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Town Meeting: Let Your Voice Be Heard!

PostPosted: Mar 07, 2019 1:45 pm
by Abraham Lincoln
The sound of a cricket playing "Shall We Gather At The River" fills the air, coming from a park bench 'round the center of the Town Square....

Good Mortereve, Dittopians!

It seems we are very nearly done with our renovations around town, with the opening of Apartment 51 and the re-opening of the Mansion (it next opens its doors on March 15th!). As we're looking to reopen some of our other buildings, and perhaps put the finishing touches on a few more, we thought now would be an excellent time to hold a town meeting and find out what townsfolk and visitors alike have on their minds.

Please, let us know - is there anything you'd like to see around town as we're rebuilding? What are some things you have particularly enjoyed and would like to see more of? Is there anything that has left a sour taste in your mouth? Anything that could be improved upon?

If you'd rather speak your mind privately, please feel free to PM myself or one of the Ditto Town mods (Lady Arwen, Ryadian, or stargazer).

Abe springs from his place on the park bench and settles beneath it, out of the way of any stray footfalls.