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Favorite Book (and book rankings)

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Which of these awesome books is just a bit more awesome than the rest?

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW)
Prince Caspian (PC)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (VDT)
The Silver Chair (SC)
The Horse and His Boy (HHB)
The Magician's Nephew (MN)
The Last Battle (LB)
Total votes : 185

Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Elanor » Oct 25, 2010 9:21 am

I'm actually surprised that LWW isn't highest, and I had a hard choice whether to vote for it or VDT. In the end, I went with the latter.
Does anyone think that more people like it because of the movie coming up? I'm not sure myself.
But I've always loved it so much!!
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby aragorn2 » Oct 25, 2010 5:24 pm

I never really cared for LWW, it doesn't seem as well written as the others, maybe it is he just hadn't perfected his Narnia writing style :-\ :-\
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Katana » Oct 25, 2010 5:39 pm

I voted for Prince Caspien, its been my favourite of the series for a while now, I love the storyline and I especially like the end when all those people follow Aslan and are freed from a strict, advanced, world that for the most part doesnt encourage creativity or imagination...... kind of like ours :( ( most of the time)

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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby amarlie24 » Nov 17, 2010 5:34 am

^^ I would say the VDT is my favorite though I really wanted to read the LWW and also watch its movie again and again. Too bad I don't like the LB though somehow I liked it in a different way... :p
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Adamant » Nov 18, 2010 9:31 am

2. LWW
3. LB
4. HHB
5. MN
6. SC
7. PC

This was really hard, but VODT is clearly my favourite. I just love the happy and bright adventure - theme, and the ending is beautiful and epic.

PC, well.. I just didn't find the story so interesting. It's awesome book and I love Peter's and Miraz's duel, but it just wasn't as great as the other books.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby MagiciansNephew1 » Nov 29, 2010 2:27 pm

Well, here are my book rankings:

1) The Magician's Nephew: This is my favorite book for many reasons. For example, I loved the whole situation in Charn and the Wood Between the Worlds. It just opens up so many possibilities for one to think beyond the book. I also loved to see how Narnia was created!

2) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: VDT is my second favorite book, as it is the one that best captures the magic and wonder of Narnia. When you read it you might as well be flying, as that was how I felt when I first read it. It is also the most emotional book out of the seven.

3) The Last Battle: This gets some criticism for being too dark; however, I like it for that. It just feels so separate from the rest of the books in its mood. It is the most epic out of the seven, and has some of the best characters (see Jewel).

4) The Silver Chair: This one is also epic, and I love the "gray" feel of it. However, I also feel that this one conveys the magic of Narnia as well. It has the Parliament of Owls, and one of my favorite scenes of the book in Aslan's Country.

5) The Horse and His Boy: This is the funniest of the seven, and has some fantastic quotes and scenes. I love Lasaraleen's ideal capital punishment and Corrin's remark about the Bolt of Tash. However, I have to put it low because it just sometimes feels cheesy to me.

6) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: This one doesn't work for me as much as the rest probably just because I already knew the story when I read it. It is a great book, and would be much higher on this list if it was my introduction to Narnia, but alas, it wasn't.

7) Prince Caspian: Well, one's gotta finish last. Sadly, it's this one. It just feels too slow to me. I didn't like the flashback that Trumpkin told the Pevensies. After a while, I just didn't really care anymore about Caspian. I wanted to know what happened to the Pevensies. And when that story finally comes, even that one isn't all that good.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Lucy of Narnia » Dec 06, 2010 5:44 pm

1. The Horse and His Boy. (hard, it was either that or LWW, but I just read HHB for the first time, and it was fabulous! A great new, exciting adventure- without the heart-winning Pevensies even!)

2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Great story! A real classic!

3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. (above Prince Caspian only because of PC's long back story!)

4. Prince Caspian.

5. The Silver Chair (it will be great as a movie I'm sure, and the book itself is good too, just not THAT good IMO...)

6. The Last Battle (sad, but at least we can see everybody again!)

7. The Magicians Nephew (probably'll make a good movie, though)
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Cineadh » Dec 10, 2010 2:07 pm

1:VDT - My favorite by far. Chock full of symbolism, imagery, and supposition. I've been desperately hoping sacrificing small animals for looking forward to the film since I heard they were shooting the first one. I've yet to see it but I can only hope it's held onto the key points Lewis was attempting to drive at.
2:LB - You can't get much better than a Narnian apocalypse!
3:LWW - The book that started it all. I have a fondness for this one that I can never shake; after all, one only has to look at the mystery and wonder of Narnia as it's first slowly unfurled into our imaginations.
4:SC - One word to explain my likes for this one: Puddleglum
5:MN - The creation story, thus a prequel. It's still enchanting, but it didn't enthrall me as well as the others.
6:PC - I won't say 'meh', because there's still so much here. However, I can't help but feel this one wasn't written with as much 'oomph' as the others.
7:HHB - While I didn't dislike Horse and His Boy, this one was definitely the most 'out of place'. Not only did it not take place in Narnia, but its central characters are never really seen or heard from again. It almost feels like a side story or novella.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Lilygloves » Dec 18, 2010 4:59 pm

I just adore The Silver Chair. It is such an unusual story and Puddleglum shows such significant faith, similar to Trufflehunter in Prince Caspian. I guess I just have good memories of reading The Silver Chair. I also love the quotes from The Horse and His Boy and the humor in The Magician's Nephew. I guess The Last Battle is my least favorite because it is so dark, even though they end up in Alsan's country in the end. But the majority is deception and death. However, especially in The Last Battle and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, I do love the connections to Christianity which I feel are more portrayed in those 2 books.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby JillPoleFan565 » Jan 01, 2011 6:00 pm

1. MN
2. LB
4. LWW
5. SC
7. PC

personally i thought HAHB and PC dragged a little bit. MN explained so much and made the whole series make more sense and it is so magical that is why it is my favorite. LB has so much action and it really keeps you in it. SC i could really relate to the character of Jill so it just made it so much more interesting to me.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Radagast of Mirkwood » Jan 02, 2011 1:47 pm

1. The Last Battle: This book that made me love Narnia in a way that I had never loved any book series before. The story goes from tragic ending on Stable Hill to the Joy of the real narnia in such an amazing way. Plus It is probably the only book where I am attached to nearly every "hero" character. When even very minor characters such as the Boar died, I felt exteremely sad as if I had already knew them well. 10/10

I would probably rank the rest,

2. Horse and his Boy
3. The Magician's Nephew
4. Prince Caspian
5. The Silver Chair
6. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
7. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

I honestly love them all and the order of them changes constantly. With LB always at #1.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby the magicians niece » Jan 02, 2011 3:25 pm

1. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
2. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
3. The Silver Chair
4. The Last Battle
5. The Magician's Nephew
6. The Horse and his Boy
7. Prince Caspian

I ranked The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe first because it almost gave me a hope that there is a Narnia out there, and in my opinion had the most magical feeling.
Most of us, I suppose, have a secret country but for most of us it is only an imaginary country. Edmund and Lucy were luckier than other people in that respect. Their secret country was real.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Timo » Jan 04, 2011 7:12 am

Aww this is so hard..

1. LB: Actually I'm not a big fan of the beginning of the book, it's so.. weird, with the ape and Puzzle.. But it turns out to be my favourite book, the ending is breathtaking, I used to cry every time when Narnia died when I was a kid :)
2. HHB: Can't explain why, Love Shasta very much... As a kid I think it was very cool to see the Pevensies being grown up, being real kings and queens; The story is just lovable :)
3. VDT: Used to be my favourite, but I think I read it to much :) the last chapter is breathtaking.
4. LWW: Yea, i LOVE this book, and it brought me into Narnia and stuff, but I think it's a bit overated, compared to the other books
5. SC: I used to dislike this book when I was a kid. Some stuff were so weird. Jill and Eustace being so unfriendly at times, Puddle being negative the whole time, Jill who can't remember the 4 rules (which were sooo easy, she could at least have written them down on something!). But I turned out loving the book when I got older. Think it was a bit too dark for me when I was a kid.
6. MN: It's a great book, love the birth of Narnia, but somehow Digory and Polly are my least favourite characters in the Narnia series.
7. Prince Caspian: Yea I dunno, it's the only book I still don't really like. It feels like the magic is gone in this book.

That's my list, took a while to think about this :D
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Jill » Jan 07, 2011 6:19 am

I love all the books but LB wins it's so completely beautiful.
Here's my rankings,
2-HHB I love Lewis's one tomboy the journey and the horses especially Bree.
3-SC this was very close! I love the unchaining, the concurring evil and I have always loved characters who get bullied, I identified with it.
4-MN- Who wouldn't love to understand the beginnings of Narnia and where the wardrobe and the Proffesors strange ( but correct) ideas came from. The beginning of the world is so beautiful and I love the cabby's reactions.
5-VDT- I don't really know why I don't love this book, I love the ideas I love boats and I actually like Eustace, the Pevensies are too much like Saints. I suppose there are just to many great Books
6-LWW- this was my first ever Narnia and I loved it so much I read it over and over again and just over did it
7-PC-I think the film (which I can't stand) might have pushed it down but if I over did LWW I don't know what I did to PC it'll probably be a few more years before I can enjoy it again

I love all the books, the characters and the message they're all gorgeous.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Rilian The Disenchanted » Jan 07, 2011 7:29 am

1. LB Just mindblowing. Very sad book, but also optimistic. Big reunion of alll main characters. Perfect ending.
2. VODT Full of adventure, different islands, very original, Eustace's transformation (physically and personality), best transition.
3. LWW Discovery of a new world, WW, Aslan's sacrifice, Tumnus of course
4. SC Caspian who becomes young again in Aslan's country, Puddelglum, Giants
5. MN Creation of Narnia, Uncle Andrew who gets planted =))
6. HHB Loved how Aravis and Shasta became friends, despite their different background. The theme of finding the place where you truly belong.
7. PC Still love this book but it's not as original as the others. It's basically the same setting as in LWW but 1300 years later.
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Re: Favorite Book (and book rankings)

Postby Conina » Jan 18, 2011 12:17 pm

1. HHB - Its a look at Narnia from the perspective of natives to that world. and some old favorite characters show up such as Tumnus

2. SC - Very close 2nd. It feels more intellectual the argument Puddleglum has with the witch. Issues of sanity and of who controls perceptions comes into play.

3. LWW - this was my first introduction into the world of Narnia. I love the scene with Lucy meeting Tumnus by the lamp post.

4. MN - I think the image of the witch in London is hilarious. I also like getting to find out where the Lamp post came from and how Narnia began and some of the history of the white witch.

5. VDT - I love the adventure and how they overcome various evils with Aslan's help.

6. LB - Beautiful book but it is sad and dark too. I cried when I first found out about Susan.

7. PC - I like this book quite a bit as well. But there is a lot of growing pain in it. Caspian has to face his evil uncle. I cried when I first found out Susan and Peter couldn't go back (it was less of a shock in VDT). Its hard finding out that one's world isn't ideal.
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