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The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 04, 2011 9:44 pm
by Ithilwen
As we all know, there are many animal characters in MN -- the first animals ever created in Narnia. We all wondered who would play Reep in PC, Maugrim in LWW, Pattertwig in PC, etc. But what about the MN animals? What actors do you think should voice them?

Also, I'm going to start making a list of all the animals that were in MN. This will help us know what roles there are to cast. It's been awhile since I've read the book, so feel free to help me out. So far I remember --

The Elephant
The Bulldog
The Jackdaw
The Badger
The Warthog

~Riella =:)

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 05, 2011 2:49 pm
by Anfinwen
Isn't there a rabbit who thinks that the humans are huge lettuce? There are also a panther, a mole, a beaver, and a bear. I was just thinking about the bulldog today. He's my favorite because of the way he keeps saying "I object to that remark very strongly"

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 05, 2011 3:57 pm
by wolfloversk
My favorite (besides Aslan and Fledge) is the jackdaw! "Did I make the first joke?"

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 11, 2011 12:34 am
by Adeona
I want two young unknowns to be cast for Digory and Polly, but I wouldn't mind seeing a somewhat famous actor for the voice of Fledge. Not that I have anyone in mind. :p I'm not that great with actors/resses.

I would think that the other, minor animal parts aren't big enough to attract/merit famous actors, though.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 11, 2011 9:04 pm
by Lion's Emblem
I agree with Adeona on the minor animal parts. I don't really see these parts going to big or famous actors/actresses. More likely unknows or crew members (like in animation, sometimes the secondary characters are voiced by their animator, if that person fits the character of course).

I don't mind if these characters are voiced by lesser knows or the big actors, so long as the voice fits the character. This is most important as we see the animal and not the actor. If the voice doesn't fit, it just doesn't work.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 12, 2011 6:59 pm
by MountainFireflower
Lion's Emblem wrote:...sometimes the secondary characters are voiced by their animator, if that person fits the character of course).

A good example of this is Pattertwig's voice in PC. He was voiced by Harry Gregson-Williams, and although he wasn't the animator, he was the composer for the first two films. Having crewmembers voice some of the characters is smart, especially if they only have a few lines, because it's less work than flying someone totally different out to record the voice roles.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the animals will probably not be voiced by popular actors, as far as the evidence from the first two films suggests, but I still think it would be cool if they were. :) We can always brainstorm about it though - it's good to dream. :)

I think Sean Connery would do a great job at voicing an animal - the elephant or bulldog, perhaps. He has a distinctive voice and seems to be getting into voice-over work as of late. He'd be a great addition to the already-amazing Narnian cast. ;))

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 12, 2011 7:58 pm
by Ithilwen
MountainFireflower wrote: I'm pretty sure that the animals will probably not be voiced by popular actors, as far as the evidence from the first two films suggests, but I still think it would be cool if they were. :) We can always brainstorm about it though - it's good to dream. :)

They might be voiced by famous actors. Reep was -- three times. ;)) Even though the animals had small parts in the book, their parts might be lengthened in the movies. Just look at the fox in LWW. He wasn't even in the original book, and he got a famous actor to play him. :D

I think a good idea for the Jackdaw would be Bill Irwin. What do you guys think? His profile is here --

~Riella =:)

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 16, 2011 4:36 pm
by Kira
Who did the voice for the fox Ithilwen?

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 17, 2011 10:11 am
by ChristProclamer
I vote Douglas Gresham should voice Fledge. I don't know, but for the longest time, I've wanted Gresham to voice one of the horses in CoN. If Fledge doesn't work out, he could do Bree.

As for the rest of them, I expect they'll be voiced by minor actors, or by crew. Phillip the Horse, Vardan the Wolf, Pattertwig, and Peepiceek were all voiced by crew members.

Oh, and the fox was voiced by Rupert Everett; but only becuase Everett requested the part, because he loved the book so much.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 18, 2011 1:41 pm
by icarus
Given the nature of the budgetary cuts they had to make for VDT, I doubt they could afford to do too many talking animals in MN. I think we'd probably be lucky just to get a decent amount of Aslan screentime as it is.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Apr 22, 2011 9:14 pm
by Eustace
The elephant! He has to make it in the movie along with Fledge's line about not wanting to take the elephant on his back.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Jun 04, 2011 12:35 am
by Jill
The Lady Arwen Undómiel wrote:Isn't there a rabbit who thinks that the humans are huge lettuce? "

Yes, he's ridiculous and poor Polly is terrified he's going to eat her, "No, no we're not at all nice to eat"
There are also two ravens that I don't think anybody has metioned yet they are called to Aslans council. There are also some deer, a stag and a doe but if they film it in New Zealand I doubt they'll be alowed them, the white Whitches deer were horses with antlers glued on. Oh well, a shame but not important.

Re: The Animals of MN

PostPosted: Sep 09, 2011 5:45 pm
by Lilygloves
ChristProclamer wrote:I vote Douglas Gresham should voice Fledge. I don't know, but for the longest time, I've wanted Gresham to voice one of the horses in CoN. If Fledge doesn't work out, he could do Bree.

I love that idea! Especially with him doing Bree because the book was dedicated to him! They probably aren't going to do big actors. I feel as though they find unkown actors to play the roles so it doesn't seem too Hollywood. If Johnny Depp was in the movie (which for some reason people keep suggesting he do a part in the next films), it would take me out of Narnia. But the fact that they don't have big names most of the time lets me believe that they are the characters they portray.