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Town Square I

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jul 13, 2010 9:20 am

Mortereve, all!

*eyes her failuire of roast apples evily* When I made them, my mom couldn't help but interject, "Oh my! They look evil, like the apples in Snow White!" And they sure do... Something about the gaping holes in the middle and the dark cinnamon around them, and then the raisins. They look shrivelling and a little funny, heh.

D'aw, thank-you for the sympathy, Cep! :ymhug:
122F? Yikes! Is it relatively dry or humid there?

Cymru, likewise. =] You're truly the first person I've met who has this knack. ;)) Ooh, and are simply divine. The phrases are neat, and their occasional featured words or words-of-the-day. I've been having some fun using a 5-syllabled world for "beautiful" that I found on ^.^

Haha, how ironic 'bout the sleep therapist! Night is just the best time for writing, be it mystery thrillers or prarie stories. :D

Thank-you, Jo! :) How very exciting (though perhaps exhausting) about making your pool! I like the design. (Hee, good to know you like reading the dictionary, too. ;)) I write all the words down to remember them, but if only I could actually remember them off-handedly. *ponders*)

Jojo! *receives the hug with glee and embraces the dear gel back!*
Eheh, you think it is? I thought it rather lame... but I suppose it could be terribly funny in the means that the word "squeak" is just such a funny word. :P
No, dear, you haven't lost your marbles... it's my turn, and its delay is due to me adding a little every day but I finally finished it and just gave it to my mom to go post. I'm having so much fun when I'm feeling down picking up your previous letters and they immediately flashing cheer on my face. ^^

*waves to daughter of the King* I don't know if we've met... perhaps we have, but you could call me Aitb or Bella (not from Twilight)! :) *extends hand in greeting*

Hello, hello, Ruby! 'S good to see you! :) D'aw, I'm sorry to hear about your internet. :( I hope it starts to work! :ymhug:

Thank-you, Kathy! It's good to hear you're doing well and relaxed, summer's a good time for that, eh? :)
Ooh, peaches are just sublime, are they not? :D And little apricots too, but nothing can beat a good, fleshy peach. Wish I could really grow a peach tree! ;)

Go heroic, Epic lys! *cheer*

And I'm done. I'd better go and finish my chores and cover up those ghastly apples which my family like. Adeiu!
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Jul 13, 2010 9:40 am

*sneaks in* wow usually I'm a frequent poster and it's been, what, at least 5 days :p . I've been really busy. We now have a second exchange student. He's only with us for, well, he (Xabi) came Saturday night and then he and Iñigo left for NYC today and they're not coming back til Thursday and Xabi is leaving that same day to go with another family so we really only have him for three days. I actually cried when they left today. It's like a foreshadowing of when they leave on the 23rd. I'm so sad. I don't like to get exchange students b/c then you get attatched and never see them again :( . We don't know Xabi extremely well yet but Iñigo feels like an older brother and I've always wanted an older brother so I'll just be really sad when they leave :ymsigh: .

Well the reason I've been absent is b/c we went to the White Mountains on Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday we went to a World Cup part to watch the (awesome!) soccer game. And then yesterday was my sister's birthday- we went swimming, had a campfire, and then went to the drive in to watch Toy Story 3. To tell the truth, I really haven't missed the internet too much :D :p .


Libby wrote:Ali: not too hot? it was 102 degrees yesterday! are you really that cold? :-o :p :D I am so hot! then again, you have AC and I don't.....
:P :P

Lol the heat just doesn't bother me ;)) . And I was outside most of the day too, so it's not the AC :p .

Queen Susan wrote:That's crazy! :-o Wow. :p
Haha, I know what it's like to have guys who don't want to dance. ;) My brothers dance with me all the time, but they almost refuse to dance with other girls. It's like square dancing, you switch partners and stuff too, but they don't really like it so well. :p

Haha. I don't think he meant to hurt her that much :p .

Yeah in the dancing we do, some dances you switch partners and some you don't. Some guys will only dance with their sisters so they only dance the dances where you don't have to switch partners. Rather annoying when there are other girls needing partners :p . We have one family at our church and all the guys in their family always make the rest of the guys dance when there are still girls around :p .

Cor wrote:@ Ali. Yeah,I know the feeling. For me is was pretty much "you need to go to at least the community college..... but you can have a year off for a break". :p It's still a good deal, IMO. :)

haha. I hate the pressure you get though, about what you're going to do. Everyone always asks what I want to do in colllege and I really have no idea. It's kinda hard too b/c my younger sister already has all these plans and ideas and I, the older one, is totally lost :( . Oh well, God will lead me where I'm supposed to go sometime :) .

Ben wrote:Sounds like fun! Though very tiring!
Oh nice! I have not played ultimate Frisbee in a long time!
Glad you will be okay ;)) :P

lol yes I was very tired ;)) .

It's alot of fun...sometimes :P . I don't like playing with alot of people b/c then the taller guys will only pass to each other and most of them team doesn't get to play [-( :p .

Haha ;)) .

Why was it not at your house?... :P

b/c it was our friend's party! *is getting exasperated* :p

Yeah I bet you were walking on cloud 9 :P haha!

ok, is that supposed to in any way make fun of me :-\ :p ?

Oh yeah forgot about that :-s I guess I will let you be a lady ;)) :P Why of course! ;) :P

let me? I don't need your permission! :p

Who knows? Maybe they have nothing else to do?

Bah! You need to see him now! ;))


send me a pic then! :p

Well I'm older than you! :P
Yes I guess I am :D

No I have not. Should I? The old one or the new one?

Do you find it funny that we have :p 's after almost every sentence? ;))

not by much! When's your birthday? X( :p

The old one is the one I've seen. It's pretty good but there is some innapropriate stuff here and there. I want to see the new one too :D .

Haha yeah :p ;) .

Micah wrote:Oh, that's neat! Where are they from?

the one we have now is from Spain and then the next one is from Japan :) .

Micah wrote:
Libby wrote:it's 102 degrees here in New England!
You a fellow New Englander? :) We're not used to such heat, eh?

you live in New England too? I'm in NH like Libby :) .

Djaq wrote:I missed Ali's birthday, didn't I? :( I hope you had a wonderful one!! :D

yes you did ;)) . Thank you :D . So, what have you been up to lately?

Jojo wrote:Glenny! (Oh Great One! ;) ) Ooh, which five autographed cds do you have? If I were to collect anything, it would be autographed stuff; I have quite a few ticket stubs autographed by the stars of the show; a DVD; a CD; and three pictures now! :)

;)) . BarlowGirl's How Can We Be Silent and Love and War, Falling Up's Dawn Escapes, Tenth Avenue North's The Light Meets the Dark, and Maeve's Whatever Befall. I have Relient K's autograph too, but it's on a fake VIP pass. I'm also collecting band stickers :D .

Lady_Liln wrote:*is semi-obsessed with Sky Sailing (another project of Adam Young's, the guy behind Owl City) at the moment*

I LOVE Sky Sailing! I can't wait until the CD comes out :D !

Minor service announcement. I'm noting that many new folks are in the Square, whom I've not got an "official color" for. If you like (or dislike) a color I use, let me know so I can try to be consistent. :) :p

I'm not really new but I like blue. Any shade. Pink isn't really my style :p .

Ali, have you gotten into any more McKillips?

no I have not, but I hope to soon! I really want to- I've just been too busy to pick up any new books :( :p .

AC ;)) wrote:So much for summer meaning more time on the internet.. I'm actually finding.. that I can survive without the internet :-o :-o Just kidding.. ;))

ditto! I'm actually spending less time on the computer and I don't miss it so much :p .

Ah, ok, cool. :) I'll try and remember the name in case I come across it in a bookshop/library. PJ is better? Haha. ;))
I take it you were tired when you wrote that? ;)

Oh, I should tell you - because I never get over to the music thread these days :ymblushing: - that I bought Calendar Days on iTunes the other day. I haven't even listened to it that much, but Bryce sounds really different and younger. Haha. It's cute. If you're still into TRS. ;)

I put PJO b/c Percy Jackson and the Olympians ;)) .

Lucky!!!! I want it SO bad! What songs are best? I've only heard Saturday. Of COURSE I'm still in to TRS, are you kidding??? :p He's my most played artist, even over RK :ymblushing: :-s :( :p . I'm trying to get RK higher and it's working- I just got obsessive with TRS after the concert :p .

*waves to Jo, cep, Dani, and bella* how are you all? :)

oh and I can't forget *trumpet fanfare* The Epic One :p . *waves*

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Benjamin » Jul 13, 2010 11:24 am

*enters into the now buzzing square*

Hey Everyone! Looks like you are all up and going now ;))

So I went camping last night out in the hills with my brother and his wife and their kids and a few friends. It twas really fun! And very beautiful out there! :ymdaydream:

Liberty Hoffman wrote:Ben: maybe you can send me some cold air then :D it's hot like an oven today! yikes!

I am so hyper and hot and tired all at once!

Maybe ;))

You are always hyper! ;)) Does she always bounce off the walls Ali? ;) ;))

Miss Rosario wrote:
*gapes at Ben's ability to ride unicycles*

..... What? So, you ride unicycles and jump off 44 ft. bridges. Wow. I'm rather impressed. ;))

;)) Haha Thank you ;)) :P

stargazer wrote:Now that's the ticket! Perfect camping weather! Soon it'll cool off to those kinds of temps here. :)

Yeah! In fact I just went camping last night! It was really fun!

Nice signature, Benjamin. Not sure which episode that comes from, though.

Thanks. Oh it's on the tip of my tongue!... *think think* Ah forget it! I will probably remember it tonight right before I go to sleep ;)

Aslans Country wrote:Hehe, no. Just curious, because I used to ride one.. years ago. I've since, um, grown, :p and can't ride it anymore, but.. that's awesome. :-bd

Are you back from Colorado yet? I guess I'll find out in the next few pages.. :p

Oh really? Cool!

No I will be here till Sometime in September probably.

Aslanisthebest wrote:
*waves to Ben* What have you been doing lately? :)

Well working! And then I went camping last night (as you can see above ;))) That was a ton of fun!

You been doing anything exciting?

johobbit wrote:As in a Mûmakil?

*gulp* Yeah something like that ;))

You jumped 44 feet into a river, Ben? Wow, that's quite the jump! How did it feel? Exhilarating? Would you do it again? Did you have to hold your body like a pin, so no limbs would be flailing around? :P

Yeah it is! Yes very exhilarating! Well I actually did it two times in a row! ;))
First (my future sister-in-law) Laura did it and then one of my other friends did it (a girl) And I was like; "No way am I going to be out done my a girl who is younger than me!" So I did it too. Then we all went up and did it a second time all at the same time. If you look on my Facebook under videos you can see both of the videos :)

I tried to do that but the younger girl actually let her arms out like she was sitting on a chair resting them and she got bruised a little but not too bad.

Ali wrote:Well the reason I've been absent is b/c we went to the White Mountains on Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday we went to a World Cup part to watch the (awesome!) soccer game. And then yesterday was my sister's birthday- we went swimming, had a campfire, and then went to the drive in to watch Toy Story 3. To tell the truth, I really haven't missed the internet too much :D :p .

lol yes I was very tired ;)) .
It's alot of fun...sometimes :P . I don't like playing with alot of people b/c then the taller guys will only pass to each other and most of them team doesn't get to play [-( :p .

Haha ;)) .

b/c it was our friend's party! *is getting exasperated* :p

First and foremost! NOT B/C! IT IS BECAUSE! :P ;))
*hides a laugh behind his hand* Oh I'm so sorry for getting you exasperated! :P

ok, is that supposed to in any way make fun of me :-\ :p ?

Not sure ;)) :P

let me? I don't need your permission! :p

Why of course you do! :P

send me a pic then! :p

I will try to do that :)

not by much! When's your birthday? X( :p

The old one is the one I've seen. It's pretty good but there is some innapropriate stuff here and there. I want to see the new one too :D .

Haha yeah :p ;) .

I just told you what my birthday was! ;)) It is February 11th 1994

Oh I see.

Whew! #:-s Alright I'm going to go hang out with my little nephews :)

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 13, 2010 12:31 pm

Ali: yeah I've noticed :P I am so glad that Alexa has finally decided to participate on :D! yay!

Ben: hehe :D :D
well, I do bounce off the walls at home.....I'd be interested in what Ali thinks of my behavior..... :P :P

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Cymru » Jul 13, 2010 1:49 pm

*is noticing for the first time that gender is listed under our avatars*

I remember when I used to spend lots of time guessing and getting it wrong!!

Aslanisbest - I've been having some fun using a 5-syllabled world for "beautiful" that I found on ^.^

Tsk! Tsk! No saying something like THAT and then not spilling the word!! 5 syllables. Five syllollibyls. Beautyficious. Loverallory. 1-2-3-4-5 Enchantingness. Hmmmm. *scratches head*

Hmmm. *is also pondering the wonderful hilarity of Avatar avatars*

Goodness, I feel less than "up" to these lengthy posts. Imagine.The.IRONY ;)
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Princess Anna » Jul 13, 2010 2:09 pm

Ok, I've felt too behind to come in here again... it's been that long. But, when I noticed Cymru was here... 8-| ;))

Hullo, dearest Cymru! :ymhug: It's been simply ages! I say we need to plan a trip to the zoo or something... or a phone call. Ugh, I miss you!

Hullo, everyone else! :ymhug: :ymhug: (we need a group hug smiley, methinks)

How is everyone? I'm sorry, not gonna skim several pages to find out. :( Not enough hours in the day, and all that rot. :((

I'm alright. Tired, and sore. (had a fun time at Six Flags on sunday, but it resulted in such a way. go figure. haha!) Missing camp dreadfully. Wishing I could hang out with people more, and that my parents would "just come home already". But yeah, other than that I'm fine. =))
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Cymru » Jul 13, 2010 2:46 pm

Hello, PA! :D

Six Flags, huh? That's how that place usually makes me feel, too. ;)

I'm going to be heading to DC this week and can't decide what I want to do with my free time. I've seen several things already, and I'm not entirely sure what's left. We'll see.

The big thing is - I've finally broken in my new flats - which means *I hope* my feet won't bleed from all the walking. In anticipating the upcoming trip, I have suddenly realized that I have grown terribly fond of being in airports and getting on planes, though I still can't explain why. Doesn't make much sense, but there it is. Maybe it's the guarantee of coffee and a book? :ymsmug:

I already have my book checked out. *rubs hands*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Princess Anna » Jul 13, 2010 2:51 pm

DC? Wow! Have fun! :)

I think I have an idea of why you like airports... it's a great place for people watching. And as you well know, authors love that! (I kept trying to focus on that and other things, when I got delayed on the way to camp a few weeks ago) But yeah, a chance to read sounds good too. (though I don't think I could focus on a book, with all the racket airports cause. Talk about sensory overload!)

I hope your feet can stay ok during the trip! What book are you taking? :D
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Re: Town Square I

Postby PrinceCor004 » Jul 13, 2010 4:57 pm

*Cor and Vern enter the Square to make a quick announcement*

We're back from vacation!!! :D The Royal Family had splendid time last week, though we did miss all of your SquareOnions quite considerably. :ymhug:

I'm afraid a catch-up post by me will be arriving a bit later. It turns out our AC is on the way out, which means the castle is quite hot.... so I'm staying with my grandmother for the rest of the week. :p Anyway, I'll be making a catch-up post sometime this weekend.... so don't write up too many more pages!!! ;)

Also, prayers would be most appreciated about getting a new AC. We're still not quite sure when we'll get a new one in. Hopefully soon.... :|

*Cor and Vern take a quick dip in the pool before heading home to eat pasta*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Jul 13, 2010 5:03 pm


Ben wrote:*enters into the now buzzing square*

Hey Everyone! Looks like you are all up and going now ;))

So I went camping last night out in the hills with my brother and his wife and their kids and a few friends. It twas really fun! And very beautiful out there! :ymdaydream:

sounds fun! I've never been camping but I think it would be cool to go sometime :) .

Maybe ;))

You are always hyper! ;)) Does she always bounce off the walls Ali? ;) ;))

*nods vigorously* Libby is always always ALWAYS hyper :p . When she gets really excited she talks alot and really fast and practically jumps up and down, but I've gotten used to it :p .

First and foremost! NOT B/C! IT IS BECAUSE! :P ;))
*hides a laugh behind his hand* Oh I'm so sorry for getting you exasperated! :P

:| you're making it WORSE!!! X( :p

Not sure ;)) :P


Why of course you do! :P

I think not! X( :p

I will try to do that :)

lol ok- don't forget! :p

I just told you what my birthday was! ;)) It is February 11th 1994

Oh I see.

Whew! #:-s Alright I'm going to go hang out with my little nephews :)

you did?! Oops I forgot :ymblushing: :p . That's about a week after my younger sister's :) .

fun! I love...well I don't have nephews, but I have cousins! Lol, I only have 3 cousins older than me and then all the rest are 10 and younger :p .

Libby wrote:Ali: yeah I've noticed :P I am so glad that Alexa has finally decided to participate on :D! yay!

lol yeah she's enjoying it :) . I don't think I'm going to join though ;))

Cymru wrote:*is noticing for the first time that gender is listed under our avatars*

I remember when I used to spend lots of time guessing and getting it wrong!!

some people still get mine wrong! It's sooo annoying :p .

PA: :ymhug: how are you? Are you still babysitting "your babies"? ;)) :)

Cor: hi! I'm glad you had fun! I'll pray you get an AC soon! I know how hot it can get without one :-s .

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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslans Country » Jul 13, 2010 5:28 pm

Okay.. I probably shouldn't be attempting to write a post in the Square while simultaneously sorting out my school stuff from all year and downloading about 100 photos my friend sent me in an email, but here goes. :p

*discovers a very strange self-portrait from Art this year and recoils* Strange what you forget, isn't it? ;)

*giggles at lysander's "epicness"*

ceppault wrote:And then some. United States temperature extremes (click here).

Yikes. :-o 57C? Is that survivable? :p I am clearly uneducated in such matters. :ymblushing: Does it get very humid as well?

Bella wrote:Thank-you, Kathy! It's good to hear you're doing well and relaxed, summer's a good time for that, eh?
Ooh, peaches are just sublime, are they not? And little apricots too, but nothing can beat a good, fleshy peach. Wish I could really grow a peach tree!

It sure is. ;) If a little on the hot side.
Ah.. I haven't had a real apricot in goodness knows how long. So I automatically think of the dried ones we have over here - suitable for putting in cereal, and not much else. :p
Me too.. all the way up to the 8th floor - that would be some peach tree. ;)

Ali wrote:haha. I hate the pressure you get though, about what you're going to do. Everyone always asks what I want to do in colllege and I really have no idea. It's kinda hard too b/c my younger sister already has all these plans and ideas and I, the older one, is totally lost . Oh well, God will lead me where I'm supposed to go sometime .

Oh gosh.. my mum totally tried-to-get-me-into-a-conversation-about-this half of yesterday - and then I couldn't sleep half the night. I knowww what you mean. :p

I put PJO b/c Percy Jackson and the Olympians .

Ahh.. I was wondering what it was for. ;) It's a while since I read the books - and I can never reread because I borrowed the first 3 from my school library and don't understand the story from book 4... :ymblushing:

Lucky!!!! I want it SO bad! What songs are best? I've only heard Saturday. Of COURSE I'm still in to TRS, are you kidding??? He's my most played artist, even over RK . I'm trying to get RK higher and it's working- I just got obsessive with TRS after the concert .

LOL and how hyper your writing gets talking about TRS. :)) The album's actually growing on me - I was listening to it on repeat for a good hour or two this morning, until I decided to go look up Sky Sailing. (which I think I might like much more than Owl City's sound.. less electronic :) ) Anyway, I really like the sound of the album as a whole, but particularly Cross My Heart, Saturday (that song would've been so good for me all last year when I was under pressure from schoolwork. lol.), That's So You, and TV Family.
Over RK? /:) That's impressive, considering how recently you got into TRS, in comparison. Don't talk to me about play counts though.. it makes me sad :p , because my iPod stopped syncing my play counts to my iTunes, and now I can't check. :(( My iPod's kinda breaking too.. and it's not even 2 years old. X(

*notices how part of this Sky Sailing song sounds so similar to a part in Fireflies :p *

Ben wrote:No I will be here till Sometime in September probably.

Oh right. :p :ymblushing:
Did I hear something about you jumping off a 44 ft bridge? *shivers at the thought* I'm not exactly sure how long 44 ft is, but I'm guessing it's somewhat more than 44 metres, so.. wow. :-o (EDIT: Ooops, I have a feeling it was 3 feet to a metre, not the other way round, so forget that. :ymblushing: )

*waves to Libby* You bounce off walls? :)) /:)

*waves to PA and Cymru*

(Oh, and PrinceCor, who walked in while I wasn't looking ;) )

(Ahh, Ali did it too! I gotta get this posted before someone else does :p )

*hastily hits submit*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Princess Anna » Jul 13, 2010 6:00 pm

GtG wrote:PA: :ymhug: how are you? Are you still babysitting "your babies"? ;)) :)

Of course! Saw them today, in fact. So, if I'm remembering correctly... I've watched them about 10 times now? :-\ (though, sometimes, it feels it's been longer... in the good way) ;)) They're still cute as ever, though they whine a lot more than when I first started watching them. Not cool, as it tends to give me headaches if it goes on for too long. :ymblushing: Oh!!! I forget if I told you all the part about their mom being pregnant with twins? Well, she recently found out they will be a boy and a girl! I was like "Bet you're glad you'll have at least one girl, huh?" ;))

Anything fascinating going on with you?

Oh, and I don't know all the details, so I can't really say... but please pray for my sister if you think of it. She's having health problems, and dealing with stress. I just want everything worked out. (and for me to have more patience with her and be a little more understanding. it's hard trying to be there for her, yet deal with my own stuff *sigh*)

Yay, soon the A-team will be on. (I love that my tv shows me reruns of 80's shows!)
And then I'll change the channel to see the new episode of Warehouse 13... gosh, I feel like such a geek! *doesn't dare mention the thing that really made me feel geeky, earlier this week*

*waves to everyone I missed talking with*
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Re: Town Square I

Postby stargazer » Jul 13, 2010 6:28 pm

Greetings, all! Nice to see some 'older' faces here like Princess Anna and Cymru! Along with our 'regulars.' :)

I have the MLB All-Star Game on in the background but it remains scoreless in the 3rd inning.

A few comments:

AslansCountry wrote:57C? Is that survivable?...Does it get very humid as well?

It's not survivable in my book. But I suppose others might make similar comments about our record cold temperatures (around -60F/-55C). ;)) I'd rather brag about the cold...

I suspect those highs come in very dry, desert-like conditions.

Cymru wrote:*is noticing for the first time that gender is listed under our avatars*

I remember when I used to spend lots of time guessing and getting it wrong!!

*is naughtily declining to indicate my gender beneath my avatar* ;))

I recall the early days of the forum - when it was almost entirely female - I was occasionally mistaken for a girl...and in those days I usually used the waning gibbous moon avatar that's in the gallery (rather than my current tendency toward female avatars. ;)) )
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Re: Town Square I

Postby ceppault » Jul 13, 2010 7:31 pm

stargazer wrote:I recall the early days of the forum - when it was almost entirely female - I was occasionally mistaken for a girl...
Of which I don't think I ever did. Thought Luthilalda was girl. Eesh. Totally wrong there.

Princess Anna

Aslans Country wrote:Yikes. :-o 57C? Is that survivable? :p I am clearly uneducated in such matters. :ymblushing: Does it get very humid as well?
Survivable? Sort of. One does not engage in physical activity unless absolutely necessary. Today, for instance, the temperature was 110F and 12% humidity; as the temperature goes up, any humidity in the air feels unpleasant. If a firefighter (or EMT) is out in that kind of weather, one is encouraged to take in a minimum of 8 oz of water every 15 minutes.

Cymru wrote:... realized that I have grown terribly fond of being in airports and getting on planes, though I still can't explain why.
Oooh. Washington DC :D Sweet. You must tell what you end up doing with your spare time there. I can empathize on flying; I kinda enjoy the nice executive terminals we go through as an air medical crew; great catalogs are available with estates for sale - Haute Living. 22.5 million for a 8,500 sq ft home with a view of San Francisco Bay? Let me get right on that. ;)) $-)
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
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Re: Town Square I

Postby Aslans Country » Jul 14, 2010 3:39 am

*Returns from an English bookstore ecstatically*

Ah.. there is nothing I like better than a good selection in a bookstore. :) I hadn't been in far too long. Of course I always come out regretting all the books I couldn't buy, but that's the price you pay, I suppose. :p

stargazer wrote:It's not survivable in my book. But I suppose others might make similar comments about our record cold temperatures (around -60F/-55C). I'd rather brag about the cold...

Those 'others' being me as well. :p I guess I don't do well with extremes. Actually, I think -55C would be worse than 55C. I prefer heat, to some extent.

ceppault wrote:Survivable? Sort of. One does not engage in physical activity unless absolutely necessary. Today, for instance, the temperature was 110F and 12% humidity; as the temperature goes up, any humidity in the air feels unpleasant. If a firefighter (or EMT) is out in that kind of weather, one is encouraged to take in a minimum of 8 oz of water every 15 minutes.

Ah.. I see (well, sort of :ymblushing: ). The humidity can be 100% a lot over here, but it wouldn't get nearly that hot, temperature-wise. I don't think I've ever experience anything beyond 100F or so. And they say the rainy season isn't even over yet.. :p
Avie by flambeau.

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Re: Town Square I

Postby ceppault » Jul 14, 2010 6:50 am

Aslans Country wrote:I don't think I've ever experience anything beyond 100F or so. And they say the rainy season isn't even over yet.. :p
Most folks would say you are not missing anything having not experienced 125F (52C). #:-s

*has finished initial cup of coffee and oatmeal. He is reminded of Violet Vale that considered trying a mix of peanut butter in oatmeal after it was suggested to her. Paul T now prefers some oatmeal mixed with fresh ground flax seed and some unsweetened applesauce*

Violet Vale is a member that has not visited the forum in many years. People come. People go. That is Ditto Town.

Posted a couple of pictures of my furry friend George over in yonder Photographer's Gallery.

*tips his hat gently to the ladies, nodding to the gentlemen about the Square*
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
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