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Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2014 1:22 am
by Bookwyrm
Anna set off in the direction Delia had pointed without comment. As she got closer, the building's form became clearer. It was a weirdly-shaped building that resembled a half circle or a whole circle halfway buried in the ground. It made from something that looked like frosted glass. There was a door set into its front, one that Anna stopped at. She hesitated for a second to allow the others to catch up and then turned the knob and entered the building.

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2014 12:40 pm
by PrinceCor004
"I'd heed her warnings if I was you... miss." Neal told Cynthia before walking past the woman, giving a slight nod to Delia for finally standing up to Madame Vegan.

Decker stopped just behind Anna examining the new structure. "I've got a bad feeling about this." With a sigh, he followed Anna into the building... thing.

The interior was completely different from anything the company had come across so far. Everything was glass and had a nearly hand-blown look and feel. As was to be expected of a place like this, the interior seemed larger than the exterior made it out to be. Roughly in the middle of the "room" were several tables (again, made from the same clear glass) with what appeared to be light panels under the tops.

"Well, this is most peculiar..." the Darkling muttered as he tapped the top of one of the tables.

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 09, 2014 2:13 am
by Bookwyrm
"Should we start breaking things?" Anna asked, running a speculative eye over the delightfully fragile furniture.

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 10, 2014 5:22 pm
by Delia Death
"No...there must be some use to them. These are sturdy tables...they're meant to be used," Delia mused, crouching down and looking up through the glass. "But used for what?"

Kia gave a short moan, reached out to steady herself, then fainted and fell onto one of the glass tables. It gave way, a large shard protruding from her midsection. Delia sighed and threw her hands up in the air.

"She faints, then falls so she dies. Though I suppose with the luck this group has been having, she would have died even if she didn't fall onto glass."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 3:03 am
by Bookwyrm
"Fantastic. If we needed that table, we're in trouble now. Wild guess, teleportation platforms? Um, maybe they're projecting something on the ceiling? Maybe they have to be touched in a certain sequence," Anna was rambling, thinking out loud and spitting out every idea she could think of.

"Wait! The keys. Are there keyholes in the tables? Or try placing the keys in the light panels."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 2:29 pm
by PrinceCor004
At this point the sudden death of another member of their group bearly fazed Neal. With a nonchalant shrug the Darkling began examining the glass tables again.

"Oi! Cynthia! Hand me that key you got from the old woman..."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 2:33 pm
by Delia Death
Delia looked at Anna for a moment, then shook her head.

"Why on earth would you put keys inside lights?" she said. "I'm about to give up on you people, and just cross over the dimensional thresholds. I'm not about to dump this body."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 2:50 pm
by The Rose-Tree Dryad
"Here you are, Mr. Decker," Cynthia said, producing the key from her purse and handing it over. "Do take care of it."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 6:09 pm
by PrinceCor004
Neal took the key that was handed to him and turned back to the tables. He suddenly stopped, made a few gestures as if he was contemplating something, then dropped the key in his pocket while digging around in another.

"The map pieces. If you have one on you, lay it on the table... now."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2014 7:36 pm
by Delia Death
"Oh...OH. Of course. You're genius," Delia said, digging through her pockets and pulling out the map Neal had handed here earlier. "Here's mine."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 12, 2014 4:41 am
by Bookwyrm
"Kai had a piece," Anna said. She moved to the dead girl's side and gingerly flipped the body over to rifle through the pockets. "Got it. Fortunately she had the decency to not bleed all over it."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 14, 2014 1:07 pm
by PrinceCor004
After taking the maps handed to him by Anna and Delia, Neal arranged all four pieces onto one of the glass tables forming a block shape (two pieces on top of two).

"Does anyone see anything..."

With no answers coming from his fellow survivors, the Darkling began idly moving the bottom righthand map with his fingers. As the papers overlapped, a knew image became visible thanks to the light source. Without saying a word, Neal began rearranging the maps so that they were layered one over the other. Finally, a new image appeared when the four pieces were arranged properly.

"No need for applause, ladies."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 14, 2014 5:13 pm
by Delia Death
"Good work," Delia murmured, leaning across the table to inspect it. She looked up at the others. "What's it say? It's upside down and backwards for me."

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 16, 2014 4:47 pm
by PrinceCor004
"Hard to tell... I can only make out a few words. Jinx, Hologram and th." Neal stood up and scratched the back of his head. "Not sure how that's going to help us much."

"Any thoughts?" He asked Anna and Cynthia.

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 18, 2014 10:32 am
by The Rose-Tree Dryad
"Other than the fact that there seems to be an E beside the TH, I haven't the foggiest," Cynthia said, pursing her lips. "What on earth is the Jinx Hologram?"

Re: Ditto Town Mystery Mansion

PostPosted: Sep 18, 2014 11:50 am
by Delia Death
"Jinx The Hologram," Delia said suddenly. "Look at where each word starts--if you read it line by line, it says to jinx the hologram."