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Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 07, 2011 9:48 pm
by PrinceCor004
General Information

Character Name: Elaina Verhoeven
Character Nicknames or Titles: "Greeny" by Alex (she outwardly hates the name, though she actually finds it cute)
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brunette/Blue
Weight/Height: Slender/5'11"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Usual peasant clothes, though she is fond of a handmade green and brown leather/fabric outfit she made herself.
Weapons: Long bow, two knives, a short sword and anything else she can get her hands on.
Armor: None at present.

Residence: Wescraven
Occupation: Hunter, part time herbalist with her aunt.
Mode of Transportation: feet, can also ride a horse if needed
Overall Personality: Elaina is a very strong willed young woman, though she still has a softer side. After the plague, the tougher side of her personality took over with only her softer side coming through when needed.
Personality Flaws: Has a short temper when dealing with bone heads, has a strong sense of being the winner in everything.
Hobbies: Hunting, sewing, learning about herbs and remedies, flirting with Alexander.
Likes/Dislikes: see above/Alex, losing, pain.
Long-term Goals: Become the town herbalist when her aunt retires.
Skills: Excellent hunter and marksmen, good with a blade, great at prescribing herbs to help people merely by looking at them.
Magic Skills: TBA

Family: Aunt and Uncle, Parents (deceased)
Friends: Several
Enemies: TBA

Short History:
Elaina's parents died when she was very young from a mysterious illness, so her Aunt and Uncle took her in and raised her as their own. As the years passed, Elaina became a great hunter and began learning the family trade of being a herbalist. Over the years, Elaina has kindled a love/hate relationship with Alexander, a boy from the nearby village of Erivale.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Legends of Erandor

Elaina 2.jpg
Elaina 2.jpg (66.15 KiB) Viewed 26990 times

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 11, 2011 10:19 pm
by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
General Information

Character Name: Lalien
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lily, the Blind Sorceress (the latter is an unfair name, since she's not actually a sorceress)
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown and grey, respectively
Weight/Height: About 5'6" ( or 1.6 meters) and 124 lbs. (56.2 kg)
Distinct Markings: Blind and so always wears a red scarf over her eyes
Clothes and Other Accessories: red dress with flared sleeves, (see image below) common peasants' shoes, usually carries a small leather satchel over one shoulder, the contents of which remain a mystery
Weapons: curiously carved staff with a white gem at the top, sewing kit
Armor: none
Residence: Wandering
Occupation: Apprentice Wizardess (no, not sorceress; there's a difference)
Mode of Transportation: usually walking
Overall Personality: kind and empathetic to those in need, stern and somewhat harsh to oppressors. Always an optomist, (except when she's not) and willing to help, loyal to the bitter end, once you've gained her trust.
Personality Flaws: She is well-versed in magic, but not wisdom. Sometimes, her anger gets the best of her when she hears people being maltreated and she tends to rush into things without thinking. Can get frustrated when she feels that she has failed at something. Slow to trust explicitly, although this may not be an absolute fault.
Hobbies: fishing and needlework
Likes/Dislikes: She likes justice and harmony and when people respect her; dislikes unfairness, clowns and feeling unwanted.
Long-term Goals: To free her master, Alden, regain her sight, and to master the magic of the Elements
Skills: Feeling her way with her staff, accute hearing
Magic Skills:  Magic of the Winds, Magic of the Flames and rudimentary Magic of Morphing (ie, changing witches into frogs. It doesn't always work right, however; last time she tried it, the witch became a zebra)
Family: none known by her
Friends: Anyone who needs help, and the wizard Alden
Enemies: Anyone who makes people need help, and salamanders
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Short History: She was abandoned about two years after her birth when a young wizard accidentally caused her blindness and her parents thought she was cursed. To mend his mistake, (and because he was a nice guy who really felt horrible about the accident) the wizard Alden raised the girl as his apprentice and taught her everything he knew about magic. When she was fourteen, Alden attempted to tame one of the great salamanders of the north, but failed and has been imprisoned in their caves ever since. Hence, her quest to free him has led to her wandering DT.
Stories Character has been in: War of the Overdoms: The Castle of Ivory and Gold


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 14, 2011 8:46 pm
by Melian_Maia
General Information

Character Name: Garrett Arain
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Melian_Maia

Character Information

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown/grey eyes.
Weight/Height: average muscular.
Distinct Markings:
Clothes and Other Accessories: Rough linen shirt, with leather bracers and vest. (see image)
Weapons: Sword and occasionally a long bow.

Residence: From the currently nameless city where the council meets.
Occupation: Guardian and Council member.
Mode of Transportation: His horse, Thalion.
Overall Personality: He's very valiant, pure-hearted, and wise. Is very confident in his skills as a warrior.
Personality Flaws: Can be somewhat proud, but recognizes it and tries to keep it in check.
Likes/Dislikes: (coming later)
Long-term Goals: Seeing the heir to the throne come forward to take his place.
Skills: Can fight well with a sword and has some skill with a bow.
Magic Skills: None at present. (I was a little lost when you talking to Cor about skills... :p )

Family: Rowan and Ellyn (father and mother; deceased).
Friends: ‘Allies’ is a better way of describing his friends.
Enemies: Many, mostly those who don’t want a king.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:

Short History: Coming later.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 20, 2011 6:47 pm
by Anime_tor95
General Information

Character Name: Theron Greenwood
Screen Name of Author: Anime_tor95

Character Information

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dirty blond/blue eyes.
Distinct Markings: guild tattoo on his right forearm
Clothes and Other Accessories: Average peasanty clothes, complete with poncho.
Weapons: Long sword, short swords, many concealed knives, bow and arrows, crossbow
Armor: Shoulder pads and arm braces

Residence: Erivale
Occupation: Farmer
Mode of Transportation: Ox cart
Overall Personality: Brave, honest, mostly remains silent, hard working, stealthy, athletic
Personality Flaws: Does not trust people
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, archery, farm activities
Long-term Goals: To provide the best life for his family as possible
Skills: Farming skills and assassin training

Family: Only his wife
Friends: The other villagers, though he does not speak to them much
Enemies: The ones from the past which he chooses to avoid

Short History: He was once one of the worlds deadliest assassin's. But after his wife became ill, he chose to leave that life and care for her, living a much simpler life on the farm.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor


Character Name: Tevian Sellaferren XII
Screen Name of Author: Anime_tor95

Character Information

Age: 43
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: pale brown/oily green eyes.
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: Royal red tunic with puffy sleeves, gold chain necklace with the family crest on it.
Weapons: A short sword (never used)
Armor: Only the suit at home

Residence: The High Hills (location of Sellaferren Manor)
Occupation: Council member and heir to the Sellaferren family fortune
Mode of Transportation: White horse
Overall Personality: Arrogant, cowardly, a filthy rich snob
Personality Flaws: His overall personality
Hobbies: Hunting, Playing chess, bossing around his servants, and reading hard hitting literature about the facts of life.
Long-term Goals: To get the family fortune
Skills: His speaking ability

Family: His older brother whom he hates
Friends: nope

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 23, 2011 5:16 pm
by Ithilwen
General Information

Character Name: Glimril
Character Nicknames or Titles: None yet
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 43
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black hair, green eyes.
Weight/Height: Average height, very thin
Distinct Markings: Pale, clammy skin, multiple scars.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Black rags
Weapons: Dagger, whip for servants.
Armor: None

Residence: Coming Soon.
Occupation: Head Servant, Master of Slaves
Mode of Transportation: Feet.
Overall Personality: Sneaky, deceptive, cruel, harsh, superstitious, impatient.
Personality Flaws: See above.
Hobbies: Doing his job.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes getting the approval of his master; dislikes disapproval from his master, the servants he's in charge of, the villagers, anything that upsets his superstitious beliefs.
Long-term Goals: To be Master of the common people, and second-in-command under his master.
Skills: Serving
Magic Skills: None.

Family: None
Friends: None, except his Master.
Enemies: Everyone.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: His Master. (Coming Soon)

Short History: Glimril was once a lowly servant himself, but after some cunning manipulation and blackmail of those higher than himself, along with the framing of a few innocent servants, he gained a false "positive image" among his peers, and his Master promoted him to Head Servant and Head of the other slaves.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor



General Information

Character Name: Galileia Jhaley
Character Nicknames or Titles: Gali, Leia
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 9
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Curly, Brown/Brown
Weight/Height: Small, slightly thin
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Servants clothes, or rags.
Weapons: None.
Armor: None.

Residence: Coming Soon
Occupation: Slave
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Bold, fearless, proud.
Personality Flaws: Overactive imagination, stubborn, conceited, doesn't know her place.
Hobbies: Singing, dreaming, reading, drawing.
Likes/Dislikes: likes to be in charge, doing hobbies mentioned above/dislikes her position as slave, being bossed around.
Long-term Goals: To find her real place in the world and escape bondage.
Skills: Cleaning
Magic Skills: None

Family: Her brother Bertrond.
Friends: Her brother.
Enemies: Glimril.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None.

Short History: Was just an infant when she was sold into slavery. Galileia says she still has very early memories of life before slavery, and those memories have led her to believe she was royalty of some kind. She wants to escape her bondage, and return to her life as it was.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor.



General Information

Character Name: Bertrond Jhaley. (His first name is pronounced "Behrtrond". Not "Burtrond".)
Character Nicknames or Titles: None.
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown, Hazel.
Weight/Height: Average weight, Tall.
Distinct Markings: A birth mark near his nose.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Slave's clothes.
Weapons: A knife.
Armor: None.

Residence: Coming Soon
Occupation: Slave
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Kind, though impatient, cunning, quiet, keeps things to himself a lot. Risk taker.
Personality Flaws: Loses hope easily, impatient, frustrated.
Hobbies: Carving.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes quiet, reading/dislikes being a slave, trouble.
Long-term Goals: To remember where he came from and go back home. Wherever home is.
Skills: Carving, working.
Magic Skills: None.

Family: His sister Galileia.
Friends: His sister.
Enemies: Glimril.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None.

Short History: Was sold into slavery when he was ten, after being found in the city with no memory as to where he came from.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor.



General Information

Character Name: Hamm
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Hammer.
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 50.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Long brown hair, blue eyes.
Weight/Height: Average height, stocky.
Distinct Markings: long beard
Clothes and Other Accessories: Old clothes he made himself.
Weapons: Knife, sword.
Armor: None.

Residence: Coming Soon
Occupation: Coming Soon
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Quiet, mysterious, Caring, a leader.
Personality Flaws: Can be too harsh, or demand too much.
Hobbies: Coming Soon
Likes/Dislikes: Likes people with promising skills and good attitudes, dislikes enemies.
Long-term Goals: Coming Soon
Skills: Coming Soon
Magic Skills: None

Family: Unknown
Friends: Coming Soon
Enemies: Coming Soon
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Coming Soon
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Coming Soon

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor



~Riella =:)

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2011 1:08 pm
by lover of narnia
General Information

Character Name: Jade
Character Nicknames or Titles: Miss Jade,
Screen Name of Author: lover of narnia

Character Information

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black / Dark Green
Weight/Height: 115 lbs / 5’7 1/2
Distinct/Noticeable Qualities: Her personality and whole nature.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Mix and matched, in a gypsy/gothic sort of style. She loves to wear off the shoulder black or red shirts, combined with a bouncy, little longer than the knees skirt. Her favorite colors are black, red, orange, and a bit of brown or dark green. She wears a velvet cloak when riding and traveling, and she often has on golden ear rings.
Weapons: A long slender knife that she keeps tucked away.
Armor: N/A

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A little cottage outside of Erivale.
Occupation: She doesn’t have one. She sells a few valuable trinkets she picks up, but that isn’t anything steady for her.
Mode of Transportation: Horse, Feet
Overall Personality: Mysterious, coy, cunning, a bit seductive, has a sense of humor, passionate, fun-loving, curious, charming at times
Personality Flaws: She’s quite coy with men, and sometimes won’t think twice about betraying you to earn love. She’s is experienced at listening for and gathering information. She’s very smart, and isn’t to be under estimated.
Hobbies: Dancing, selling trinkets,
Likes/Dislikes: Xeras, dancing, bartering, riding, being free and wild, listening, manipulating / being ignored, being confined or restricted, traitors
Long-term Goals: She really wants to gain Xeras's full love some day, but really, she has no one set thing she acts for.
Skills: Listening, dancing,
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: N/A
Enemies: A few
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Jade tells no one where comes from or who she was raised by. She’s just always seemed to be there.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Legends of Erandor

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) She sells a few trinkets and pretty things she picks up here and there.

Image: Image

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2011 1:27 pm
by MountainFireflower
General Information

Character Name: Xeras Tain
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lord Xeras, if he's feeling especially condescending.
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark brown to both. :P
Weight/Height: 6'1", 175 lbs.
Distinct Markings: None.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Mostly white shirts with black pants.
Weapons: A sword when necessary, and his words, on certain occasions.
Armor: Metal gauntlets and chain mail, among other things.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc): Tain Manor - located in Wescraven.
Occupation: He is a member of the council and takes his job very seriously.
Mode of Transportation: His feet, or a horse.
Overall Personality: He is haughty, controlling, and yet strangely likable. He is indifferent to most things and completely passionate about others. He likes to be known and is very proud of his status in society. You never can tell about his motives, either.
Personality Flaws: His need for power in order to feel in control. His arrogance. His indifference to others.
Hobbies: He enjoys horseback riding when he has the time, expanding his knowledge by reading, and throwing banquets.
Likes/Dislikes: People, power, money, black stallions, fiddle music. / People, especially people that oppose his plan, and black olives.
Long-term Goals: To control everything in his sphere of influence.
Skills: Debating people relentlessly to the point of getting them to surrender, sword-fighting, and managing to make people like him.

Family: His younger sister, Aedradeva.
Friends: A few - especially Jade.
Enemies: A few.

Short History: Xeras Tain was born 28 years ago, and ever since then, he's tried to control everything he can. He was an especially demanding toddler and fostered debating skills from a very young age. His father was a guardian on the council and was a generally good man, but when he died three years ago, Xeras was forced to take over. He didn't like it at first, but soon he grew to realize how much power he could exert with his position of influence. Now it's his goal to rule Erandor one day, and annhilate anything and everything that stands in his way.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor



General Information

Character Name: Byron Gadreau
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mr. Gadreau
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: 42
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark brown to both. ;))
Weight/Height: 5'11", 180 pounds
Distinct Markings: A few scars here and there.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Generally a nice tunic and pants, and a mysterious black cloak that he always wears.
Weapons: A sword or a crossbow.
Armor: A typical suit of armor, though he hardly ever wears it.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc): A house in the countryside between Erivale and Wescraven
Occupation: He is a member of the council.
Mode of Transportation: A horse.
Overall Personality: Byron is dark and mysterious, and rarely ever talks to anyone. He keeps mostly to himself and only offers his opinions if he has a well-thought-out comment to make. Not much is known about him, and he remains a mystery to many people - including himself.
Personality Flaws: He has good thoughts, but is often too timid and reclusive to make a difference. He was once a very confident man, but over time, his confidence eroded.
Hobbies: Playing chess and whittling. He has an odd habit of meshing these two hobbies together by making chess boards and pieces, and has a ton of them lying around his house.
Likes/Dislikes: Whittling, sitting in front of the fire, absorbing peace and quiet. / Loud debates, annoying people, and losing people he loves.
Long-term Goals: He would eventually like to retire from the council and lead a quiet life much like the one he has now.
Skills: Whittling, obviously. Contrary to what you may believe, he has an extremely sharp mind and has an amazing grasp of logic, though he doesn't use it.

Family: He has only a few living relatives.
Friends: Very few.
Enemies: Lots.

Short History: Byron was one of the king's closest friends and was chosen to be a council member from the very start. Now, he is one of the only remaining original members of the council, as many of his friends have died. Because of this, his self-confidence has taken a dive, and it's all he can do to make it from one day to the next.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor


Aedradeva's Profile

PostPosted: Jul 25, 2011 5:06 am
by Chloë Máiréad
General Information

Character Name: Aedradeva Tain
Character Nicknames or Titles: She prefers to go by Aedra.
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Short, curly, light brown/Olive green
Weight/Height: Slender and not very tall
Distinct Markings: None, unless you count her very loud mouth.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Despite coming from a very wealthy family, Aedra doesn’t dress like a rich person would. Her clothes are one of a kind, most of them sewn by her or altered by her.
Weapons: She’s not a afraid to give anyone a good slap or punch, but she does know how to use a bow and a knife.
Armor: None.

Residence: Tain Manor, in Wescraven
Occupation: She's an heiress to a large fortune, but will not receive it until she is 21.
Mode of Transportation: She likes to run and walk, but she’ll use a horse often.
Overall Personality: Usually, she’s wild, crazy, sneaky, mysterious, outspoken, smart-allecky, and rude, but she can also be kind, intelligent, polite, and very regal.
Personality Flaws: See above.
Hobbies: Eavesdropping, terrorizing Glimril, playing tricks on people.
Likes/Dislikes: Cats, dogs, new clothes, festivals/being told what to do, rainy/cold days, long meals.
Long-term Goals: None.
Skills: She can sew very well, when she has the patience.
Magic Skills: None.

Family: Xeras Tain is her older brother
Friends: She has a few friends among the servants in Tain Manor and some of the street vendors in Wescraven
Enemies: She has some.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Aedradeva has lived with her brother ever since her parents died. Since she had very little training from her mother or father, she’s as wild as they come.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Legends of Erandor


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Aug 05, 2011 7:04 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
General Information

Character Name: Maybelle Twain (see below)
Character Nicknames or Titles: Almost everyone knows her as Belle the Boisterous, Boisterous Belle, or Pirate Belle, for her wild personality and the legend that she is from a long line of famous sea pirates
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dirty blond/brown
Weight/Height: 120 lbs/ 5' 6"
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: fancy, dirty 18th century pirate-ish gowns
Weapons: many on her person, the most well-known being a long, curved knife in her belt and a pistol in a holster around her waist
Armor: none, unless a corset counts XD

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) on the sea, aboard her ship The Destiny
Occupation: unknown, maybe pirate
Mode of Transportation: by boat
Overall Personality: boisterous, wild, usually sees the bright side of things, can be very, very moody
Personality Flaws: doesn't trust people, thinks too highly of herself. If the rumors are true and she is a pirate, then that too
Hobbies: sailing 'for fun' (AKA not on a mission or quest or anything), swimming in the salt water, mending her clothing
Likes/Dislikes: the ocean, her father, freedom, salt air and the wind on her cheeks/ her mother abandoning her, when she is totally and utterly alone
Long-term Goals: none known
Skills: she is masterful with a blade, and a terrific aim with a gun, when necessary to defend herself

Family: Father, somewhere her mother, no siblings
Friends: unknown
Enemies: unknown
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:she has a canary named Lovey on-board The Destiny .

Short History: Not much is known about Belle the Boisterous's past, but it's rumored that she was kept hidden in a cave on a mysterious island until the age of twelve, when she was ready to become a pirate herself.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Shade of the Poplar Trees


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Aug 08, 2011 4:55 pm
by Arwenel
General Information

Character Name: Joel Archer
Character Nicknames or Titles: Dr. Archer
Screen Name of Author: Arwenel

Character Information

Age: 42
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown, brown
Weight/Height: 6', slightly overweight
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Black jeans, light blue polo shirt, black tennis shoes
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: Judicia
Occupation: Pediatrician (children's doctor)
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Studious, thoughtful, serious, guarded, reserved, careful
Personality Flaws: Occasionally too slow to act, too suspicious of others
Hobbies: Golf, reading, long walks, model and electric trains (with his son)
Likes: Children, helping people, time with his family, reading
Dislikes: Pushy people, inactivity, deadlines/being pressured, interruptions or distractions
Long-term Goals: Retire from his practice and enjoy time with his family
Skills: Calming people, good golfer, plays the clarinet (rarely now)
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Viv, Leann, Jonathan and Olivia Archer
Friends: Many friends, usually from work and a few old classmates
Enemies: There are a few doctors he really doesn’t get along with, but no one in particular

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova


General Information

Character Name: Vivian Archer
Character Nicknames or Titles: Viv
Screen Name of Author: Arwenel

Character Information

Age: 36
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blond, brown
Weight/Height: 5’6”, slender build
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: White jeans, pale green shirt, white jacket, white sandals
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: Judicia
Occupation: Housewife/mother
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Social, warm, friendly, a bit anxious
Personality Flaws: Tends to worry, does too much, tries to mother everyone
Hobbies: Many, mostly domestic - cooking, knitting, gardening, etc., reading to children
Likes: Her family, family activites, being busy, a clean home
Dislikes: Inactivity, danger, not being involved
Long-term Goals: Continue her many causes/activities for as long as she can
Skills: Housekeeping, gardening, cleaning, organizing
Magic Skills: None

Family: Husband Joel, children Leann, Jonathan and Olivia
Friends: Many, only a few close
Enemies: No one as such, though some people dislike her, how she handles things, or the causes she chooses to be involved in

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova


General Information

Character Name: Leann Archer
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Arwenel

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Superhuman
Hair/Eye Colors: Black/brown
Weight/Height: 5’5”, average
Distinct Markings: None of her own, but as a black-skinned young woman in a white family, she stands out
Clothes and Other Accessories: Currently black slacks, red shirt
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: Judicia
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Upbeat, shy but friendly, artistic, kind
Personality Flaws: Easily hurt, resentful
Hobbies: Painting/drawing (especially horses and nature), gardening, bicycling
Likes: Arts, poetry, horses, her family, being outdoors
Dislikes: School, anything that keeps her from drawing, hearing “Oh, you must be adopted” over and over and over again, racist people
Long-term Goals: Become a famous artist
Skills: Drawing/painting
Magic Skills: Can make herself intangible and invisible

Family: Archer family
Friends: Some from school; fairly popular
Enemies: Some from school

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova


General Information

Character Name: Jonathan Archer
Character Nicknames or Titles: Some call him Jon or Johnny, but he prefers Jonathan
Screen Name of Author: Arwenel

Character Information

Age: 8
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown, brown
Weight/Height: 3’10”, average weight
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Currently brown pants, red plaid shirt
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: Judicia
Occupation: Student
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Active but quiet; a good observer/listener
Personality Flaws: Typical ones of an eight-year-old boy - selfish, disobedient, teases his sisters.
Hobbies: Model trains, electric trains, coloring books, currently fascinated with big cats
Likes: Trains, big cats, dogs, cars, stuff that blows up
Dislikes: Baths, sisters (sometimes), schoolwork, lima beans
Long-term Goals: Current daydream is to be a train engineer when he grows up
Skills: For an eight-year-old, he’s patient, alert, observant, deft at putting tiny stickers on model trains, and setting up interesting electric train tracks
Magic Skills: None

Family: Archer family
Friends: Some from school
Enemies: Couple kids he doesn’t get along with at school

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova


General Information

Character Name: Olivia Archer
Character Nicknames or Titles: Livvie
Screen Name of Author: Arwenel

Character Information

Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blond, blue
Weight/Height: 3’1”, average
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Currently blue skirt, white shirt, blue jacket, white and pink sandals
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: Judicia
Occupation: Little kid
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Like a princess - gracious, slightly spoiled, expects admiration but not demanding
Personality Flaws: She’s four. Slightly spoiled, but nothing horrible
Hobbies: Coloring, playing dress-up, hassling her brother
Likes: Pretty stuff, coloring, being admired, playing tea party, teasing her brother
Dislikes: Being teased by her brother, getting dirty, naptime
Long-term Goals: None
Skills: None
Magic Skills: None

Family: Archer family
Friends: A little young for friends, though she has a few playmates
Enemies: A little young for enemies

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova

Archer Family History:

Joel, an only child, grew up in Judicia, and planned on being a children’s doctor from a young age. He met his wife Vivian when she applied for a summer job at the office where he worked, and quickly took an interest in her. They married the next year.

Despite being a children’s doctor, Joel never actually planned on having any children of his own. Viv eventually talked him into adopting a four-year-old girl. Leann had lived in the orphanage all her life, with nothing signifying who her parents might be, and fully accepted Joel and Viv as her parents. Jonathan was a surprise, albeit a welcome one, and four years later Vivian persuaded her husband into having another child, Olivia.

The Archers live a very busy life in Judicia, where Dr. Archer has a thriving practice, and Viv has a hand in many groups and charities. Shortly before the supernova, a fire at Jonathan’s school (no one was hurt) gave the family an opportunity to take a much-needed break, and went on vacation in Brink City (Leann had to stay home, because of an upcoming test). Sadly, the supernova put an end to the family vacation, and sent the Archers hastily packing up for home.

Vivian had heard several people speak of a college professor warning of a coming supernova, and started pressuring her husband to speak with him.

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Aug 26, 2011 8:33 pm
by Silvan_Haven
Character Name: Josh Hunter
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Silvan_Haven

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown hair and Dark green and brown eyes
Weight/Height: Average weight 5' 10"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Dark blue jeans with a green shirt and black leather jacket.
Weapons: 9mm and wooden katana.
Armor: None

Residence: Burg
Occupation: Assistant teacher at a kndo school.
Mode of Transportation: Walking
Overall Personality: Kind and eager to help. posses a very developed sense of justice.
Personality Flaws: Can go overboard when trying to help out those in need and has gotten into some tight scraps because of this.
Hobbies: Weapons, parkour and camping
Long-term Goals: Not many. Hopes to one day open his own dojo.
Skills: Knows how to use a gun and wrap a wound. Very good at parkour and swordsmanship.
Powers: His perception is at an incredible level. His strength and speed are much higher than the normal human's.

Family: A mom dad and sister all in a small town in the country.
Friends: Not many close friends.
Enemies: None
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None

Short History: He left home at 18 to go to college in the big city. Since then he has lived the same as any other middle class citizen who grew up in the country and enjoyed hunting at high speed through dense forest....what? Not normal? Oh.


Character Name: Zon Koltan
Character Nicknames or Titles: N/A
Screen Name of Author: Silvan_Haven

Character Information

Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blond hair, blue eyes
Weight/Height: 6' 1" 180 lbs.
Distinct Markings: A long scar stretching from just behind his wrist to his shoulder.
Clothes and Other Accessories: A black vest over a dark blue shirt. Dark blue jeans and brown hiking boots. A backpack that he carries the bits and pieces that he picks up.
Weapons: CO2 powered nail gun.
Armor: The vest has slips of metal inside. Provides protection from stabs and slashes to the torso and shoulder areas.

Residence: Wherever is safe.
Occupation: Formerly a mechanicle engineer now just another surviver.
Mode of Transportation: Anything that gets him where he needs to go.
Overall Personality: Tries to keep upbeat even after the virus hit. Always looks for the silver lining. Tries not to let his pity for those infected to cause him to slip up and get infected himself, if he did there would be no way he could find a cure for those that are infected.
Personality Flaws: Can get overly distracted if he finds something that he thinks he can use.
Hobbies: Tinkering, thinking of new ways to use what they have at their disposal.
Likes/Dislikes: Friends, tinkering, chearing people up/the infection, letting people down.
Long-term Goals: Curing the infection
Skills: Able to create things out of very little. Also able to make things up to a motercycle as long as he has the time and recources.
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: None in Dittotopia
Friends: Whoever he meets.
Enemies: The infection.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A

Short History: Zon used to live in a fairly normal world. On his way home from the collage graduation party, he was sucked into a portal and spit out in the fountain. Since then, he has adjusted to life in Ditto Town, helping where he could andmore or less forgeting his original home.

Stories Character has been in: Absolute Terror


Character Name: Kaelen
Character Nicknames or Titles: Kale
Screen Name of Author: Silvan_Haven

Character Information

Age: 20,000
Gender: Male
Species: Toa
Hair/Eye Colors: Glowing yellow eyes
Weight/Height: '7 '5
Distinct Marking: Several bulges on diferent parts of his armor. Slight green streaks running to the edges of his mask.
Clothes and other Accessories: A Kanohi Kakama, the mask of speed. A large bag on a strap over his shoulder that he carries most of his possessions in.
Weapons: Four sword blades without hilts, he uses his power to move them. An elaborate sword with a kanohi Olmake forged into it forming a blade that can creat portals. Several blades hiden in the bulges in his armor.
Armor: Silver pieces of armor with grey undertones.

Residence: Formerly Searas Island, now wandering th lands of Dittotopia.
Occupation: Warrior Monk/defender of the weak.
Mode of Transportation: Walking, flying by controling the metal in his body or creating portals.
Overall Personality: Warm, able to reach out to those around him, Feels the weight of resonsability at being the leader of the group of Kin the escaped through the portal.
Personality Flaws: Is much better at acting then not doing anything, will snap if pushed too far, can empathize with other people a little too well sometimes.
Hobbies: Metalworking, improving his skills, listening to stories.
Likes/Dislikes: Helping people, friends, defeating evil/ Evil, people around him getting hurt, not being able to do anything.
Long-term Goals: Getting back to the rest of the Kin, reforming the Bloodbrand.
Skills: Fast reflexes, intimate knowledge of metals. Some knowledge of how to fix bio-mechanicle beings.
Magic Skills: Control over metal

Family: None
Friends: The other Kin
Enemies: Santun, Makuta, Zyrule
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None

Short History: Kealen has spent most of his life on Metru-Nui. He is a second generation Kin, having joined several months before the attack on Seares Island.
Shortly before the attack, Kealen had retrieved a blade with a rare kanohi Olmake worked into it. when the attack came and they realized that defence was usless, he created a portal to another world and went through with a group of Kin. Since he had never created a portal before and all he could think of at the time was that they had to get out of there, the sword fixed on the easiest place to make one, Ditto Town.
Stories Character has been in: The Ditto Story

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Aug 30, 2011 7:52 am
by Jillhope
General Information

Character Name: Meironn
Character Nicknames or Titles: Irn, silent.
Screen Name of Author: Jillhope

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: (very curly) Black with red tints in certain lights, Very dark blue- almost black.
Weight/Height: average, 6’3”.
Distinct Markings: odd red markings below his right ear, they look like foreign words, extremely pale skin.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Black leather wrap tunic, dark brown trousers, soft soled leather boots so that he doesn’t make any sound when he’s walking, braided leather belt with.
Weapons: Three small knives made of pure silver that he keeps tucked into his belt. A “Lucky Stone” that he got from his grandfather, he keeps it in his pocket at all times.
Armor: none.
Residence: Erandor
Occupation: member of the counsel.
Mode of Transportation: walking or riding his horse, Emerith
Overall Personality: thoughtfully quiet, avoids vocal conflicts, is only rough about things when it’s absolutely necessary, communicates quite well when he wants to.
Personality Flaws: Doesn’t always speak up when he ought to, couldn’t wield a sword to save his life, is a little bit inflexible when it comes to routine.
Hobbies: Music, writing.
Likes/Dislikes: likes to watch people’s actions, enjoys wandering out of doors, hates verbal conflict (or conflict of any sort), dislikes being in the centre of attention.
Long-term Goals: To create a place where people with nowhere else would feel welcome/
Skills: is, surprisingly enough, very good at singing, and can aim with his knives or a bow and arrow very well when necessary.
Magic Skills: N/A
Family: Sister and brother-in-law. Niece. Parents are dead.
Friends: Mostly he keeps to himself, and only refers to people as acquaintances.
Enemies: anyone that attempts to destroy something he loves.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: his dog, Zearos
Short History: He and his twin (not identical) sister were reared in an extremely hateful orphanage. They escaped and became honorary children to a wandering woodsman who left them in Erandor so that they could better their lives.
Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor.


~Lady Fee

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Sep 24, 2011 9:58 pm
by Dinode
Here are some more Supernova characters. They are subject to change and I reserve the right to use them in my own books.

General Information

Character Name: General
Character Nicknames or Titles: General Legion, Legion
Screen Name of Author: dinode

Character Information

Age: 6
Gender: Male
Species: Bergamasco Shepherd
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark Brown/ Dark Brown
Weight/Height: Medium size and weight.
Distinct Markings: Long, messy fur.
Clothes and Other Accessories: None.
Weapons: His teeth and claws.
Armor: None.

Residence: Diabolis
Occupation: Stray dog
Mode of Transportation: His paws.
Overall Personality: Intelligent, calculating, calm, firm, practical, doesn't give up on a goal unless he's certain it's not worth it.
Personality Flaws: Power hungry, selfish, will lie for the fun of it.
Hobbies: Tricking people in his spare time.
Likes/Dislikes: Power, deceiving people, mutton, cold weather, absorbing people with interesting skills, memories, or powers/ Warm weather, dying, duck meat.
Long-term Goals: Grow his gang empire as large as it can go, become all-powerful and all-knowing.
Skills: Lying, intimidation, dog senses of hearing and smell.
Super Skills: His hair can entangle sentient beings who touch him for several seconds and pull them into his body. He gains the memories and abilities of everyone he absorbs. He can also shape-shift into their forms. If he is killed and someone touches him his hair will try to absorb that person, if successful he comes back to life.

Family: None.
Friends: None.
Enemies: None yet.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None yet.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None.

Short History: General has lived on the streets of Diabolis all his life, always staying neutral in the various wars between the animal gangs. Sometimes he would even cause wars so they would spend more energy fighting each other and less robbing and killing bystanders such as himself. When the supernova gave him the ability to steal peoples memories and shapes, he dedicated himself to gaining knowledge and power by any means necessary...

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova.

General Information

Character Name: Harrison Sturgeon
Character Nicknames or Titles: Harry
Screen Name of Author: Dinode

Character Information

Age: 11
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Red/Green
Weight/Height: Thin/Short
Distinct Markings: None because his hat covers his hair.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Shorts, shirt, vest, a hat.
Weapons: None.
Armor: None.

Residence: Outskirts of Diabolis.
Occupation: Young boy.
Mode of Transportation: Feet.
Overall Personality: Courageous, cunning, tries hard to please his parents, loves to learn, observant, detailed, patient, thinks clearly during a crisis.
Personality Flaws: Easily gives in to pestering, practically spoils his pet.
Hobbies: Naturalism, especially studying reptiles, learning languages, writing non-fiction books.
Likes/Dislikes: Reptiles, books, peace and quiet/ Bullies, violence, sports, gambling, dislikes that it's so hard for him to please his parents, especially his father.
Long-term Goals: Train Flame, become a naturalist or herpetologist, make his father and mother proud of him.
Skills: Good at learning languages, negotiating, planning.
Super Skills: Can understand reptiles, he can't understand other animals yet, but he has the capability to learn.

Family: Stanley Sturgeon (Father), Valarie Sturgeon (Mother).
Friends: None, everyone at school thinks he's too weird.
Enemies: Bullies at school.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Flame Sturgeon.

Short History: Harry has lived on the outskirts of Diabolis all his life. His father works as a bouncer for one of the casinos and his mother flies small aircraft around the country. He is weak and a poor fighter, and since at his school fighting, both as sport and on the streets, is how you gain status, he is ridiculed and despised by all the other students. His father has tried to teach him, but he can't help wishing his son was stronger and more like himself. He has always shown a love of nature and reptiles, he used his birthday money and his allowance last year to buy a young blue-tounged skink that he named Flame, who he has taken care of since. The supernova gave him the ability to learn animal languages, and automatically let him understand reptiles. It also turned Flame into a dragon who made Harry's life very interesting, because although he can talk to Flame, that doesn't mean Flame will listen....

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova

General Information

Character Name: Flame Sturgeon
Character Nicknames or Titles: Flame, Dragon
Screen Name of Author: dinode

Character Information

Age: 2
Gender: Male
Species: Blue-tongued skink/dragon
Hair/Eye Colors: No hair/Green
Weight/Height: 1 foot long at time of supernova, grows to 2 feet over the course of a week.
Distinct Markings: Red scales on his back.
Clothes and Other Accessories: None.
Weapons: Teeth, claws, tail, fire-breath.
Armor: Partially fire-proof scales.

Residence: Outskirts of Diabolis
Occupation: Pet lizard
Mode of Transportation: Flying
Overall Personality: Playful, cares for and appreciates Harry (though he'd never admit it), curious.
Personality Flaws: Greedy, selfish, show-off, cruel, ungrateful, rude, lazy.
Hobbies: Hunting, sun-bathing, napping, eating.
Likes/Dislikes: Fish and other sea food, Harry (but won't admit it), flying, jokes/ spinach and other greens, his stutter, work.
Long-term Goals: None.
Skills: Swimming, climbing.
Super Skills: Weak fire-breath, scales are fire-resistant, red scales on his back can extend out and become wings, eyes glow in the dark.

Family: None.
Friends: None.
Enemies: None yet.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Harry Sturgeon.

Short History: Adopted by Harry Sturgeon when he was a year old, Flame has always been plagued with a stutter. The only reason he obeys humans is because they are bigger and give him food, although he does have a grudging respect for Harry due to the kindness he has shown him. That kindness will be put to the test, however, when the supernova turns Flame into something which can only be called a dragon....

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Oct 11, 2011 5:05 pm
by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
Character Name: Hali Royce
Character Nicknames or Titles:
-Subject #349 (Quadrant 9 Officers only)
-Glasses (self-derogatory)
-Visionary (superhero)
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Superhuman
Hair/Eye Colors: wavy platinum blonde, hazel
Weight/Height: 5'4" (1.62 meters), 120 lbs. (54.4 kg.)
Distinct Markings: freckles on her nose and cheeks
Clothes and Other Accessories: Faded jeans, 3/4 sleeve dark green shirt, sneakers, black headband, black leather purse
Weapons: before the Supernova, a wrench or pepper spray; after, anything she can find
Armor: none
Residence: Formerly a college dorm in Judicia, currently Quadrant 9
Occupation: College student studying to be an engineer, part-time mechanic
Mode of Transportation: Honda Shadow Spirit 750
Overall Personality: Naturally quiet and wise for her age, but hesitant to set her judgement up against others. Affectionate to her family and athletically inclined. Has a high tolerance for boredom and pain. Hidden cleverness and determination.
Personality Flaws: She can seem withdrawn or inattentive to others, too easily persuaded or pressured. Tends to take out her emotional pain by working on her bike or playing sports instead of seeking a solution.
Hobbies: Field hockey, fixing cars and motorcycles
Likes/Dislikes: playing sports, being with her sisters, riding fast, advanced math / being intimidated, seeing people hurt, being forced to be a test subject, speaking in public
Long-term Goals: To get out of Quadrant 9, to find the full extent of her new superpower, to to shut down Q9
Skills: Athleticism, knowledge of mechanics and physics, some knowledge of computers
Magic Skills: Electrical field sensing, which she calls her "second sight". This ability has so changed the way she sees the world that she considers "normal" vision like being blind. Her vision is stronger when she touches metal or water, or another good conductor of electricity.
Family: Parents (divorced, Larry and Gina), two sisters (Amy and Rachel)
Friends: College roommates Elise (deceased) and Becky
Enemies: Dr. Steele, Tony, the Azureman Government, Dr. Tamara Lightwood (?), Dr. Athur Ford (?)
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Short History: Hali was a freshman in college, contentedly living a normal life... Until the supernova hit the planet, turning everything into chaos. As a result of the radiation, her mind started playing some sort of weird game with her, pretending to be a radar and giving her a constant headache.

One of her teachers/friends found her sick and dying of thirst in the rubble of a collapsed building; she brought her to the relative safety of the abandoned college dorms. Though Professor Collins' intentions may have been good originally, when she discovered that Hali had "radiation poisoning" and that there was a bounty on her head, temptation proved too great, and she told the military.

Without warning, Hali awoke to find herself in a silvery-metal room with a barred door - an isolation cell in some mad scientist's lair, guarded by people with guns. Suddenly cast into the role of a test subject in a giant laboratory, Hali has been experimenting with the strange capabilities the supernova gave her. But if she's figured out anything in her time alone, it's that her mind, not her powers, are her best weapon.

Stories Character has been in- Supernova, This is Eden


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 13, 2012 3:21 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
Census (with thanks to original developer Alenta):

General Information

Character Name: Karina Knife
Character Nicknames or Titles: Kara, Rina, K. K.
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown with hints of red/ turquoise blue
Weight/Height: 120 lbs/ 5' 6"
Distinct Markings: Freckles
Clothes and Other Accessories: T-shirts and Capris for casual, black slacks and dress shirt for action
Weapons: A hunting knife which she has on her at all times, even when she sleeps
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) In a two-story home near the ANTI headquarters
Occupation: ANTI agent
Mode of Transportation: Foot (she;s a swift runner), bike, or horse (she does ok)
Overall Personality: Sunny, charming, realistic
Personality Flaws: Can be snappy when she's mad, gets reeeeeal fired up sometimes
Hobbies: Hanging out with her family, helping others, baking, riding her bike, babysitting, painting (like, walls and stuff)
Likes/Dislikes: making friends, capuchino icecream, swimming, forests, poetry/being at work too much, sappy things, marshmallowsm birthdays
Long-term Goals: To help secure peace by being an ANTI agent and to marry her beloved Josiah someday
Skills: She is good at almost whatever she sets her mind to, to some extent. She is a great runner and very athletic; she is good with her knife.

Family: Dad, mom, brother Alex
Friends: Katie (her cousin)
Enemies: MUPPETZ
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A cat called Po

Short History: Karina grew up with her dad at work alot. She helped raise her brother, and her younger cousins when their parents were sick. She has recently become an ANTI agent, though she has dreamed of this moment for a long time.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): (will be in) ANTI: The Rebellion


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 14, 2012 3:08 am
by Ithilwen
General Information

Character Name: Hava Seet
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair: Deep red, curly, thick hair.
Eye Color: Dark brown, steely eyes.
Weight/Height: Wiry, 5'10.
Distinct Markings: thin, arching eyebrows.
Clothes and Other Accessories: A uniform she got from a rebel band at The Pudding House.
Weapons: A laser gun.
Armor: Her protective uniform. Plus, she also has a biological defense mechanism which occurs when she comes into contact with deer or oranges. What this mechanism is, exactly, is unknown at this time. But it is known to be both a gift and a curse.

Residence: The streets.
Occupation: Self-declared killer of MUPPETZ.
Mode of Transportation: Walking/running.
Overall Personality: Tough attitude, self-willed, chip-on-her-shoulder. Bitter and angry. A loner who prefers to take care of herself.
Personality Flaws: Vengeant, judging, violent, dangerous, bitter.
Hobbies: Making art. Usually graffiti. Planning how to get revenge. Practicing her fighting skills.
Likes: art, tattoos, being her own person, fighting.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, authority figures, "wimps", people in general, MUPPETZ.
Long-term Goals: To kill all the MUPPETZ.
Skills: Accurate shooting, and master of escape.

Family: None, excepting her fellow rebels at the Pudding House.
Friends: (soon to be) Mal'ady.
Enemies: All MUPPETZ.

Short History: Hava's parents were subjects of experimentation in the MUPPETZ headquarters. When she was born, she was taken from them immediately to be raised by MUPPETZ as a trained killer for their side. She became an expert in killing and defense techniques. But being very self-willed, she did not like being controlled by the MUPPETZ, and escaped them at the age of 17. Lost and afraid in the outside world, she eventually found refuge at The Pudding House -- a sort of soup kitchen and shelter for the poor and homeless. The Pudding House was home to a band of thieves and rebels who hated the world and disapproved of its workings. After befriending this band, they eventually fostered Hava's past experience into a desire for vengeance against MUPPETZ and a hatred for all people in general. Hava lived with them at the Pudding House for three years, until her friends were caught by authorities and the House was shut down. She now lives alone on the streets, fending for herself, and plotting her enemies' demise.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):



~Riella =:)