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Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 22, 2010 10:01 pm
by MountainFireflower
Mods, I'm not sure if there's already a thread for this, so if so, I apologize. :)

Which character do you think was most faithful to the book?

I'm torn between several different options. I liked the development of Caspian a lot, as well as Lucy. Aslan was well done but could have used more screen time. Edmund's adaptation was so-so, and I really loved Reepicheep. But I think I'd have to say Eustace. Even though we didn't get to see nearly as much as him as I would have liked, that's what the Silver Chair is for (provided it gets green-lit). I loved how perfectly his character was portrayed, and Will Poulter did an amazing job. Eustace pretty much made the movie for me.

So what about you? Who did you think came across the best from book to screen?

Re: Character Adaptation Most Faithful to the Book?

PostPosted: Dec 22, 2010 10:17 pm
by FencerforJesus
Overall, VDT was the most spot on in terms of faithful character adaptation. Both LWW and PC has character problems, specifically Peter and Caspian. Lucy, Edmund, and Reep were by far the best done in LWW and PC. But in VDT, I thought everyone was as close to the book as possible (in terms of character, even with plot adjustment compensation). But if there was one character I had to pick, it would have to be Eustace. Will Poulter still blows me away with his performance and even dragon-Eustace pulls of an amazing performance. Reep is 2nd followed by Edmund. And I really hope they get a really good actor for Puddleglum, because he is one of the most memorable Narnian characters in the whole series.

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 6:00 am
by Aravis Narnia
I like how they show Edmund maturing throughout the three movies- while still having human moments.

I like how they portrayed Eustace. But someone I know who watched the movie disliked him very much.

And of course, Aslan was awesome.

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 9:56 am
by Lady Haleth
Eustace, definitely. Though I think Caspian (except for the whole 'my-father-is-disappointed-in-me' thing) was actually closer to his book character than he was in the previous movie. He seemed less angsty.

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 4:54 pm
by aragorn2
I think Caspian was the closest to the book character though Eustace was by far my favorite. :)

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 5:31 pm
by greenbird37
I would have to say Eustace...he did an amazing performance! He was very believable as the annoying cousin in the book and dragon-Eustace was very well done.

Caspian runs a close second....better in this one than in PC! :)

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 5:40 pm
by Liberty Hoffman
Eustace, definitely! and I think Edmund is second best! :D

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 5:48 pm
by Brisa
Eustace, definitely. His character was spot-on from the book. :D

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 5:54 pm
by aslanscountry
Eustace first, followed by Lucy, Reep and Aslan in no particular order :)

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 7:13 pm
by jo_yan
I have always been biased toward Edmund and I would have picked him if it's LWW or PC we're talking about. I think Edmund's portrayal is still nice here but the goldwater scene really didn't do it for me. Eustace, on the other hand, is absolutely spot-on, so I picked him. ;)

In my opinion, Reep is second-best, too bad he doesn't have a vote yet.

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 24, 2010 12:14 pm
by Shastafan
Eustace to me is the closest to the best adapted character. Comparing him to the book, even with the changes, I feel like he's spot on, and that he's almost exactly the same. ;)

As for the characters, adaption changes can be necessary and still be great. But movie adaption best character goes to Eustace. :D

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 24, 2010 1:40 pm
by georgiefan1
Eustace was best adapted definitely! He was perfect in this movie with his character. Edmund is in second he was also great in this movie

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 24, 2010 8:03 pm
by Valiant
Eustace. I don't know if he was as mean as he was in the book, but Poulter's performance blew me away. So in any case, I enjoyed him the most! :)

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 25, 2010 1:46 pm
by NaiadWaker
Eustace. I am so glad they cast Will Poulter... it was better than I expected! Almost exactly what I imagined Eustace to be like when reading the book.

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 30, 2010 6:52 pm
by moo25
Eustace, definately. While I could pick out a couple of areas for improvement for all of the other character's adaptations, Will Poulter's performance blew me away. I'm so SO glad that they cast him- I can't imagine anyone portraying him better. :D

Re: Best Character Adaptation?

PostPosted: Dec 30, 2010 10:58 pm
by mayahabee
Eustace, hands down. Well, I haven't read VDT thoroughly, so I can't compare a lot between the Eustace in book and in the movie but I am impressed by Will's performance. He portrayed his character well. It was so awesome!