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Ditto Fountain I

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Lady Courage » Jan 02, 2011 6:12 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Telwyn threw back her head and laughed at Micah's comments. For whatever reason, the volume of this fit of laughter was greater than her normal level and more on par with an average person's.
"Good!" she exclaimed, "If you were to right out and trust me immediately, by the moon, I'd think I had overestimated you!" She doubled over, clutching her stomach and her cachinnations subsided into the silent type of laughing. For a few seconds she shook with unheard laughter, then suddenly straightened.
"Lead on, prudent sir!" She gave an odd little tilt of her upper body that wasn't quite a man's bow but almost could have been the beginning of a woman's curtsy. Somehow it suited her well. However, she suddenly froze as if she had just thought of something and quickly interrupted her gesture of deference and straightened. There was an unexpected flavor of mischievousness in her manner. "Actually, perhaps I should walk in front of you. Since you don't trust me. Which you shouldn't. Not yet, anyway." Her eyes twinkled merrily.


~*~ Brywahr Academy ~*~

Atom shut the door behind Brownie after a surprisingly brief check on his project. He barely had time to sit down again before another knock came at the door.
"Wow, busy day," he grunted and rose to open it again.
"Lilly again," said Darek.
Atom opened the door- and suddenly there was a crash behind him. He spun around, heedless of Lilly, saw Darek sweeping something off the floor and suddenly it was gone. Darek's composure was perfect and he sat back down with his journal, greeting Lily with a cool smile.
"Come in!"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Jillhope » Jan 02, 2011 6:23 pm

~*~ Brywahr Academy ~*~
Lilly stepped in the door and started talking, "It's Nan." She said "She's gone... We're going to have to do this entirely without her..." As she walked over to the wall so that she could lean against it she limped slightly, she hoped neither of them would notice. "I don't even really know what I'm supposed to do!"

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Eavan Carrick

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 02, 2011 7:15 pm


Eavan Carrick took a deep breath as the chilly wind whipped her very red hair around. She pulled her worn-leather jacket closer around herself and then leaned on the hood of her car. She faced the awe-inspiring Stonehenge.

The huge stone arches had always been a favorite place to visit to her. Eoghan Carrick, Eavan's very adventurous father, had made it a tradition to take her to the Stonehenge every year for his birthday. It was a way for him to celebrate the blessing of another year and for both of them to honor the memory of Eavan's mother, who had grown up not too far from the stone wonder.

Eavan reached inside the open passenger window. She pulled out a thick scrapbook. The book contained so many memories, but not all of them. She placed the book on the hood of her car and turned the cover over. Her father had suggested looking at the scrapbook every time they came to visit. Despite the fact that her father had passed away, Eavan was careful to keep the tradition going.

However, with such a windy day, Eavan thought about putting the scrapbook away and just relive the memories in her mind. As she began to shut the book, a small piece of paper flew from the weathered pages. With a slight gasp, she put the book back through the open window. Thankfully, she had decided to wear sneakers today, rather than her usual boots.

Eavan chuckled to herself as she ran after the paper. Just when she was about to get it, the wind picked it up again and she had to race after it, like a game. Finally, it floated to a stop in the middle of the Stonehenge. Eavan grabbed the piece of paper with a satisfied, "Ah-ha. Gotcha."

Flipping it over, she looked at it. An exasperated sigh escaped her as she realized it was nothing of importance; only an old receipt that must have found its way into the scrapbook. Eavan folded it and put it into her pants pocket.

A frigid wind swept through the Stonehenge and Eavan shivered. It felt eerier than usual, but she shook her head and thought to herself, Oh, Eavan, you need to take your head out of the clouds--

Her thought was cut off as a bright light suddenly burst through the arch in front of her. She held up her hands, spreading her fingers apart and looking through them. Her eyes squinted against the brightness, but curiosity got the best of her.

She dropped her hands as she thought she saw a figure in the brightness. This can't be real. Shaking her head, Eavan took a breath and walked back through the arch, through the golden light.

A strange feeling engulfed her as she walked through. Shaking her head on the other side, she looked up and started walking to her car. However, she couldn't find her car. Eavan looked side to side, looking for the old car, but she could find it nowhere.

"What on earth?" she audibly said.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Lady Courage » Jan 02, 2011 8:57 pm

~*~ Brywahr Academy ~*~

"She's what!?" exclaimed Atom.
Darek stiffened. He fixed his eyes on Lilly and waited for her to continue. Being a detail oriented person, her limp was duly noticed but politely ignored until the right moment.

At her confession, Atom and Darek exchanged glances. "Well," began Darek, "It seems to me that you have a better idea of what to do than we do... But, perhaps if you told us what you knew..."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Jillhope » Jan 02, 2011 9:16 pm

~*~ Brywahr Academy ~*~

Lilly tried to gather up everything that she knew into one section of her brain, she hoped she would remember everything.
"I think we were supposed to make some sort of a list of... of... of all the different combinations for the tools that the givers teach us how to use... Nan said that they only gave the right combinations to some of us, that they knew which one of us would live and which ones were gonners... or something like that." She stopped herself from tugging her hair, now was not the time for insecurities. "We're supposed to steal the devices that they teach us -you know the strange ones that can erase things- I really don't know anymore from there... only that Nan said that this was the only chance we've got..." He voice trailed off. Nan. what would they do without Nan?" She gave in and tugged hard at her hair, ignoring the pain from ever healing cut on the side of her head "I don't know what I'm doing!" she she exclaimed "How am I supposed to figure all this out?" Her eyes started to water, no, she thought, I am not going to cry again. She held back her tears.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby lover of narnia » Jan 02, 2011 11:46 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

"Oh do drop your weapon Jarien!" Susanne cried, looking at him with wide eyes. She didn't want to see anyone come to harm, especially those who had been thrown into this because of her. She exchanged a glance with Adi, her expression telling her as well that she thought her weapon should be put down.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Warrior Of Narnia » Jan 03, 2011 12:36 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

For several long seconds, Jarien didn't move. Everything in him told him not to put that dagger down, not to drop it. But he couldn't let someone get hurt because he failed to act.

He wasn't going to just let it go though. With a flick of his wrist, he embedded the knife in the hard wood of the oak log they had been sitting on moments before. The blade sank into the wood to it's hilt, and then Jarien raised his hands, " what happens?"
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Madam Sephora/Lady Shyanne

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 03, 2011 6:56 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Sephora arched a brow and said, "Oh, how accommodating."

She relaxed her hand and the knife left Shyanne's throat, but was still held uncomfortably close. With her free hand, she extended her fingers toward the entrance of the cavern and said, "We need to be on our way."

Shyanne's eyes were still wide. She looked at Susanne and offered a quiet look of gratitude. Behind her, Sephora pushed her forward and Shyanne slowly walked toward the entrance.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bother Eustace » Jan 03, 2011 3:42 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Micah's eyebrow rose as he watched Telwyn's curiously humored behavior, trying to discern what sort of a person would act like that.

"Yes, you should walk in front. Or at least where I can see you." He was glad that she was willing to comply with his distrust; that made the situation easier. He held out his arm in the direction they had to go, toward the wood and a little east. "This way, if you will," he instructed her, still wondering if he was doing the right thing, but a tad more comfortable with the decision now than he had been before.

As the two of them began the journey, Micah was suddenly hit with a horribly anxious feeling deep within, as the thought occurred to him that he had been gone for several hours now, and the others may already have encountered danger. He brushed the thought aside; the Hunters wouldn't be back so soon, and even if they were they would probably attack at night, when the cover of darkness could be effectively utilized. After having hesitated over the thought for only a step or two, Micah regained his composure and continued on without paying heed to the feeling of dread again.

Living on the run was so nerve-wracking.


Tristan held his knife only inches from the young man's face, smiling at his helplessness. With his gaze still firmly planted on the victim, his head jerked in a nod toward one of the other bandits. "Search him for weapons and gold, Reuel."

"With pleasure," the thief named Reuel snickered, and approached to do the bidding.

Tristan noticed then that Sephora was coming out of the cave, holding her knife to the golden-haired girl. The others were also slowly exiting, with Quill's watchful eyes surveying their every move.

"Hello again, granny," Tristan joked, referring to Sephora's previous guise as an old woman. "Glad to see you looking so much healthier. And my, what a big knife you have!" He chuckled at his own humor, but then his tone turned serious as he barked out orders to a few of the other thieves. "Surround them, and watch them closely. Search them as well."

Tristan grinned at each of the victims in turn, and then said, "Welcome to Our Woods. So glad you could come visit."
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
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Madam Sephora/Lady Shyanne

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 03, 2011 4:03 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Sephora pushed Shyanne onto a rock and grabbed a piece of rope from one of the bandits. She tied Shyanne's hands tightly behind her back and said, "Sorry, my dear, it's for your own good."

"Tristan," Sephora said, walking closer to the other bandit. "May I introduce the lovely Lady Shyanne, Lord Henrik's only child." Lowering her voice and grabbing his wrist, she added, "She stands to inherit everything that man owns. Don't hurt her."


Shyanne watched the bandits, her blue eyes still filled with fear. Her legs weren't tied, she could easily run. Despite the fact that running wasn't ladylike, she had done it often enough to know that she was fast.

However, before she could get up, a bandit lifted her by her tied hands and said, "This beauty will fetch quite a price."

"She will," The older woman who had held the knife to her throat walked up. "Which is exactly why I want you to leave her alone."

The bandit held up his hands and backed up. Sephora sat down next to Shyanne and said, "Madam Sephora is my name."

"I do not care what your name is." Shyanne said icily, scooting away as much as she could. "I want to know what you want with us."

"All in good time, my child, all in good time." Sephora laughed. "You will soon know."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bother Eustace » Jan 03, 2011 6:59 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Tristan feigned an offended glance when Sephora warned him not to hurt Shyanne. "Me, hurt her? What do you think I am, some sort of ruffian? You impugn my honour, madam!" He chuckled humorously, and Sephora gave him a stern glare, so he answered her more seriously. "Of course she won't be hurt. I don't hurt captives unless I have to, you know that."

He glanced over Sephora's shoulder and saw Reuel forcefully pulling Shyanne up by her tied hands. "You might want to tell Reuel what you told me, though," he said, drawing her attention to the situation. Sephora went to deal with the situation, and Tristan looked back to the other captives, surveying each one carefully as he looked for hints of revolt in their eyes. The men were clearly on the alert, looking for a chance to strike back at their captors; thankfully, the other bandits knew well enough to keep their eyes on them as they tied their hands. Some of the women also looked like potential trouble; he made a mental note to watch them as well. At least one of them, however, was obviously very frightened and upset. She was looking fearfully at the big, brutish Groban, who was approaching her to tie her hands. For one reason or another, Tristan took interest in her; oddly, something about her seemed somehow important.

"Let me do that," Tristan said, grabbing the rope from Groban's hand. He stepped behind the girl and tightly bound her wrists, which he noticed were already covered with cuts and scratches just beginning to heal. "You look like you've been through a lot recently," he said, making sure his tone was gruff rather than sympathetic.

OOC: To clear any confusion, Tristan is tying up Susanne.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby eustacegirl » Jan 03, 2011 7:53 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Edmund watched in horror, as the theif tied up Susanne. "That is no way to treat a lady!"
He crept over to his knife, putting it in his sheath. Covering it with his shirt, he demanded she be let go.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Narnian_Dreamer » Jan 03, 2011 11:48 pm


After standing in a whirlwind of the swirling mist, Maddy was very shocked to see herself surrounded by people. The people seemed to be looking at one area of... Of a place she vaguely knew. Then she remembered, she must be at Stonehenge! But the people didn't seem to notice that she just appeared,- if that was what happened- they seemed to be starting a ceremony. She was drawn to a certain area of the crowd and looked down to see where she had left her purse. Once again she was surprised, her purse was, well, no longer a purse, at least not the same purse. It was a leather looking pouch that seemed to tie around her waist. She also noticed that she was now wearing a long light yellow dress, made of a very thin fabric, and a woolen cloak. She looked at her legs and saw, resting against them, the most beautiful, handcrafted bow and a quiver full of arrows. She slung the bow and quiver on her back, tied the pouch around her waist and set off to the area she had been drawn to before.
~ N.Dreamer <3


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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Warrior Of Narnia » Jan 04, 2011 12:16 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Adi waited for the others to start heading out. She stayed behind Jarien, and quietly drew her knife. If these bandits were taking them, she had to do something. But not something that would get them killed.

She bent quickly and in the wood of the log, scratched:


Then she jammed her knife into the wood next to Jarien's. She came up next to her love and put her arm around him, and he slid his over her shoulders. They came out of the cave last, to see both Susanne and Shyanne already tied. Jarien kept a grip on Adi though, daring any of them to try and take her.
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Madam Sephora

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 04, 2011 7:48 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Sephora watched everything and everyone like a hawk, her blue eyes missing nothing. An annoyed sigh escaped her when she saw Edmund grab his knife and hide it. Obviously, Reuel hadn't tied him properly and now the man was only pretending to be tied.

Standing, she walked over to where Edmund knelt on the ground. Sephora watched him for a few seconds, noting that he tried to act as if he was innocent. The back of her hand flew across his face and then she placed her hands on her hips. "Remember who you're dealing with, young man."

"Tie him up." Sephora commanded a young, saucy-looking thief, who quickly obeyed. The younger woman tied his hands, tightly and carefully. She then removed the knife from under his shirt and walked away.

Sephora nodded and returned to her spot next to Shyanne.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby lover of narnia » Jan 04, 2011 11:11 am

Vayond: The Shadowed hunters

"Yes, I have" Susanne responded to Tristan, glancing at him as he bound her wrists. She flinched as he cinched the ropes tight. "I have a feeling I shall have to endure more, thanks to you and your company"


Quill kept her hawk like eyes trained all of their captives. Several of them still need to be tied, and seeing this she retrieved the rope, and approached a young woman, who look stranger than all the rest. She noticed the way she bore herself, and how her ears were pointed and her eye brows arched. "Don't struggle" Quill hissed as she moved to tie her hands.

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