneral » Sep 11, 2009 12:17 pm

IloveFauns wrote:I am so glad winter is over, spring is here and summer is next. I love summer. No worrying about school.

Cool, you must live in the southern hemisphere?

The weather here is boring, so I'll talk about the aurora borealis I saw once. It was during the winter and it was amazing because I've never seen them before where I live. It was bright green and it pulsed over the entire sky.

I almost went into meteorology, but I heard that there's a boat-load of physics required (NOT a strong point for me lol)
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