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Re: Jadis

Postby Jadis101 » May 20, 2011 9:18 pm

There is no doubt in my mind that Tilda won't play Jadis in MN. They brought her back for PC and VOTDT and she wasn't needed in either of them lol. But Tilda seems to really like playing the WW and she said in alot of interviews during LWW she was very excited to do MN. I hope they go in a completely different direction with her in MN though.

I always pictured Charn as an ancient, very exotic place like ancient Egypt, the Aztecs ect. So I think they should give Tilda lots of color like colors of the sun. Reds, oranges, yellows, golds. Very gawdy and over the top, that's how I always pictured Jadis in MN. And I like the idea of her having darker hair in the film and she should have a firey personality to match her look. And like everyone else said have her hair change after she eats the apple and statr to have her colors all fade.

MN is my fave book so I can't wait to see how they do it :D
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Re: Jadis

Postby Louloudi the Centaur » Jul 29, 2011 10:05 am

They will definitely bring Tilda Swinton back if MN gets made.

Since the filmmakers just have to use the White Witch to try to get people to come to the movies, they will obviously have to cast a person that she looks like from the three other films, and that would be Tilda Swinton. 8-|

Besides, in the books she is older, until she eats a Silver Apple and becomes youthful. That would make Tilda Swinton be old enough to play a character that is younger in the sequel to MN. ;) :p
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Re: Jadis

Postby Lilygloves » Sep 10, 2011 6:18 am

Jadis101 wrote:There is no doubt in my mind that Tilda won't play Jadis in MN. They brought her back for PC and VOTDT and she wasn't needed in either of them lol.
I always pictured Charn as an ancient, very exotic place like ancient Egypt, the Aztecs ect. So I think they should give Tilda lots of color like colors of the sun. Reds, oranges, yellows, golds. Very gawdy and over the top, that's how I always pictured Jadis in MN. And I like the idea of her having darker hair in the film and she should have a firey personality to match her look. And like everyone else said have her hair change after she eats the apple and statr to have her colors all fade.

I agree, they try to find as many ways to shove her into the movies when it's totally unnecessary. And I have always pictured Charn like that too. IT would be an interesting contrast from her look in LWW to have her with her natural red hair (at least I think it's natural) and wearing bright gold colors. Tilda could be great and I don't think it would make sense if they casted anyone else.
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I think I found the perfect Jadis!

Postby Falaskan » Nov 16, 2011 12:39 am

Have any of you seen the trailer for "Snow White and the Huntsman?" It's a lot darker then we're used to seeing, but apparently it's also closer to the original Grimm story. Anyway, go watch the trailer if you haven't seen it already, and tell me what you think of the woman who plays the evil Witch (Charlize Theron)! I'm a guy and normally don't get all that interested in the movies coming out now a days, especially not ones based on girl fairytales, but this has really caught my attention, and when I saw the trailer I thought, "this woman would make the perfect Jadis." She seems so evil that she makes Tilda Swinton look like the fairy godmother, and is also strikingly beautiful. I don't think that Tilda Swinton was a horrible Jadis by any means, but she was not beautiful, and I always grew up reading the books and imagining Jadis as beautiful and terrifying. When they get around to rebooting Narnia in a few years, I think Charlize should get the roll, unless there is someone else out there who could pull it off, even better!
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Re: Jadis

Postby ChristProclamer » Jan 16, 2012 8:28 pm

I too have seen the trailer, and loved it.

I didn't think of Charlize as Jadis, but now you mention it, she'd be a great 'evil witch-queen'. She could really do it, if she could figure out the accent.

I think the filmmakers were afraid to make Tilda too attractive because they didn't want it to be wierd between her and Edmund. I appreciate their concern, but if there's a reboot I want them to go the other way.

Another actress I've always thought of is Eva Green.
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Re: Jadis

Postby SilverLynx » Jan 25, 2012 11:06 am

I don't see any reason to replace Tilda myself. I've always loved her portayal of Jadis and having seen her in other films as well, I know she could bring something new to the character if needed. If there's one thing I've learnt about Tilda Swinton, it's to never underestimate her acting abilities :) Change her costume, change her make-up, give her something new to work with and she'll do a brilliant job.
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