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Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 9:40 am
by icarus

This is a special report about the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader," based on an advance screening (in New York City on September 27, 2010) of approximately 30 minutes of the film. In attendance at the screening were members of the media who were invited and various people associated with the film. There were no restrictions or embargoes placed on what could be reported about the screening. However, this article contains many spoilers (as indicated elsewhere in this article) about the plot of the film. People who have read the book on which this movie is based will already know about the film’s plot and how it ends. But for others who do not want to know until they see the movie, please do not read the content that is below the "spoiler alert" in this article.

Follow the link to read the article... ... wn-treader

Be warned, as it pretty much explicity states exactly how the new Dark Island / Unfathomable Fate + Seven Swords / Seven Lords plot line works.... as well as big spoilery details of the climatic battle scene as well as another crucial scenes from the movie

There are also some interviews at the end with Michael Apted and Mark Johnson. Michael Apted answers some pretty big questions about the story behind the 3D conversion and the whole deal with the multiple recasting of Reepicheep which is very interesting.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 10:08 am
by Watziznehm
This was my first reaction: "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! By his description, it sounds like VDT will be an awesome movie! I just wish it didn't have the title The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!"

Only time will tell if I will come down enough to be able to reiterate further.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 10:11 am
by starkat
All I have to say at the moment is this is definitely going to be an interesting ride between now and December!

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 10:21 am
by Eustace
I still don't like the fact that Eustace and Edmund don't have their talk alone. But I love that Susan is hopefully in America. I am disapointed that it is still during World War II.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 10:29 am
by ceppault
Thanks for the find, Icarus!

... looks like it fully delivers the magical excitement in that classic story.
This sounds encouraging. :)

Mark Johnson wrote:People almost want us to apologize that "Prince Caspian" took us away from the world of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."
Whatever gave him that idea?

Serious spoilers. You all are warned.

Thank you, Carla Hay. Excellent article.

Thank you Mr. Apted, and Mr.Johnson! Looks like a great movie coming up. :D

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 10:30 am
by joy93
WOW!!!!This makes me even more anxious about the movie :D I love the first sceen!!!!!!!!! It sems like it is going to be funny, and i like all the sceens. I was so excited about the Ramandus Island part but what is up with the whole Caspian and Edmund both being attracted to Lilliandil???? :-\ Is there goint to be some kind competition, or test???? :-\Hopefully not :-o :-o I was also glad to hear that we will see more of Caspain in the next trailer :D :D Overall this makes me even more excited about the next trailer and the movie ;) Oh yeah and starkat I agree this is going to be a very interesting ride untill December, but I cant wait!!!!!!! :p

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 11:24 am
by PrincessMia241
I didn’t want everybody doing bogus European accents.

SCORE!! That's awesome.

I cannot wait for this movie :) Yeah, it's got some news spins and twists on things, but hey, as long as the end result is tight and well-done, who am I to complain?!

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 11:25 am
by Malfhok
Okay. I think I'm good with everything there except the seven swords storyline. Hopefully it'll be nowhere near as bad as it sounds.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 11:51 am
by Glumpuddle
icarus strikes again! Looks like he was right about the Dark Island being the unfathomable fate. Ugh.

This is too much at once! Not sure how to react. It's so overwhelming.

Reep reviving Eustace: for the win! Sounds great.

Coriakin's dialogue made me roll my eyes so loud, I think it made a sound. So much for subtlety.

Awkwardness in front of Ramandu's Daughter? *sigh* Hollywood!

Lucy being kidnapped by the Dufflepuds. All the nobility is being sucked out of these characters. In the book, Lucy chooses to do it because it's the only way to save everyone. It appears that in the movie, she is forced to do it. Just like Caspian: In the book, Caspian is looking for the seven lords out of a sense of responsibility. In the movie, apparently it's to save Narnia from the dark island.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 11:54 am
by GlimGlum
The account mentions David Arnold's "glorious score" which is encouraging. Here is a link to that article.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 11:57 am
by wolfloversk
Overall I think this is going to be really positive!
My only serious negatives are:
- that they make it sound like Edmund and Caspian are both going to be after Lilliandil, hopefully they won't make a big deal or huge rivalry over it.
-that from the sounds of it Ramandu will not appear, but only get a mention (I think "introduces herself as the daughter of Ramandu" really hints to this

The Pluses:
- Its sounds like the seven swords sub plot only revolves around the dark island (I'm a tad bit upset that the WW may be involved, but its better than LotGK)
-The sea serpent battle sounds awesome, also I'm glad that this epic battle apparently will involve the sea serpent attack, and not just random people fighting (Can't wait to see it in the third trailer! :D )
-the fact that Apted had a good reason to change Caspian's accent (I personally liked it, but I can see his point in trying to give everyone European accents. Also I think he fully believes that it would help in the movie's delivery, and that he didn't do it to simply appease the fan base.)
-Eustace, and Aslan sound like they are staying true to the books
-The clearing of the Aslan's Country riddle, and that Reep will indeed be the only one that makes the journey.

Overall I think this indicates that the movie will be good!

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 12:14 pm
by Rilian The Disenchanted
I like everything i read. The best movie of the year for sure.
a soon-to-be released third trailer from "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Can't wait \:D/ . I hope by mid-october.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 12:19 pm
by Glumpuddle
Ahh! According to's report, THE WHITE WITCH will return unless Caspian finds the seven swords!

I am officially panicking. This isn't happening. Am I on the Dark Island right now?

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 12:20 pm
by Liberty Hoffman
ooh, this is SO cool! I can hardly wait!

I love what Eustace is writing in his diary :D

um, why is Edmund attracted to Lilliandil.....?

this movie is going to be amazing!

so now we know why Lucy is going through that door! yay!

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 12:24 pm
by Smooshy
I hope people forgive that I didn't read the original article (just the bullet points on the main page) or all the posts as I don't want every single detail given away before December....

Some of the changes sound pretty big but I've decided to let them go. I just want a well-done movie that has the charm and wonder of the book. However, the one point that has me concerned is the seven swords. Once again, I didn't read the article so maybe it explains it there, but I'm not sure how that will all play out. The Dark Island is a bit of a confusing section in the book (probably why it was rewritten for the American edition) so I can see why the filmmakers want to make it a bit more of a tangible adventure. Internal struggles are hard to portray visually and then, in the book, they seemingly just, somehow, escape. Yet it's a great concept and wouldn't be impossible to do.

My problem with the idea is it shows the characters have to earn their freedom from the darkness when it's Aslan through the albatross who has to guide them out. At least Aslan is involved in this version. I just hope they keep the albatross as that's such a great image and allusion to the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge. This is the one spoiler I'm most concerned about.

Re: Report on New York Preview Event *Big Plot Spoilers*

PostPosted: Sep 28, 2010 12:32 pm
by FriendofNarnia2
glumPuddle wrote:Ahh! According to's report, THE WHITE WITCH will return unless Caspian finds the seven swords!

I am officially panicking. This isn't happening. Am I on the Dark Island right now?

Well if she's really a nightmare, of course she'd return. That's what Dark Island is; the place where your nightmares come TRUE. That idea is completely in keeping with the book.

The problem is that the White Witch was already defeated by Aslan, so it doesn't really make much sense.