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Scented Movies?

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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Sparky » Sep 28, 2009 6:15 pm

Movie Aristotle wrote:I've been an advocate for aromatheatre for years! Pattertwig's Pal is right. Clearing the smells from the room is the biggest problem. Getting them to fill the room in the first place is the next biggest problem.

I think the reason that no one has invented the smellavision yet is because scents are particles while sound and light are both waves. Waves dissipate rather quickly while particles stay around for a while.

It's just a matter of time. After the thrill of 3-D wears off, movie executives will have to think of new ways to get people to pay more for movie tickets. Plus, they'll probably be doing stuff like making the theater really hot during scenes in the desert, really cold during scenes in the Artic, maybe make it rain in the theater when it's raining in the movie, shrapnel and stray bullets flying into the crowd during battle scenes...... The possibilities are endless! *can't wait until he can go see Spiderman and get sprayed by webbing*
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby fauntastic » Sep 28, 2009 9:18 pm

Getting sprayed by webbing... ;)) ahaha.

I think there could be a point where things get too realistic. I wouldn't go to a movie if I knew that it would rain on me or I would have to smell gross things. But I would definitely go to smell the good things, and to maybe feel a slight breeze or warmer when the sun is shining.

Of course, by the time these things happen, it will be VERY far into the future.
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Sep 29, 2009 6:27 pm

yeah that would be really cool...but I would probably get headaches too. Or rashes on my skin (it's extremely sensitive to everything, most perfumes and stuff). If they sprayed it all in the air that could be bad for some people who have allergies. but it would still be cool :p
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby EveningStar » Sep 30, 2009 6:58 am

We could start out using our common scents.... :D

All joking aside, there are certain very subtle ways to make certain scenes work well. Think VODT when the smell of the seashore would strongly play with the emotions of anyone who had ever been to the beach. Think Prince Caspian being attended by Trumpkin with something to eat or LWW when the Beavers served fish and chips. At times like that a subtle amount of aroma would really have a significant psychological effect. Come to think of it, imagine what would have happened if a bit of chilly air had been quietly directed to the theatre audience the moment Lucy first opened the wardrobe and stepped inside that snowy forest....
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby EdmundPevensie18 » Oct 27, 2009 3:51 pm

I believe I have thought of the same thing before. and it would be really cool if you could get it to work right. for the goods smells anyways. but who would want to smell say the Orcs in Lotr? Yuck!
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Narnia4Ever9 » Nov 29, 2009 6:42 pm

That sounds like a great idea! Smelling the fresh, salty smell of the ocean, a light burning (not like burnt food though) scent whever there's a fire, and the food at Ramandu's table would definitely add to the movie. I agree that no one wants to smell Eustace as a dragon though...

I also like the idea of a light mist or something when Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace first splash into the Narnian ocean from the portrait. It reminds me of another ride at Disneyland, the "Honey I Blew Up the Audience" show! I did not like the part of that show when something came out of the seat and tickled your legs to make everyone think there were rats, but I laughed when air was blown at the audience.

Of course, if they did either of these with VDT people should have the option of just seeing the normal movie.

Fauntastic, I love the "Soarin' Over California" ride orange grove scent :)


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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Dec 01, 2009 2:14 pm

actually, I have had the closest to a scented movie as I ever want to get:
Glenstorm The Great and I went to see PC the day it came out with her sister and my sister and her dad. we had just picked up GTG's sister from the horse barn where she works sometimes. I sat next to her in the theater - and she smelled SO much like a horse! it was so funny because there we were, watching Caspian riding away on his horse fleeing the Telmarines, and all I could smell was horse!
so if you really want scented movies, just stop by a horse barn or a boat dock and then go to the theater! lol! :D =)) B-) :) :D
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Movie Aristotle » Dec 01, 2009 10:12 pm

...Or you could just dip yourself in the ocean before seeing Dawn Treader...
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Dec 02, 2009 1:33 pm

Movie Arostotle: yes! that sounds like a good idea, ecept that they probably wouldn't let you in the theater all wet like! =)) :D B-) :) :D !
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby narnian_at_heart » Dec 02, 2009 6:51 pm

-queenSUSAN- wrote:On another note, what could a "dim, purple kind of smell" actually smell like? I always thought of it as something that wou

Edmund thought it was rot. :p

But I agree, that would totally rock!
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Re: Scented Movies?

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Dec 04, 2009 11:58 am

a dim, purple kind of smell? think rotting least that's what I think! :p :D =)) :D :D
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