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Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Apr 04, 2011 2:51 pm

CyKo was pulled out of the mold and into the open. He shoved Fall away, whom he had now learned to be immune to the smoke. He quickly grabbed his gas mask. CyKo wasn't one bit scared of spiders, but these spiders looked pretty intimidating- so he slapped on his gloves and made sure all his buttons were buttoned.

Then he lit himself on fire.

his tuxedo gleaming orange and red flames, the spiders fell off bit by bit, screaming that their little worlds were being burned alive with themselves.

CyKo quickly pulled off his tuxedo coat and threw it onto Fall's face, still burning.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 04, 2011 2:59 pm

Yet again, Fall did NOT see it coming. And instead of being grabbed, a burning tux had been thrown on his face. "HELP!" he yelled, the pain of the fiery tux and his burning face becoming evident. He couldn't touch the tux without burning his hands, so there was one thing left for him to try. He glanced at his Absorb Orb, and softly and weakly called, "Take me it, Orb! NOW!" With that, Fall instantly vanished, and all that was left was the flaming tux and the Absorb Orb.

Only Fall himself knew that he had been sucked and trapped into his own invention, and although he could talk to those on the outside, he passed out over the pain in his face.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 04, 2011 3:01 pm

Lia was rather surprised when Cyko set his tuxedo on fire. After all, it wasn't everyday that you got to see a flaming ball of coat being hurled at your worst enemy. For a full thirty seconds in shocked silence. "That. Was. Awesome."

She noticed the absorb orb on the ground where Fall had dropped it when the fiery clothes were thrown at him. "Huh," she said, poking it with her stick. "What should we do with that?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby malkah » Apr 04, 2011 3:19 pm

The smell of something burning (was it feathers? Cloth? Buttered popcorn?) registered in Mal'ady's sleepy brain. She opened her eyes groggily, gasped as she remembered what had happened, and struggled to her feet in the slime with a loud squish.

CyKo was engaged in an epic showdown with the MUPPETZ agent called Fall. Mal'ady blinked the sleep out of her eyes and watched. CyKo definitely deserved points for creativity--she couldn't remember any record of a battle involving a flaming tuxedo anywhere in ANTI history. Suddenly, Fall vanished into his Absorb Orb, and Mal'ady waded to the edge of the slime to have a closer look as Lia poked at it.

She bent down and carefully tickled the ball's surface. "TeeheeheeheeheeHEE!" the ball replied, squirming away. Mal'ady frowned. "Oh dear." Suddenly, the orb began to vibrate under her hand, echoing the loud buzzing which now filled the clearing.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 04, 2011 3:26 pm

Summer could only stare. She felt like saying "Good riddance," but also felt like saying "Fall! Are you ok?" Fall had been her friend for many years, and now his face had been burned and he'd disappeared, just like that? She knew it was good that one less threat was there, but how could CyKo be so cruel? She felt like screaming at both the missing Fall and CyKo, but kept quiet while fuming.

She didn't see what use it'd be to keep the Absorb Orb. At least it'd be a reminder of Fall. It seemed weird that it could make noise, though. As soon as it began to vibrate, Summer was almost sure that it was a bad sign.

"They killed out leader! ATTACK!" A black MUPPETZ screeched. That being said, the MUPPETZ started racing towards both the sleeping and wide-awake ANTI to attack for real.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 04, 2011 4:08 pm

After staring dumbfounded at the now attacking MUPPETZ, Lia began to attack as well. It was then that she saw poor Summer. she had forgotten that Fall was Summer's friend. Running over to her, Lia gave her a hug. "I'm sorry," she said. "But we do need to win this battle..."

She turned back to the attacking MUPPETZ wielding her laser sword. She walloped several of them as they entered the mold area. "Careful," screamed Lia as a MUPPETZ tried to drag her out of the mold. "They know about the sleeping stuff!"
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Agent Clo Verrz

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Apr 04, 2011 4:51 pm

Clo's eyes widened as CyKo attacked Fall and as he disappeared. Her Fall. Her beloved Fall was gone.

"No." She shook her head, her pink lips pursed. "No. No. No. No. No. No. NO!"

Her hands balled into fists after she dropped her possessions and she gave her hair a flip before stepping forward. She slapped the girls away from the Absorb Orb, grabbed it and ran back toward her belongings. Shoving the Absorb Orb into the purse, she picked it up, slipped on her heels and waited, her arms crossed and a frown present on her lips.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Apr 04, 2011 5:45 pm

The moment Echo saw the perfume bottle come out, she knew what was coming. But although she moved to cover her mouth and keep from inhaling the noxious fumes, her hand just wasn't fast enough. She heard the perfume bottle shatter, and pinkness clouded her vision. As she struggled against the perfume's sinister effects, she saw Summer drop to the ground next to her. Echo's knees buckled, and she too fell. Mind swimming, she became aware of nothing but a faint buzzing noise and the overwhelming urge to curl up and sleep for the rest of her life. 

Must not sleep...must...fight.......come on Echo....get up....must get...up.......

In all honesty, she wasn't sure if she ever actually fell asleep, because the next thing she knew, she was lying facedown in a pile of something slimy, something that smelled oddly like the ship's bathroom, the one near the MUPPETZ' quarters. 

"Bleck!" Coughing, Echo spat mold out of her mouth and sat up. As the world came into focus again, the first thing she noticed was Clo and Fall staring dumbstruck at the source of the buzzing sound: a giant, fiery red MUPPETZ was climbing out of a landed helicopter. But not just any MUPPETZ. Even from only seeing pictures, Echo knew exactly what it was. The ANTImaul! 

With flaming eyes, razor-sharp claws, and overlapping fangs built for crushing, the ANTImaul was the prized creation of the MUPPETZ' most skilled scientists. And just as it's name suggested, it was built for one purpose: to obliterate the ANTI organization. But Echo's father had told her that it's capabilities hadn't been tested yet. That would explain why Fall and Clo looked almost frightened of it. Echo gasped when it swiveled it's great shaggy head around, it's buzz-like growling permeating the moist air, calling the other MUPPETZ to rally around it.

While Echo stared at the ANTImaul, still recovering from the sleeping perfume, Cyko knocked Clo out of the mold circle and attacked Fall with a flaming coat. He disappeared into his absorb orb, and at another roar from the ANTImaul, the MUPPETZ raced forward to attack. But Echo didn't have time to help. She had just realized what the ANTImaul was doing; it's eyes had locked on the various agents lying scattered and sleeping outside the circle. With a great roar it lumbered in the direction of Boe.

Echo leapt to her feet. She knew the sleeping perfume was built as a weapon against humans - it had no affect on MUPPETZ. She whirled around and shouted to Summer. "If you really are a HumETZ, you have to help me!" Then, without waiting for a reply, she transformed into her shaggy blue MUPPETZ form and dove out of the mold circle. She raced for Boe, hoping to reach him before the ANTImaul did.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby georgiefan1 » Apr 04, 2011 6:44 pm

Whit came into Dori's room holding her breath. She walked around the room quietly making sure noone was there. The room was empty, she rushed out of there.

Whit, since she was a big member of MUPPETZ, had a pass to allow her to places normal grown ups usuallt wouldn't allow her to go. She walked through the place easily. She did get lost a few times but had plenty on minions ready to help her. Including this really cute one named Justin, if Whit ever returned she would definitally have to promote him.

Whit reached the launch pad and boarded her own personal pink jet ski. The ride was suprisingly short, she reached the island in 11 minutes and 34 seconds. She stepped to the island, suprised by all the maddness.

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 05, 2011 8:19 am

Summer understood what Lia had meant by "winning this battle," yet it still hurt her deeply. She had joined ANTI because she wanted to defeat MUPPETZ at all costs. But she had never expected meeting her brother. Discovering she was a MUPPETZ. Learning that Clo was a spy. Realizing that Fall had joined the enemy. One time, she had felt so powerful and excited to do her best. Now, she felt emotionally exhausted and miserable.

When she heard Echo call out to her, she tried her best to gulp down her pain and focus on the real situation. To her shock, she saw a scary and bizarre creature (which had been making the noise) heading for Boe. "Not if I can help it," Summer muttered. She looked down at her necklace, feeling nervous at becoming a MUPPETZ for the first time. Before she could change her mind, she ripped the necklace off. It didn't take long before she transformed into a red MUPPETZ.

How weird, she thought, staring at her furry body. But she remembered what she needed to do, and sprinted towards the creature. Other MUPPETZ were now attacking, but they didn't seem to notice that one of them, or so they thought, was racing towards the monster. "Leave my friends alone!" she declared, and jumped onto the back on the monster, which had been flying close to the ground at the moment.

The monster was outraged by her action, and began trying to claw and bite her. Summer nimbly dodged each of his blows and clawed his back. The monster apparently didn't like that as it flew higher and higher. In the air, she was sure she saw a pink jet going down to land, but didn’t focus it that long. She was about to stab him near his heart area (it's not like I know where else it would be, she thought), when the monster stopped flying altogether and started falling down. In that process, it turned around and clawed Summer aggressively, who was falling above it. Summer cried out in pain, but as soon as she looked scarred and weak enough, the monster flew away from under her and headed back for Boe. She, on the other hand, smashed into the ground below with a sickening thud and crack.

My leg, she thought in agony. She knew Echo would still be able to fight the horrid beast, but she wanted to help. "Echo," she weakly mumbled and tried to stand up. It was no use, though, as she collapsed back down. So her friends could find her, she shakily slipped on the necklace again, and became a human again. There she lied, dying, with a broken leg and blood all over her, and struggling to breathe.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 05, 2011 10:32 am

Lia had seen her dear friend Summer hesitate before joining the battle. When she did come to fight, Lia mentally applauded her decision. She saw Whit Send standing at the edge of the mold circle. And she was still awake. Great, more MUPPETZ agents. Just what we need, she thought. Grabbing her other laser sword with her left hand, she did a quick flip over several ninja squirrels (who complained rather loudly about it not being fair that she could do flips) and landed in front of Whit.

"What are you doing here?" she asked rather harshly. "We don't like traitors very much here." She brandished her laser swords.

Then Lia heard a slight squeal to her right. Turning she saw Summer flying through the air. Huh, she thought. I didn't know Summer could fly. Then she noticed a rather large beastie coming towards her. It was the ANTImaul. "This has been a most awful day..."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Apr 05, 2011 2:26 pm

Echo had almost reached Boe when one of the attacking MUPPETZ crashed into her leg and sent her sprawling. By the time she had picked herself up from the ground, Summer had overtaken her and leapt onto the ANTImaul's back, attacking it fiercely. Echo watched as the creature unfurled a set of enormous wings, which had escaped Echo's observation before, and launched into the air with Summer still onboard. Echo jumped and managed to catch hold of the beast's hind leg, but it gave a violet kick and knocked her free, sending her tumbling back to earth.

She landed a few feet away from Boe, who was slumbering on with his SPELR still in his grip. Echo grabbed hold of his wrists, meaning to drag him over to the mold circle. As she struggled against his weight, a horde of MUPPETZ, who at last seemed to realize she wasn't on their side, came charging at her. Echo whipped out her Hypnowatch and pointed it at them, but she doubted it's hypnotic effects would have time to help her. Setting Boe down, she gritted her teeth and braced for impact, expecting to be brought down by ruthless blows at any moment...

But then, mere feet from her, the horde of MUPPETZ stopped. When Echo saw the telltale glassy look in their eyes, she knew that they were now under her control.

"You!" she shouted to a pair of green MUPPETZ standing nearest to Boe. "Take him over to the mold circle, and then go back for any other sleeping agents!"

"Yes Master," they replied together in monotone voices. As they each grabbed an end of Boe and began hauling him away, Echo heard a cry from somewhere above her. She whirled around just in time to see the ANTImaul send an injured Summer crashing to the ground.

"NO!" Echo screamed. "SUMMER!"

Summer tried to get up, but she fell back down again. Meanwhile, the ANTImaul was heading their way, it's buzz-like growling making Echo's eardrums rattle painfully. She gritted her teeth, her heart hammering away in her chest. This beast had hurt Summer! And it was going to pay.

"Now!" she screamed to her hypnotized MUPPETZ. "ATTACK!!!"

"Attack!" all the MUPPETZ said in unison, and while their voices were anything but lively, their actions certainly were. The moment the ANTImaul hit the ground, it was instantly covered by a dozen or so MUPPETZ clawing at it and trying to beat it senseless.

Echo rushed past them to where Summer lay, now back in human form. The moment she saw blood, her vision flooded with tears. "No. No, please no!" I did this she thought breathlessly. I called her out. This is all my fault!

Dropping down, she felt Summer's arm for a pulse and breathed a sigh. She was alive, but by the look of those injuries, not for long. Summer needed first aid - and fast. Echo's gaze landed on one of the nearby helicopters. There would be a first aid kit in there, most definitely. But how to get it?

She thought for a moment. Wait...a helicopter! That's it! If she could just get a hold of one of those helicopters, she could fly them all out of this mess. Piloting would be the easy part; Echo had studied enough diagrams to know how to fly one if she ever got the change. But hijacking it from its current MUPPETZ occupants? That was going to be tricky, if not downright dangerous.

Echo stood up and firmed her chin. Dangerous or no, she was going to have to try. If she didn't, Summer would be...would be...she didn't even want to think about it.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 05, 2011 3:54 pm

Lia was saved by Echo and her hypnotized MUPPETZ. They had defeated the ANTImaul just as it was reaching for her with it's rather large scary talons. She could see Echoheading off in the general direction of the helicopters. "No," said Lia quietly. Se knew there was only one helicopter that the MUPPETZ would willingly fly.

The Ellecopter.

And if she was right, they were all in trouble.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby georgiefan1 » Apr 05, 2011 5:14 pm

Whit was not ready for the not so friendly welcome she recieved from Lia as she entered to the group. Lia's initial words shicked Whit so she raised her arms in the general "don't kill me" style.

"Lia...its me, Whit. I had been brainwashed, but I'm back. I was able to mind defeat the MUPPETZ. I had been keeping an eye on you all and you seemed like you needed help, so here I am!"

She eyed Lia worriedly until she saw Lia's eyeline follow a helicopter, no....the Ellecopter! Her boss... this would make things complicated.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 06, 2011 10:28 am

Lia nodded to Whit. "Glad to have you back." She still held her laser swords handy though... Just in case. She looked over her shoulder at the battle. Thanks to Echo's hypnosis, it was just about over... and the ANTI Agents had some new allies. In the shape of fuzzy multicolored MUPPETZ.

Lia wasn't sure where Cyko was, but the flames on his tuxedo (now laying on the ground in the slime mold) were finally dying out. That should make him happy, thought Lia.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Apr 08, 2011 4:24 pm

CyKo stood, smiling as he saw Echo mind control the MUPPETZ. (What fun he could have with that! :P )

Then he instantly turned to a frown when he saw Summer on the ground, bleeding from the leg. CyKo ran and slid onto his knees and sat right beside Summer. Without a second thought, he immediately began bandaging her wounds... but he knew the bandages wouldn't help. The wounds were deep, and blood was flowing freely through the severed veins.

From behind, the buzzing grew until it shut off to a sputtering end. CyKo turned to look and again saw the Ellecopter, with a dark figure visible through the tinted windows.

A sudden sense of fear crept over him, as he saw the dreaded leader of all the MUPPETZ emerge from his 'copter.

CyKo quickly finished bandaging Summer and propped up some shrubbery to make her comfortable. "I'm sorry I can't do better. I'm trying to figure a way we can get you to a hospital..." and CyKo hugged her.

CyKo walked towards the Ellecopter and readied his nerd whip and sweet-tart pistol, hoping that he could at least hold him off for a time- and should it come to it- suffer an honorable death.
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