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Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Apr 15, 2010 11:22 am

Enyo lifted her head weakly and stared up at Myrddin as he clambered onto the Fountain's top.

"It's too late. You can't stop it. I win," Enyo whispered, before passing out.

Brutus entered the town square at a run. He quickly took in the current drama and realized that they were all in severe trouble.

Ordana entered the square not long after Brutus.

"That was our only way off this planet," she said, taking the Dark Lord's hand.

"Yeah. Guess it doesn't matter now what side we picked," Brutus said. He pulled Ordana into a tight embrace.

"We could run. We could run as far away as we can," Ordana said, her voice muffled by Brutus' robes.

"Why delay the inevitable? Better for it to be quick and for us to be together."

Corvan entered the square and saw Enyo and reality unraveling around the Fountain. He turned and ran back into the maze of Ditto Town's streets.

Allyn was also in the Town Square. He gathered the Force and pushed at the oncoming wave of destruction. He pushed with all the might he could muster, but the reality destroying effect continued to progress. There was no stopping it.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Apr 17, 2010 11:28 pm

Myrddin turned to look back at the town and then he struck the reality bomb with the Variform, transforming it back into the Staff. There was a flash of light and a shock wave that radiated outwards throughout the town. When the dust settled, the area surrounding the Fountain was devastated, but reality was still intact. However, Myrddin and Enyo had vanished.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » May 18, 2010 12:17 am

In the days that followed Enyo's last stand, life returned to normal in Ditto Town.

Brutus left Dittopia for parts unknown. He never returned, at least not for a very, very long time. From time to time, Ordana heard rumors of a growing Sith presence in the galaxy lead by a charismatic master of the Dark Side. After a few years, the rumors died away. Whatever Brutus was doing, he was doing it very quietly.

Corvan left Dittopia with Brutus. He was never again seen by any of those who knew him and his ultimate fate is unknown to those who record the history of the Ditto Galaxy.

Ordana remained behind on Dittopia, becoming a founding member of the Ditto Jedi Order. She rose to the rank of Master and sat on the council that governed the Order. After the better part of half a century, she left the planet and did not return. Those who knew her were always baffled by her seeming inability to age.

Allyn wasted no time in founding a new Jedi Order for the Ditto Galaxy. Though there was initial prejudice attached to the name due to the ravages of the pirates decades before, the good accomplished by the peacekeeping force Allyn established soon won over a hostile galaxy. Allyn never married, but did not place the same ban on his Jedi that prevented members of the original Jedi Order from pursuing marriage. As Allyn neared his last years, he was troubled by his failure to turn Juriel away from his dark path. He could only wonder what disaster his failure had set the stage for.

Lynda survived the many tumultuous events of the millennium following the destruction of the Ditto Sith Empire only to vanish enigmatically roughly one hundred years before the War of Souls.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » May 18, 2010 9:24 am

Emere had participated in the counterattack against Enyo, yet after it he still felt as restless as before. What was a padawan supposed to do without a master? He missed Fijo so much that it ached.

Finally, one day in the relatively near future after the attack and Enyo's destruction, he decided to go talk to Allyn. It seemed like the best idea that he was likely to have.


Astri got odd looks from most of the citizens in Ditto Town, what with her professional gymnastics routines and the fact that she could snatch objects out of the air through something that looked like telekinesis. She never let on to anyone, but she was frightened of what she could do.

One day, after finishing a particularly amazing gymnastics routine, she sat down on the edge of the fountain to people-watch.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Jun 02, 2010 10:15 pm

Drawn by the peculiar urges of the Force, the Jedi Knight Allyn Norano happened to pass by the Fountain as Astri settled down on the stone edifice's edge.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jun 03, 2010 8:17 am

Astri saw Allyn and stared at him for awhile before scooting closer to him. "Hi." She said. "Are you the jedi-guy?" She was pretty sure, but supposing he was a clone? You could never really know, Astri guessed. She dropped the leaves that she'd been playing with very suddenly.

Several people nearby jumped at the fact that several leaves that had been 'blowing in the wind' just dropped straight to the ground.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Jun 21, 2010 10:50 pm

"That would be me," Allyn replied to Astri. "I've noticed something very interesting about you, Astri. You have an exceptional untrained Force ability. With the proper training, someday you could be a Jedi yourself. Quite possibly a very powerful one.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jul 06, 2010 5:47 am

Astri looked at Allyn curiously and then slowly nodded. "I think...I think I know. I mean, I knew. Maybe I always knew or something." She suddenly turned pink and looked down at her toes, silent for a moment. "What now, then? Do I just know and keep living my life?"

Emere finally found where Allyn was after trial and error and asking a few people, and walked out to the fountain. He went around its edge and saw Allyn before he saw Astri. "Master Allyn! Sir!" He called out, and then stopped as he saw Astri. "Oh. Excuse me." He said, backing up.
"Let the music cast its spell,
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Jul 07, 2010 6:46 pm

"I want to train you, Astri," Allyn said. "I want to build a new Jedi Order, here on Dittopia. The old order, back in my galaxy is dead and dying. We've lost that galaxy to the Sith. But here we can build a new Order, one that can someday reclaim my galaxy from the Sith. Emere, I would like you to consider joining us as well."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Captn. Peregrin » Jul 08, 2010 7:19 am

"Who's we? You and Astri?" Sholi said. He had been sitting a little ways from the Fountain when Allyn had arrived, and he'd since been inching closer. He glared at Astri, then returned his gaze to Allyn.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Jul 08, 2010 2:28 pm

"We means you as well, Sholi," Allyn said. "Anyone with Force sensitivity will be welcomed into the Order."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jul 08, 2010 2:48 pm

Emere looked at Allyn in surprise. It had not been what he was expecting--but then, somehow, it was right. "I'd be honored, sir." Emere found himself saying. "I've been drifting for far too long, and I think it's dangerous if I just stay by myself." He felt a little awkward as he stumbled through the words, but not uncertain. This here was right.

Astri looked very solemn at the offer. "Would I...would I have to leave Artemis?" She asked slowly, thinking of the woman that was her only friend. "I mean, could I see her sometimes?"
"Let the music cast its spell,
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Bookwyrm » Jul 08, 2010 10:13 pm

"Of course you won't have to leave Ditto Town, Astri," Allyn said. "I've already got a spot in mind for where we'll build the Jedi Temple, once there are enough of us. It'll be close enough that you can see Artemis every day. But you'll probably be all grown up by the time we can build it. For now, we'll all live here, in Ditto Town."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jul 09, 2010 6:59 pm

Astri brightened. "Really?" She had been a little worried, but now..."I want to do it." She said seriously. "I'll learn with you." Then Astri smiled and slipped her tiny hand into Allyn's big one trustingly.

Emere nodded. "I will too." Things would not be the same here in this galaxy. But they would fit. Someday, it would all fit.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby Captn. Peregrin » Jul 10, 2010 6:23 am

Not much of an order, Sholi thought, not caring if any of the others overheard. Still, he had a feeling he should join them, a feeling akin to his danger-sense - less urgent, but equally persistant. He shrugged, and said aloud "Guess there's nothing better to do around here. As long as I don't have to share a room with her," he added, glaring at Astri again.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jul 10, 2010 11:22 am

Astri very calmly turned and stuck her tongue out at Sholi. Then she focused her attention back on Allyn.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
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