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Uncle Harold

PostPosted: Oct 07, 2010 11:46 am
by fantasia
So, I'm a bit behind on the news (ironic, no?) so I don't know how big of a part Uncle Harold has to play in the movies. You all can correct me immediately if I'm wrong, but all I've seen/heard is that he is sitting in his chair reading the newspaper when Edmund and Lucy return from buying groceries. I know in the leaked script he converses with them, but I don't know if that made it into the movie or not.

I was wondering if there might be the slightest chance that this could be a cameo by Doug Gresham? Thought that'd be funny if it was.

Re: Uncle Harold

PostPosted: Oct 07, 2010 12:26 pm
by icarus
I asked Cyclops from AslansCountry (who went to one of the 30 minute pre-screening events) if they recognised the actor who played Uncle Harold was, but they said that he was obscured behind a newspaper the whole time (such as he is in the new trailer) but that they would try to find out from the producers if they had a name for the actor. That said, i haven't heard any developments on that one since.

Strangely enough, someone did then ask the question about whether it could be Douglas Gresham in the Doug Gresham topic having seen that post. If he is indeed entirely obscured behind the paper the whole time it would fit in neatly with the running theme of Doug Gresham having a predominantly "voice" based cameos (the Radio Announcer in LWW, the Town Crier in PC) but if Uncle Harold does drop his paper, perhaps at the very end as part of the usual humorous "no time has passed" moment (the cricket Ball in LWW, the Geeky Kid in PC) then i might not of thought that Doug Gresham would want to be visually associated with a character like Uncle Harold. hahaha.

I'm thinking that it would have to be someone of relative fame or significance playing him, as if it were just one of the many names of minor actors in unknown roles that we have listed in the VDT Extras Casting thread, or someone of a similar ilk, they would of already told us by now.