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The White Witch in the Silver Chair: What works for you?

PostPosted: Oct 31, 2010 2:59 pm
by Josh
Okay, so right now we are all under the impression that the filmakers are trying to keep Tilda a menacing presence throughout this series. Most of us don't agree with it.

Many fear Tilda will be cast as the Lady of the Green Kirtle. Or some fear, as according to the Apted quote, that the White Witch and the Lady of the Green Kirtle will team up.

This thread isnt a repeat of whether or not LotGK and the WW should be the same. Rather its saying if the White Witch must be in the movie, what way should she appear.

I personally don't want her in the film at all, but if she did appear, I would like to see her in spirit form. Let me explain. I would like to set up the fact that all evil power in Narnia comes from an evil source. I believe that source is Tash, not Jadis. And I'm pretty sure Lewis felt that way too. So I wouldnt mind seeing a scene where the Lady of the Green Kirtle, after finding that Aslan has sent Jill and Eustace to overthrow her plot, prays to Tash for power and guidance. Then, the White Witch's spirit appears as a messanger for Tash (which shows that she is more like his head angel (or demon) rather than the supreme evil being itself). The White Witch states that it is up to the LotGK to finish the task she had started while she was living (by overthrowing Narnia), and that Tash said she (LotGK) must be her sucessor. The White Witch should then say "Though under earth and throneless now I be, while I lived all earth was under me." Then the WW should say something along the lines of "With the blessings of Tash, I give you my power" and either enter into the Lady of the Green Kirtle (giving her power) or merely touch her and dissapear.

I think a scene like this would not only establish that the WW isnt the main villiain of the Narnia series, but it would also show that she and LotGK arent the same...though they are of the same crew (witches serving under Tash).

What are your ideas of how they should (if they must) bring Jadis into the mix? I'll set up a poll giving a few options.

P.S. Mods, if you don't like the topic, feel free to move/delete/alter it. I understand its a subject none of us fans enjoy discussing. I just think its likely that Tilda will appear and that the issue should be adressed.

Re: The White Witch in the Silver Chair: What works for you?

PostPosted: Oct 31, 2010 7:56 pm
by aragorn2
I don't want her at all in the movie, but it would be fine if she is just shown in flashback form, since it wouldn't contradict the book and she wouldn't be part of the story.

Re: The White Witch in the Silver Chair: What works for you?

PostPosted: Oct 31, 2010 9:43 pm
by Lion's Emblem
She shouldn't be present in the film at all. There's no need for it and I hope there is not a crazy idea invented to include her in the film in some odd and misguided way. The idea is just becoming preposterous.

Re: The White Witch in the Silver Chair: What works for you?

PostPosted: Nov 01, 2010 1:31 am
by coracle
"Right now we are all under the impression that the filmakers are trying to keep Tilda a menacing presence throughout this series."

This is not true - only some people think this.
This is fanfiction and therefore not permitted.