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Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Glumpuddle » Sep 28, 2010 1:22 pm

FriendofNarnia2 wrote:Well if she's really a nightmare, of course she'd return. That's what Dark Island is; the place where your nightmares come TRUE. That idea is completely in keeping with the book.

How is it in keeping with the book? VDT does not have a villain because it's not about defeating a villain.

It appears that the entire reason they set out on the voyage in the first place is to prevent the White Witch's return. In other words, to save their own skin. This is not AT ALL in keeping with the book. In the book, Caspian sets out because of a sense of responsibility to right the wrongs his uncle committed.

I guess this isn't that surprising. Hollywood gave up on the idea of characters doing the right thing because it's the right thing a long time ago. Now, characters have to be forced to do the right thing. The nobility is gone.

Your interpretation of the Dark Island doesn't seem right. The dreams don't actually become real. After they escape the Dark Island, Lewis writes that all at once they realized there was nothing to be afraid of and never had been.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Savber100 » Sep 28, 2010 1:27 pm

Excellent find icarus! :D
You always amaze me with how you find all of this information.

Anyways, in going over the article, I've found the talk on 3D slightly more encouraging that what was previously mentioned. It seems like the 3D is not going to be just a useless gimmick that the studio suddenly decided to apply. Definitely a plus for the film’s critical reception.
Also I’m really glad that they finally gave the reason for replacing Eddie Izzard. Don’t really agree with Apted’s decision but I can see where he’s coming form. The dialogue at Ramandu’s island had me facepalming myself but I doubt it will hold a significant impact on the film.

The big con I see is the entire idea of “the seven swords must be placed at Aslan’s feet in order to destroy the Dark Island”. What is this? A plot premise for a video game? It sounds cliché and totally unnecessary.
Also the return of the White Witch concerns me. Yes, I know that reports have shown that she would only have a brief appearance but that doesn’t stop anyone from having the plot centered on her impending return. From what I see, this is exactly what they're doing. Hope it isn't true.
Overall, this is still good stuff despite the cons I mentioned. Still hoping for the best. :)
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby 7chronicles » Sep 28, 2010 1:35 pm

Overall I Love it! :D :ymapplause: :)
But I do have some concerns, the first being: The White Which! X( Really? :-\ Again?
I knew she was going to be in the nightmare scene, but the cause of the Mist? If she hadn’t made an appearance in PC it would not be as tiresome, but at least she was mentioned in that book! I feel like the White Witch is just becoming an excuse for every bad thing that happens in Narnia! =;
But to be honest I feel much better about the whole seven swords thing, it seems like it will flow with the plot smoothly. #:-s :)
I’m loving Reep’s character in this, once again I think they nailed him! :D I especially Love that they kept Lucy hugging him! And him comforting Eustace as a Dragon! :D
I can’t wait to see Eustace, I’ll loving his scenes! I really think they nailed his character as well! :ymapplause: :)
Overall I feel like a lot has been cleared up and I feel much better and even more exited about the film (if that is even possible! ;) ),
but I am still holding my breath with some key plot decisions. :)

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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby FriendofNarnia2 » Sep 28, 2010 1:42 pm

glumPuddle wrote:The dreams don't actually become real. After they escape the Dark Island, Lewis writes that all at once they realized there was nothing to be afraid of and never had been.

I just thought that meant that there was no need to be afraid because Aslan had been with them all along.

I think when they first set out they have no intention of putting an end to some type of dark evil. They are most likely just traveling to the Lone Islands, and it is there that they find that they have a mission to fulfill. So in that sense, they won't be going on the voyage out of a sense of duty. At least not initially.

I also don't think it will be until they reach the Dark Island that they realize the White Witch is involved. I also think the only reason she will be there is because she is part of Edmund's nightmare. Once he defeats the enemy from within than I think she will go away.

Also, does the article actually say that the Witch is the cause of the evil mist? I might of read the article wrong, but I didn't get that.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby wolfloversk » Sep 28, 2010 1:44 pm

glumPuddle wrote:
It appears that the entire reason they set out on the voyage in the first place is to prevent the White Witch's return. In other words, to save their own skin. This is not AT ALL in keeping with the book. In the book, Caspian sets out because of a sense of responsibility to right the wrongs his uncle committed.

Nay. Not if it was Coriakin who told them about it. The reason they started their journey, was to find the seven missing lords, that I'm sure of. As for why they continue after they reach the Magician's Island, likely (as much as I also hate to admit it) its a mixture of both. I have a feeling though that the swords subplot will not override the main reason, I don't know why I just have that feeling.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Watziznehm » Sep 28, 2010 1:55 pm

wolfloversk, that is all fine and great, but I have a problem, like glumPuddle, with there being any kind of fight with evil. VDT, the book, is about people at war with themselves more than at war with others and how they deal with that. That is one thing which, to me, is so awesome about VDT. Now, the movie sounds like it will lose this idea in the shuffle of things! :(

EDIT: Another thing which makes me mad revolves around the simple question of, "why?" Lots of the changes seem to conform to a Hollywood sterotype, like two guys fighting over a girl or having to always save the whole flippin' world every time. There is seems to be no other reason for these changes. Therefore, this is unacceptable!
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby wolfloversk » Sep 28, 2010 2:06 pm

^I actually agree with this, if I had it my way there wouldn't be a seven swords sub-plot, but from the interveiw it sounds like they are going to focus on the internal struggles (ie defeating temptation, Eustace learning not to be so bratty etc. etc.) I hope this is true because, to me, the internal struggles represented in VDT are fights with some of the greatest kinds of evils- greed, hate, judging people, and succumbing to temptation. And I agree with your point- I don't want the white witch to overshadow any of these, but I think all the evidence we have so far suggesats that she won't. I'm still holding out hope that the subplot won't be to major of a change and that it won't affect the themes of the book, but none of us will know for sure until we see it.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Edis1 » Sep 28, 2010 2:06 pm

I was really worried that they would change the story, and they have. I don't like it when people add stuff to a really good story just to make it more exciting. Why do they have to keep adding the White Witch to books she is not supposed to be in? It's fine that she is on the dark island because she is just one of Edmund's dreams, but she doesn't need to be any where else. I am really sad :( it looks like VDT is going to be another PC but worse!
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby ForeverFan » Sep 28, 2010 2:16 pm

Wow...hmm...I'm not sure what to think as I only skimmed the article so as to not be too spoiler-ised, but I didn't really like the parts I read about the swords/Dark Island plot/etc.

I did rather find the part where Eustace keeps track of how long Edmund and Lucy were at his house to be amusing, though.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby wolfloversk » Sep 28, 2010 2:24 pm

Watziznehm wrote: Lots of the changes seem to conform to a Hollywood sterotype, like two guys fighting over a girl... There is seems to be no other reason for these changes. Therefore, this is unacceptable!

I know that'd better be the only scene where Ed finds her attractive, although that's probably wishful thinking on my part. Please do not make Narnia a greek god love triangle, movie peoples!
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Valiant » Sep 28, 2010 2:40 pm

Wow, there has been so little news and now all of a sudden BAM! Well that was to be expected, but I'm still processing the information.

Firstly, Eustace sounds AWSOME! I just know I'm going to love him! I also like Susan writing the letter and that she and her parents are delayed b/c of the war. I'm fine with those ideas.

Edmund liking Lilliandil? NO, please. I mean if it has to be in there please let that be the only comment b/c I do not want a love triangle. Its supposed to be all about Lilliandil and Caspian! Argg, I know it sounds funny, but I'm worried they'll take it too far.

Seven swords?? The Witch? How many times must the Witch be defeated? Its going to get old with a lot of people, especially people who aren't book fans. It will also look like Aslan can't really defeat someone.

OH no. I honesty thought we were worring about nothing (with regards to the Witch and the seven swords thing) and that that wouldn't happen! But it did. They changed the plot a lot. Their (the characters) motives have now changed, and as a result so has their character. I do not like that Lucy is kidnapped. I like that she CHOOSES to go.

And Aslan gives them a choice of going to his country and they refuse? Firstly, Aslan wouldn't give them that choice, and if he did, they would go to Aslan's country not home. I hope they don't learn "there is not place liek home" or something. That moral is in the wrong story. After all, they are searching for they're true home, which would be with Aslan. And I wish Reep left before he saw Aslan- then we wouldn't know if he survived or not.

So overall I was happy with the first few spoilers and then got a little disappointed with the last ones. I don't know what to think . I just hope it goes well b/c some of that stuff is a bit corny (like the whole "quest setup" with Coriakin.) I'm soo confused :-s. I am soo happy about Eustace (and Reep!) though.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Shastafan » Sep 28, 2010 3:07 pm

Wow... For some days, I've been saying that there should be some major spoilers soon, but this is chaos! :-o

It's not that I dislike all the changes. I think I'm really going to love Eustace in this movie! Reepicheep also is looking fantastic! But the big seven swords plot? The WW having so much importance? And what's the deal with the Dark Island being part of the unfathomable fate?! This is so much new info to comprehend! Something tells me it won't be until December that we'll fully understand all of this! :-\ :-s :| :(( 8-}
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Trufflehunter » Sep 28, 2010 3:33 pm

Of course, of course.

This is Hollywood, they're going to make changes, but i think, when looking at it as a whole, these changes are better than it could have been.

-The boys' awkwardness in front of Lilliandil. (Better than Caspian being attracted to Lucy, or seeing Susan in the Magician's book, etc.)

-Battle against the Sea Serpent (they added the Night Raid, why wouldn't they add an action sequence?!? At least this is based upon something that happens in the book, unlike the scuffle at Narrowhaven.)

-Lucy being kidnapped by Dufflepud's/ Caspian's having to find the seven lords/swords to save Narnia (it adds more drama and suspense, in the film maker's eyes, who would want to see Lucy/ Caspian volunteer to do it?)

-The White Witch (if, in fact, this is even true, it's a heck of a lot better than it involving the Lady of the Green Kertle. It's still more than terrible, but, since you can't ever really kill a witch, it's better to bring back an old one than to introduce a new one early than in the books....)

-The Eustace/ Reepicheep fight, and the Dragon Eustace/ Reepicheep confrontation sound absolutely AMAZING! Can't wait to see these on screen, these scenes sound like they are mirroring the book exactly!
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby daughter of the King » Sep 28, 2010 3:54 pm

At the moment I am still so overwhelmed by all of the spoilers that I'm not sure this post is going to make any sense. Anyway, the White Witch? Seriously? Again? I once joked in the Town Square about starting a club: "The Society for Witches Who are Dead to Stay That Way." I'm not joking anymore. The White Witch is dead. Dead. Dead. She can't come back. In PC the scene with her almost made sense, but this makes no sense at all.

They changed Caspian's line to RD. It's not cute anymore. That was one of my favorite lines in the book.

Edmund is acting like a brat.

Invisible giants? What ever happened to Lucy wanting to read the spell because it was an honorable and heroic act? *sigh*

The seven swords of the seven lost sounds like a cheesy cartoon. A very cheesy cartoon.

How does Coriakin know everything?

Edmund and Lucy stay at the Scrubbs' for 253 days??? That's a long time.

Edmund/Lilliandil/Caspian love triangle? /:) 8-|

Oh, and what about the MLG??????
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Herohtar » Sep 28, 2010 4:07 pm

Hmm... sounds pretty good, but the changes and additions feel like they could bring about Prince Caspian-esque fail. The seven swords plot line seems entirely unnecessary, and what's with having to do it "to keep the White Witch from returning"?? Having dragon-Eustace fight the sea serpent is a pretty big change too... that makes it sound like he remains a dragon for longer than in the book, and it takes away his moment of bravery where he hacked at it with his sword (though I suppose this fight could be fairly brave, since it appears the sea serpent is quite a bit larger than him, even as a dragon, but still...)

Other than that, the rest of the changes aren't too bad, so hopefully the two there aren't as major as they sound.

One other thing I noticed from the article was that they simply mentioned that Aslan "suddenly appeared" once they got to the shore at the end, with no mention of them encountering him as a lamb... did they get rid of that part?

glumPuddle wrote:Your interpretation of the Dark Island doesn't seem right. The dreams don't actually become real. After they escape the Dark Island, Lewis writes that all at once they realized there was nothing to be afraid of and never had been.

Depends on which version you're reading: it only says that in the British version, while the American version only compares their feelings when coming out of the Dark Island to how you feel when waking from a dream and realizing it wasn't real; however, it doesn't say they had nothing to fear, and the Dark Island remains and is not destroyed as it was in the British version.
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Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Sep 28, 2010 4:11 pm

I have not read everyone's posts yet but I will. I wanted to get my reactions down before reading other people's.
All quotes are from the Examiner article

But first, here is a non-spoiler summary of the "Dawn Treader" movie plot. … to find the seven swords that will release the magical power of Narnia in order to fight evil.
Well, the first part of the summary was good but "release the magical power of Narnia" ? give me a break. 8-|
Clip #1
Back at the Scrubb home, Eustace is shown writing in his diary: "Dear diary, it is now day 253 since my wretched cousins Lucy and Edmund invaded our house … If only one could treat relatives like one could treat insects, my problem would be solved. I could simply put them in a jar and pin them to a wall."
I wonder if it has really been that long. Nice characterization of Eustace.
Edmund’s uncle is reading a newspaper, and Edmund sticks his tongue out at his unsuspecting uncle.
That seems rather childish. I don't see point in their adding that. :p
Susan mentions that she was invited to a tea party by a handsome naval officer.
This fits nicely with Susan's character.
Upon reading that part of the letter, Lucy looks dismayed and wails, "Another few months! How will we survive?"
Wouldn't they be back in school at some point? Especially if they have already been there the length of time Eustace said.

Eustace, who is unconscious, is revived by Reepicheep, and he immediately clashes with the mouse. Eustace angrily accuses Reepicheep of trying to "claw my face off." Reepicheep defends himself by saying he was just trying to expel the water from Eustace’s lungs.
Yes! :D Reepicheep is the first Narnian Eustace sees!
Clip #2

During the Dawn Treader voyage at sea, there’s a shortage of food (and tempers) on the ship. Reepicheep catches Eustace stealing an orange. Eustace denies it. Eustace grabs Reepicheep by the tail, and Reepicheep tells Eustace in no uncertain terms, "No one touches the tail!" Reepicheep challenges Eustace to a sword duel. During the fight, Reepicheep uses his sword to pluck the orange out from Eustace’s clothes, where he was hiding it.
An Orange !?! I really really hope Eustace does more than just grabs Reep's tail. I really really want to see it as it was written. :( NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eustace should not FIGHT!!!!!! :((
Clip #3

While the Dawn Treader passengers are sleeping on a beach, Caspian wakes up and discovers that Lucy has disappeared. He alerts everyone, and they begin searching for her. It appears that Lucy has been kidnapped by two invisible giants that take her to a strange-looking garden and to an invisible house, where she finds the Book of Incantations.
They only take Lucy that's no fun. :p Giants!?! 8-| I suppose this an attempt to make it more dramatic. :p

Clip #4

Lucy, Edmund, Caspian and Eustace meet a magician named Coriakin (played by Bille Brown), who tells them about Dark Island: "a place where evil lurks" and which "can make your darkest dreams come true." Coriakin says that the only way to stop the evil is to break its spell by finding seven swords. Coriakin then rolls out a map and tells them to follow the blue star to Ramandu’s island, where the seven swords must be laid at Aslan’s feet. "Only then," Coriakin says, "the true magical power will be released. But beware, you’re all about to be tested. Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in its power to tempt you. Don’t fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself."
Well, at least we know what the purpose of the seven swords are. :p It seems rather ridiculous to me. :p I wonder if they are playing it that Aslan can't destroy the island until he has the swords or he won't destroy the island. I really hope it is the latter.
Clip #5

Eustace has been turned into a dragon as punishment for stealing gold. In this clip, Eustace (looking depressed, with a tear rolling down his face) and Reepicheep are gathered at a campfire. Reepicheep tries to comfort Eustace by telling him stories about other dragons that Reepicheep has encountered.
Yes, that is very much like in the book. :D I'm glad they included that.
Clip #6

She welcomes the Dawn Treader people, introduces herself as the daughter of Ramandu, and tells them that she is their guide.
Well, at least Ramandu is mentioned.
Caspian remarks, with an awestruck expression, "You are most beautiful!" Lilliandil answers, "If it is a distraction for you, I can change forms." Caspian and Edmund both answer at the same time: "No!" Caspian and Edmund then give each other annoyed glances as they realize that they are both attracted to Lilliandil.
x_x NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :(( :(( :((
Lucy looks slightly exasperated, as if she’s thinking, "Boys will be boys."
I wonder if they move the Deathwater fight here. Caspian and Ed fight over Lilliandil and Lucy reacts. I don't like it. [-(
she says that they were men that arrived at Ramandu’s island "half-mad" and ready to kill each other, so they were "sent to sleep" since "violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan." Lucy asks when the men will wake up. Lilliandil replies, "When all is put right."
Well, they are asleep and will be awakened after the quest is completed so that is good. But I don't like the "violence is forbidden thing." I prefer that they touch the knife. :p
Clip #7

This clip was a brief part of the epic battle scene between an evil sea serpent and the Dawn Treader group. This part of the footage showed Eustace (in dragon form) getting the brunt of the attack. The sea serpent is much larger than Eustace, and it is by far the most fearsome creature seen in a "Narnia" movie so far.
I was really hoping that Eustace would not fight the sea serpent. They had better make it crystal clear that his bravery had nothing to do with his undragoning.
Clip #8

Before introducing this clip, Apted said at this point in the movie, the Dawn Treader group has found the seven swords, and the serpent and witch (presumably he was referring to the White Witch, played by Tilda Swinton, since she was shown in the first "Dawn Treader" trailer) have been defeated.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X( X( X( X( Not her again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least it doesn't say the serpent, who was the witch. :p So if the have defeated all of the enemies found the swords why are they still going on? If they find have to lay the swords down at Ramandu's Island does that mean we were wrong that the Dark Island is after Ramandu's Island or is it some weird lay down the swords get magical "destroy dark island powers"?
The five Dawn Treader victors end up on a beach where Aslan suddenly appears and congratulates them. Lucy asks, "Is this your country?’ Aslan replies, "No, my country lies beyond."
He shouldn't have anything to congratulate them about unless it is just reaching that far. :p

Clip #9

After being told that if they go to Aslan’s Country, there is no going back, the children decide to go home to their families.

WHAT!?! They get a choice! :-o Seriously, would they really chose to go back to England. :p
Reepicheep asks Aslan if he can go to Aslan’s Country. Aslan says yes. Lucy asks to hug Reepicheep, and he consents with mock reluctance.

I'm glad they included this. :)

Reepicheep goes in a miniature row boat, rows out on a tidal wave and disappears into the sea.
Yes! He uses his coracle. :)
I'm in major need of some ice cream. :(( I suppose I should eat dinner first. :p
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