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Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 03, 2012 1:26 pm

Legends of Erandor
Erivale Festival

Nolen slowly licked at the dribble of elderberry juice that was trickling out of his pocket pie. Both he and Celyn were better at cooking potions than food and something as tasty as this was a rare treat. Sucking at the juicy pie, his eyes drank in everything around him - the dancers in the village square, the colorful ribbons hung on the stalls, the cluster of men shouting and wrestling for sport and the nearby women cheering (or scolding). As he bit through the flaky crust and walked to the edge of the dancers, he heard a rather shrill laugh to his left. There appeared to be a bit of a commotion. A young lady with curly black hair and striking green eyes was sitting, head turned away from a powerful-looking man who stood close by. The gentleman - for his clothes were clearly those of the landed gentry, if not higher rank - stood with his hand grasping something at his belt. Nolen was about to shrug and walk away when he realized the object in the man's hand was the hilt of a knife.

Surely, he's not going to hurt someone! the boy thought, now caught between confusion and interest. If there was to be a real brawl, he wanted to at least stay and watch. He moved around a stall to see whom the man was facing. His face showed disappointment and scorn when it turned out to be another girl, also in rich clothes.

'Tis but a lover's quarrel, he yawned mentally. Of course, it couldn't be a real fight in the middle of the festival. Nolen turned away and gulped down the last bite of pie. He noticed a tavern sign not far from the square and remembering that he needed a flask of bitter ale for a spell he was attempting make, he began walking towards the door. He heard angry words hurled behind him from the gentry couple, but he ignored it. What cause have the nobles to parade their lives in front of everyone? He thought the scene over once more, and realized why he had thought something might have been truly wrong. It was the face of the green-eyed woman; she looked ill. He dismissed the thought. It was only the heat, he reasoned, and anyway, girls could take care of themselves.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Dec 03, 2012 1:37 pm

Legends of Erandor

Torin remained against the bench for a bit, waiting for the world to stop spinning so much. When it finally slowed down, he used the said bench push himself up into an upright position. He took a rather clumsy bow and put the bench back in its place. He proceeded to sit back down, facing outward so that he could use the table as a backrest.

To the drunkard's utmost delight, his latest pint of mead had somehow survived the onslaught of his drunken, dancing feet. There was only one thing to do then and he did it. Downing the remaining contents of the pint down in one, big, gulp.

When Torin brought the huge mug down from his face, he could see Alex coming back towards him from the bar, but behind him a new player had entered the ring. For at the far side of the bar Elaina walked through the door. "Say, Alex! Your girlfriend is here!" He said, after which let out one rather large burp. Then jumped up and made his way towards the said would-be girlfriend, leaving Alex behind. Black ginger root tea and all.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 03, 2012 6:59 pm

Legends of Erandor

There was no need to scan the crowd for Alex and Torin, Elaina soon found out. The younger of the duo had already spotted her and was making his staggering, meandering... drunken?... way towards her.

"Umm, hi... Torin." Elaina looked the young man up and down with a slight air of disgust. Despite the common occurrence of a man having a bit too much to drink, especially at a tavern, the young herbalist still despised having to deal with them. "Is Alex around? I need to ask him a favor and it's kind of a time sensitive thing..."

About that time, Alex walked up to the pair. Still holding the damp rag in one hand and the black ginger tea in the other. His complexion slightly red thanks to Torin's actions earlier and then shouting out that his "girlfriend" had entered the tavern.

"Here. Sit down and drink this... ALL of it." Alex grumbled as he half shoved the mug of black ginger root tea at his younger companion.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 04, 2012 8:52 pm

Legends of Erandor
Erivale Festival:
Inside the Tavern

Never actually having been inside a tavern before, Nolen's nose wrinkled as he stepped inside and smelled the air heavy with sweat, beer and smoke. It was quite different from the forest wind he was accustomed to, but it was not unbearable. Feeling a bit small and boyish around all the muscular, manly figures he saw laughing and drinking at tables, he stepped quietly to the counter and waved to get the barkeeper's attention.

"A small flask of bitter ale, please."

The burly man chuckled, as if at a good joke. "Lad, you're wet behind the ears if you think ya can handle the stuff."

Nolen considered explaining that he didn't mean to drink it, but decided against it. For one thing, explanations took a long time, and for another, it would make him appear even weaker. "I can down the whole flask in the time it takes you to pour it," he said as confidently as he could.

"Ha! Sure, you can. Here," the barkeeper took a small leathern pouch and filled it from a wooden cask, "if ye're daft enough to try, that'll be three coppers."

Nolen paid and slipped the flask inside his satchel, grateful he had not had to back up his boast. A man standing close by snickered, and the barkeeper laughed outright. Face burning with indignation, Nolen turned to leave. As he shoved his way past a few jeering men, drink heavy on their breath, he noticed a man about his own age sitting dizzily on a bench. He was holding a mug of some dark liquid and being frowned at by his companions, a man and a woman. The drunken young man could hardly even hold the mug upright.

Well, at least there's someone more ridiculous than me, he thought, his lips twisting into a half-smile at how smashed the other man was. An idea occurred to him, and the smile became a full-fledged grin. Carefully picking his way around the benches, Nolen managed to pass the drunk and just briefly touched his mug and muttered some words.

"A sadly drunken mind now clear,
he shall not feel the touch of beer

Not his best spell, perhaps, but it would do the trick. Quickly getting away from his "victim", he slid onto an empty bench several feet away, waiting for the man to drink the enchanted brew.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Dec 05, 2012 12:51 pm

Legends of Erandor

Torin took the cup from Alex and began procrastinating on whether or not he should drink it. Mid-Procrastination he was nearly run over by some random guy, but Torin wasn't one to judge. The offender was probably as drunk as he was.

Finally, he tipped the mug back and the yucky fluid flowed down his throat.

As soon as the Ginger Root Tea hit his stomach, it was if he had awoken from a deep sleep. Accompanied of course by the usual sensation of falling. His glossed over eyes shot wide open and he yelled, "Dang Alex! What the heck did you put in this stuff?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 05, 2012 8:30 pm

Legends of Erandor

Once Torin had actually taken a seat (and not fallen into anyones lap in the process), Alex turned his attention to the young woman in-front of him. "Elaina, wasn't expecting to see you again so soon. How is Kye's beau?"

"He's sick. Very sick...." the herbalist of Wescraven paused for a brief moment as someone walked between her and Alex. "I need to get back to my aunts shop. I think she may have something to help poor Tristan. Whatever he has, it's beyond my knowledge at this present time."

"Eh? There's something the Illustrious Elaina of Wescraven does not know?" Alex playfully teased trying to lighten the mood of his friend. Despite her best efforts, Elaina was clearly distraught over Kye's boyfriends condition.

Elaina gave a weak smile and was about to reply when Torin suddenly sprang back to life and rudely interrupted the conversation.

"Huh?" Alex glanced over at his younger counterpart with a certain level of disdain. "It's black ginger root tea. That's it, nothing less and certainly nothing more."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 05, 2012 9:58 pm

Legends of Erandor
Erivale Festival:
Inside the Tavern

Oh, no; nothing special about that tea at all, Nolen snickered, straining to hear the conversation while appearing to stare into space. The drunk man - apparently friends with the sober couple - had started awake like a sleepwalker, attracting some momentary glances from the other patrons. At least now Nolen's own embarrassing moment was forgotten. He was about to get up and leave when just one more mischievous plan sprang into his mind. He wrestled for a moment with his conscience, and having silenced it, he raised his right hand to discreetly point at the now-sober man, who was staring in confusion at his cup of tea.

"A splash, a drip, a strange mishap,
The tea shall spill into his lap."

Nolen grinned at his own cleverness as the tea slooshed over the side of the mug and splattered the man's breeches. Now I've done it, the sensible part of his mind groaned. For the moment, however, most of his mind was engaged in hiding his laughter and waiting to see what the splashed man would do.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Dec 07, 2012 12:19 am

This Is Eden

Julietta waved at Laureli as she left. "Nice to meet you."

She took a breath. Boy, it was stuffy in here. She looked back across the table at Kiev. "Should we go outside, maybe? Take a walk?" She pushed an errant copper curl behind her ear and gathered up the immense amount of sticky napkins spread all over the table. She reddened slightly. "I'm done here."

Now let us leave this place of embarrassment and misery.

Legends of Erandor

"These witnesses shall see your pain, and it shall be swift and true." Xeras's eyes snapped with fire as he took a few steps closer to Aedra. "However, there is a way out." He said this lightly and airily with a debonair shrug, but every movement of his was edged with ice and darkness. He held his knife out a little further. "You'll bow to me, and you'll retract your words." He completely closed the distance between the two and threw every burst of fire and thunder that he could into his gaze. His voice lowered to a harsh growl. "Take it back. All of it."
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Legends of Erandor

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Dec 13, 2012 5:35 pm

Legends of Erandor

Festival of Erivale

Heat flared up in Aedra's cheeks. She was embarrassed, but mostly she was angry. How could her flesh-and-blood brother choose Jade over her? "Ugh," she said with a growl, her brows forming a V. Despite his words, she was still almost positive he wouldn't hurt her, especially not in public. He may not truly care for her, but killing her would not be to his advantage.

"I will never bow to you." Aedra ground the words out, her voice low but firm. "And I will not take back what I said."

Without missing a beat, Aedra whirled to her left, stepping through a gap between two couples. Once through the dancers, she let out a small gasp as she collided with a stranger.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Dec 13, 2012 7:26 pm

Legends of Erandor

Torin blinked. Just Ginger Root Tea? Maybe... I'm just completely drunk, and feel normal because of it? No, he ruled that out. If he was that drunk, he wouldn't be able to tell that he was drunk. Then, his cup spilled. Maybe he was drunk after all.

"Well, unless you two need me to saddle up your horse, which you are both perfectly capable of doing, I'm going catch some air... And dry off my pants." He was still still slightly befuddled, and therefore angry. He didn't like being befuddled.

And so, Torin stood up and pushed his way through the crowds of the tavern to the front door. There he stepped out into the fresh night air, the festival-goers were still at large. Roaming here and there, going from food-stand to food-stand . However, a large group of people was forming adjacent to the dancing area. Being the curious fellow he was, Torin decided to see what was going on. Henceforth, he vaulted over the Tavern's porch railing, dropped the three feet to the ground and meandered over to the ruckus.

Ten yards and he was in and amongst the group, making his way to the center when a girl slammed up against him.

"Hullo! ... Aedra? What's going on here?"
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Legends of Erandor

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Dec 14, 2012 1:53 am

Legends of Erandor

Festival of Erivale

Aedra looked into the face of the stranger and realized it was Torin. She grabbed his hands and twisted him around, so his back was facing her brother and so she could watch Xeras, but still be protected. "Torin..." She flashed him a nervous smile, looking helpless for just a moment. "Help."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Dec 14, 2012 4:05 pm

Legends of Erandor

One glance over his shoulder and he isolated the problem instantly. Xeras. Ahhh Darn, He thought. His mind was now racing at about hundred miles per hour, give or take a few. Feces was about to get very real. This whole situation could down in two very distict ways, he could take on Xeras and die. Or he could grab Aedra and run.

"Follow me," he wispered into the Princesses ear.

He chose the later path, keeping ahold of her right hand, Torin pulled the girl away from her furious brother and into chaos of the crowd.
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Legends of Erandor

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Dec 14, 2012 4:14 pm

Legends of Erandor

Festival of Erivale

Aedra yelped as her arm was nearly ripped from its socket as Torin pulled on her hand. She ran after him, dodging a few people who were in the way.

She glance behind her, but she couldn't see her brother through the crowd. By now, Xeras was beyond furious and would definitely make her pay for everything.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Dec 14, 2012 4:26 pm

Legends of Erandor

Torin kept up the brisk pace until they reached an alley. "What on earth was going on back there!?" He was entirelly confused, even more then that. He was angry. Xaiver's intense savagery gave the young barkeeper yet another reason to hate the man, He was lower than dirt in Torin's mind.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby PrinceCor004 » Dec 14, 2012 4:57 pm

Legends of Erandor

"Eh, O.K. Be careful out there, Torin. And don't get into anymore fights!" Alex called out to his friend as the younger man meandered out of the tavern. "Sorry about that... what were you going to say?"

Elaina stopped fumbling with her satchel strap when the younger mr. Valon turned his attention back to her. "Oh, uhh..." the herbalists mind had suddenly gone blank with so many thoughts running through it that it took her a moment to remember why she needed to talk to Alex. "I need to ask you a favor. A rather big favor, actually."

"Oookay...." Alex folded his arms across his chest in preparation for whatever his friend was about to ask.

"I need to borrow Shadowmane. He's the fastest horse around in this town and with Tristan's condition I need to get back home as quickly as possibly and I was just wondering if I could intreat yo..." About the time Elaina realized she was rambling thanks to her nerves being on edge, Alex raised his hand to stop the herbalist.

"The answer is yes. You can borrow Shadowmane, for this time or any other." Alex smiled slightly trying to lift Elaina's spirits.

"Thank you so much, Alex! I'm forever in your debt..." in her excitement and relief Elaina gave Alex a quick hug. A few whistles from the other tavern costumers quickly reminded both of them where they were.

"Ahem.... Shadowmane is in our stable. We'll need to go back to the shop." With a slight nod from Elaina, Alex took the herbalists hand and led her out of the tavern and through the bustling festival back to the Valon house and shop.


After saddling and preparing Shadowmane for the journey (which only took a few minutes for the experienced younger Valon to do), Elaina found herself sitting atop the prized steed of Erivale and saying her goodbyes to her sort-of not-quite boyfriend.

"Thank you again most kindly, Alex. I'll be sure to return him as soon as I can.... I don't expect my research to take very long, in fact, it can't take very long."

"Heh, stop mentioning it, Lady of the Green. You're making me think I'm more respectable than I want to be...." Alex gave a mischievous grin as he handed Elaina a small bag of bread. "Here, this is for your Uncle. I know he likes Mr. Potters flat bread."

Elaina took the small bag and placed it in her satchel with a smile before grabbing the rains. ".... Thank you, Alex Valon."

With that, Shadowmane and Elaina left the Valon stable and disappeared into the cool Erandor night.

What a woman you've found, Alex Valon, what a woman indeed.... Alex thought as he straightened his shirt and returned to the house.

((( OOC: O.K, ready for a time jump now, unless someone needs Alex for something. ;)) )))
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Legends of Erandor

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Dec 14, 2012 9:22 pm

Legends of Erandor

Festival of Erivale

Aedradeva leaned against the brick building that stood on one side of the alley. Her chest heaved with a sigh of relief and she even chuckled a bit. "Just a little sibling rivalry..."

Her hands went to her temples and she pushed gently. A headache was forming much to her chagrin. "Only perhaps it went a tad too far this time...I was actually afraid for a few moments."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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