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Town Square I

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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Aug 02, 2010 2:40 pm

Glenstorm: What do you think of Riddle-Master so far? Inquiring minds want to know.

I understand about disliking being of groups of kids your own age. I never seemed to fit in to any of them as a teenager, but I still so hungered for social interaction that I sought them out anyway. Who knows? This may end up being a very good experience for you.

What question a few pages back? I'm looking and not finding anything.... Thanks for prompting me to look back over the last few pages, though! I found a post from Cymru that I missed and will now write her a PM. :)

Eh, not a huge fan of "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way." It's funny that they bill themselves as alternative, because the sound is more like pop, IMO. (Or at least in that song.) The vocals are pretty breathy, too. In general I don't like much contemporary music, but I have been enjoying the Muse album I got out from the library recently.

Oh, and, erm, yes ... I do speak Spanish. Rather less than I should, having taken 5 semesters of college Spanish. I dropped off last semester and am not completely sure I shall keep it as my minor, now I'm transferring. I am very rusty.

PC004 wrote:@ Lys. Sooo, are you trying to take Stardf place as "the-member-who-stops-by-the-Square-with-random-posts"? ;)

*weeps plaintively* There are some of us who have not the time or energy for Ketchup posts; hence we are ? to random drive-by post. 'Tis a terrible fate. Do not succumb to it!

*is quite delighted that some people thought his late-night ramblings of the night previous amusing* I confess, I thought my sure hand was slipping a bit. (Eeep, not supposed to let on, am I? :ymblushing: )
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Meltintalle » Aug 02, 2010 3:26 pm

Lady_Liln wrote:elven pages worth of posts. ;) :p
D'awww. What a perfectly elegant typo! *imagines the Square written in an elvish script*

*makes it so*
(Posts chosen because of non quotey-ness, length and proximity...)


*returns to the world of ketchup* (Sounds sticky, no?)

Poggy wrote:Do you have any beaches?
Lake beaches. I tend to avoid them because I always get sunburn. And then I look like this: :ymblushing:

Fanny wrote:Does your family have many other animals besides goats? :)
Yes indeedy. ;)) We have horses, llamas, goats, cats, rabbits, chickens, a dog and a guinea hen. Also, bats and mice and gophers and squirrels but those don't count. Lately we've been having not so nice goat milk, and the theory is that there's been residual soap in the jars... yuck. Anyway!

*waves back to those who waved in response to the lazy wave* This wave, however, is not a lazy wave. I think. Maybe it is...

Valia wrote:I really just need to kick myself into gear and do something with these last free couple weeks before the semester starts. ;))
*has an idea or two* ;))

LL wrote:dare I ask, what is the "teeth riddle"?
Well... it goes something like this, and I think I first read it in The Hobbit because I remember a Gollum line complaining that he only has four. Or something?
Thirty white horses upon a red hill
First they stamp
Then they champ
Then they all stand still
What are they?

I'll wax eloquent on the subject of Dear Enemy for AJoanna. :) But really, don't you think that's a bit of a silly question? Would I go through the trouble of making signature images for a book I loath? (It seems possible, but not likely.) :p *notices that LL has joined Wren and jo in adding a 'y' to Mel. Oh dear... 8-} *

*can't remember who to address this to, and it seems to have vanished while I skim* re: accents and American accents sounding harsh. I think this is quite true. While watching Shadowlands I didn't really notice the British accent until Mrs. Greshem showed up. Oy! What a contrast.

Ali wrote:Aww but I like Lys! I've always said the "Ly" part like "lint". I mean the y sound. So Lys would be "liss" not "lice" or "lies".
Ditto! It's nice to know I'm not alone in pronouncing lys that way. I was heartbroken when lys said that I was pronouncing his nickname wrong, stuck my fingers in my ears, and have pronounced it the way I always have ever since. :p Ly is way too harsh for the Epic One and if I said lysander I'd feel way too formal. Anyway. ;))

AJ wrote:There's a sequel to Daddy Long Legs?! :D I loved that book. Is it any good?
It is very funny and quotable. Sally McBride has a wry and engaging narrative voice. I have a few issues with her worldview, and the doctor encourages it :(( but it's nice to see an orphan home story from the staff's POV. So, yes, I'd say it's worth at least one read. Val loves it. DTR, jo, and Valia have enjoyed it as well.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Kingskid » Aug 02, 2010 3:41 pm

Good mortereve everyone! I hope that ya’ll are doing well this very warm afternoon.

*currently watching I Robot*

GtG: LOL. Yes, my fingers usually get very prunish when I’m in the water too long.:P
Modern day, she is one of the better vocalists, but yes, some of her lyrics are not so appetizing.
All right then.:)

Valia: Yeah. It will be a bit annoying, and I will probably be very sad come opening day of Dove season and Deer season. Yet, it must be so, and I will have to just get over it.:(:)
That is exactly right. But it’s still just a blessing to be out at all, even if you don’t harvest an animal. I do too, thank you.:D
Go Airbender!! Woohoo!

Hola Lys! Hope you don’t mind my use of Lys as a nickname, I’m just used to it. Well, up until last week, I hadn’t posted in the Square for months. Muchos gracias.
Regarding your story about lifeguarding… =))
PC: You are most welcome! It will definitely be odd. I haven’t been in a classroom since the third grade, except for when I took the ACT.
I would have to agree, it is a wonderful invention. Attempting to live without it for long periods of time would be difficult I think.

Mel, that is awesome! Wonderful job.:D
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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Aug 02, 2010 4:03 pm

"Lys" is perfectly acceptable, folks. It just doesn't seem as logical to me and I don't know very well how you'd pronounce it, since the "s" belongs to the second syllable. "Ly" is the only one I answer to in real life, though - whenever people mention lye soap I assume they're talking about me! :ymblushing: ;))
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Aug 02, 2010 6:03 pm

*skip in happily*

whee I finally got those CDs I ordered for my birthday! New music is lovely! And I ordered the new Sky Sailing CD too :D :D :D :p .

Cor wrote:@ Ali. Besides College? Pretty much just enjoying the last few weeks of vacation I have. Nothing too big going on. :)

well sometimes nothing going on is good- gives one time to relax :) . Have you read anything good lately?

Poggy wrote:*waves to Ali* How have you been? I love your avy/sig, it inspired me to re-watch 'Beauty and the Beast'. :D I love that movie! :)

I've been good :) . Tired but at least I'm happy today :p . Lol I LOVE that movie so much- ties with The Lion King for my favorite Disney movie, besides LWW :D .

AJoanna wrote:*has a "what-the-cheese-am-I-listening-to" moment* :-s

Apparently it's something from a group called Weezer. /:) You know, sometimes Pandora is weird.

hmm the only songs I've heard by Weezer are the ones RK has covered...RK's versions are better :p .

Lys wrote:Glenstorm: What do you think of Riddle-Master so far? Inquiring minds want to know.

;)) well I just started it but I like it so far. One thing though, what are Morgon and his siblings? Are they farmers or royalty or what?

I understand about disliking being of groups of kids your own age. I never seemed to fit in to any of them as a teenager, but I still so hungered for social interaction that I sought them out anyway. Who knows? This may end up being a very good experience for you.

Idk...every group of kids my own age I've been in has been nothing but trouble, unless it's people from church. Every single class, co-op group, field trip, whatever I went to with other kids my age, I was considered the lowest of the low. I'm kinda tired of being the loser. I'm always classified as either a religious freak (b/c I wear skirts alot and talk about God and don't watch/listen to most of the "cool stuff") or a nerd/geek (b/c I read old books, am obsessed with Narnia, enjoy school [for the most part], and am always correcting people on different educational things [ :p ]). So I like to get my social interaction on the internet, where you can find people like you more easily, and people don't judge you as quickly...or make fun of you openly. I have had waaaay too many kids tease me and too many friends leave me, all b/c I'm not "cool" enough. I know I haven't been through as much as alot of people, b/c I'm homeschooled, but in every situation of outside schooling, I was ridiculed. So that's why I'm pretty worried about this- brings up bad memories and might create more... :(

What question a few pages back? I'm looking and not finding anything.... Thanks for prompting me to look back over the last few pages, though! I found a post from Cymru that I missed and will now write her a PM. :)

here's the post- it's the part when I asked you why you called me impertinent ;) . lol, no problem :) .

Eh, not a huge fan of "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way." It's funny that they bill themselves as alternative, because the sound is more like pop, IMO. (Or at least in that song.) The vocals are pretty breathy, too. In general I don't like much contemporary music, but I have been enjoying the Muse album I got out from the library recently.

*sigh* I knew it :( . iTunes "bills" them :p . It's actually a solo band (another Adam Young project) but yeah, Adam does more electro-pop, not alternative. I don't know why he's classified under that...Do you think the breathiness good or bad? I like most kinds of music, except gospel/(most)country and (most) pop. I haven't heard any Muse I don't think...are their lyrics good? That usually what I use to determine if the music is good or not, since I like most genres :p .

Oh, and, erm, yes ... I do speak Spanish. Rather less than I should, having taken 5 semesters of college Spanish. I dropped off last semester and am not completely sure I shall keep it as my minor, now I'm transferring. I am very rusty.

¡Qué bueno! No estás interesado en aprender más? Puedes practicar conmigo quando quieras :) .

(understand? I'm half Nicaraguan so I speak Spanish well enough :) .)

*is quite delighted that some people thought his late-night ramblings of the night previous amusing* I confess, I thought my sure hand was slipping a bit. (Eeep, not supposed to let on, am I? :ymblushing: )

:-o what was that last bit there!?! ;)

Lovely elven posts there Mel :) .

Mel wrote:*returns to the world of ketchup* (Sounds sticky, no?)

and nasty. I hate ketchup :ymsick: (the bottled kind, made with tomatoes... :p )

Ditto! It's nice to know I'm not alone in pronouncing lys that way. I was heartbroken when lys said that I was pronouncing his nickname wrong, stuck my fingers in my ears, and have pronounced it the way I always have ever since. :p Ly is way too harsh for the Epic One and if I said lysander I'd feel way too formal. Anyway. ;))

;)) yes I'm going to keep saying Lys too :p .

KK wrote:GtG: LOL. Yes, my fingers usually get very prunish when I’m in the water too long.:P
Modern day, she is one of the better vocalists, but yes, some of her lyrics are not so appetizing.
All right then.:)

;)) yep, and my skin dries out from it too...not good :p .

well yes, but there are better singers, and I get tired of hearing her praised so much :p .

Lys :D :p wrote:"Lys" is perfectly acceptable, folks. It just doesn't seem as logical to me and I don't know very well how you'd pronounce it, since the "s" belongs to the second syllable. "Ly" is the only one I answer to in real life, though - whenever people mention lye soap I assume they're talking about me! :ymblushing: ;))

haha yay! :D :p Well, my nickname (Ali) doesn't make too much sense either. You don't even say the first two syllables of my name that way. It's prounounced like, well, the last part of Muhammed Ali ;)) . Ah-li-sahn-druh. But it's what flows better... ;)

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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Aug 02, 2010 6:42 pm

Glenstorm: NARNIA IS NOT DISNEY! It's Walden Media. X(

(This message brought to you by friends of Auntie Coracle. All fees, thanks, complaints, etc., should be directed to her. ;) )

Morgon and his siblings are royalty, but in an agricultural society. There doesn't seem to be as much distinction between the aristocracy and the lower classes as in most kingdoms. Hed is small, and its kings and princes seem more like land-barons than anything else.

Are the Muse's lyrics "good"? Do you mean clean? Thought-provoking? Or merely well-written? I don't recall any swear words, but there may have been some on the album I listened to, and the worldview is definitely not a Christian one. They're pretty existential, I'd say, and sometimes difficult to understand. But well-written, yes.

Ah, si, entiendo todo que tu digas. Y si, quiero aprender mas ... pero no me gusta la presion de escuela quando estoy apreniendo una lengua.

(Gah, totally off the cuff, that. Don't judge me!)

Mel, your comment about Ketchup makes me think of Veggie Tales ...

I hear it's floooooooooowwwing
with milk and honey ...

Sounds sticky!

I just went to sit in on a Junior Lifeguarding class. Basically, we teach these kids all about lifeguarding so that they can be better prepared to take the actual lifeguarding class when they're older. (Don't worry, I don't understand either.) I'm to take over for a couple days later this week. Never done anything like it before, and rather scared! The kids are funny but waaaay too rambunctious.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Lady_Liln » Aug 02, 2010 7:38 pm

Mortereve, all!

*is hoping to stay caught up in here til college starts back up* Which, now that I've said it, means it shan't happen. 8-} ;))

Lots of posts for just 24 hours. . .

Ooh, and Big Massive Warning! I'm in a sleep deprived, worked this afternoon mood which leads to odd posts. You have been warned; proceed at your own risk. ;)

Dot wrote:I'm supposed to be studying. :ymblushing: :-$
Tsk! ;) What class are you taking now? I know you were taking a science, but I think that was earlier on in the summer. . .

Jo wrote:August is here, hurrah, which means Autumn is almost around the corner. :D Looking forward to those crisp, cool, colour-laden days already.
Ditto! Well, not the "hurrah" for August, still terribely hot here. #:-s But, hurrah for Autumn coming! :D

Did that owl in your avatar have some link to the moot? It (or, at least an owl) seems to have appeared in many of the mods who went to went to the moot's profiles. (I also love that you used "Pevensie" for your group name :D ;)) )

KK, you're going to the same college as Stwin? Nice. If I may ask, do you have a major yet? I seem to think you told me at one point, but I can't recall. :ymblushing:

Ali wrote:going swimming 3 times in one week for more than two hours at a time and then walking around Boston for half a day is not the best thing for my poor knees and feet :( :p .
But, swimming and walking around Boston are amazingly fun. :D Did you walk the Freedom Trail or just general wandering? *loves Boston and is curious*

Ali wrote:well I've only listened to 5, but I hope to get the CD sometime next month! Of those I've heard, I like Brielle, Captains of the Sky, A Little Opera Goes a Long Way, and Tennis Elbow. Oh look, that's all of them! :p
;)) None of the songs are horrible, but "Brielle" is far and above my personal favorite, "Sailboats" being second. I do hope to hear your thoughts when you get the full album.

Valia, :ymhug: lovely to see you as well!

The scrubs are spiffy, I guess you could say. I like my lavender colored stethoscope more though. ;) :p Just general navy scrubs. In a round about way, navy is sort of a school color, but it's much more flattering then either of the two official colors, so I'm happy. Well, the school name used to be a sewn on patch, but they've apparently switched to embroidery now, so I'm sure how that looks. :p

Enjoying the series pretty well. I'm up to, uh, Bitter Work. (Is it appropriate to italicize a TV episode? Or are you just supposed to put quote marks around it? I don't remember. . . :p )

Ly wrote:BTW, do you really keep a document titled <i>The Epic Files</i>? That's just ... awesome. (or, for lack of a better term, Epic. ;) )
Maybe I do, maybe I don't. ;) *is very surprised the Epic One did not take offense at the fact that it was hinted at that there may be other Square Legends and takes note of this*

The Opera Lover wrote:*still hasn't listened to "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way," but may in the morning*
Uh, I'm gonna say you probably won't like it.

You have a MEGAPHONE at your pool?! :-o That's amazingly epic. ;) :p

Lie-sahn-duhr wrote:Ugggh, so tiiiiired. Probably shouldn't even have written this post. You know it's bad when pop-up ads start to befuddled you. I was on a site for opera reviews just now, and clicked for a list of recommended recordings of Giulio Cesare, and was quite confused when I got a picture of a slice of pizza instead. Of course, the list came up a few seconds afterwards, but I did spend a split second wondering how I could have come up with pizza instead of a Handel opera ... anyway....
;)) I hate those ads. Especially the ones that aren't pop-ups, but they cover up what you're trying to read and have an itsy-bitsy x button that's next to impossible to find. . .

Libby, when is this Soulfest party thingy? How big is it? Having a Walden booth leads me to assume it's rather large. . .

Winty wrote:I mean, we'd never had someone faint during VBS before it was rather unnerving, even if no one actually noticed.
How do you know he/she fainted if no one noticed? ;) :p

She who is on a quest for a fairy (that sounds like a Ruby and Winter adventure :-s ;) ) wrote:Well, it's good to know she didn't run off and go find a job with someone else. And you're not really blathering. ;))
Nope, I think it's too far of a hike to my house. Even with fairy wings. ;) Well, I was blabbering utterly foolishly, so. . .

Ali, I understand struggling to relate to peers your own age; but, you may be surprised at who you meet. Also, working in a group class setting isn't horrible and not quite as dire as your post sounds. ;) :p :ymhug:

Umm, Cor, banishing me is not the same as killing me, therefore, haunting you is out of the question. ;) Anyways, I'm quite grateful the royal prince shall not banish me. *bows, grovels, salutes, curtsies, etc, etc*

Oooh! Vern, I do hope Cor's college has few to no fountains. You may wish to ask them to remove any they do have, as a matter of safety for their royal student. ;) ;))

He who is quite soaked wrote:I have no idea how you and Vern started all this "pushing me into the fountain" business. Maybe it was something I said that ticked ya'll off? *Cor retires to one of the nearby benches to dry off and contemplate the origins of "Fountain Dunking"*
Well, if you do figure it out, let me know. :p

*is drenched by the water balloons coming from Cor's direction*

*LL finds some buckets and asks Vern to fly them over Cor's head and then. . .*

Poggy, sounds like an awesome vacation/trip. :D Do enjoy the exhibit!

AJ, yeah, I'm crazy. 8-} I like long posts. :p Oh, and since you're new-ish to me, I "color-code" my posts, so you don't have to read everything. ;) Your color is the one I'm using now, and then, if you care to see what I'm babbling about myself, that's this color. So, you can just cheat and not read everything. :p Oh, and you can call me LL, Lady L, or anything along those lines. (And, you can keep calling me Lady Liln, if you like that best, I'm not too picky ;) )

AJ wrote:That would be "Mi Mancherai" wouldn't it? I've always liked that song. :)
Yep. :D

Hehe, well, I started lurking fairly consistently when PC's trailer hit. It was pretty much after that trailer that all the weird bits of news slowly started to form a horrific tale.

Well, I've been interested in Sky Sailing since I found out about in. . . early June? Thereabouts. The albums brand new, so it's one of my current favorites. That and Til We See the Shore by Seabird. :D But, yes, I'll freely admit it's funny to watch us all be crazy about it. ;) :p Anyhoo, very glad you enjoyed it. :)

Ly wrote:Eh, not a huge fan of "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way." It's funny that they bill themselves as alternative, because the sound is more like pop, IMO. (Or at least in that song.) The vocals are pretty breathy, too. In general I don't like much contemporary music, but I have been enjoying the Muse album I got out from the library recently.
It's not one of the best songs on the album. If you want to hear the best one, check out "Brielle" available on his MySpace. Is there an actual definition of alternative music? It seems to be a lump-a-lot-of-drastically-different-music-into-one-group genre as far as I can tell.

Wait, are you transferring to a different college? Or did I misunderstand what you meant when you talked about your Spanish classes?

*chuckles at Mel catching LL's "elven" typo* Cute change, btw. ;))

Okay, I vaguely seem to have heard that riddle before. Though, with calling it the "teeth riddle" you rather gave it away and ruined the climax. ;) :p

Mel-y wrote:But really, don't you think that's a bit of a silly question? Would I go through the trouble of making signature images for a book I loath? (It seems possible, but not likely.) :p *notices that LL has joined Wren and jo in adding a 'y' to Mel. Oh dear... 8-} *
Uhh, maybe? :p Okay, perhaps it was a goofy question. ;) Oh, and Wren called you "Mel-y-poo" so don't quite lump me in there yet. :p

The Epic One who is frightened by children ( ;) ) wrote:I just went to sit in on a Junior Lifeguarding class. Basically, we teach these kids all about lifeguarding so that they can be better prepared to take the actual lifeguarding class when they're older. (Don't worry, I don't understand either.) I'm to take over for a couple days later this week. Never done anything like it before, and rather scared! The kids are funny but waaaay too rambunctious.
*is very glad we don't offer those at my facility* I've never understood the point of junior lifeguards either.

*puts the final touches on this much smaller post*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby AJoanna » Aug 02, 2010 7:57 pm

Hmm, I'm bored so I'm going to post again. :D

Mel wrote:*imagines the Square written in an elvish script*
*makes it so*

Oooh, that is so pretty... *stares in bliss*

Mel on 'Dear Enemy' wrote:It is very funny and quotable. Sally McBride has a wry and engaging narrative voice. I have a few issues with her worldview, and the doctor encourages it :(( but it's nice to see an orphan home story from the staff's POV. So, yes, I'd say it's worth at least one read.

*finds it on the library website and puts it on hold*

I can't wait till it comes in! :D I'll let you know how I like it. Actually, the version I got has that one and Daddy Long Legs in the same book. I haven't read Daddy for what seems like ages. :ymblushing: Sadly, it was one of the many books my sister took with her when she married. :-q

*squeals because "This Is Home" has come up on her Pandora station*

*returns to normalcy and continues writing as if nothing has happened*

KK wrote:*currently watching I Robot*

Quite by coincidence, I watched that as well. Were you watching on TNT or FX, or whatever tv station it was on? :p

Ali, I know exactly how you feel, especially with the whole nerd/geek thing... and the wearing skirts stuff. Until about two years ago, I was in the same boat. But, don't worry, it'll get better. You'll find some kindred spirits, so to speak, and believe me, there are few things that are better than a great group of teenage girls. ;)) I can't imagine life without the girls in my "group" now. Just hang in there, and don't give up on kids in your age group entirely just yet. :ymhug:

Lys, have you checked They have pretty good content reviews, and I know they have reviewed at least one Muse album. ... tance.aspx

I love that site. I don't watch a movie without looking up their review first.

Ok, it's eleven so that means bedtime. i-)

Goodnight all!

EDIT: *because LL posted right before her*

LL wrote: Your color is the one I'm using now, and then, if you care to see what I'm babbling about myself, that's this color.

Cool! So is my color permanent? Because I kind of like the hot pink. :D *whispers that purple or green are good too*

Hehe, well, I started lurking fairly consistently when PC's trailer hit. It was pretty much after that trailer that all the weird bits of news slowly started to form a horrific tale.

I don't know why that paragraph made me laugh uncontrollably.... /:)

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Re: Town Square I

Postby ValiantArcher » Aug 02, 2010 8:16 pm

No, not at all, lys! Your accent was fine. ;)) I hope mine didn't sound harsh, either? ;)) What I meant, though, was that some accents just sounded really harsh after living in the UK for a number of months; I'm not sure I could even peg which ones. It was very interesting. ;;)
Ah, I see. :) Haha! That's great about the kid and the chance to show off your Spanish skills! ;)) Go lys!
*giggles at the remembrance of VeggieTales* "Oh, yeah, we're going to the Promise Land!" ;))

*waves to liberty*

Yes, rather unfortunately, Winter. :P Don't get me wrong, though---I'm happy your dollhouses are being worked on. But she's not even being that efficient with them: your lighthouse still needs a bottom floor. :P ;))

Oh, good! I'm glad to hear you're doing better now, GtG. :)
Ah, I see. Well, I like the heat at times. But lately it's been making me feel a bit weird---I don't think I've been drinking enough water. :P And it'll be nice when I can step outside without instantly sweating. ;))
And I somehow missed your comment about taking a class at a school before. :ymhug: I took a math class at a Christian school in 10th grade (and 11th) and was scared absolutely stiff beforehand---I'm definitely not a people person, and I'm not good at interacting with people I don't know very well---but it turned out being a really great experience. The teacher was wonderful, and my classmates, even if I never really became "friends" with them, were nice. :) You know, too, sometimes it still surprises me when I go into an uni class and realise that though there's no one in the class I know, I get along okay. I'm definitely not a "cool" kid, either. :) I'm sure God will get you through it, if you end up taking the class (what class is it, if I may ask?). :ymhug:

Hey, PC004! :D Yeah, I know, I've been away far too long. :ymblushing: I'm very glad to be back for a bit, though. :) And to be still here. ;) ;))
Ah, I see. :) Gen ed. Very good---get that out of the way. ;)) Is it an intro to lit course, and an overview of American history? And College Algebra, perhaps? Music Appreciation sounds interesting and I hope it goes well. :) Orientation? Hehe, I didn't really have to take that. ;)) Or, rather, I did, but it was one quick hour talk or something a couple weeks before classes and then I had to take an "Intro to Engineering" or something that focused on an engineering overview or something. ;))

Hullo, pogginfan! :) So, how's the math and biology been going? And you've friends visiting soon? That's lovely! :D I remember, when I was younger especially, how happy I was to see friends after a year or less apart, so I can imagine how glad you'll be to see them. :)
Me? Well, I just finished a summer class (Comp II) and recently finished an internship, as well. Now, I'm just trying to enjoy the next couple weeks off before classes start. ;))

AJoanna, like Mel said, I liked Dear Enemy, despite it's worldview problems (which I, somehow, mostly skimmed over while reading :P). I actually liked it much more than I liked Daddy Long Legs, which drove me completely bonkers. *shudders* ;))

Hullo, Mel! :) Oh, yes, you've some ideas. ;)) But that only takes up some of the time, and I really shouldn't just laze about for the rest of it. :P

kk, I guess this is just prepping you for "real" life, when you'll have to work and might not be able to hunt so frequently. /:) But it still stinks. :P ;))
True, I suppose. :) I think my dad always enjoys going out, even if he doesn't get something every time. ;))

Ah, ~LL~, I see. ;)) Ooh, a lavender stethoscope? Nice. B-) Navy scrubs sound nice as well, and it's good that you're able to have them instead of school colour scrubs. Navy is a nice, solid colour, but pretty. (Or so I think ;))) Ah, okay. I'm sure the embroidery will be nice. :)
Good. :) Wow, you're moving pretty fast with it then. ;)) They can be rather addictive, can't they? I expect a pm now, full of gushings/complaints/indifferences/whatever. ;)) (And, eh, no idea. :P ;)))

Well, once again, today was pretty slow. :P I ran a few errands, though, and checked out six books from the library today: three Agatha Christies (which all have to do with murders) and three local/state history books (which none have specifically to do with murders :P). Tomorrow should be a bit busier, though, which'll be nice---I've got a couple of longer errands to run (including going out shopping with my sister...which, you know, since she's being really nice to go out just for me, I can't really complain. :P ;)) Really, though, I hope it goes well, and I do appreciate her doing this), and I'm also hoping to get some reading and some 'catch-up' with various things done. :)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Aug 02, 2010 8:39 pm

*enters into the square with a tap of the foot* My sister has some dancing music on ;))

How are you all doing this fine Mortereve?

Got a bit of catching up to do, so no better time to start than now! ;))

johobbit wrote:Hey ho! *waves to all above (Benjamin—glad you enjoyed the Moot photos; Louise the 1st—wonderful to meet your sister, Louise!; Kingskid—my Moot buddy; *

I still need to go through part 2.

As for the Ohio Moot, we had a marvelous time: lots of fun; excellent serious times, along with everything in between, plus some awesome night-sky observations as well. May it be repeated for many years to come! NarniaWebbers really are a special breed. If any of you haven't seen the photos on Facebook yet, do take a look. :) As for memories, last week at this time we were beginning to watch Shadowlands prior to a wonderful star-gazing time around midnight, during which we saw Jupiter rising and five Iridium flares! :D Really lovely and special.

*wishes even more he could have been there!* Oh I love star-gazing with friends! Its so refreshing somehow :ymdaydream: ;))

Ali quoting Kathy wrote:
Kathy wrote:*frowns at all the dislike at PC movie* [-( If there is someone else out there that at least remotely likes it, please tell me. :( :p Sure, they destroyed the book for what it was, but I can still enjoy it as a movie.

*shakes head dissaprovingly* even as a movie, it's pretty lame. Sorry :p .

That movie I can not except as just another movie, I can do that with some but not that one..

Ali wrote:yep. So which parts did you think were good?

I liked Edmund sword fighting Trumpkin... Thinks Oh and then the kiss at the end! I was like Aww! I'm so glad they added that! :ymdaydream: .. NOT! NO WAY! As you know I hated that! But anyway back to the stuff I like... Umm... I liked the battle just because it was kind of fun watching and because of the trees.

wait- you don't have your own copies of the books?! :-o :p

Well we did have them all in a big book then that fell apart so I started getting them individually, and The Voyage of the Dawn is the only one I'm waiting for...

we dip marshmallows and pretzels and fruit in it- veeeery good :D :p .

Strawberries is the the best with chocolate! I have only tasted them a few times when they were already dipped but I did not do it or know how they did it then...

mwuhaha you went back and checked yourself!!! :ymdevil: :ymsmug: :p

;)) you are sooo weird ;) .

*gets a bit freaked out at the devilish face* AH!

Look who is talking!

yep... :p ( :)) )

So true! ;)) :P

mmhmm...I know my sisters would post something, but that would be kinda weird. "Hi this is Ali's sister, ___ . I was practicing shooting clay pigeons yesterday and she suprised me so, well..." ;)

lol! That would be really weird indeed! Though it would be better than nothing!


ooh proper respect! :D ;)

Yeah yeah whatever!

NOT TRUE!!! But anyway... :p


:| . His name is Lucas! I know it! :ymtongue: and you should trust me somewhat by now! X( :p

I will trust you till I go back and check :P

HA! From your point of view 8-| :p .

And my view point is the best view for sure!

:| you are just out to prove me wrong in every way possible aren't you 8-| ? But I don't get used to it- I love it and it's my favorite Aslan voice :ymtongue: :p !

*shakes head very disapprovingly* Liam Neeson does such a good job!

ValiantArcher wrote: Hullo, Benjamin! :) I'm doing pretty well. And you?

That is swell to hear :) I'm doing pretty well also :)

PrinceCor004 wrote:@ Ben. Sorry, yes that addressed to you. On the 18th you asked how the Royal Family was doing, so I answered you.... much later.

*hits head with hand* Yes! I remember that, for some reason it did not click.

pogginfan wrote:Haha. :P Well it looks like I will be seeing it soon with a friend who likes the TV show, so I'll let you know how I like it. ;))

Alright will be waiting to hear :)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Aug 02, 2010 9:40 pm

Lady_Liln wrote:You have a MEGAPHONE at your pool?! :-o That's amazingly epic. ;) :p

Just so we're clear, this kind of megaphone, not this kind. I'm always sort of confused as to what to call them. Apparently some of my other coworkers are too, as one of them once gestured to one and asked, "Can you hand me that foghorn?" =))

*will check out Brielle*

Yes, I'm transferring back to community college right now, and then to a state school in a year. Much cheaper and close to home, which I like. But I'm going to miss all of my friends sooooo much! I'm sure I'll be visiting more often than I should.

AJoanna: thanks for the link! That's definitely my next Muse album so I enjoyed reading the review. :)

Valia: Not, your accent didn't sound harsh in the slightest. ;))

So a few more thoughts on GtG's class/outside group predicament....

I really think that the whole not fitting in/social interaction thing gets easier as one gets older. I am a people person and a big talker (as Valia can probably attest, even though we've only met in person twice and four a couple hours at a time), but I certainly had trouble finding people like me, accepting of me, when I was younger. I don't struggle with that as much now. For one thing, I myself have mellowed out some, but I also believe that as others mature they learn not to see you as a "type," a thoroughly predictable and unoriginal individual they can put in a box. Hence, social interaction becomes a much more laid-back affair. I really loved the Christian college I attended because I had such a large network of friends there, who loved me and accepted me for who I was ... but I also get along well with my coworkers these days, even though most of them lead radically different lifestyles than me.

I'm not sure if this helps, or even makes sense, but ... praying that if this class goes through, it will actually be a good experience for you, Glenstorm. :ymhug:

Agh, my internet connection is being silly and not letting me listen to Grooveshark as I wished. Maybe I'll run upstairs and grab the Mutemath CD I got out from the library ... oh, wait, it's loading finally. Oh, no it's not. Gosh, I hate when it does this. I may call my brother over to vet the computer.

Aaaaaaaaand ... it's loading again. Did I mention how much I hate this? X(

Well, my manuscript is all ready for writer's group tomorrow, so I may write a few book reviews before bed.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Meltintalle » Aug 03, 2010 6:10 am

Mel wrote:I was heartbroken when lys said that I was pronouncing his nickname wrong

lys wrote:"Lys" is perfectly acceptable

*mends her broken heart with duct tape while laughing at the later Veggie Tales reference* I guess that would make me the second sister with a glass heart... fortunately, she lived a long time. [/random fairy tale reference]

*observes that when she stays in the water too long she turns into a raisin, not a prune* Same idea, though. ;))

Ali wrote:One thing though, what are Morgon and his siblings? Are they farmers or royalty or what?
Yes. ;)) (Loves how applicable that answer is, and really, I just love the way Morgon is both without being self-conscious about it except in the context of his relationship with Raederle. It's such a nice change from the "I can't wait to get off this ball of dirt" attitude. And of course, McKillip writes it so well. :) )

Ali wrote:I'm pretty worried about this- brings up bad memories and might create more... :(
I've always been the odd one out, but never ridiculed to my face about it, so... I'll be praying for you. :ymhug: But if I can extrapolate anything from my own experiences, it's that a smaller group and an activity where people actually want to be there is a better atmosphere. Which, ah, won't help if the writing class is compulsory for some of the students.

Ali wrote:(the bottled kind, made with tomatoes... :p )
There's another kind?

...OH! You mean this kind. :))

*high five for my partner in calling The Epic One lys*

LL wrote:Though, with calling it the "teeth riddle" you rather gave it away and ruined the climax. ;) :p
You were supposed to know what I was talking about. :p It's shorter than saying the "thirty-white-horses riddle" and I'm all about sparing my fingers unnecessary effort. :p

Yes, but Wren has now shortened it to Mel-y in some places, so how do I know you're not just thinking the rest, hmmm?

*is very glad to see that the elven square has met with approval* I like it too. :D

AJ, I bet you will like Dear Enemy. I hope it comes soon! :D

Valia, I can have other ideas too. Like, you could read my NaNo novel with a red pen. Wouldn't that be fun? :D :p And did Agatha Christie write anything that wasn't a murder mystery?

Ben wrote:Oh and then the kiss at the end! I was like Aww! I'm so glad they added that! :ymdaydream: ..
:-o Oh, you were just kidding. You had me a little worried there for a minute. :p ;))

the one and only lys wrote:Well, my manuscript is all ready for writer's group tomorrow
*still wants to see a story based on The Travelling Companion* B-)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby daughter of the King » Aug 03, 2010 7:43 am

Good Mortereve everyone!

*just lost her post for no apparent reason and decides the time has come. She must get Lazarus*

Anyhow, as I said before (but you didn't get to read it), I have nothing to report. It's just school and more school.

*realizes she somehow missed Lady L the last time and so makes sure to wave to her this time* *waves*

*waves to jo* The Mod Moot sounds like it was a lot of fun!

*waves to Kingskid*

GTG wrote:The pizza I make doesn't give me a stomach ache, but then we make it with home-milled flour, cheese from a local organic co-op, and tomatoes and other veggies from out community farm :p .

Ah, I see. Yes, the way you make it definitely sounds more healthy then anything you would get at....was it a bowling alley?

Valia, currently I am hoping to major in Communications and minor in Drama. Mechanical Engineering? That sounds interesting. What do want to do with that? :)

*waves to lysander, Libby, and Winty*

PrinceCor wrote:Dot. Not enough sleep?? :-s :(( ;) :p

;)) Oh dear, perhaps I shouldn't have told you about that part. I hope the sleep deprivation won't make him too hard to live with, Vern.

*waves to pogginfan and AJoanna*

*notices talk of Princess Bride* "Murdered by pirates is good."

I love the elvish script, Mel!

GTG, I'm sorry you've had a hard time. :ymhug: Things will get better. I used to be the shyest and the tiniest kid on the planet. When I wasn't being teased I was treated like a baby. It was so annoying. But now I am President of Student Government and respected by many people. Some people still think I'm on the weird side because I was homeschooled, but they still respect me. You'll always find people who don't understand, but you will also find people who do.

lysander wrote:I hear it's floooooooooowwwing
with milk and honey ...

Sounds sticky!

Yeah, we're going to the promised land! Yeah, we're going to the Promised Land! Yeah, we're going to the Promised LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! ;)) Wow, that brings back memories.

Lady L, I am still taking biology, but I finished Bio I and now I'm on Bio II. I still don't get what's so fascinating about the inside of a pig...........

Benjamin wrote:NOT! NO WAY!

Oh good. You were starting to scare me. :-s :p

Well, I'm off. I suppose I should be studying for the lab practical this afternoon.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby johobbit » Aug 03, 2010 8:36 am

Hey ho! *skims the last couple of pages, which are moving quite quickly* And now, I'm going to shock y'all and post in black :-o *hands out cool cloths for those who faint upon receiving this news* because there are so many quotes, and I couldn't be bothered 'marooning' my responses. :P

Kingskid wrote:Jo, the Moot was wonderful. I greatly enjoyed it, and was thrilled to finally meet you in person.:D
I love your Avatar by the way.
The stargazing was pretty spectaclar.
Ditto! :D And likewise to you avvy. *loves owls* Yep, it was such a treat to stargaze with NarniaWebbers, which subject we talk about a fair bit here. :)

Valia wrote:It's been ages since I went swimming, but when I was little, I was mainly scared/slightly in awe of the lifeguards more than anything else.
;)) I remember as I was moving up in my swimming levels (both in strokes and synchro), I would try to impress the lifeguards with my newly-acquired skills. /:) :)) Oh brother! And yes, I've grown up since then. ;)

Lie-sahn-duhr wrote:Yes, yes ... or e-mails ... to people's grown-up e-mail accounts, that is.... (hint hint, nudge nudge)
Yes, yes, yes. I know; I know; I know. :p ;))

ly or lys, but not lye soap :P wrote:Oh, and I really do like the Radio Theatre Aslan (David Suchet) and don't think he sounds weird at all - and he certainly sounds a lot less "tame" than either of the movie Aslans.
I really like David Suchet as Aslan (better than Neeson, who I don't think came across powerful/lordly enough), but am still not fond of how Suchet sounds when he gets, erm, excited.

lysander the Epic One wrote:You know it's bad when pop-up ads start to befuddled you.
Speaking of ads, lately I've head the steady ad on the right that says "Meet the locals: go green; date your neighbour; cute guys galore" or something like that. /:) Yeah, right. :P

Liberty, do have a smashing time at SoulFest! :D

:ymhug: to Winter. Finally I got a PM off to you! :D Lys, yours really is coming soon.

GtG wrote:my mom told me today that I might be going to a school took a class this fall :-o :(( ! I hate hate HATE schools
Dear GtG, praying for you in this. I, my siblings, and now our children went to public schools. Many of them are really not that bad. If you do go, may you find a kindred spirit there. Often there are Christian groups in the public arena, which is really cool and supportive. And know that God is with you each moment. :ymhug:

GtG wrote:Aww but I like Lys! I've always said the "Ly" part like "lint". I mean the y sound. So Lys would be "liss" not "lice" or "lies".
Actually, I always pronounce it 'lice", but I rarely think of the little gnat when doing so. :P *thinks that "liss" sounds too much like "diss" or a few other nasties, so avoids it* The way I actually think it is a lot more sophisticated and ... epic. B-) And with great affection, to boot.

PrinceCor, 'tis interesting to hear what your courses will be. Hurrah for the music appreciation! :D When is your first day, PC? Praying for you as this approaches. 'Tis a rather big step, but an exciting one as well.

Huh? What? You fell in the fountain now? I thought that was your Royal mother's job? ;))

And now, dear Vern: it's been too long since Treat-Time. *goes fishing and comes up with ... these! With some herbs on the side. Enjoy!

*takes a deep dive into the Ditto Pool (not fountain :P), swims a few laps, then emerges to the sight of Vern chowing down on the fish ... so juicy sweeeeeeeet* ;))

pogginfan, how fun you get to see the Narnia Exhibit! :) The nearest it's coming to me is Montréal, seven hours away.

It's wonderful to hear how God is guiding you in your life, as you seek Him.

AJoanna wrote:Are you suggesting some of us are obsessed with British/Australian accents?
Definitely. Add New Zealand and South Africa to that, as well. Also southern US. Love those draaawwwls.

AJ wrote:Vizzini was always my personal favorite. "INCONCEIVABLE!!!"
stargazer does a perfect imitation of this! ;))

Whoa, Mel-y-poo, the Town Square looks so cool in Elvish Scripty posts!

*joins in the Daddy-Long-Legs love* (world-view aside :P) Poor Valia. She doth not care for this wonderful tale?

I Robot, eh, Kingskid. A great story; unnerving and very tense at times. Will Smith is a super actor, imho.

GtG wrote:Ah-li-sahn-druh
So pretty!

lyse (there, that's a nicer way of spelling it) wrote:Never done anything like it before, and rather scared! The kids are funny but waaaay too rambunctious.
You were one once, you know. Or isn't this part of an epic folk's past?

Yes, Lady_Liln, it's still ugly-hot here, too, 'though that's supposed to break on the weekend. And August, for us, is generally much more comfortable than July's weather. But this stubborn hot, humid spell is going on 'forever'! (Since near the beginning of July!)

L_L wrote:Did that owl in your avatar have some link to the moot? It (or, at least an owl) seems to have appeared in many of the mods who went to went to the moot's profiles. (I also love that you used "Pevensie" for your group name :D ;)) )
DiGs works at a bird sanctuary, as part of his experience to become a vet :D, and there were many owls there, all of whom we were fascinated with, so we decided to have owls avvies when we returned home. They are truly beautiful and mysterious birds. The strong, silent type.

Yes, the "Pevensie" idea was marvelous. Hats off to DiGs for thinking that one up. The anticipation of sitting there, waiting for them to call us by that name was too exciting! :D I think this should become a tradition whenever NarniaWebbers get together. *coughLimaOhioLionPartydinner* :D

*giggles at L_L's possible-fountain-in-college comment*

Valia, so good to have you in the Square again :D :ymhug:

Ben wrote:Oh I love star-gazing with friends! Its so refreshing somehow
Yes, 'tis, indeed, Ben. :)

Dot, hello! :) Yes, do get Lazarus. It will save much grief.

Dot wrote:But now I am President of Student Government
That's wonderful! How many hours a week would you spend taking care of your duties? And, if I may ask, what are your responsibilities? Really cool, dot. :) All the best with your lab practical, btw.

*loves Veggie Tales, especially the older ones*

Well, good day to all. :ymhug: , cozy tights ( ;) at BBC Voyage), and Go with God!

EDIT: *notes the Square has nearly come to its first 200 page-mark, which means we must needs call Abe Lincoln to fulfill his honourable task in a wee while*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Kingskid » Aug 03, 2010 8:41 am

Good mortereve everyone. I hope that ya'll are doing well this fine mortereve.

I was bad this morning...didn't get out of bed until half an hour ago. I can claim the excuse that I'm attempting to enjoy my last week of summer and my last week of a somewhat normal, non-adult life.:P

Alright Lys, I will stick with that then. I pronounce it like lice....yeah, not so flattering, but hey, it works.;)

Yes GtG, there are other singers that are good as well.

L_L, yes, I'm going to the same college as Stwin.
I don't recall specifically telling you what my major was, but I certainly may have posted it here before.
I plan to major in Environmental Science and minor in GIS(Geographic Information Systems).

"But we're going to the Promised Land!" That is a great VeggieTales song.:D

AJoanna, I was actually watching it on DVD. It was on FX yesterday as well, but I enjoy watching movies more when they're not interrupted by dorky commercials.:)

It is, it is. I'm hoping though, that with my desired career I may be able to hunt as part of it. Not extensively, but more than I would doing something else.
It is awesome just to be in the woods, away from(mostly) crazy people.

Alright, I am off. I hope that ya'll have a great day. God Bless.

EDIT: that really you Jo? I don't think so, why in the wide world of sports would you go maroonless??? So wrong..:P
I hope that you're doing well today.
I Robot has a lot of intriguing storylines, it's a good one.

=)) @ cozy tights =))
They did drugs and they're all dead.
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Re: Town Square I

Postby lysander » Aug 03, 2010 11:26 am

Mel wrote:I guess that would make me the second sister with a glass heart... fortunately, she lived a long time. [/random fairy tale reference]

Ooooh, I'm not sure if I've read that one or not ... if I have, I don't remember it clearly. What is the title and who is it by/where can I find it? (As a side note, I wrote a short story once when I was younger that featured a trio of sisters and hearts made of various metals. It was called, "Marigold and the Gold Bracelets," I believe, and was subtitled "A Welsh Fairy-Tale," even though there wasn't anything particularly Welsh about it. ;)) )

What's this about reading NaNo novels with red pens? *is interested but doubts he has the time*

Writing a novel requires so much resolution and dedication ... right now I'm not sure I'm up to it. I'm going to stick to short stories for at least a couple more months, and then I think I may start my epic fantasy novel(s) back up. I think that is going to take precedence over the Traveling Companion one, I'm sorry to say, although the latter is definitely still in the works - and is my back-up if the other project falls through. I did finally figure out how I'd open it the other day! \:D/ Maybe I could give you a general outline of what I'm doing and bounce some ideas of you via PM, if you wouldn't mind.

daughter wrote:*notices talk of Princess Bride* "Murdered by pirates is good."


Jo wrote:Yes, do get Lazarus. It will save much grief.

I switched to Google chrome a while back, and I have to say, Lazarus is the thing I miss most about Firefox. I'm contemplating switching back, just for that. :p

*will have to demand that people say his username and any/all of his nicknames if (I mean, WHEN!) ever he should meet them, just to hear all the different pronunciations* ;))

By the way, folks, it's not that I don't love children ... I do. Very much so, in fact. And ordinarily, I enjoy watching/teaching them/whatever. It's just that this group doesn't appear to be very well-behaved AT ALL. They were constantly talking over the regular teacher. I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with that ... we may have a "no talking when the teacher is talking/running you through an activity" rule.

Well, the folks in my writer's group really liked my story. They just want to see the rest of it, and for me to start the action a little earlier. *sigh* Here we gooooo....
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