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of Views and other Worlds

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of Views and other Worlds

Postby Theodolind » May 31, 2014 7:25 am

.. excluding drama,
however including 'Real ThoughtFood' as originally thought of -

not to be fusedCon with existing 'Food for thought' which is for food -
actually and exclusively.


Intention is, this thread may, or maybe not, initiate discussions
that may be promoted to a 'Christianity Religion Philosophy' thread
for more concentrated and disciplined discussion.

It's allowed to be a bit more variable / capricious / chatty than those,
yet allows some heavier matter that some readers thankfully might skip.

So let's just see if members support and join.. ok?
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Varnafinde » May 31, 2014 7:32 am

Welcome to NarniaWeb, Theodolind!

I'm excited to see what views you will share with us - in this world :)
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Theodolind » May 31, 2014 7:44 am

to Varna, actually my inauguration speech, if I am augurible.
It became a bit content heavy, maybe - for the
'Getting to know you'..

** Theodolind's speech **

Greetings to you good Narnians, talking and keypadding animals!
- and the peace of Our Lion.
Queen Theodolind is introduced to you.

You may be reading here for a glimpse of who is behind the
mask - the role entity, royal entity?

I keypad from the planet that names itself 'Real World' and
its smallest continent, Norway - situated between the 'No Way'
and the land of the Sweats, our neighbouring park colony.
I may be descendant from the Sweats myself.

ok now, unmasking a bit.. you want to see the operational
software, hardwear and wolfwhere that's running Theodolind.

The name appears to be an authentic ancient Queen's name here in
Real World, meaning 'Mild to the people'.
It was found on a shelf in the lab of an odd uncle of mine,
who keeps trying to image himself as a star magician.

I'll say he's useless, well he claims to have invented a set
of scientifictional and hypothetical research instruments.
Like the chronoscope, I'll return to that in my lectures later.
Then his wobbly surveying instrument, which he needed to name
after me. Probably a pun on an actual precision coptical
instrument in Realworld, the theodolite.

The keypad operator present is actually a maleman, no doubt -
just the role name required Theodolind to be a Queen.
I'll be in service to my Narnian creatures as our Lion
instructs me. He is not a tame animal, I guess you hnau that.

I have been serving 'computer science' since the ancient times:
my first tasks were punched on paper cards; a disk storage
was like a drawer bench, as heavy as your uncle, cost some
10 thousand $ for a storage capacity like 5 or 10 MegaBytes.
You have at least 200 times that capacity on a plastic card
slotted in your telephone, smaller than your fingernail.

These days, I'm supposed to research/consult for a few humans
who will write about fantasy & fairy-tailed literature, or
even [sub]create their/themselves (if you read me right).

Do I read books by long-deceased british professors?
Voluntarily. Accordingly..
I met Prof.Lewis at University - although "not UNDER ME",
he might object - as deceased already.

Starting with Space trilogy and some Narnia in parallel,
those may show some nice complementarity.
er wait, I think I read 'Surprised by Joy' veryfirstly.
Personal introductions are fine, for a friendship to last..

I liked Pilgrim's Regress, the spiced allegorical tale
that unmasks 'Spirit of the Age'. Its character goes questing
for his identity, visiting shires that are philosophies
or attitudes -- mainly right out of textbooks, at that.

In his works at large, Lewis may be too generous in trying
to unify all bits and fragments of religious sentiment -
in case they might lead to a better source in its time ?

"All kinds of everything remind me of You", declared Lewis
to the Lion.
May be fundamental wisdom? Maybe sentimental folly?
May presently imply grave danger to the
young things who were never taught the methods of plain
careful thinking?
This most generally usable academic discipline of all
may be treated as optional extra, like washing and greek -
even quite a long way up your academic stairway.

Really, what do they teach youngsters at school these days?

Who is for 'Rightly dividing' - not just uglification and derision -

with some ambition and distraction thrown in, all as our
school modernists of the post-confusionist school like it..

Those profit words appear written on the subway walls, as we
still run on spirit in this age.

Which world is the more real one?
Narnians are generally humble as to admit a certain
priority to Realworld - in some material and monetary matters
at least. Conversely, we Really need some recreational
fixilities, we are actually buying into Sweatish and Narnian
parkland territories. The Narnian air is cleaner, their
cuisine probably healthier, and tastes more like Real food!

In case a Narnian creature gets too insistently patriotic
about Realness, we just ask: Who has the Internet?

/ /

My texts and concepts, names, alphabet and keycodes
will be copyright by the human bean'
this day holding ip **.164.153.60 -
I state justin case the medial'ormenes are listening on us
to the extent of all applicable and hypothetic law.

Was that too much 'politics'? I'll explain the term
allright, as it may be uncommune in Narnia :
it's from Greek 'poly'=many, 'ticks'=
bloodsucking creatures. Just think of that...

under our paw, TheoR
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby fantasia » May 31, 2014 11:28 am

Hello Theodolind, welcome to NarniaWeb! :D Varna told me to expect you, it's great having you here!

Was that too much 'politics'? I'll explain the term
allright, as it may be uncommune in Narnia :
it's from Greek 'poly'=many, 'ticks'=
bloodsucking creatures. Just think of that...

The best and most accurate description of politics of all time. ;)
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby IloveFauns » May 31, 2014 7:53 pm

Welcome to the forum. I know you were talking about clean air in a metaphor sense, but my home town in Tasmania takes pride in having the cleanest air in the world(honestly it doesn't have much else to boast about). So if you ever want to have a good breath I suggest going there.(Tasmania is close to New Zealand, so you may see some narnian type scenery).
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Jun 01, 2014 7:41 am

OP, your posts read like Shakespeare (are a bit difficult to read and confusing).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Shadowlander » Jun 02, 2014 5:23 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:OP, your posts read like Shakespeare (are a bit difficult to read and confusing).

Indeed. There's a poetry contest thread a few spots up from this one though. Copy your post over there and I daresay you might just win. :D
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Varnafinde » Jun 02, 2014 9:00 am

The poetry contest has a maximum of 20 lines though :p

But I agree that there's something poetical about this prose :)

And don't be afraid of Shakespeare - not everything he says is equally difficult.
Have you read about the "walking trees" in Macbeth? Would you say he's cheating?
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Re: of Views and other Worlds

Postby Theodolind » Jun 02, 2014 11:55 am

I've been conversing a bit with mr. 'old Will' Shakesbeer
just recently on my uncle's Chronoscope, shaking a spear or two -
where said conversant readily
does admit to maybe having leaked some inspiration heretowards,
and conversely. Even assumed amused.
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