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The Lady of the Green Kirtle

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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Rilians Queen » Jan 22, 2011 9:15 am

I like the idea of Ashley Greene playing LOGK, she is really pretty.

My other choice would be Rachel McAdams.

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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Kathryn94511 » May 28, 2011 9:11 pm

After reading through this thread, I couldn't restrain myself. So I joined.
I'm not entirely sure who I'd like to be the LGK. There are several things that I know I do want to see in the actress, and a few things and people I wouldn't be able to bear seeing as the LGK.
Firstly- this is not necessary, just my silly idea- I think the LGK should have darker hair. I think a red head might hurt the eyes a little in a poison green gown. Black hair might be overpowering, remembering that this woman has spent about ten years, maybe more, living under the earth, only returning to the surface occasionally.
This leads me to number 2- she must be pale. A northern witch, living under the ground for a decade would have to be.
Thirdly- I don't think that the LGK and Jadis are the same person. Therefore, I think it would be a very big mistake to have her played by Tilda. IDC what you think, this is just my opinion.
Fourth- she needs some kind of accent, or something. American or British or European in general... It needs to be soft.
Fifth- the super "sexy" actresses are all fine, but I don't think they'd be appropriate for this role. LGK is seductive, sure, but remembering that 1) they are bound by contract to make this movie PG, and 2) Lewis wrote the CoN as a children's series, LGK cannot be "sexy". If anything, mere hints would work. Subtlety seems to be her strong point, so that's how I've always pictured her. Sweet, Innocent, yet dangerous. There's something dark lurking beneath the surface.
Sixth- I've always pictured her in her mid to late twenties or early thirties, or appearing to be. She appears young as a matter of choice. I mean, who'd want to look like a hag? No one willingly.

See, I can't think of a single actress who would do well at LGK off the top of my head, but Emily Blunt has been the best suggestion that I've seen. Maybe there is someone else that I just don't know of. -shrugging- Alright. Wow. I didn't intend for this to be so long. /:)
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Jill » Jun 02, 2011 11:33 pm

Kathryn94511 lot's and lot's of agreement, you are right about the hair, red would be over powering and if she's to be pale, which she should be, blonde hair might make her too much like TWW. They should not even resemble each other and please, please, please don't let Tilda play LofGK. Another point on the accent, I would say Itlalian maybe or Spanish, a lot of rolling her r's a trilling sort of a voice with lot's of inflections but very gentle and enchanting. This is stupid, I'm pretty much just agreeing with you. I do agree with you about it all. P.S. (should have said this before) Welcome to Narniaweb :) :ymhug:
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby PuddleCheep » Jun 03, 2011 4:40 pm

Emily Blunt gets my vote. She looks the part and from what we know, she could act the character very well. When, and if, they ever make SC, I'm sure they'll find the perfect LotGK. As long as they don't use Tilda Swinton, I'll be happy! :)
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby CharlotteRose » Jun 24, 2011 9:08 am

Katie McGrath or Emily Blunt would both be great, they both have what I think LotGK should have looks wise... :)
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Lu_valient » Jun 24, 2011 5:30 pm

CharlotteRose wrote:Katie McGrath or Emily Blunt would both be great, they both have what I think LotGK should have looks wise... :)

Katie McGrath looks like a really good LotGK
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Lilygloves » Jun 27, 2011 10:20 pm

I really like the idea of Emily Blunt and think she could pull it off. Idina Menzel would be a better choice in my opinion, as long as she can fake a good accent. I guess she just has this thing about witches and the color green... But LotGK definitely cannot be played by Tilda Swinton. Don't make April Fools jokes about it or it'll come true!
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby CharlotteRose » Jun 28, 2011 9:19 am

Lilygloves wrote:LotGK definitely cannot be played by Tilda Swinton. Don't make April Fools jokes about it or it'll come true!

Well said Lilygloves! :)
I do like Idina Menzel and she's a really good actress, but I never saw her as LoTGK
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Kathryn94511 » Aug 08, 2011 9:15 pm

CharlotteRose wrote:Katie McGrath or Emily Blunt would both be great, they both have what I think LotGK should have looks wise... :)

Okay, the more I watch Merlin on Hulu and Netflix, the more I'm convinced that Katie McGrath should get the part.
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby perfect_jill_pole » Aug 27, 2011 2:53 pm

I think Olivia Wilde would be a good choice:
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Louloudi the Centaur » Sep 24, 2011 3:00 pm

This is actually a suggestion of somebody else, but how about Miranda Richardson as The Lady of the Green Kirtle?

Now she has acting experience, but I've never seen her act before. She played Rita Skeeter in Harry Potter, and played some role in Merlin's Apprentice, a TV mini series. However, when I saw her picture, she looks a lot like the LotGK I picture when I read.
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Re: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby D-T » Sep 28, 2011 6:46 pm

I haveno idea who should play her
but I noticed on here arguements about hair, I don't really care what her hair looks like as long as she is a good actress. but, wouldn't it be funny if she had green hair?? =))
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The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Postby Alice_WL » Oct 02, 2011 5:41 am

Actually, I always did imagine her in green with black hair to match the darkness of the underworld where she dwells most the time.. but then again, if she's pale faced, then dark hair would make her look vampire-ish.. Maybe a light brown or very dark blonde would work. And I agree with the whole "not making her overly seductive" addition, she did use magic to win Prince Rillian's heart after all, not her seductiveness, even though she was beautiful..

But as for who to play her?, I'm stumped on that, too. There's a lot of good actresses.. but I remember when the LWW crew hired Tilda to play Jadis and people were disappointed cause she wasn't that young looking.. Maybe the movie crew with pick someone perfect for LoGK, then again, maybe they won't.. if we ever get to that point when the movie is actually being made.. :S
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