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The Post Office

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Marshwiggle » Sep 29, 2009 1:52 pm

General Information

Character Name: Ziya, though this is not commonly known
Screen Name of Author: Marshwiggle

Character Information

Species: Considers herself to be the next stage of humanity
Age: Unknown, looks to be in late 20's, early 30's
Gender: Female
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown/blue
Weight/Height: average/5'6''
Clothes and Other Accessories: style changes often

Residence: Project Telescope's staff residence
Occupation: Project Telescope board member
Mode of Transportation: anything
Overall Personality: mysterious, cheerful
Long-term Goals: To further Project Telescope
Skills: almost anything though her special gift seems to be raising certain police officers from the dead

Family: Unknown
Short History: COMING SOONer or never

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Unilluminated

It's empty in the valley of your heart. The sun, it rises slowly as you walk. Away from all the fears. And all the faults you've left behind.

So long...for now.
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Re: The Post Office

Postby narnianerd » Oct 04, 2009 9:51 pm

General Information

Character Name: David Benedict
Character Nicknames or Titles: Dave
Screen Name of Author: Little Joe

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/Green
Weight/Height: 140/5’9
Distinct Markings: a long scar on his cheek
Clothes and Other Accessories: brown jacket, orange jerkin and leather shirt
Weapons: two lightsabers, one Black one Red, a highly modified hand blaster
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) None *presently*
Occupation: over throwing the sith empire
Mode of Transportation: His feet and an X-wing fighter which he took from the imperials during the battle for dittotopia
Overall Personality: Brave, Daring, Willing to sacrifice himself if it would save someone he loves from pain, Somewhat withdrawn though bouts of leadership comes through at times.
Personality Flaws: His anger and hate for the Sith Empire which may turn him into the very thing which he fights to destroy
Hobbies: Target practice, Honing his flight and fighting skills
Likes/Dislikes: Peace, Dittotopia and all its residents, flying/The sith empire, sith, clones with lightsabers
Long-term Goals: To topple the Sith empire
Skills: Excellent pilot and fighter
Force Skills: Since he has no training; when he is not in combat he has no control over his skill, but when fighting the force seems to take control of his body and he has no control over his actions, and as far as he can tell; when he is fighting he is the very essence of the force itself.

Family: Dead
Friends: Shono, Scrappy, Aleena, Brutus, Myrddin, Lynda, Solarflare and the other heroes of the ditto revolution, not necessarily in that order
Enemies: Sith Empire
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Scrappy
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Was born in the year 495 AES to the royal family on Dittotopia -Ironically the same year that Darth Enyo arrived in the Galaxy- A few years after that; he and the rest of Dittotopia were forced into slavery by Enyo and Kassandra Fury. He worked as a slave till he was fifteen and a group of Jedi set the planets population free but before that happened, Gothmotron ravaged the town and murdered his family. He most likely targeted his family because of the amount of light side energy emitting from their beings. In the aftermath (LoL) of that tragic event he was forced to fight against the Clones that the Empire sent to wipe Dittotopia clean of life which thankfully kept him from brooding over his family’s death which otherwise would have drove him mad and there was a large chance that he would have committed suicide. During the battle he was not able to reach the fountain as he diverted clones away from it so that Aleena and Myrddin would have enough time to do what they needed to do and was almost captured but thanks to quick thinking on the part of the wizard he was saved. He found his way off world however by taking an X-wing he had captured during the battle and set his course to the off world sanctuary, however the navigational system failed and David and his new Droid friend R5 or as he called him Scrappy found themselves on Orran to get repairs but what they got was a mouth full of fighters which he destroyed easily and is now infiltrating the Imperial Palace.

Image Image

General Information

Character Name: Mathew Benedict
Character Nicknames or Titles: Matt, commander Benedict
Screen Name of Author:

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: black/hazel
Weight/Height: 120/5’4
Distinct Markings: a scare above his eye brows
Clothes and Other Accessories: Green jerkin, Brown Vest and leather pants for when not on duty
Weapons: Sword, Dagger and bow
Armor: mail armor (rarely)

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) castle barracks or the caves out-side of

Occupation: Captain of the guard
Mode of Transportation: horse, feet
Overall Personality: brave, not a good leader though charismatic, kind
Personality Flaws: his quick anger
Hobbies: playing his harp
Likes/Dislikes: music, food, the thrill of battle/evil.
Long-term Goals: he does not care much about his future, he’s busy with surving the day
Skills: fighting, singing, playing his harp
Magic Skills: None

Family: John
Friends: Ellie, John, Alexander, Alan
Enemies: evil guys
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: John

Short History: Mathew grew up in the royal family as cousin to the prince, but they were assassinated by servant of the rakatan. So the king raised Mathew as a son along his real one: John as a result the two became as close as brothers. Then when Mathew turned fourteen he was place in the guard, he advanced quickly in their ranks till when his captain was killed he assumed the position.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion role-play, Fountain
role-play, and Ditto Story numbers): The Aftermath

General Information

Character Name: Rebecca
Character Nicknames or Titles: Becca
Screen Name of Author:

Character Information

Age: 96 human years only 15 elf years
Gender: female
Species: elf
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/brown
Weight/Height: 4’5
Distinct Markings: a scar under her eye that she received when a bounty hunter punched her
Clothes and Other Accessories: a red jacket, a gray shirt, jeans and sneaks
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) none
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: her feet
Overall Personality: sweet, protective, loving, supportive of her older brother
Personality Flaws:
Likes/Dislikes: family/humans
Long-term Goals: find David and reunite her family
Magic Skills: she and her brothers have a mind connection that allows them to communicate with each other within a mile

Family: Mark, Adam, Joshua
Enemies: family/humans
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History:

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion role-play, Fountain
role-play, Ditto Story numbers):UI

General Information

Character Name: Adam
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Little Joe

Character Information

Age: 98 human years 16 elf years
Gender: male
Species: elf
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/hazel
Weight/Height: 5’5
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories:
Weapons: hand-gun and a machine gun
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc)
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: feet/truck
Overall Personality: grim, silent, sad, struggling with himself while trying to keep his remaining family together
Personality Flaws: see above^
Hobbies: none
Likes/Dislikes: his family/ humans
Long-term Goals: find his brother and keep his family together
Skills: leadership skills
Magic Skills: none

Family: Mark, Rebecca, and Joshua
Enemies: bounty hunters
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Mark (sort of)

Short History:

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion role-play, Fountain
role-play, and Ditto Story numbers): UI
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Re: The Post Office

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Oct 10, 2009 6:44 am

General Information

Character Name: She doesn't really have one.
Character Nicknames or Titles: Evory (Ebony & Ivory)
Screen Name of Author: Sweeetlilgurlie

Character Information

Species: Tatterdemalion
Age: 2 weeks old. She looks about 7 years old.
Gender: Female
Hair/Eye Colors: Black/glowing white with a bit of pink
Weight/Height: Tiny/short
Clothes and Other Accessories: A little dress she picked up somewhere.

Residence: Anywhere.
Occupation: Guide, when The Will calls her.
Mode of Transportation: Feet, wind.
Overall Personality: Sweet, melancholy, clever
Hobbies: Reading fairy-tales.
Likes/Dislikes: Reading, Nice People, The Will/ Evil magic
Long-term Goals: Whatever The Will calls her to do during her life.
Skills: Can sense evil magics.

Family: Unknown
Friends: None, though she's very friendly.
Enemies: Enemies of The Will

Short History: Evory (Short for Ebony and Ivory) is a tatterdemalion. A Tatterdemalion is a creature born of wild magic and the wind. The are, in essence, a hiccup in the flow of Wild Magic. They are good, and act as guides to certain people when The Will calls them. They are adept consciences to anyone they are guiding, which is both useful and annoying to the people they are guiding.

A tatterdemalion will be born and slowly learn what it is. Then it will settle to the ground and begin its life in the world. They do not naturally wear clothes, but do so to make humans more comfortable. They enjoy the little pleasures of this life, like the sunshine, but are extremely delicate. A tatterdemalion can be killed by something so simple as a bad burn or a knife wound. They will simply disappear into the wind, leaving the garment that they wore.

Even if a tatterdemalion lives out the span of its life, they do not live long. Evory (and others of her species) always bear a melancholy about this. They will only live for 90 days, on average.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A Funny Thing Happened.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
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Re: The Post Office

Postby zlcva » Oct 10, 2009 7:55 am

General Information

Character Name: Zack Lawrence
Character Nicknames or Titles: zlcva
Screen Name of Author: zlcva

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Hair: Dark brown with natural blonde highlights that can be seen in the right light. / Eyes: Light brown
Weight/Height: 145 lbs./5 ft. 10 in.
Distinct Markings: Crooked smile, faint scar on left temple, bunch of scars on backs of hands
Clothes and Other Accessories: Heavily stained canvas pants with built-in knee pads, purple "Planet Kermit" t-shirt, heavily stained light grey hoodie, brown waterproof hiking boots, stained grey baseball cap (everything's stained 'cause they're my work clothes, okay? :P). Cell phone, leatherman tool, wallet, blue handkerchief
Weapons: Does the leatherman count?
Armor: Foam knee pads built into pants

Residence: Colorado
Occupation: Videographer/Web Designer/Whatever odd jobs I can get
Mode of Transportation: Blue Dodge pickup truck affectionately named "Big Blue."
Overall Personality: Introverted and quiet when in an unfamiliar situation, loud "class clown" type when around people I know.
Personality Flaws: Has a hard time remembering that we were all n00bs once, horrible at time management
Hobbies: Editing the Ditto Town Wiki, Watching and making YouTube videos, playing old school PSOne video games
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Star Wars, Transformers, Doctor Who, editing the wiki, writing a good story / Dislikes: Characters that know everything that's going on only because their author can read the other posts, Being called "Zacky" :-q , having my plans be interrupted and changed by someone else
Long-term Goals: Be a full time filmmaker and become a YouTube Partner
Skills: Rusty karate and rapier fencing skills, making videos and websites, can play eight different musical instruments, Can do numerous voices and accents (aspiring voice actor)
Magic Skills: Force powers, Green Lantern powers, time travel powers... then I wake up. *sigh*

Family: Wife, parents, sister and brothers
Friends: Numerous from literally around the world
Enemies: None that I'm aware of
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Wife's cat named Guinivere
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc:

Short History:
I've been writing in Ditto Town since the very first Fountain and the 5th Mansion. I was part of the original Fountain Fellowship that formed during the Chake Wars, both character-wise and among the authors. I took a... forced sabbatical in early 2007 and returned to Ditto Town over a year later in 2008. I was working with some guys from church in constructing a metal building at a campground when I found myself transported to Ditto Town. There I discovered I wasn't the only one from our world that had arrived.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Real Life, A Funny Thing Happened

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Re: The Post Office

Postby narnianerd » Oct 10, 2009 11:47 pm

General Information

Character Name: Zak Cartwright... No I'm not kidding thats my first name
Character Nicknames or Titles: Little Joe, Nerd, NN, trouble maker...
Screen Name of Author: Little Joe

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: human... I think
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/Hazel
Weight/Height: 110/5'2
Distinct Markings: weirdness
Clothes and Other Accessories: Hiking boots, jeans, hevy flannel shirt, wide brimed hat... I was out hunting squirlees ok?
Weapons: Revolver
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) House in the USA
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: Sarg, moms van, bike
Overall Personality: generaly a jolly fellow, makes the best of things
Personality Flaws: Forgetful of NWeb rules
Hobbies: bugging my siblings, hunting, reading
Likes/Dislikes: having fun, food, books/ boring people
Long-term Goals: live life to its fullest then go to heaven
Skills: good marksman
Magic Skills: none

Family: 8 sibs plus mom and dad
Friends: anyone I get along with
Enemies: anyone I don't
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Sarg
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: My first RP was Secret Origins, then I joined one called Unlimited. Then my life changed forever and I joined a RL RP called Sunrise of live and I had some fun with that, then I breached the world of the fountain and created my own RP called The Aftermath. I joined the Mansion and (Slightly) Less after that now I got sucked into Ditto town and an alternet me is writing... If he's half as bad as I am I don't wanna see what he has planned for me.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Rising_Star » Oct 11, 2009 9:58 am

General Information

Character Name: Isabella Ryan
Character Nicknames or Titles: Ryan, Flossie (online)
Screen Name: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown with gold, green, and red highlights that's layered (with side bangs) and just past my shoulders; it's neither curly nor straight but kind of in between with a "wind-swept" look/dark brown
Weight/Height: yeah right, I’m a girl, think I’m going to tell you? :P let's just say I'm on the curvy side of average/5’6”
Distinct Markings: long slender fingers with really long fingernails that are painted dark, dark purple, tiny mole on the back of my left hand, slightly bigger mole under the end of my left clavicle, semi-heavy eye-makeup (I've been called goth and half-goth before although I wouldn't necessarily call myself goth :P)
Clothes and Other Accessories: dark, dark blue jeans, black shirt, shoes borrowed from Drake, black hoodie
Weapons: pocket knife given to me by PC

Residence: US of A in the Sunshine State
Occupation: High School Graduate looking for a job and scholarships for college, volunteer 2nd and 3rd grade teacher at church
Mode of Transportation: feet, car
Overall Personality: friendly, sarcastic, optimistic, outgoing (especially at night and when I’ve consumed sugar)
Personality Flaws: somewhat childish (but usually in a playful way), a little naïve, a tad bossy when I want/need to get something done
Hobbies: reading, playing the piano, musical theatre, writing, RPing
Likes/Dislikes: books, classical music, soundtracks, musical theatre, writing, NWeb, friends, multiple movies and TV shows/cockroaches (I’m deathly afraid of them), heights/falling, stuck-up people, mean-spirited bullies, annoying characters who know too much all the time, boring 1- and 2-dimensional characters
Long-term Goals: to go to college first, and then become an actress/screenwriter/director (possibly), and an author (most definitely), and then later on an English teacher for elementary students
Skills: can play piano by ear-ish, can type fast (is that a skill?), is a pretty good actress (so I’m told ;) ), can tell a good story, can do a pretty good English accent, can sing "I'm Wishing" from Snow White exactly how the woman playing Snow White sings it (in that high-pitched, breathy, irritating voice) to annoy my sisters :P
Magic Skills: none

Family: two younger sisters, an older half-sister, mom and dad
Friends: a bunch
Enemies: a couple
Pets: two cats (Fern and Sofie)

Short History: I joined NWeb in April of 2006. I recently became a mod in June. I’ve been involved in the Role-plays since I joined NWeb, but nothing really unusual happened. A few of my characters did come to life briefly in the RP Real Life, but I had to drop out of the RP and I’ve yet to figure out what happened to them. Seeing as I did not hear of any strange happenings in the news, I’m assuming they got back okay.

Now I’m stuck in Ditto Town with a deadly villain I created a long time ago on the loose: Le Loup Noir. So far I have no idea how to get back home or what I’m going to do about this problem I’ve brought to Ditto Town.

Stories Character has been in: Fountain, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
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Re: The Post Office

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Oct 11, 2009 12:44 pm

General Information

Character Name: Christina
Character Nicknames or Titles: Tina, Sweeet (online)
Screen Name: Sweeetlilgurlie

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Medium brown/Brandy brown
Weight/Height: Petite/5'5''
Distinct Markings: Large birthmark on back,
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual clothes. I get dressed right after I wake up, so I was dressed and wearing slippers when I got sucked to Ditto Town. Brown-metal framed glasses.
Weapons: Er...glasses?

Residence: Mid-west in the US
Occupation: High School Student/College student (Early-college)
Mode of Transportation: feet, car
Overall Personality: friendly, smart, semi-pessimistic, loyal, slightly cynical, fun
Personality Flaws: Tends to read too deep into things, beats herself up when things go wrong or when she does something wrong and can take that overboard.
Hobbies: Reading, Playing piano, Writing, Making movies, Role-playing, Photoshopping!
Likes/Dislikes: Kittens, driving, singing, dancing, writing, rp-ing, NWeb, friends, dissecting movies, interesting characters & stories/ God-modders! :p Uninteresting characters, bad movie adaptions, Algebra
Long-term Goals: Become a screenwriter and adapt one of the Narnia books to movie form.
Skills: Writing, organizing, piano-playing, photoshopping
Magic Skills: None...unfortunately. :(

Family: One brother & five sisters. Then a mom and dad.
Friends: Less than I'd like, more than I deserve. :)
Enemies: I have some acquaintances that used to be friends.
Pets: We had a skitzo goldfish named bangles. Then it died. Then we got a new fish named Hades. It died the next day. We decided to hold off on getting more pets because we were afraid we'd seriously deplete the fish population.

Short History: Tina's history on NarniaWeb began when she ran a search on google to see if Nicole Kidman was really playing the White Witch in the new Narnia movie, back in 2005. She discovered Ditto Town around then, but never followed up and didn't join any roleplays. In roughly 2007 she joined her first roleplay and after a very rocky start, got better and started having tons of fun.

Now she's in Ditto Town for reasons unknown to her, meeting characters that she's written with and for, and getting severely creeped out. Though in a strange way it's all very cool, as well.

Stories Character has been in: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Captn. Peregrin » Oct 11, 2009 1:24 pm

General Information

Character Name: Joanna
Character Nicknames or Titles: Captn. P, Took
Screen Name of Author: Captn. Peregrin

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Long brown/Hazel
Weight/Height: Average? I honestly don't keep track
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Pink PJs, glasses
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: House on a steep hill, USA
Occupation: Student; math tutor or catsitter when called upon
Mode of Transportation: Car; feet or bike when absolutely necessary
Overall Personality: Quiet, attentive, book-smart, silly (when surrounded by trusty friends)
Personality Flaws: Indecisive, unsocial (not anti-social)
Hobbies: Reading, movies, web-surfing
Likes/Dislikes: Animals, mysteries, good stories, soundtracks, random movie or book quotes in normal conversation, Who What When Where & Why, making fun of movies, cappuccinos, and sleepovers (or non-sleep-overs), typically containing three or more of the aforementioned likes/Bad stories, bad mysteries, bad writing, all objects of obsessive fangurlism
Long-term Goals: Figuring out my long-term goals :p
Skills: Flute-playing, decent writing, classic movie knowledge, good balance
Magic Skills: Occasional strokes of parodying genius

Family: Two older siblings, parents
Friends: Mostly off to college *sigh*
Enemies: None that I'm aware of
Pets: Kit, my adorable cat

Short History:
I joined NW two years ago, but I never posted much due to my philosophy of "If you can't post something interesting, don't post anything at all." Ditto Town was like a dream come true - elves and Jedi and talking animals (oh my!) all jumbled into one crazy world. Above all, it was a place for me to anonymously test out my writing skills, bringing to life characters I never had the patience to write down before. Then one morning I was sucked into my computer...

Stories Character has been in: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
sig by me

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 12, 2009 5:46 pm

I can't believe I'm doing this....

General Information

Character Name: Amë
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lady A, Lady, LA, LArwen, Arwen, Ames, Den Mom, TOO (don't ask), hey you, etc.
Screen Name of Author: Lady Arwen

Character Information

Age: Questionable. ;)
Gender: Female
Species: Humaniod
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark brown, almost black hair, Eyes are normally hazel, but will change to green and sometimes brown
Weight/Height: 5’ 9” about 130/140 lbs
Distinct Markings: …
Clothes and Other Accessories: Long, non-restrictive dark blue dress, with long close sewn sleeves, small gold necklace with gold key on it. Clothing may vary, depending on what she is doing. Hair is either parted on right side, and falls down to cover the left side of her face, or is rolled back and pinned. Cell phone that rings to a tortuga hornpipe.
Weapons: Sword and knives. Can shoot bow and arrows.
Armor: None at this time.

Residence: Currently, northwest of Ditto Town in Esteë, about a three hour ride. She usually lives on plant Earth, in California, although she visits Esteë, and may spend more time either there or writing about being there than she does on earth.
Occupation: Little bit of everything, no?
Mode of Transportation: Horse and feet in Dittotopia. A small white car that can seat five in California (A Mustang GT called Shelby! [lol, I wish….]).
Overall Personality: Either very quiet, or very noisy. Depending on how comfortable she feels in her environment, she will drift from one to the other.
Personality Flaws: Rarely, strong anger. Can get annoyed easily, and once she’s made her mind up about something, it is very hard to change.
Hobbies: Almost everything. She enjoys computer graphics, photography, debate, reading, storytelling, blogging, horseback riding, gardening, knitting, baking, archery, etc.
Likes/Dislikes: Ships, water, horses, herbs/ evil, fear and personal vendettas
Long-term Goals: 1) Finish writing her book 2) get it published 3) turn the short stories on her and a friend’s blog into a TV series and accompanying film 4) Find new ways to explode Bill and Ty’s boathouse (PM me if you want the story….) 7) Have a nice quiet life.
Skills: Writing, Drawing, Photography, Storytelling, Acting, Music, etc.
Magic Skills: None at this time

Family: She is an only child, with two wonderful parents, a cousin that needs to be an actress (Amë has a role that she would love for her cousin to play), lots of other cousins, second cousins, and first- and second- cousins once removed.
Friends: They’re out there, somewhere.
Enemies: Varies
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Erm….
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Amë was born a human in the United States, but also seems to have elven characteristics, alone with Jedi and Feline characteristics. She doesn’t have too much of an exciting life, more vignettes than full scale adventures.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): The Evil that Never Sleeps: The Case of the Disappearing Smilies, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To The Forum
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Re: The Post Office

Postby princess_of_narnia » Oct 14, 2009 11:03 am

General Information

Character Name: Georgiana
Character Nicknames or Titles: Princess, princess_of_narnia, PON, pon
Screen Name of Author: princess_of_narnia

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: wavy (sometimes frizzy) brown, with tints of blonde and red/hazel
Weight/Height: 115 lb./5'3"
Distinct Markings: wears contacts, has a burn scar on left elbow
Clothes and Other Accessories: T-shirts, jeans, hoddies, socks, tennis shoes, sometimes wears a braclet on her left wrist
Weapons: her wit, fingernails, teeth, feet and fists
Armor: trust in herself that she'll write a good ending

Residence: Northern Eastern Time Zone
Occupation: Finishing her junior year in highschool
Mode of Transportation: running, walking, bike, car
Overall Personality: shy around strangers, fun around friends, hyper on the internet, creative, loveable, hugable
Personality Flaws: has a quick temper
Hobbies: reading, writing, photography, cinema
Likes/Dislikes: books, movies, friends, pizza, talking, football, guys, chating with friends, arguing (or rather debating)/getting up early, headaches, being told what to do, writer's block
Long-term Goals: get a Cinema degree, direct films, get married, and have a family, serve the Lord in whatever He calls her to do
Skills: sewing, writing, tadbit of karate, debating
Magic Skills: None

Family: father, mother, two older brothers, one older sister, two younger sisters, and one younger brother
Friends: Many
Enemies: None that she knows of
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Her roleplay characters (if any of them make their way into Ditto Town)
Short History: Georgiana first found NarniaWeb during a google search. After about a year of following the website and searching the forum, she decided to join. She quickly found that roleplaying was not only fun, but helpful in her writing. She has only been part of a few roleplays, the main one being a roleplay that she started, Sunrise of Life. Most of her roleplays took place in the "real world," or not in Ditto Town.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

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Re: The Census Bureau

Postby Narnian_Warrior » Oct 14, 2009 2:21 pm

General Information

Character Name: Arandir
Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen name of Author: Narnian_Warrior

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye colors: Light Brown/Blue
Weight/Height: 150 pounds/Six-foot one.
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and other Accessories: Black Leather Pants,Brown Leather Shirt,Dark Brown Cloak, leather gauntlets, Brown Leather Boots, Brown Belt, Small Leather bag containing various herbs and things, sheath.
Weapons: Longsword, Longbow and arrows, Quiver,Ornately designed and curved dagger with Dark green Marking on it, two small throwing knives.

Residence: Not really anywhere.
Occupation: Roaming around helping those in need.
Transportation: In general only his feet.
Overall Personality: Keeps to himself,gruff, Kind (only on the inside, you couldn't tell by looking at him), slightly lonely.
Personality Flaws: Doesn't trust many people.
Hobbies: None
Likes/Dislikes: Likes honorable people who keep their word, Animals, Forests. Dislikes traitors, deceivers, stuck-up people.
Long-Term Goals: None
Skills: Excellent shot with longbow, Fantastic swordsman, Quick-thinking, smart, fast, agile, reasonably strong, durable, tough, high stamina.
Magic skills: None

Family: unknown
Friends: None
Enemies: Evildoers
Pets, sidekicks, etc: None

Short History: Unknown,
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Rising_Star » Oct 14, 2009 3:49 pm

General Information

Character Name: Jones
Character Nicknames or Titles: First Mate Jones
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: late 30s
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: bald/blue
Weight/Height: muscular/6’5”
Distinct Markings: tattoos
Clothes and Other Accessories: aviator sleeveless jacket, dark brown pants, combat boots
Weapons: several blasters, lightsaber
Armor: his aviator jacket seems to be made of a material that’s rather hard to get through

Residence: Firefly class transport ship Lilith
Occupation: First mate
Mode of Transportation: said ship
Overall Personality: gruff, abrupt, unsocial, short-tempered, rarely has moments of weakness, strong, angry, has a soft spot for Caeden
Likes/Dislikes: Lilith, battles, bars, death sticks/Jedi, Swiss cheese, broccoli, disobedience
Long-term Goals: unknown
Skills: karate, basic fighting
Magic Skills: none

Family: unknown
Friends: tries hard not to have friends, but is close to the crew of Lilith
Enemies: the Jedi
Sidekicks: more or less Caeden

Short History: Unknown

Stories Character has been in: Fountain, A (Slightly) Less Normal Life


General Information

Character Name: Caeden Romkins
Character Nicknames or Titles: Cabin boy, boy, kid, hey you
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Humanoid
Hair/Eye Colors: light blue/silver blue
Weight/Height: slender/5’6”
Distinct Markings: his blue hair, his eyes have a strange, reptilian sheen to them, when he blinks it's almost as if he has a second, almost transparent eyelid that blinks sideways underneath his regular eyelids
Clothes and Other Accessories: standard
Weapons: blaster, lightsaber
Armor: none

Residence: Firefly class transport ship Lilith
Occupation: Cabin boy/whatever else he’s needed for
Mode of Transportation: Lilith
Overall Personality: cheeky, sarcastic, friendly, outgoing, charismatic
Likes/Dislikes: having fun, flying, stealing fellow crew member’s things and hiding them, playing pranks/rude people, people who can’t take a joke
Long-term Goals: unknown
Skills: stealth, karate, can climb exceedingly well, quick reflexes
Magic Skills: unknown

Family: all dead
Friends: the crew
Enemies: unknown
Characters to whom yours is a sidekick: everyone on the ship has a soft spot for Caeden as his personality and charisma are rather irresistible, even when he’s being really annoying

Short History: unknown

Stories Character has been in: Fountain, A (Slightly) Less Normal Life


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 14, 2009 5:05 pm

Under construction

General Information

Character Name: Miss Lucinda Evangeline
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Age: She's not telling and you shouldn't be asking. :P
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Grey verging on white/Blue
Weight/Height: Thin/Short
Distinct Markings: Wrinkles
Clothes and Other Accessories: Little old lady clothes, voluminous purses, a silver charm bracelet.
Weapons: Assorted weapons, mostly of the sharp and bladed variety
Armor: None

Residence: A little house in Ditto Town, complete with excessive flower beds and half the town's cats.
Occupation: Witch
Mode of Transportation: Her feet
Overall Personality: Bubbly, friendly, and talkative. She's somewhat obsessed with cleanliness and oblivious of others' opinions of her.
Personality Flaws: See above
Hobbies: The Dark Arts
Likes/Dislikes: Children, baked goods, flowers, evil/Most of her peers, daytime television, knitting, Slayers.
Long-term Goals: That would be telling :P
Skills: Talking for long periods of time without stopping to breath. She is also one of Ditto Town's foremost occult scholars and speaks dozens of languages.
Magic Skills: Various witchy things.

Family: If there ever was one, they're dead now.
Friends: Lots of "friends" and some acquaintances, but no real friends.
Enemies: A few, mostly sacrificed to various dark gods.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Possibly Katie. Also a few vampires, now unfortunately dead.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Nobody knows just how old Miss Lucinda is. What is known is that she appeared in Ditto Town approximately 100 years before the start of (Slightly) Less. Since she moved to town, she has barely aged a day. The secret to her long life is pacts made with the dark forces of the galaxy.

Stories Character has been in: A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

General Information

Character Name: Aaron Ravine
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Mad Scientist of Ditto Town
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black/brown
Weight/Height: Muscular/Tall
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal clothing, pants, t-shirts, lab coats.
Weapons: Assorted weapons integrated into his mechanized suit of armor
Armor: A mechanized suit of armor capable of flight.

Residence: An underground lab/apartment
Occupation: Inventor
Mode of Transportation: His feet and many of his inventions.
Overall Personality: Glum and depressed, due to his many inventions going spectacularly wrong. Has a martyr complex.
Personality Flaws:
Long-term Goals:
Magic Skills:

Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History:

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

General Information

Character Name: Ana Dyar
Character Nicknames or Titles: Jedi Master
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Human-ish
Hair/Eye Colors: Black with a few hints of grey/grey
Weight/Height: Slenderly muscular/Tall
Distinct Markings: Assorted scars
Clothes and Other Accessories:
Weapons: Lightsaber, blaster, daggers hidden in her clothing
Armor: None

Occupation: Jedi Master
Mode of Transportation: Her feet, speeder bikes, spaceships
Overall Personality:
Personality Flaws:
Long-term Goals:
Magic Skills:

Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Gawain is her former apprentice.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History:

Stories Character has been in: A (Slightly) Less Normal Life
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Re: The Post Office

Postby PrinceCor004 » Oct 15, 2009 1:20 pm

General Information

Character Name: Bennett
Character Nicknames or Titles: Ben, PrinceCor, Cor, PC
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark blond, I guess. Right now it's on the long side, kind of a 1960's look, think the Beatles on Rubber Soul. ;) / Blue
Weight/Height: 120/6'2"
Distinct Markings: None, except maybe my height.
Clothes and Other Accessories: blue jeans, forest green long sleeve shirt, blue lightweight jacket, wrist watch.
Weapons: Pocket knife.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) USA in the South.
Occupation: Highschool Senior.
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Friendly, optimistic, keep to myself around strangers, outgoing around friends.
Personality Flaws: Has a ton of "useless information", can get mad/angry at small things sometimes.
Hobbies: Listening to music, playing the guitar, collecting DVD's, talking with friends.
Likes/Dislikes: Friends and family, NarniaWeb, Facebook, film scores, Classic Rock, movies, books/ Annoying or rude people, bad movies and soundtracks, evil forces.
Long-term Goals: After graduating from Highschool, take a year off and then attend college. Hopefully, one-day become a movie director.
Skills: playing the guitar, overabundant movie information.
Magic Skills: None, unfortunately.... :-s

Family: Mom, Dad
Friends: Many.
Enemies: none that I know of.....

Short History: I was born and raised in the southern United States where I continue to reside. I joined NW on Jan. 27, 2006 and had a bit part in one of the Ditto Mansions. More recently, I have enjoyed hanging out in the Town Square and writing for Unilluminated along with Ryan, Kate, NN and Marshy. But one Monday morning, I found myself in Ditto Town, along with other RPers who are about to embark on an adventure.... for real.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 15, 2009 2:12 pm

General Information

Character Name: Nathanael
Character Nicknames or Titles: Bookwyrm, Booky, Robin, etc.
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Shoulder-length, curly, dark brown hair that looks reddish in the sunlight/Green although they take on different shades depending on what I'm wearing or the light quality
Weight/Height: Burly/6'3''
Distinct Markings: Tiny scar on my left wrist from a childhood accident
Clothes and Other Accessories: Pants, t-shirt, shoes.
Weapons: Rapier wit and sharp tongue :P
Armor: Blissful self-delusionment

Residence: A house on Earth in Louisiana
Occupation: Cashier and college student
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Introverted with random flashes of extreme extroversion, snarky, sarcastic, geeky, immature, typically kind of quiet
Personality Flaws: Misanthropy
Hobbies: Playing LotRO, reading, listening to music, assembling vast knowledge of useless trivia
Likes/Dislikes: Books, video games, school, music, quiet, select people/Annoying people, stupid people, toddlers, babies, germs, bugs, snakes, dirt, homework, tests
Long-term Goals: Graduating from college and possibly graduate school, getting a job with the FBI
Skills: Mad cool snark skillz?
Magic Skills: I wish :P

Family: Standard nuclear family unit, one father, one mother, and one sibling, a sister.
Friends: A few, both online and in real life.
Enemies: No comment
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A German Shepherd named Nickel
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: I'm Bubbly's sidekick ;))

Short History: I joined NarniaWeb in September of 2006. I became a mod approximately 11 months later. From almost the very beginning, I was an RPer. I've been at it for three years now and still love it. Now I'm trapped on Dittotopia with a bunch of other RPers.

Stories Character has been in: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
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Re: The Post Office

Postby zlcva » Oct 15, 2009 2:53 pm

General Information

Character Name: Rianna Nalum
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: zlcva

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Delantrim
Hair/Eye Colors: Red/Brown
Weight/Height: 97 lbs./5 ft. 8 in.
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Blue knee-length dress, white leggings, light brown boots, blue decorative scarf
Weapons: Stun baton, knife that once belonged to her mother
Armor: Corslet made of Mandalorian iron (worn underneath her garments)

Residence: Delantare City, Delantare
Occupation: Student, Diplomatic Assistant
Mode of Transportation: Bark Rider, Starship, landspeeder
Overall Personality: Daring and eager, intelligent and fiercely protective of others
Personality Flaws: Youthful inexperience and over-eagerness
Hobbies: Singing, Riding
Likes/Dislikes: Likes-Traveling with her father, seeing other worlds/Dislikes-People who bully those weaker than themselves, the politics of her home galaxy
Long-term Goals: Marry a man as noble as her father
Skills: An excellent hand-to-hand combatant, trained in the use of numerous weapons, and can sing beautifully
Magic Skills: None

Family: Father, Zacce Nalum; Mother, Alatariel; Younger brother, Alan (age 6); 3 year old sibling
Friends: Numerous Delantrim children and young people
Enemies: None, other than would-be bullies on Delantare
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A pet Barkrider
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc:

Short History:
Born a year after her parents returned from the War of Souls, Rianna was the first girl ever born to the Nalum family line. She has grown into a daring and eager young woman, intelligent and fiercely protective of smaller children to the point of blows if she felt that they were being bullied by others. After living through the tumult of the Second Galactic Civil War, she shares her parents’ desire to distance Delantare from their home galaxy and strengthen ties with the Ditto Galaxy and often accompanied her father on diplomatic missions.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A Funny Thing Happened, A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

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