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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 07, 2009 8:23 pm
by Bookwyrm
Hailey stood up and clasped her hands plaintively, looking as helpless and delicate as she could.

"Oh, your here to save me? Thank goodness! I was so scared when Enyo invaded my mind and forced me to submit to her will," Hailey gushed.

There was a crashing noise as the doors slammed shut and locked. Shutters dropped down over the windows, sealing them off, and Hailey collapsed back into the throne.

"The doors are a cortosis-weave alloy. The walls, ceiling, and floor are composed of a core of beskar, with a coating of adamantium over it. The window shutters are comprised of the same alloy as the doors. This room is inescapable. The only thing that will open these doors is my palm pressed to that biometrics reader next to the door. I'll never open it willingly and there's no force or mind power you can use on me to get me to open it. Your only choice is to kill me," Hailey explained in a conversational tone of voice.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 07, 2009 8:47 pm
by narnianerd
David shook his head and said "You know I won't and cant do that" suddenly understanding flooded his brain and he said "You fear Enyo; you wish that I would kill you so you wouldn't have to bear the terrible pain you would experience at Enyo's hand. Search yourself, there is still good in you, you grieved the loss of the Geangraian; that alone shows you can still turn away from Enyo; that you can resist her mind control for if she had complete control you would not grieve the loss of anything. Please, I can save you from Enyo the dittotpians are staging a rebellion and once she is defeated you will be free from her control” David had to believe she could return or there would be no hope for him or her.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 07, 2009 9:07 pm
by Bookwyrm
"Actually, Hailey's not here right now," Enyo said, speaking through Hailey's body. "There's still some Hailey in here somewhere, but I think it's cringing in a corner somewhere. It's a little technique I've been experimenting with. Eventually I'll work my way up to actually moving from body to body. I'll be immortal and I'll rule this galaxy forever. But that's enough of that. Now we just wait. Shouldn't be long now."

Hailey's body shifted in the throne and she hummed a few bars of "Best of Both Planetoids".

"Losing the palace to a fiery explosion will be well worth it if it means I'll never have to hear that blasted song again sung in that annoyingly perky voice. If the Force and I have anything to do with it, teen blonde pop stars will be an endangered species," Hailey's voice fell silent for a second and then her head snapped up. "How do you know what happened to the Geangrai anyway?"

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 08, 2009 6:05 am
by narnianerd
David looked down "I felt her feeling's, not yours" then he looked up and said "Enyo, you enslaved me for fourteen years of my life. My family died because of you" He pointed his finger at Hailey’s body "I will have my revenge on you whether it be in this life or the afterlife I will see you die but not now" he drew his blaster and fired his grappling hook at Haliey which failed to wrap itself around her body. Then he jumped foward and attemped to hit her on the head with the grip of the gun

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 08, 2009 8:46 am
by sweeetlilgurlie
"What can I do?" Astri piped up, trotting alongside Corvus to keep up. She was scared, but somehow doing all of this was still better (to her) than waiting for something to happen aboard ship.


Emere went up to someone who liked like they knew what was going on. "What's up? Are we just waiting for them, or what? Can I do something?"

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 08, 2009 2:36 pm
by Bookwyrm
Since Hailey was sitting in a throne, the grappling hook just bounced off and fell on the ground.

"What exactly were you planning on doing?" Hailey said, with an arched eyebrow. "And how did I enslave you for your whole life? The Sith magicks were only in place for a few years. You don't look like a toddler to me."

As David leapt at Hailey, she drew an obsidian dagger, dodged his attack, and slashed out at him.

Myrddin was preparing the materials he needed to scry for Enyo when several strangers appeared in the Orran pool. They scattered upon spotting the Dittotopians and some succeeded in plunging into other pools.

Aleena yelped indignantly upon spotting the sorceress-looking woman.

"What are you doing here, you . . . you . . . bad woman!" Aleena yelled and dove at the sorceress, bringing her down in a vicious tackle.

"Awesome. Hot women fighting. Who needs the Holonet when you have real life?" Brutus commented.

"That's my girlfriend you're talking about. Not cool," Corvan said coldly.

"This little hussy works at the palace. She's one of my rival sorceresses. She should know where Enyo is," Aleena said, holding onto the other woman's ankles and looking like she wanted to bite chunks out of them.

"Excellent. Tell us where Enyo is and we'll let you go. Don't lie, we can tell. If you do lie, we'll just let Aleena keep you.

"She's on her way back from Geangrai. She'll be back in less than an hour. Let me go!" the unnamed woman wailed.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 08, 2009 5:47 pm
by narnianerd
"Probably another side affect, the magicks must have muddled my memory" said David with a shrug as he dodged the dagger. He then jumped backward and said "Hailey, I know your in there. Fight back; Enyo is not unbeatable. You must fight back" He pleaded with her "Hailey, please"

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 08, 2009 6:36 pm
by Lady Arwen
Arin sighed and shook her head.

"Emere, you were one of the ones who told me what on earth all this annoying Force stuff was, would you care to inform me what an escape pod is and why everyone else is running for one, and if we should follow course?"


"Why do you want to be let go of?" Alàtariël asked, finally snapping out of her I'll-follow-everyone-else mode and walking toward Aleena's prey. "Where are you planning on going?"

Neíhudir shook his head, then turned to Sholi.

"Find someplace relatively safe, and let me know where it is," he said. "And, do you think you could take Chaos with you?"

"Where is Chaos???" Limwen suddenly asked.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 09, 2009 8:13 am
by Captn. Peregrin
"Where'd that be?" Sholi replied. "I can't stay here, cause I know I'll drift off the moment I'm alone, I can't go back the way we came, seeing as the wizard could've done anything up there, and I'm not just jumping into a random pool." He wasn't too thrilled about spending who-knows-how-long with Chaos, but he supposed he would do everybody else a far bigger favor keeping her out of the way than just tagging along, and at least he would have something to do. Then he moaned as Limwen alerted them of Chaos's absence. The last he remembered was her exiting the pool. He doubted that he could sense her in the Wood or...

He groaned louder. "She could get anywhere from here! Can't we just hope that she's been unleashed on another galaxy far, far away?"

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 09, 2009 9:37 am
by sweeetlilgurlie
"Excuse me? Escape pods?" Emere had been tuning out all of the annoying chatter of the crew and it suddenly occurred to him that doing that might not have been a very good idea. He tuned in and heard what was going on.

"Oh. We're on a collision course for the Palace on Orran, that's all." He said cynically. "Once we hit atmosphere the ship is going to start burning up. Joys." He gestured to Arin. "Come on. We've got to get to an escape pod. It's the only way we'll get out of her alive." Emere caught a glimpse of Allyn ran after him, figuring that Allyn was heading for the escape pods too. He hoped Arin was following him.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 09, 2009 9:12 pm
by BuBbLyLu
Juriel's eyes narrowed dangerously, his anger absorbing Allyn's speech so much that he was solely focused on the Jedi. If the New Dawn hadn't given a sudden lurch, the young Acolyte would not have noticed the stampeding chaos running past them.

His hand groping the wall, Juriel steadied himself as he took stock of the bits he got when Allyn integrated the crew member. They were on a crash course to Orran. Everyone was making a beeline for the escape pods. His and everyone else's only chance of escaping impeccable doom.

He scowled. Of course. This had to happen before Allyn stopped him from getting to the escape pods first. He half wondered if the Jedi planned this.

He raised his finger to point at Allyn between his eyes. "Don't think for a moment this is the answer," he warned. "I'm not going to stay with you even if we do go on the same pod."

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 09, 2009 9:36 pm
by Lady Arwen
"I'm present!" an ever-too chipper voice announced. Limwen groaned.

"Secretly, I agree with you," she whispered, bending toward Sholi. "But it can't be helped. One of my cousin of sorts--the one that got kidnapped--brought her along."

"My basket is discombobulated, though," Chaos frowned, heaving it up and around for everyone to see, incidentally knocking an innocent and un-important bystander into a neighboring pool. She presented it to Myrddin.

"Fix it please."

"Chaos, later," Neíhudir said.


Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 10, 2009 10:52 pm
by Bookwyrm
Aleena reluctantly let go of the sorceress' ankle and the woman climbed to her feet. She twitched nervously, clearly ready to get out of there.

"The Geangrai are attacking the palace. They're going to kill us all," the sorceress hissed and then twisted her hands in an arcane gesture. Her hands began to glow with a ghastly green light.

Myrddin's hands shot up and the green glow was absorbed back into the sorceress. She flew backwards and landed in a pool with a loud splash.

"What was that?" Brutus asked, his hand on his lightsaber hilt.

"She was trying to use some sort of death spell. She was trying to kill us."

"Okay, now that we've got that little drama over, can we discuss what she said? The Geangrai are the ones that kidnapped Ordana and the others. We have to go to Orran.

"This could be your only chance," Lynda added. "No one in all the galaxy remembers where the Geangrai homeworld is. They succeeded in erasing even my memory of it, an incredible feat to be sure."

Hailey/Enyo laughed scornfully,"Cute speech. Face it, you're going to die."

The Sith meditation sphere dropped out of hyperspace, into the Orran star system, and Enyo was shocked by the battle going on all around her. The Star Forge's defenses were slowly being destroyed by the Autobots. The New Dawn was entering the atmosphere of Orran with a trail of escape pods streaming behind it. Her anger, normally carefully controlled and focused was enough to make her lose control of Hailey for a split second.

Hailey screamed in horror and fear. She leapt to her feet and started to run for the doors of the throne room. Enyo savagely clamped down on her anger and seized control of Hailey again.

"Enough of this foolishness," Enyo/Hailey said and drove the obsidian dagger into Hailey's chest. Hailey staggered a few steps and collapsed forward. With her last burst of strength, she pressed her hand to the hand-scanner and opened the doors.


Allyn shrugged at Juriel and continued sprinting for the escape pods. He wondered vaguely why he seemed pursued by Drama.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 10, 2009 11:27 pm
by narnianerd
"No!" Yelled David, he turned and sprinted to the limp body of Hailey Lyrus and picked her up before running out the now open doors. He sprinted through the palace towards the hanger, as he approached it; burning pieces of the New Dawn were already pummeling the palace "SCRAPP TAKE OFF!" he yelled at the droid in the cockpit who obeyed as David got closer to the X-wing.

David then jumped up onto the wing and laid the limp body of Hailey in the cockpit “dead” he thought “dead, she saved me with her last breath, there was still good in her” he looked out the hanger opening and said to the sky “I will kill you Enyo and with one stroke, I shall have two revenges taken care of”

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 11, 2009 8:29 am
by sweeetlilgurlie
Emere saw that a couple of escape pods were left, but they were disappearing fast. The escape pod closest to him could hold about four people- so said the label. Emere figured he could cram a couple more in.

He pulled the open lever down. Nothing happens. "Blast." Emere cursed. "The mechanism on this one must've blown somehow." He pulled open a side panel filled with glowing orange buttons and punched in a code. With a hiss the escape pod door came open.

"Okay, let's go!" He called to Arin. Maybe he should be doing the martyr thing- staying here to die and letting another go in his place. But Emere figured that he didn't have time to be sentimental and think about it, and they needed to go now.

Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

PostPosted: Oct 11, 2009 7:23 pm
by Lady Arwen
"Grief," Arin muttered, clambering in behind Emere. "I hate flying. Thanks."


Chaos gasped.

"You just....ignored me????"