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Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Mar 30, 2011 6:54 pm

Echo stiffened when the full meaning of Clo's last sentence hit her. A portion of her anger and fearlessness melted, leaving anxiety brewing in the pits of her stomach. Still, she stood her ground and shifted her glare from Fall to Clo.

Well, she thought. If the secret's out, there's no use shaming myself in trying to cover it up. However, she quickly decided to maintain Thorn's appearance for the time being, so as to not scare the pants off her new allies.

"Oh, I don't think so," she growled at Clo. "I've waited a long time for this, dearest little Clo Verrz. Father can't tell me what to do anymore, and neither can you."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Mar 31, 2011 3:24 pm

With little emotion, Fall watched as Mal'ady and Thorn defended Summer upfront. Was he really suprised? After all, that no-good one-eyed weirdo leader of the group, CyKo, has the final say on this. But one of Thorn's words, "brainwashing," made him freeze. Memories of a dark room, odd-sounding voices, and mysterious bright colors on a screen flashed through his mind. That's odd, he thought, where did those memories come from? And why haven't I remembered them until Thorn said "brainwashing?"

He didn't remember what was going on until he heard Clo giggling. He had known all along that she had been on their side, and it was her who had helped him and the other MUPPETZ track down and plan against ANTI for a long time. He wouldn't tell the world this, but he secretly admired her a lot. Just hearing her say she'd hoped he'd come made him stand tall and not blurt out saying "And look the greatest, most beautiful spy to ever be known at MUPPETZ!"

But that feeling deserted him once he heard Clo call Thorn by the name of Echo. Why did she do that? But then it hit him: He saw the oh-so-familiar scar on the supposed Thorn's arm, one exactly the same as the missing Echo has. To this, he didn't know what to say. Why had Echo betrayed them? Yet again, he felt very confused. And enraged. "What are you up to, Echo?" he snarled viciously. "Are you really that commited to your enemies? ANTI doesn't care about a HumETZ! They don't like you or any traitors in their team!"

He glanced over at Summer, expecting her to look shocked or miserable, but instead, she took a step foward, and with eyes full of pain and courage, "Fine, if she's Echo, that's fine! After all, aren't I a HumTEZ too? I have no idea where Thorn is, and I can only hope she's ok, but Echo and I are both HumTEZ and friends, and I won't let her be somewhere she doesn't!

"But why, Fall? This isn't like you." She stared at him with hurt eyes, but then announced loudly and clearly, "Fine, Fall! We were friends at one time, but I guess that's over. But we will not be destroyed just because you think we have possibly weak links. I am loyal to ANTI, and although Echo and I have traitor blood, we want to be a part of ANTI, unlike some people I know..." At this, she slightly glanced at Clo with cold eyes, and then turned to CyKo. "CyKo, what do you want us to do?"

Before CyKo replied, Fall, angered at Summer's words (and her insulting Clo), yelled "MUPPETZ and squirrels who are actually loyal to MUPPETZ, attack! Don't you even think about getting away this time! First you, then the CHARMERZ, and then everything else!"
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Agent Clo Verrz

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Mar 31, 2011 5:12 pm

Clo Verrz stood to her full height, hardly intimidating in all her pink attire. "Ugh." She turned away from Echo and strutted toward Fall, her long eyelashes batting at him.

Once she was next to him, she turned to face the others and opened her Coach purse. "You know, after all this is over, I believe I'm going to have to take another trip to the salon...OR," she pulled out a small perfume bottle, "I can just use this."

Instead of spritzing the stuff, she unscrewed the lid and tossed it a few yards away. As it flew through the air, pink smoke emerged from the bottle, filling the air with the smell of Sweet Peas. "Sweet dreams, sugar-pies."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Apr 02, 2011 12:23 pm

CyKo watched everything unfold. Clo was evul. Summer was a Humetz. Thorn, or whoever was impersonating thorn, was also a humetz.


CyKo didn't know what to think... but he knew that Summer would stick with ANTI to the end. He wasn't so sure about the Thorn Impersonator, but he went ahead and said,

"Thorn-impersonator-peoplez-person and Summer... nothing has changed aside from your appearance and your ancestral origins. You can both remain with us---- (here CyKo punched a ninja squirrel in the jaw). I can trust you."

Clo stood to her full height. CyKo was still taller than her... and was tempted to shout "HA" ... which he did. "HA! SHORTAY!!!"

CyKo then inhaled some of the pink smoke... and immediately fell asleep.

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 02, 2011 6:23 pm

Lia was mad. But not just mad, she was madder than mad. She was furious. Nobody messed with her squirrels in her tree. And right now, it was Clo messing with her squirrels in her trees.

She clenched her fists and began to jump up and down. Soon she was wailing at the top of her lungs.

Lia was having a full blown temper tantrum.

"CLO VERRZ!!!" she yelled, stomping over to her. She reached up and grabbed a handful of Clo's long blonde hair and yanked. It was very satisfying to hear Clo's scream of pain. "I'M TIRED OF BEING IGNORED!!!! I CHALLENGED YOU TO A SMACK DOWN AND YOU IGNORED ME!!!! THIS IS GOING TO END HERE AND NOW!"

Lia had turned into the Fluffeh Angry Kitteh mode. And nothing would stop her. She slapped Clo as hard as she could.

And that was when she noticed the other agents. On the ground. Snoring. Weird, thought Lia. They're all sleeping. Wonder why it didn't affect me...
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Agent Clo Verrz

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Apr 02, 2011 6:40 pm

For a full thirty seconds, all Clo could do was stare at Lia with angry eyes and if you listened close enough, you could probably hear epic Chinese music playing as she narrowed them to mere slits. No one picked on her and got away with it unharmed

With a flip of her recently-yanked hair, she dropped her fashionable purse into the slime and said, "HOW. DARE. YOU."

She kicked off her expensive, chic high-heels and stepped forward, her stockinged feet sinking deep into the slime, but she didn't appear to care.

"If it's a fight you want, bring it on." Clo said, her jaw clenched.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby malkah » Apr 02, 2011 6:43 pm

Mal'ady was watching the showdown between CyKo and Clo with interest, when suddenly Clo threw a perfume bottle towards where the ANTI agents were standing. Pink, sickly sweet-smelling smoke poured out of the bottle and wafted towards them, and Mal'ady felt herself inhale it before she knew what she was doing.

Frantically, she tried to think of an idea or a plan of escape, but her brain and her legs were already starting to refuse to obey her. She groaned. Of all possible methods of dying, death by pink smoke was a profoundly uninspiring way to go.

She felt her knees turn to jelly and her body collapse rather haphazardly to the ground. It felt so comfy that she was tempted to curl up and nap for a long time, except for a pesky part of her brain that kept screaming this is wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Vaguely, she remembered a day early in her ANTI training, where she had accidentally inhaled a training version of MUPPETZ-style smoke and had woken up to a nurse filling her IV bag with mocha frappuccino. There was something important she needed to remember from that day, but her brain was going fuzzy, and she couldn't recall why it was so urgent anymore. (And who was having a temper tantrum in the background?)

Coffee...and pink smo...zzzzzzzz. Ni'night.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby georgiefan1 » Apr 02, 2011 7:08 pm

Whit had locked herself in her room all day. Even with constant knocks with random people yelling at her to come train the newbies, she couldn't deal with that at the moment. She had sent her mechanic bird to ANTI to keep a close eye on them. She saw everything fold out on her Big screen, Summer coming out as a HumETZ, Thorn imposters, even a slap fight between Lia and Clo Verrz, which Whit honestly thought was really funny.

All of her ANTI memories were returning to her, she was very suprised finding out Clo was evil. She remembers admiring her, her clothing, her hair and makeup, and even hugging her the last time she was with ANTI when she joined the group on the sub. These all felt like distant memories, she missed them greatly.

She watched as the chaos grew, people falling over from some pink mist stuff, thats when she realized she was going to help. She packed all her pink essentials, a gas mask, coffee for the squirrels and was ready to leave when she realized, she has no way of getting there...well that made things more difficult.

Whit remembered the pink slide she found in her closet (she was 11 after all) she just thought she would see where it went to.

"WOOHOO!!!" Whit exclaimed as she went down the slide. It was a rather long slide,so by the end of it she was happy to see light. Once she exited the slide she was not so happy to see where she ended up....right in Dori's office.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 02, 2011 9:30 pm

Just as Clo said, "Bring it" Lia punched. Somehow she knew just what to do. Even though she was a full head shorter than Clo, Lia felt certain that she [Clo] had a wekness. Standing on her toes, Lia grabbed another handful of Clo's hair.

Giving it a sharp tug, Lia leveled the playing field slightly. So long as she could keep her grasp of the curly blonde hair (which felt rather like plastic) Lia would be fine.

She quickly kneed Cloin the stomach, then gave her a sharp shove, resulting in Clo sitting on the ground. In the molds. "HAHA," Lia yelled in her fury. "BEAT THAT, MUPPETZ SCUM!!!!!" She giggled insanely as she noticed the startled faces of Fall and the other MUPPETZ.

Who knew battle could be so...

It was then that Lia noticed that Clo was back on her feet. "Back for more, cupcake?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 03, 2011 12:37 pm

"Come on, Lia, do you really think a slap fight will help anything?" Summer knew that Lia was a queen and could do whatever she wanted to, but as a former friend had told her once, "fighting isn't always the answer." That former friend was Fall.

Fall also, funny enough, seemed a bit annoyed and outraged with the fighting. He had been the one to issue the attack, and now, his face was in total disgust at Lia. Summer almost was about to try to fight back, but then a strange scent clouded her memories. Wha... Wha's goin' 'n... Sprin', where 're ya? ...

Summer collasped onto the the floor in a sleeping heep, as Fall all of a sudden felt a unusual twing in his heart. The odd twing made him feel as though something bad was about to occur. What exactly could that be, he didn't know. But it made him indigiantly shout at Lia, "Stop it! Something's going on here. I feel like we're all in trouble."

Bzzzzzzzzzz... Fall flinched as a peculiar noise started humming near them. It was getting louder and louder. "Fellow MUPPETZ, take cover!" he warned. But it was too late. Something was landing onto the ground between the MUPPETZ and the ANTI. "Oh, boy," Fall grumbled once he realized who it was...
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Agent Clo Verrz

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Apr 03, 2011 2:46 pm

"Cupcake? That's a new one..." Clo said, opening and closing her hand as she got ready to strike. Her right hand flew towards Lia's face, fingernails poised to scratch.

As she watched Lia stumble back, the buzzing sound filled the air. Clo spun around, grabbed her high-heels and bag and ran towards Fall. Her eyes were on the thing landed on the ground.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 04, 2011 9:40 am

Lia just stared at summer when she suggested that a slap fight would not fix anything. "Whaa?" she asked, beginning to come out of Kitteh mode. Then she remembered Clo.

And received a punch in the nose. Luckily, it was not as hard as it could have been. Still, it was hard enough to knock her onto the ground. Wow, she thought. Slime molds are softer than I expected.

Standing up, but still a little dizzy, Lia looked around. She noticed that Clo was rather preoccupied with the buzzy thing that fell from the sky. Maybe it was a beehive and the bees would sting her. That would be lucky.

Changing her focus from Clo to Cyko, who was sleeping on the ground just outside of the molds. Poor cyclops, thought Lia. Too bad he isn't here on the comfy mold...

Then she had a brilliant idea.

Grabbing Cyko's wrists, Lia began to pull him onto the slime molds. It took all of her strength, but finally she got him onto the mold all the way.

It was then that Lia noticed something strange about Cyko. He was waking up.

Looking around the circle of mold, it hit her. Only Lia, Summer, and now Cyko were inside the mold. All the other agents were just outside of it. And they were sleeping. "It's the mold!" whispered Lia to Summer. "If we can get the other agents onto the mold they'll wake up! Like Cyko is!"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 04, 2011 11:26 am

Agents were still sleeping on the floor. Only a couple of moments ago, Summer had been one of them, dreaming of kittens and poodles, until she had landed into the mold somehow and had woken up. Now, she nodded to what Lia was saying, and began to sneak into the ruckus to drag an agent over. She heard a strange buzzing, but had no idea what it was, or cared at the moment.

Finally, she found Echo and Mal'ady lying over in a ditch. "Lia," she quietly called, "I found Mal'ady and Thorn-er-Echo! I need some help!" It would take her awhile to get used to Echo, but because they were both HumETZ, she felt a special and unusual connection to her. And hopefully, the real Thorn was ok wherever she was.

Summer finally placed Echo out of the ditch, and turned to get Mal'ady. But before she moved, a ninja squirrel threw a rope around her and tied her up. She was about to cry for help, but Squose climbed out of her pocket and squeaked, "Ichallengeyoutoaduel!" The two started fighting with paws, and Summer watched anxiously, hoping that Squose would win. But Squose was knocked down by the ninja squirrel, which only sniffed at the passed-out rodent, and started heading for Mal'ady.

"Lia! CyKo! Hurry!" she cried.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Apr 04, 2011 2:13 pm

Lia ran over to where Summer was. Clo an Fall were still occupied with the buzzy thingy, so she assumed to would be safe to come completely out of the Kitteh mode that she had been in.

Grabbing the squirrel by it's ninja mask, she threw it outside of the mold circle. It fell asleep in midair. "Oops," said Lia. "I guess I don't make a very good queen if I'm throwing my subjects around."

She and Summer leaned over as far as they could without leaving the mold and took hold of Mal'ady's wrists, yanking her into the circle. Looking around, Lia noticed that some of the agents were to far out to reach. Others, like Boe, who was sleeping with his SPELR dribbling coffee all over the weird little doctor squirrels, were within reach. Sort of. They would need Cyko's help to get to them. But Cyko was still waking up.

After she was sure the Echo and Mal'ady were waking up, Lia went back over to Cyko (resisting the urge to push Clo face first down into the mold) and got a big long stick. She then began to poke him with it.

"Wake. Up. Now." she said, continuing to poke Cyko harder and harder.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Apr 04, 2011 2:30 pm

CyKo was deep in dreamland.

His first dream was the best. He was at home, in his kitchen, eating marshmallow peeps. Well, marshmallow peep. A two hundred pound marshmallow peep. But then he feel into a sugar coma. So in a way, it felt as if he was asleep within sleep. It was weird.

His second dream was that he acquired an iPad and was robbed in a parking lot. Ungh.

His third dream was interrupted due to continual poking.

"Wha....." He merely turned upside down.

And yawned. Upon closing his mouth, he inhaled a mouthful of slime molds. Blech. CyKo coughed, bolted up, and began spitting brilliantly quick... what CyKo didn't notice was that he was spitting onto Clo's shoes. Stifling an embarrassed laugh, he realized that only those in the slime molds were awake.

In a split-second dash, CyKo pushed Clo to the ground and out of the mold, then jumped over to Fall. In an epic struggle of power, CyKo was punched in the face. Recoiling, he grabbed Fall's neck and held his head outside the mold.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Apr 04, 2011 2:40 pm

Fall hadn't seen CyKo coming, and vowed he wouldn't be so distracted. But there had been a helicopter that had just landed, and not just anyone's...

He instantly broke out of CyKo's grasp, and yanked the ANTI agent out into the open with him. "Are you mad?" he grunted. "I learned how to become immune to the perfume ages ago." He stood up to his full height, and pulled out his Spider-Spray. "This'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!" With that said, he sprayed CyKo, and many different types of spiders were now crawling onto CyKo.

Fall easily stepped back, and pulled out his Absorb Orb. "Anyone try that again, and they get a not-so-pleasant trip to the inside of this orb, got it?!"
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