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The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

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The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby RileyTea » Oct 16, 2009 5:52 pm

*Quick Note: Moderators, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this thread... if it should be located elsewhere, I'm sorry!*

I remember when I first got the Narnia Audio-Dramas. It was a birthday present for me and my sister (our b-days are 2 weeks apart) almost 7 years ago. We fell in love with them right away, and it soon became a tradition to bring them along with us on any family drives (which, at the time, were our favorite family outings) to listen to; we would usually finish one story each trip.

Now, it's been about or more than a year since we've listened to any of them; my family went through a major 'upheaval' time, and today was the first day since then that me, my mom, and my bro and sis got to go for a autumn drive up in the mountains. We brought the CDs with us, and ended up listening to VDT; we listened to half of it on the way up and finished it on the way back home.

I'd forgotten just how wonderful the Radio Theatre adaption was! It filled me with nostalgia, and made me wish even more to see the movie; VDT being my favorite of all the books anyways. The CDs are 'hosted' by Douglas Gresham, and after VDT was over, Gresham told a neat fact that I hadn't known before: of all the Narnia books, VDT was pretty much the only one that was hardly revised from the original manuscript! To me, at least, it makes Dawn Treader seem even more special. :)

Has anyone else listened to the audio drama or have a story to share about it?
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 17, 2009 9:48 am

I have heard all of them, and I think they're awesome. I can never decide which one is my favorite, but it goes back and forth between LB, VDT, and HHB depending on my mood. It's the same way with the books.
We only bought the whole set about four years ago, but they've been a favorite on road trips ever since. I also listen to them a lot when I'm sick and have to stay home.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby NaiadWaker » Oct 18, 2009 6:42 pm

I have all of them, and they're all on my iPod. They are very good and accurate, but because I heard them before I read the books I discovered a lot more when I read.
Everyone was cast perfectly. MY favorites would have to be HHB, VDT, and SC.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby TheGeneral » Oct 19, 2009 6:06 am

I bought them all a couple years ago. When I was younger, we just had LWW, PC, and MN. The first time I heard it was on the radio when me and my family were driving all over the place looking at cars to buy, then later my mom bought those three and I listened to them all the time, especially on vacations during the long drives.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby Valiant_Lucy » Oct 19, 2009 12:38 pm

RileyTea wrote:*Quick Note: Moderators, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this thread... if it should be located elsewhere, I'm sorry!*

No worries, it's fine! :)

I LOVE the Radio Theater dramas. They're incredibly well done, and you can just see the story unfolding in your head as you listen. :D

My favorites would be, hands down, The Last Battle followed by The Silver Chair. At one point I was OBSESSED with TSC, and listened to the part from where the LOTGK finds Rilian disenchanted to where he kills the serpant, and I can still recite all of the Witch's lines exactly as the actress on the CDs did. :p

I used to never like TLB (book) so much because I thought it was too depressing and sad. Then I started listening to the CDs and I just fell in love with it. It's still sad...Narnia ending and all, but I just love it. :p It really comes alive on the dics.
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Chronicles of Narnia dramatized on CD

Postby narnian_at_heart » Oct 25, 2009 6:40 pm

Has anyone listened to the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre dramatized version of the Chronicles? They're really good. They don't change the books a bit except to add a little bit of dialogue in a few places.

I bought the set of all seven books from Christian Book Distributors and I love them. I decided to put them in my car and I'd listen to them through. I like doing it that way.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby coracle » Oct 25, 2009 7:43 pm

I've been listening to HHB today while doing chores. So much pleasanter!
They are an excellent set.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby eves_daughter » Oct 26, 2009 3:52 pm

I absolutely love the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre!!! I used to listen to them all the time and draw Narnia pictures. They are so well done. My favorite would have to be either MN or VDT.

Valiant_Lucy wrote: At one point I was OBSESSED with TSC, and listened to the part from where the LOTGK finds Rilian disenchanted to where he kills the serpant, and I can still recite all of the Witch's lines exactly as the actress on the CDs did. :p

lol. Sounds like me and my sisters. I love quoting the Tisroc in HHB. :p
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Nov 04, 2009 6:28 pm

I got the Focus on the Family set for Christmas one year. I think it was about when LWW was in theaters. I absolutely love them. :D For the most part they are extremely accurate. I have this nagging feeling that there is at least one part that is noticeable off, but I can remember what it is. :-\ As many others have said, they are great for long car rides. I like to listen to them to / from job interviews and to / from visits to my grandparents. It helps me keep awake while I'm driving and gives me something to thing about besides the interview (if that is where I am going). Now that I have my own car I keep a copy of them in the car.
daughter of the King wrote:I also listen to them a lot when I'm sick and have to stay home.
When I'm sick, I like to watch the BBC version of LWW, PC, VDT, and SC. But when I first got the CDs I was sick and had to stay home while my family went on a shopping trip to a huge mall that is a couple hours away. So I listened to the CDs. Another time when I was sick with a very bad cold, I'd put the a CD in my CD player and listen to it as I fell asleep at night. I hate going to sleep without reading, but I didn't feel up to it so I listened instead. I usually fell asleep before the end of the CD. Narnia = Comfort :D
coracle wrote:I've been listening to HHB today while doing chores. So much pleasanter! They are an excellent set.
I love listening to them while I'm cleaning my room. It makes the job not as bad. I've also listened to NarniaWeb podcasts while cleaning. :) I'm going to be listening to HHB tomorrow on my way to a job interview.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby Watziznehm » Nov 04, 2009 7:08 pm

I have listened to the Focus on The Family dramatization and they are quite good. In listening to the dramatizations I only had one complaint and that is Aslans voice, it is so annoying. I confess that I am biased to them be read as an audio book rather than a dramatization. I think I listen to the Listening Library ones. All the narrators that they employ for the reading of the chronicles are excellent.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Nov 06, 2009 1:12 am

Aslan's voice for the most part is not good, some parts of the books are edited out to be more friendly for conservative Christian audiences (oh, the irony). Otherwise, they're great.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby ClvrEttinsmoorGiant » Nov 21, 2009 4:40 pm

My family listens to them all the time. I heard them all before I read the books so, it was cool for me to read them and get the things I missed. Like "Oh-My-Father-And-The-Delight-Of-My-Eyes" began the young man not as if the Tisroc were the delight of his eyes." I got such a big kick out of that. I thought they were very well done. I wish they would do the Space Trilogy next!
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby L.M. Pevensie » Nov 22, 2009 8:24 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Aslan's voice for the most part is not good, some parts of the books are edited out to be more friendly for conservative Christian audiences (oh, the irony). Otherwise, they're great.

Which parts were edited Warrior 4 Jesus?? I've read all the books and listened to the radio dramas several times and never noticed anything....

I LOVE the radio dramas, LB and HAHB are my favorites. My one bone to pick with them is that I didn't like Caspian and Peter's voices in PC, they sounded waaaay too similar IMHO, it was difficult to know who was speaking sometimes.

If this Sig is by you please let me know, because I can't remember :-(

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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby narnian_at_heart » Nov 23, 2009 11:27 am

I don't like Aslan's voice either. The way he says stuff is kind of weird and not at all Aslan like. I liked Aslan's voice much better in the movies.

I don't recall hearing any parts left out. They added a bit of dialogue in places to make it flow smoother but I don't hear any left out parts.

My aunt went through the whole series reading along with it in the book and told me that everything was right on except for the added dialogue.
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby TheGeneral » Nov 23, 2009 12:14 pm

Yeah I don't like Aslan's voice much. Liam Neeson is much better ;)
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Re: The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Nov 24, 2009 4:01 pm

I was listening to HHB and I'm pretty sure they (FotF) left out the grand vizier of the talk in the room. They also had fewer animals meet Shasta when he arrived in Narnia. I think it was only the dwarf and the stag. Also, King Lune tells Bree that nothing is wrong with his tail and that talking horse roll all the time, neither of which are in the book.

I don't like Aslan's voice that much either. It is too quiet. I have to turn the volume up and then other parts get too loud.
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