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The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 29, 2012 3:54 pm

As soon as Lady A had ducked, dragging poor Lia down with her, I quickly surmised that the cake in-front of us was going to blow.... Acting quickly, I hid behind one of the support columns in the kitchen. That's what I love about these old mansions... plenty of hiding spots!

After the explosion and seeing the caked covered form of Booky, I stifled a laugh as picked off a few bits of said dessert that had found their way onto my jacket. "Eh? Sure. Firecrackers are always fun... loud, but fun none the less."

I gather up the last remaining crackers and head for the door, assuming Lia will follow.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Melian_Maia » Dec 29, 2012 4:22 pm

Lia followed her friend out the door, pausing for a moment to admire her handiwork on the turkey before crossing the dance floor (which was now absent of all breakdancers and therefore much less dangerous) and opened the front door.

Hanging on the front door was a large wreath. Lia, being in a very Miniony mood, began to think about all the things that she could do with her firecrackers and the wreath. "Hey Cor," she said, grinning wickedly. "What do you think about making the wreath go boom?"
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby MountainFireflower » Dec 29, 2012 4:34 pm

— Lady Z —

I'm still dancing like crazy when I catch sight of Cor, who gave remedies to the others affected by the punch. I can't wait ten minutes! I need a Doctor.

"Cor, wait—" But he's already gone. He disappears into the kitchen, through the same door that that newcomer and my sister went into. Blast it all.

My feet keep moving despite my best efforts to stop. I glare down at them. This is absolute rubbish.

And that's when someone collides into me, knocking me into the ground. I'm flat on my back, my limbs still trying in vain to move. They're not stiff at all and unnervingly resemble limp noodles.

After the shock has cleared, I wonder who and what and why I was just bowled over. "Wha—?" I sit up, struggling a bit.

I vaguely recognize the face staring back at me as someone I saw earlier at the party, but I don't know her name or who she is.

"Sheesh! I'm sorry I didn't see you... I'm just a ... little busy," I say, nodding to my unruly appendages. "You all right?"
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 29, 2012 4:41 pm

Having already set-up a nice array of firecrackers in the street to form a picture of Lia herself, I turn to face my friend at her question. "Eh? Make the wreath go... BOOM! ?" I think this plan over a bit before answering...

"O.K, but not on the door itself." I walk over to the Mansion door and tap it. "Looks like pre-High Ditto Counsel era wood... hard stuff to come by in any age, especially now." I give Lia a smile before removing the wreath from the door.

"If you put the crackers on it, I should be able to kick it in the air..."
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Melian_Maia » Dec 29, 2012 5:45 pm

Lia stared at the firecracker picture of herself. "Looks good," she said. "But it's missing something." She thought for a moment before adding a cookie to the firecrackers and nodded sagely. "If I can't blow up a cake, cookies are the next best thing."

"If you put the crackers on it, I should be able to kick it in the air," said Cor.

Lia beamed and giggled madly. "BOOM!!!" She distributed the firecrackers over the wreath and lit them and then handed the wreath to Cor. "Okay. You get the honors of throwing it."

Boom was only moments away and Lia couldn't wait for it.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 29, 2012 6:12 pm

Not fully prepared to be handed a lit wreath just yet, I hesitated for a moment once Lia had handed me the sizzling piece of shrubbery. Acting quickly, I tossed the wreath into the air then kicked it like a soccer ball. Pulling out my sonic pen, I pointed the device in the direction of the airborne decoration.

"There! Now just wait for it...."

A few seconds later, a massive BOOOOMMMMM!! echoed throughout Ditto Town followed by an array of bright, Christmas themed images in the sky.

"The pictures were an added touch of my own." I tell Lia as I cooly put the pen back in my pocket... Wait, where are the TARDIS keys? I start feeling through the array of pockets on my person in a somewhat distraught fashion.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Melian_Maia » Dec 29, 2012 8:18 pm

"Boom!!" Lia said, laughing gleefully. "That was completely awesome. Almost as awesome as the cake was going to be!" She grinned at Cor, who was rummaging through his pockets. "Oh. Have you lost something?"
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 29, 2012 8:38 pm

As Anne made her way slowly across the room towards the sound of carols, stopping often to greet friends or taste food, a loud BOOOOMMMMM! shook the party goers as some sort of firework went off outside. Glancing over one shoulder, Anne could see some scary figure covered in cake, with Lady A facing it. She assumed it to be nothing - it being the habit of alchemists to not poke their noses into other's affairs - and she instead went to the window to look at the fireworks.

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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 29, 2012 10:06 pm

"I... er.... yes. I think..." Having checked all my pockets once, I begin to check them again. "The key to my TARDIS seems to have gone missing." Finishing my second attempt to locate it, I am now certain it is missing.

"Oh dear... this could be very bad if it falls into the wrong hands, like in Booky's, for instance." I look over at Lia, worry written all over my face despite my best efforts.

"Could I entreat you to help me find it, oh Favored One?"
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Bookwyrm » Dec 30, 2012 12:23 am

[OOC: That's fine, Ara. I wanted to save Mountie from being stuck in dance mode all RP long. ;)) [/OOC]

Bookwyrm slunk back into the party and shook himself vigorously, spraying cake and icing fragments all over the Christmas tree until he was returned to his former spotless glory. His temporarily low spirits were raised by Lia's and Cor's explosion and he checked his watch again, eager for the launch of his next prank. Just a few minutes more.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Aravanna » Dec 30, 2012 12:53 am

"Oh my gosh! Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay? Your legs look… THE KEY!" I feel really sorry about knocking the poor lady over. Her legs are twitching too, but I can't let that key out of my sight.

I pick myself and realize I'm going to have a swollen lip and bruised hip. I probably ran it right into that lady's elbow then landed on my side. Hopefully I don't have a loose tooth either.

"Umm, I'll go get help!" I yell as I dive after the antique key. Just like a cartoon, or a bad dream, someone kicks it across the room. I scramble after it and bump into several more people. I'm almost to the door now, and hear fireworks in my subconscience, but that's not important really. Then someone else kicks it through the open entryway. The key makes a nice dinging sound before landing in a pile of snow. I practically dive after it, and crawl on all fours into the drift, but emerge triumphant.

That's when I look up and realize Cor and his friend are about 10 feet away from me standing in the smoldering remains of fireworks. And Cor is looking through his pockets.

"Oh hiiiiii Cor," I say, astonished at how much guilt is in my voice. "I'm just leaving. Early. Yep. But I might be back later. Merry Christmas. Happy New Years!"

Tell him about the woman and then stop talking!

That’s actually a good idea Mr. Voice. "Ummm... there's a lady inside whose legs are twitching. I might have knocked her over. I mean, it was ON ACCIDENT! Well anyways. You should probably help. Ummm... Yah... Goodnight. I'll just walk this way."

Just stop talking!

I shove my hands in my pocket. The key and the melting snow I grabbed with it are burning like cold fire into my palm as I walk past the couple while looking at the ground. Honestly, I have no idea where Cor "parked" so I just head towards the fountain since that's kind of the intersection of the whole town.
And there's the TARDIS. Honestly, who would just park a ship that can move through time and space in the most trafficked intersection of town? I feel kind of sick now. I was hoping I wouldn't find it. Speeding up, I hurry through the night to the blue box. The police phone box, elegant in its simplicity, looms in front of me.

I see the keyhole and try to fit the key into it, but my hands are shaking so hard it seems to take minutes before I get the key in the hole and manage to turn the latch with a slightly echoing click. I probably scratched the paint. I feel kind of bad about scratching the paint, then I feel ridiculous because I'm probably going to do a lot more damage to the ship in a few seconds. The incongruity of my feelings makes me laugh hysterically for a moment.

What are you doing? Just open the door! I don't think Mr. Voice gets my humor. I put my hand on the door to push it open. My heart is pounding so hard I'm surprised it doesn't burst. That would be easiest wouldn't it? If I just died? That's when I realize that It's a Wonderful Life isn't always right. Sometimes if you kill yourself, you really do make life better for those around you... but I'm too much of a coward to see what the alien will do to my mind if I resist, so with a deep breath, I shove the door open.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby MountainFireflower » Dec 30, 2012 2:36 am

Bookwyrm wrote:[OOC: That's fine, Ara. I wanted to save Mountie from being stuck in dance mode all RP long. ;)) [/OOC]

((OOC: Much, much appreciated. ;)) ))

— Lady Z —

I grimace. My back aches. "It's fine... yeah, I know my legs are moving, it's an effect of the—"

Suddenly she's off, running away and shouting something about a key. I squint after her in confusion, but the pain in my back and my uncontrollable dancing are more important.

I manage to make my way to a sitting position, sitting cross-legged, but my legs continue to vibrate. Has it been ten minutes yet?!?

"I am never drinking punch again," I mutter. Better yet, the next time I see punch, it will be when I'm serving a poisoned glass to Booky.
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 30, 2012 3:12 pm

"Oh, uh... sure. It sounds like it's probably poor Lady Z again. By the way, Ara have you seen..." Before I can ask if she had seen a strange looking key, Ara was off. "Huh, she was acting rather peculiar." I shrug it off and head inside the Mansion... though still keeping my friends odd behavior tucked away in the back of my mind.

Lady Z was easy to spot, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her appendages still vibrating. "Well, well, looks like you have already found yourself in trouble and you're not even officially my Companion yet." I grin as I pull out my sonic pen and do a quick check. I seem to be doing this alot today....

"Ah, dancing potion. No need to worry, deary. It will pass in three.... two.... one." As soon as I finish counting, Lady Z's legs and arms stop vibrating. "There! Right as cake! Or is that rain? Hmm... either way, you're back to normal now."
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Aravanna » Dec 30, 2012 10:27 pm

[OOC]Well I was hoping I'd get to post again today and give everyone some kind of closure, but I haven't had time. I'll be gone for two weeks without internet access and when I get back the thread will be long closed. Have fun blowing things up without me... and sorry for stealing your keys Cor! Just steal them back or whatever you like. :)

Anyways, it was a blast! We should do it again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Melian_Maia » Dec 30, 2012 11:11 pm

Lia frowned at the news that Cor had lost the key to his TARDIS. "Could I entreat you to help me find it, oh Favored One?"

She nodded. "Of course. I do demand to be paid in cookies, though. I love cookies." She hopped up and down in excitement for a moment before reentering the Mansion to begin her search.

Upon rejoining the festivities inside, Lia sat down in a chair by the refreshments table. She began to think about where the TARDIS key could be. Maybe in the kitchen, with all the bits and pieces of that gorgeous cake that went smoosh, she thought. Or on the dance floor where Lady Z was.

Lia yawned and took a cookie off the table. Blowing things up was hard work and required a constant flow of cookies and sweets. She didn't pay attention to which package she took the cookie from, momentarily forgetting the Wyrm's warning against the cookies in the red package...
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Re: The Mansion: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Postby Bookwyrm » Dec 31, 2012 12:36 am

"And here ... we .. go!" Bookwyrm said, with a malevolent chuckle. The package of totally-not-poisoned cookies exploded in an eruption of multi-colored sparks and the gingerbread men it had contained began jumping out of the remains of the package and down off of the table. They streamed out all across the room, running faster than the average human and shrieking the Chipmunk Christmas song at the top of their non-existent cookie lungs. They climbed the Christmas tree and started juggling the ornaments. They jumped into the wreaths and twirled them around and around on their hooks. The little cookie men even got into the garlands hanging from the ceiling and used them as swings to launch themselves high into the air like tiny gingerbread trapeze artists. Everywhere one looked gingerbread men was scampering.
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