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Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Nov 20, 2019 5:21 pm
by fantasia ... y-netflix/

Projects slated for the next two years on Netflix may prove enticing to families including an adaptation of “The Chronicles of Narnia,” an original “Jurassic World” animated series, and ongoing seasons of “The Crown.”

The newsposters were unable to find a corroborating source to go with this quote, so I put it here in Rumors.
Netflix has ALWAYS been tight lipped with their projects so who knows where they actually are in the production? What do you think about the possibility of less than two years until we might see Narnia again?

I know for myself it's been such a roller coaster of ups and downs since Walden's VDT that the idea of having a full series (or even just a "first season" or first movie) in less than two years is like :-o

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Nov 20, 2019 8:14 pm
by Cleander
That's... that's awesome.
I know some fans have already been hoping for a 2 year wait, but it's hard to know if this is just an offhand remark by the journalist or not. I'm not familiar with how fast Netflix works, but I imagine that 2 years would be on the short side of things, unless this is a less demanding episode series we're talking about.

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Dec 02, 2019 7:12 am
by narnia fan 7
Not sure I'd trust the Federalist for information like this. But, it's certainly plausible we could see something within the next couple years, so who knows.

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Dec 04, 2019 2:22 pm
Is has been “less than 2 years ‘till Narnia” for a few years now, so.. right now I’m just waiting - patiently like all of you - for a sign that Narnia projects are actually in development. (The lack of information & coverage for the Silver Chair movie made the cynic in me feel, by late 2018, that it was all just an elaborate hoax intended to bait Narnia fans. In fact we don’t really have an evidence that it was being worked on at all besides what Magee & Johnston said.) I’ll be glad when Narnia arrives by late 2021. I expect that the 2020’s, for better or worse, will be a decade of reckoning. It would be great to have movies & shows adapting C.S. Lewis’s stories with us then.

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Dec 04, 2019 3:03 pm
by fantasia
As far as I'm concerned, Magee and Johnston are long gone and out of the picture... not even worth talking about anymore.

JFGII wrote:It’s been less than 2 years ‘till Narnia for a few years now, so..
Ehhh... Maybe for Magee and Johnston + Silver Chair, but we've never had any kind of date given for Netflix.

I’m just waiting, for a sign that Narnia projects are actually in development.

What about Matthew Aldrich being named the creative director of the whole Netflix Narnia world?

This is 100% speculation on my part, but here's what I think they may be doing behind the scenes. I know they have a lot of producers and creative people who have been on board for a while. Were they just sitting until Aldrich joined the team? No, I think not. I suspect they've laid out how they're going to release the movies and series.
Other things that could be going on, Creature design, set design, the storyboarding, the script, etc etc. All of that can be done behind the scenes with pretty much nobody caring about such things except us, so news doesn't leak.

It would not surprise me one bit if the next news we hear are casting announcements or filming locations. I admit I don't follow movie news like I used to, but thinking back to shows like Stranger Things or Series of Unfortunate Events, I really only heard news about who was playing what role, and when the series was coming out only a very short time before it released. Now, I'm hoping we get more than THAT or else Netflix will be making a huge mistake not building up hype and interest.

All that to say, I have reason to believe that things ARE progressing, though we've heard next to nothing, simply because the powers-that-be are tight-lipped. If it fell apart again, I think they'd share that.

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Dec 04, 2019 4:56 pm
fantasia wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Magee and Johnston are long gone and out of the picture... not even worth talking about anymore.

I respect your opinion, but Magee's and Johnston's past involvement drops major clues as to how Gordon & Gresham will go about producing Narnia films. That goes for Aldrich's current involvement as well. I find it all fascinating. I don't get why one would find it pointless, but that's ok.

P.S. On a side-note, if casting calls ARE announced next, I'll be very impressed. Gresham & Gordon have spent over 6 years trying to get to that point in producing Narnia.

P.P.S. Man-o-Man: I REALLY want the rumor about Narnia being less than 2 years away to be true. Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.

Re: Less Than Two Years 'til Narnia?

PostPosted: Feb 21, 2020 3:49 pm
by Cleander
Well, there was a headline recently about the next season of the Witcher (a show aired in 2019) being scheduled for 2021. Not sure if that's an indication that it takes about two years or so for Netflix to create a season of something or not... :|