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"My Pet(s)" Blog

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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Jun 23, 2011 5:26 pm

I thought that cake looked familiar ram. I wasn't sure if people cake was on a dog's diet.

Back around St. Patrick’s Day, we moved Shadow, Mystery, and Blitzen from my parents’ old house to their new house. My mom and sister had around a three hour drive with them. Luckily, they didn’t cry too long. My mom said that as soon as they realized they weren’t going to the vet, they got quiet. :)) I met them at my parents’ house. Shadow and Blitzen did not want to come out of the carriers. ;))

After a while though, Shadow was actually the first on to explore outside of a room.

Mystery decided to survey things from above.

Blitzen started to explore and then the furnace turned on and she bolted back. All three of them spent a good deal of time cowering. My mom was worried about Blitzen because she was beginning to go back to her former ways (such as cowering with ears laid back). Mystery and Shadow regressed too. When we first got them they slept / hid under my dad’s recliner. We found them under a recliner.

Mystery and Blitzen did do some exploring the first day or so.

My mom is still at the old house. My dad lost Blitzen. She didn’t come out to get her food. My dad has an ear problem and can’t hear very well so he didn’t know if she was crying somewhere. Luckily, I got a day off from subbing and went down to see if I could find her. My dad was dragging his feet about calling in outside help. There is a room in the basement that has access to the rafters. He thought she might have gotten there. I called to her and climbed up to look. I heard her crying but couldn’t figure out exactly where the sound was coming from. It was maddening. I looked at the cobwebs and found there was only one spot that looked like she could have been through there, unless the spiders were very fast. My dad came home and was able to use what I told him to figure out where she might be. There is a section of wall that sticks out farther to allow for pipes to run down. She had fallen down there. We didn’t know for sure until my dad knocked a hole in the wall because she had stopped crying. I had to reach in there and pull her out. I was a bit nervous since she was facing me and has been known to attack. Luckily she let me grab her and drag her out. She was a mess. I’ll put it this way she was in the wall for two days without a litter box. She started to bolt, but I caught her before she got too far. I cleaned her up as best I could in the bathroom. She was crazy about my trying to stick her in a sink full of water. :P One of the first things she did was eat. She also was rubbing us to be petted. Other than a scratch on her nose she was fine. The room that has access to the rafters is now shut off. Mystery, Shadow, and Blitzen have now adjusted fine and are driving my dad nuts. ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jun 27, 2011 7:08 am

Poor Blitzen! I am glad that they are adjusting well. I love the pictures! They are beautiful cats!

Teyla thanks everyone for their birthday wishes! ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby Ithilwen » Jun 27, 2011 7:39 pm

Today, my parakeet Jeffrey held a concert. He sat very tall on the food dish and sang. All the birds gathered on the perch near it and just watched him intently.

When he stopped singing and left, some of the birds started following him around. He has fans now. ;))

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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jun 27, 2011 8:32 pm

Riella, that's hilarious!!! Fanbirds!!! ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jul 04, 2011 2:30 pm

Well, I am looking at getting a companion for Teyla. I was looking at getting a cat, but considering Teyla uses the litterbox for a buffet, I decided to look for a small dog that might be compatible with Teyla. So I saw this dog on the other day and we are going to met him tomorrow:
His name is Charlie and he is 1-1/2 years old and is about 15 pounds and is a Jack Russell Terrier.
I pray they get along; this could be so wonderful for Teyla!
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jul 05, 2011 1:17 pm

Well, they met and because the foster mom is going on vacation, they sped up the adoption and now I have a new dog! I have changed his name to Sebastian (that was the name he was given by people that adopted him previously but gave him back to the shelter).
He and Teyla get along splendidly! They love to play!

I also have a visitor. Last night while everyone was shooting off fireworks, I was outside my apartment with Teyla and suddenly this dog ran up to me. It's a Pekingese I think. I walked around the neighborhood for a while, but to no avail. So, in the matter of 2 days I got 2 new dogs! The Pekingese follows me around, poor little thing. She has no microchip and no name tag. Moral of this story: make sure your animals are identified!

So, Sebastian will stay, the Pekingese will not. Oh, and Teyla will too!
And I'll get some new pictures up of Sebastian later. :)
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby wild rose » Jul 06, 2011 5:22 am

oh Sebastian looks so adorable :) I'm glad Teyla has a friend now :)
What do you plan to do with the Pekingese. I remember once this huge English Sheep dog decided to adopt our family, or decided he wanted to get adopted by our family. We lived in an apartment then and he got in the elevator with us and came with us to our apartment and didn't want to leave. We kids thought it was great fun, but my parents were not s pleased and my dad took him downstairs :(
Also at the village in Crimea, our neighbour's dog decided she wanted to be our dog and whenever we come to visit, she moves over to our property, lies down under the car and becomes our watchdog. Which means her job is to bark as loud as she can in the middle of the night :p My dad gets so annoyed :) . The only way to keep her on her property, where she belongs is for her masters to keep her tied up 24/7, cause as soon as she is released she comes bounding to us :)
here's a picture of her, her name is Al'pha
she looks a bit like a fox I think, really nice dog, just has her masters mixed up :p
Ithi, Jeffrey sounds so funny, putting on a concert, =)) I wonder if he appreciates his new fans :p
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jul 06, 2011 7:26 am

I'm not sure right now what I'm going to do with the Pekingese. But, I'm going to have to get rid of her. Teyla is feeling really overwhelmed right now. She's not used to sharing me at all and now she has to share me with not 1 but 2 other dogs. And she's having to share her toys with Sebastian, which she is isn't too pleased with!!
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jul 07, 2011 7:00 am

Here is a picture of Chester.
And one of Teyla and Chester.
I loved the name Sebastian, but when I tried to discipline him, I couldn't remember his name and for some reason, I kept calling him Chester. It seems to fit him. So, his full name is Chester Sebastian (CS)! ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ceppault » Jul 07, 2011 12:01 pm

Still makes me think of Chester and Spike.

ramagut wrote:I'm not sure right now what I'm going to do with the Pekingese.
She is off to the shelter today, Rachel Marie informed me. It is not at all unusual a lost dog will find his or her home again. Good dogs usually find good homes too. Not easy giving up sweet little ones, but it often works for the best. :ymhug:
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby Miss Rosario » Jul 07, 2011 3:07 pm

Your new dog is adorable, Ramagut!

I have two cats, Chico and Sofie. Here are a few pictures of them (they were taken around a year ago, so Sofie isn't a kitten anymore.... but still, you get the idea.) ;) ... 18375.jpg/

And here are two of Sofie: ... 18375.jpg/ ... 18375.jpg/
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Jul 07, 2011 4:28 pm

Miss Rosario, are they related? And just one word about Sophie (as ceppault would say "D'aaaaaawwwww!!!" ;)) You'll have to get updated pictures of her so we can she what she looks like now! :)
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby wild rose » Jul 11, 2011 7:43 am

Miss Rosario you've got such cute kitties :)

Lucy came home today after spending nearly two weeks with a friend while we were out visiting our grandparents, I think she was happy to be back :p. I can't believe my Lucy is already five months, she's getting so big. I'll post a picture as soon as I can.
Robin and Sophie are still arguing over that silly mirror, but now they've calmed down a bit :) Sophie is just terribly jealous that Robin spends more time with the mirror then with her, she was trying to destroy the mirror two days ago, and Robin nearly had a heart attack, when Sophie wrestles with the mirror, Robin doesn't try to stop her, he just starts cheeping worridly, trying to tell her to stop. :)
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby wolfloversk » Jul 11, 2011 2:03 pm

XD Robin and Sophie are so funny wild rose! I'm glad Lucy is happy to be home!

Quorra has started to really get used to me. Even letting me pet her from time to time. (Though she runs away sometimes too) My mom is starting to actually use her new name instead of Princess. I'll try to edit in a picture later today :D

Edit! Here's a few pics. Sorry bout the quality... the lighting isn't the best, but I had to turn off the flash because she doesn't like it. Click to make bigger...


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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby wild rose » Jul 12, 2011 4:00 pm

awww she's so cute, I love her name, I think it sounds very elegant :)
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby Miss Rosario » Jul 12, 2011 5:52 pm

They aren't related, Ramagut (though they do look it! ;)) ). Our previous cat, Pelé, was Chico's half brother. But he disappeared several years ago. :(

Here is a newer one of Sofie! ... 91837.jpg/

And one of her and Chico together: ... 81837.jpg/
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