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Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Feb 02, 2011 6:46 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Echo froze like a deer caught in headlights as she found herself staring down the barrel of an ANTI agent's Silly Putter launcher. She had just witnessed that weapon sending a MUPPETZ clear across the ship, and she didn't fancy being caught in a similar blast.

Maybe this wasn't the greatest disguise after all, she thought.

He mind was racing. She couldn't very well go and blow her MUPPETZ guise now - there was no way he would believe she was merely a girl caught in the crossfire, trying to escape. Would bargaining work?

But just as she opened her mouth, she heard Lieutenant Obofritz's voice scream from the ship's upper deck, "ATTACK!!!" and a torrent of MUPPETZ followed suit, heading straight for the ANTI agent and brandishing television remotes like clubs.

Echo tensed, ready to spring out of harm's way if the opportunity arose. I have to escape.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Warrior Of Narnia » Feb 02, 2011 7:57 pm

Return of the Fountain Fellowship

sweeetlilgurlie wrote:

David was in the barracks after a long day of guarding the Chairman. No assassination attempts today, which made him glad, because he was prepared to take a bullet for his leader and was happy that he hadn't had to and could see Grace again.

See Grace again. He rolled the idea around in his mind, testing it out. He had never thought he would see her again while he was in the MESS. It had been a horrible time when he had first joined, especially just after basic training. He didn't want to think about why she was here, if she was a scientist, because that brought back old memories. His imagination would go crazy. Better to wait until he could ask her in person. He just contented himself with the fact that she was near and knew that he was safe. He had missed her, more than he had known until today.

He was wearing a white tee and his fatigue pants, as he was off-duty, and enjoying the relaxation while thinking all this. Then he wondered how exactly he could find Grace. Maybe Ace would know.

Ace had wandered for a few of hours after Grace had run off. He wasn't sure why he was so upset about that. He had only met her that very day for gosh sakes. He couldn't make sense of his feelings.

Finally, he decided that he was just mad that he had handled the situation badly, and kinda let David down by not keeping an eye on his sister like he had asked. He sighed and headed for the barracks.

He waved the door to his shared room open, and pulled the helmet off of his head, tossing it on the bed. He half turned as he took the Torso plating of his armor off and saw David looking at him. He looked down for a second, his hair falling in his eyes before he tossed it back, "Well... Grace was fine when i last saw her."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Bother Eustace » Feb 03, 2011 7:29 am

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Agent Boe grinned as the person he assumed to be an evil diabolical little fiend struggled to find words, squirming nervously at business end of his SPELR. Finally, it opened its mouth to say something; but the voice that he heard right then came from behind, not from the Muppet in front of him.

"ATTACK!" The enemy screamed. Before Boe could even readjust his position to defend against the new onslaught, his body was pushed to the ground by a furry remote-wielding foe. He rolled across the deck, swinging his SPELR this way and that as he attempted to knock the creatures away and regain his footing.

He finally reached the bulwark at the edge of the deck, and used it to pull himself up. Then he turned and faced the troop of five or six MUPPETZ agents which were slowly closing in on him. He checked his SPELR: out of putty. He looked up in time to see them all charging.

At the last second, Boe leapt to the side and hit the deck. The Muppetz who were charging him couldn't stop fast enough: they hit the railing, spun around and around a few times, and finally fell overboard, hitting the ocean with five or six splashes.

Boe stood to his feet and looked around: Muppetz were everywhere, but the blue one he had cornered before was nowhere to be seen. He then spotted his briefcase at the other end of the deck, inside of which were replacement Silly Putty cannisters. He would have to reach it in order to reload; but between him and it was a ship full of Muppetz. "This'll be interesting."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Shastafan » Feb 03, 2011 5:55 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

The only thing Summer could think of was staring. The snake only watched her back. At last, afraid she might freak out even more, she stammered, "W-Winter? Are you here?"

The serpent didn't do anything at first, but then hissed, "Yesssssss?"

Summer had no idea what to do, but she was terrified. "What happened to you?" she barely managed to say.

Winter was about to reply, but the orange MUPPETZ had awakened, and was struggling to escape. Brother, Winter thought, and bonked his comrade with his tail. Thankfully, the MUPPETZ passed out again. "Well," he uncomfortably started, "Thisss eesss a sssside affect from being a HumETZzzzz. Whenever I lossse my temper, I turn into what you ssseee now. I think it'sss causssse the sssscientists usssed ssssnake venom to create MUPPETZzzz."

Summer didn't really know what to say to all this news. She had been angry before without turning into anything, so it was obvious she didn't have this misfortune, but just the thought of it made her feel sad for Winter. I care about him now? she thought in confusion, but also compassionately. She felt somewhat positive now that they were sibs. But before she could say what she thought, Winter demanded, "Go, SSSSSummer! I'll catch up in a moment after I take care of thessse guyssss!"

Summer had no other option then to agree, and after grabbing her broken phone, she ran out of the hallways, which now had water up to her knees. "Be careful, bro!" she called back, and was sure she saw suprise and happiness in the depths of the blue eyed snake. She climbed the stairs until she was at the top, but to her horror, THEY were there: a whole bunch of MUPPETZ!
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby malkah » Feb 03, 2011 9:45 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Mal'ady raced along the corridor, her boots squishing at every step. The rest of her was beginning to dry from her drenching, but the waterlogged black boots were leaving a trail of wet footprints everywhere she went. Mal'ady was sure the squishing could probably be heard throughout the M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. ship. And there was no way of getting them dry. Where was a hair dryer when you needed one?

If she was going to be found by the MUPPETZ, discovery by squishing was completely un-epic. That decided it. She carefully tugged the boots off and shoved them in her bag, hoping that her bright orange socks wouldn't give her away in the dark corridors.

She took off running again, and as she ran, she formulated a plan in her mind. She knew that CyKo's torpedo had scored a direct hit on the ship. Surely no vessel could survive that, but she wanted to put a capital N on that "no". So Mission A: make her way to the depths of the ship and see if there were flood compartments she could open, and Mission B: try to help the Doctor and Agent Thorn (if she knew anything about cheese puffs, their situation was most dire). Oh, and C: try to reconnect with her friends.

Turning a corner, she spotted what appeared to be a map of the ship's layout. Squiggly lines and squares in red and blue covered a concrete block. Mal'ady bent over it and traced her route with a finger. "So," she muttered, "left turn here, right corner here, avoid the cookie factory here, and...what?"

Scribbles in pink, glittery paint spread over the rest of the map, making the directions unreadable. Mal'ady pushed up her glasses and bent to look closer. Ms. Jiggy Luvs Kermid 4evah!

Mal'ady let out a cry of frustration and stepped away from the map. Now she had no idea of where she was going. Unless...she lifted the still-soaked, heavy flap of her satchel, rummaged a bit, and pulled out a fat (and thankfully dry) book with a camouflage cover. Flipping through the pages, Mal'ady grinned when she came to a chapter entitled, "Predictability: The Layout of M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. Ships".
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 03, 2011 10:31 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Fighting the ever-slowing onslaught of MUPPETZ, CyKo had just about defeated the last one when he cocked his pistol, pressed the trigger, and fired- with no result. He quickly re-cocked and tried to fire again, but his ammo was completely depleted.

"I didn't want to resort to this..."

CyKo put his hand to his Glass (why not glasses? one eye=one glass- you could call it a monocle if you'd like) and pressed a button. From the monocle came two minute (as in: Minute meaning "Small") rockets, blasting into the last of the waves of MUPPETZ. Flying every which way, Muppetz fur was splattered everywhere as their hosts were blown off the ship.

Above, CyKo saw a helicopter come and pick up two distinctive MUPPETZ- one was an aquatic frog-like Muppetz, like the ones he had fought before (though this one dressed in a tuxedo and shades, and a cool hat on top of his green head) and a chubby pig, wearing excessive amounts of jewelry and staring at the frog the whole way up.

On the side of the Helicopter was the word 'Ellecopter' smeared in red, while CyKo could see the hunched figure of what seemed to be a Muppetz, despite the windows being tinted black.

CyKo's first thought to this was... "TURBACON! :D "


His second thought to this was to throw a homing device onto the 'Ellecopter', which he did promptly.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Feb 03, 2011 10:59 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

The good doctor put up a good fight, but the shear number of muppets forced him to the ground under a pile of hug tackling muppets. But suddenly Joe wasn't there any more. Well technically he was... But he disappeared so the muppetz were thrown into confusion which in turned allowed the good doctor to exscape and run out the door.

He left his bazooka behind. But he pulled his AR-15 of his back and shot down the first few muppetz that got in his way. Then he picked up his WT and radioed Cyko again "Cyk! Where the heck are you man?!?" he asked, shooting down a muppetz who had tried to sneak up behind him
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby georgiefan1 » Feb 03, 2011 11:02 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

After Whit's aunt Dori types a 57 number code into the breifcase it pops open to reveal a small life raft with a huge motor and everything. Whit was completely stunned as she walked onto it. It was a speed boat with blasting radios attached. Whit had always been a fan of sitting at the top part of the boat so she rushes to sit as her aunt starts the engine. For about 30 minutes of the wind brushing through Whits pigtails- they were so gross and knotty now, and the salt water didnt help. Whereever she was going she hoped for a shower.

She went to go ask Dori some questions- being an ANTI agent has always made her question everything.

"Where are we going"
"You'll find out"
"Wow very creative answer." Whit's sarcasm seeped through every pore in her body. Whit's preteen/teen attitude was beginning to develop.

"I will not be talked to in that tone young lady. I am your elder and you will respect me- If I don't want to tell you where we are going you dont answer back with snooty responses!"
Dori had turned off the engine for the little speech. This slightly scared Whit. She wasn't very used to being talked to like this. Whenever she was with her parents they were so happy to see her they never said anything when she did not so kind things. and when she's with her fellow agents they are so quirky and random sarcasm has become so common noone notices it anymore. Whit was shocked into silence.

"Good- now go back to the front Pink- we will be there soon"

She sat in her spot wildly thinking...Whit only saw completely blue water in front of her how could they be close unless...its invisible...
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby malkah » Feb 03, 2011 11:05 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Squatting down along the wall, Mal'ady read intently, murmuring to herself. Suddenly, the sound of someone blowing a raspberry caught her attention. She looked up, straight into the eyes of a scowling, purple-furred MUPPETZ, accompanied by six or seven others in various shades of yellow and blue, all sticking their tongues out.

"Oh, hello!" She stood up. "Sorry for taking up space in your hallway--I was just trying to finish a chapter. Do you know how hard it is to break off in the middle of a sentence?"

The purple MUPPETZ stared at her for a moment before he spoke. "ANTI!" he growled. "We hates ANTI. We hates ANTI on our ship. And we really, really hates orange socks." He pointed at Mal'ady's feet and withdrew a gun.

"Bother," she shook her head. "Well, in that my friends." With one smooth movement, she withdrew the two handguns from her holsters. "This," she twitched the left gun, "is War, and this one is Peace." She cocked the guns and sighed happily. "Tolstoy was a genius."

The band of MUPPETZ slowly advanced on her, and Mal'ady backed up a step for every forward one they took. Suddenly, she nearly yelped in surprise as her socks were suddenly soaked. A flood of icy-cold water spilled through the corridor.

Mal'ady looked back to find that several more armed MUPPETZ had joined the troop stalking her. She bit her lip, but there was no choice but to keep backing away down the darkening corridor as the water grew deeper and deeper.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 03, 2011 11:13 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Looking from side to side, he saw MUPPETZ shot down in a flurry of fur, and he knew exactly where Doctor Joe was. With all of the MUPPETZ off of the deck, the only noise left was the step-stomp of ANTI agent's feet and the wailing screams of MUPPETZ drowning.

Then it hit him. "Where is Whit Send? Anyone? Has anyone seen Whit?" He asked everyone he saw. Looking on the side of the boat towards the submarine, the glimpse of an yellow life-raft-like-motor-boat-with-radio-blaring caught his eye. "Whit." was his first response. His second thought was "And that person has no sense of music. If you're going to blare music, don't blare the golden oldies." -cringe-

Having commandeered the ship, CyKo lost sight of the motorboat that Whit was on, then solemnly said: "She's out of our hand now. We can't split up anymore--- we're already short on members to crew this boat."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Ellesar » Feb 04, 2011 1:18 am

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Ellemo had heard about the invasion, near destruction, and then taking over of one of his prized ships and he was very displeased about that and ended up taking it out on a few of his minions. Once his anger had dissipated some, he decided to go survey the damage for himself and stood up from where he was sitting behind his desk.

Looking over at one of his ever-present minions, he said, "Go ready the Ellecopter and be prepared to leave in two minutes."

"Yes sir!" the minion exclaimed before hurrying out of the room and heading to the hanger (which was built into the side of a mountain) to prepare to leave.

Ellemo waited exactly 1.5 minutes before leaving his office and walking down the hallway to the hanger. He was very happy to see that his minion had followed directions exactly and the Ellecopter was ready for departure. Climbing in, he shut the door and buckled in just behind the pilot's seat since he never flew the chopper himself. He believed that it was beneath his status as a Muppetz overlord, so he always forced one of his minion's to fly for him... usually the one who had prepared the chopper for departure.

Once everyone was settled, the minion pressed a button and the roof of the hanger/mountain split open and the Ellecopter rose up into the air. The hanger closed again with another push of the button and soon they were speeding off across the land and then water, homing in on the prized ship as fast as they possibly could.

Soon the ship came into view and Ellemo was disheartened to see tattered and torn Muppetz bodies everywhere and several A.N.T.I. agents on the deck of his ship.

"A.N.T.I.! I should've known. They always stick their disgusting noses into my business. Well I'll show them..." He then lapsed into incoherent grumbling that included quite a few unkind words about the agents on his ship when he noticed a couple of Muppetz trying to wave him down.

"Minion! Hover over the ship and rescue those two. They may give some insight as to what has happened here."

"Yes sir!" the minion said as his fingers flew over the controls. Soon they were hovering over the ship and a ladder had been descended for the two lonely Muppetz. While they were waiting, Ellemo reached out to his own controls and started to send flaming angry mutant muffins down onto the lone A.N.T.I. agent he spotted.

Each flaming muffin was shouting loudly (sounding almost like a broken record), "We are displeased! We are displeased! We are displeased!"

Soon the two lonely Muppetz were safely on board and Ellemo stopped his barrage of flaming angry mutant muffins. Pressing a different button, a slightly larger mutant muffin appeared and then dropped down to the deck and bounced/rolled over to the agent. Rolling to a stop at the agent's feet, the muffin split open and a slightly overbaked piece of paper emerged from the depths of the muffin, waiting to be picked up and read.

The paper read, "You may have won this round, little agent, but rest assured, we WILL meet again. Your loving foe, Ellemo."

The Ellecopter then sped off into the distance, returning Ellemo home to his headquarters, to await for the next bit of news.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Feb 04, 2011 4:25 am

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

As soon as the Silly Putty-wielding agent was clobbered by attacking MUPPETZ, Echo ran off as fast as her legs could carry her. Dodging the battle raging on deck, she found her way into the bowls of the ship and headed in the direction of the submarine garage.

But all the while, she was having second thoughts. From the looks of things (and from the frightened squeals of MUPPETZ she was hearing from overhead), it appeared that ANTI was actually winning this fight! Perhaps the best way off this ship was actually with them?

Echo rounded a corner and ran smack into a group of MUPPETZ. Just beyond them, the corridor appeared to be flooded. Echo gasped. "The garage is flooded," she murmurs to herself. "Well that's just brilliant." Then she noticed what had caught the MUPPETZ attention: an ANTI agent, cornered by the water's edge.

An ideas stuck Echo. Perhaps she didn't need a submarine anymore? After all, didn't the ANTI agents come here to rescue their friends?

Stepping into the shadows, she willed her appearance to change, changing from blue fur to normal human skin. Then she continued to change, altering her appearance entirely until...

Echo stepped out of the shadows, looking exactly like the ANTI Agent who was called Thorn.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Feb 04, 2011 7:38 am

Return of the Fountain Fellowship

David smiled. "What, did she run away or something?"

The look on Ace's face told him more than words could. David sat up in his bed. "What's going on? Do you know where she is?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Feb 04, 2011 10:47 am

Return of the Fountain Fellowship

Cale dropped down, after what seemed like hours of climbing he had finally made it to the bottom of the ladder. Other then his lightsaber he was in complete darkness. After all, no one had been down this tunnel in years.

VACs was the next one down, he had a flashlight installed someplace on his body which of course would help allot in the exploration of the tunnels. The rest of the group followed shortly after.

Now let me explain their surrondings. Well what they could see with the limited light they had anyways. They were in a small room, about the size of the average bedroom. In front of them there was two passage ways, one to the left and one to the right.

"Well... Which way do we go?" Shrims asked, searching for anything on his person that could be used as a light.


Scrappy finished hotwiring the speeder in no time, then he fired his booster rockets, landing right in the passenger side seat. Just waiting for Piper to jump inside.


Zak finally pulled to a stop outside of Ditto Town picking up his comlink he told the rest of his Mercenary friends to "Wait up a minute" before hopping out of the speeder and watching behind them as a black speeder sped past "And there goes our stalker" he said to himself.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 04, 2011 11:51 am

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Flaming muffins were thrown all over the ship. Parts of the deck caught on fire, while some unlucky MUPPETZ went up in a flurry of flame.

A flaming muffin landed near CyKo, and turned to face him.


CyKo doubled back, took out his nerd rope, and whipped the muffin off the side of the ship.

Then the large muffin.

It landed on the deck with an unnaturally large *thump*, then rolled quickly towards CyKo. CyKo tried to react, but the Muffin had already parked itself atop his foot.


Then the muffin cracked upon, falling side to side to reveal a sqooshed foot. And a note.

"You may have won this round, little agent, but rest assured, we WILL meet again. Your loving foe, Ellemo."

But CyKo read it something like this:

"You mah haf one this rownd, little aggent, but rest ash-u-red, we will meet again. Your luveeng foh, Ellemo."

Not understanding a word of it, he slapped out his international translator, scanned the page, and let it sound off.

"Ellemo." CyKo said grimly, looking at the fast-disappearing Ellecopter...
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Ellesar » Feb 04, 2011 12:27 pm

A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Ellemo continued to head back for his headquarters and the minion pressed a button that opened the hangar and came down for a landing. When they arrived, several more minions appeared and a couple of them took the Muppetz couple into the headquarters and found them a room to stay in while they were there.

Looking over at his minion, he said, "Clean the Ellecopter and destroy anything you find that doesn't belong."

"Yes sir!" the minion exclaimed before finishing the post-flight check. He then jumped to the ground and gathered the necessary materials before returning to the chopper to clean it.

"Oh, and if you should find anything *ahem* destructible, bring me the pieces." Ellemo added before leaving the hanger and returning to his office, still displeased over the loss of his ship.

The minion nodded and got to work scrubbing every inch of the Ellecopter since Ellemo was very particular when it came to his chopper and he wanted every little detail to be perfect. Frowning slightly, he came across the small, silver disc on the underside of the chopper and scraped it off and promptly smashed it.

Once the chopper was nice and sparkling again, the minion scooped up the pieces of the tracker and headed down the hall to the office.

"This was found on the belly of the Ellecopter, sir." the minion said, dropping the pieces onto the desk.

"Thanks. You're dismissed." Ellemo said, waving his minion away before he started to carefully examine the now smashed pieces of the tracker.
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