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Ditto Fountain I

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bother Eustace » Jan 04, 2011 12:28 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Tristan chuckled at her spiteful remark. "Glad to be of service," he replied, tightening the last knot. "Be nice, and don't try to escape, and this may be a bit easier for both you and us. Just a hint." Once he was finished, he forced her roughly to the rock where Shyanne was, and then looked to Sephora expectantly for further orders. "Should we bring them to the pit?"
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby eustacegirl » Jan 04, 2011 1:19 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Edmund groaned. "Get off me!" He tried kicking, but it was no use. As soon as Sephora's back was turned, he twisted his arms in attempt to wriggle free from the ropes.
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Madam Sephora/Lady Shyanne/Isla

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 04, 2011 3:01 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Sephora nodded to Tristan. She whistled to gain the attention of all her fellow bandits. "Let's move."

"Evewen," Sephora said, looking at the dark-haired woman who had tied up Edmund's hands. "Take care of Shyanne and the other young lady."

The woman nodded and went to do as she was told. Sephora went to retrieve her cloak from the cave and then walked away, toward the thick forest.


Shyanne stood as the woman, Evewen, had told her. She walked forward with everyone else.


Isla repositioned the strap her her satchel-like bag. "What do you suppose the man was hiding, Falcon?"

"When I saw him, I saw glimpses of my past...Do you think they were important? I saw a woman. She was wearing a ring very similar to the one I gave him. I thought perhaps it belonged to him or her. Or something. That's why I gave it to him."

"I feel so confused..." Isla mumbled as she ran a hand through her dark hair and pulled a worn letter out of her satchel. The letter and the ring that she had given Micah were the only two possessions that could be called hers. Everything else had been given to her by Falcon.

She unfolded the letter and read its contents. She knew every word by heart; she had read it so many times before. However, each time she read it, she focused on another detail. Sitting down on the stairs that led into the store, Isla read it one more time while Falcon decided where they should go next.

One particular part of the letter stood out to her today:

...your father says that the ship is due for another coat of paint. He is very eager to paint over the name written on the stern. He says it brings bad luck. I think 'Sephora' is a good name for his ship and that he shouldn't waste the money just paint over it, but he never listens to anything I say, especially after he found out about you and I. He will paint over it and it will be called 'Evewen's Star' from now on. Where that name came from I cannot tell you...

I know those names, but why haven't I noticed them before? Isla crumpled the sides of the letter as her fingers tightened around it. Her dark eyes widened and held a hand to her head, trying to remember what she had seen when she first saw Micah. It seemed like every memory was waiting to be recalled, but Isla couldn't remember a single one.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Lady_Of_Sunsets » Jan 04, 2011 9:51 pm


A rush of soft, warm air encircled Selia (She could not decide weather it felt like a cloud of feathers, or being quite near a fire) but whatever it was, it felt much better than the previous cold wind. It did not last long, however, and was quickly replaced by a shoving and jostling that felt curiously like rather a lot of people waiting expectantly in one place - which it was. Selia's eyes widened in surprise, she had expected to find herself transported to some silent, tiny glade where her mission would be revealed to her, but this crowded scene was not in the least part of her plans. She also felt warmer than she had been, and she supposed that that was because of the large amount of people her, but, looking down, she realized that there was another reason. Instead of her cream colored T-shirt and thin shorts, she wore a long, woven blue gown that provided much of the warmth she felt. She was also equipped with a nice leather side-sash and, due to the hard, cold thing that thumped against her , she supposed she had a dagger as well. recovering quickly from her initial shock, and she smiled, feeling quite up to this adventure, then she pushed forward to see what was happening with the rest of them.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bother Eustace » Jan 05, 2011 12:31 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

As the trees and thick undergrowth gave way to the large clearing where the bandits' camp was situated, the wind picked up a harrowing chill, making the situation all the more gloomy for the captives. Tristan, however, hardly noticed; just over a month ago the clan had sojourned on the northern slopes of Kul Droen, where the weather was much harsher.

The bandits brought their new captives to the edge of a make-shift prison near the center of camp; really not much more than a wide pit about seven feet deep, covered over the top by a strong construct of thick wooden beams and leather to keep out rain and wind. It was obviously not made by professional hands, yet clearly strong and sturdy all the same. One of the bandits opened a little door which led inside. "Make yourselves cozy," Tristan told the captives. "And in case you're wondering, we'll have guards posted to be sure you don't manage to get out somehow."


The weather grew colder, especially in the shade of the forest, and Micah became anxious to make it back to the comparative warmth of shelter and fire at the cavern. A shiver ran through him, as he kept his eyes on the mysterious Telwyn, still musing about who she could be and what her motives were.

Finally, they came to a place where Micah could catch a glimpse of the cavern betwixt the rent curtain of trees ahead. "There it is, just ahead." He pushed on a bit quicker.

The first sign of trouble hit him in the form of a scent: the scent of smoke. Only, it wasn't the heady smell of a strong and vibrant fire; it was the dull, lingering odor of a recently dead or dying fire, that has been put out or left to go out on its own. He also noticed that he couldn't see any firelight in that direction. Strange, in this weather, I would think they'd keep the fire going... His face transformed into a suspicious scowl as he came closer, wondering what was going on. Very quickly he realized that all was much too quiet. "Where are they?" He wondered aloud.

He and Telwyn stepped into the cavernous sheltered area, and his adrenaline spiked as his suspicions were confirmed: no one was there. Two knives were implanted in the log; he knelt quickly and studied them. They looked to be Jarien and Adi's. Then he noticed a message carved in the wood beside them:


His mind reeled with questions and anger. However, he didn't hesitate long. His sword flew from it's sheath as he stood and spun, extending the weapon toward Telwyn without warning. "My friends been captured by bandits! Tell me what you know of this! I swear, if you are involved in this scheme, I will kill you right here." His jaw tightened and his fists clenched around the sword as he waited for Telwyn's response. Part of him was upset for not arriving earlier, while another part told him he would have merely been captured as well if he was there; but the aggravation of both lines of reasoning were channeled out through raging fury directed fully at Telwyn.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Lady Courage » Jan 05, 2011 5:06 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

As the wind chilled, Telwyn pulled her hood up, but seemed to otherwise be undisturbed. She walked beside and slightly ahead of Micah, glancing about her at the trees in an unconcerned sort of way. Her lips were pursed as if she were whistling to herself, but no sound came out of them. As a matter of fact, she didn't say a word or even seem to acknowledge Micah until they reached the camp. Her face was hidden unless she turned her head and so in a sense her thoughts were also as they approached the camp. She stopped short when they entered the area- empty. Her head wove back and forth in quick, jolty sort of way, as though scanning the area. However, she moved when Micah moved, still staying easily within his view.

Standing beside him, she gazed down at the message in the wood. At the ring of a sword unsheathed she took an instinctive step backyards and her posture tensed. Under her hood, the blue eyes popped with surprise for a split second, and the next laughter. Of course.
"My my, you don't hesitate, do you?" she chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry to admit that I am indeed surprised by this turn of events. I knew the rogues were in the neighborhood, but it never occurred to me that they might be a threat to your group." She looked thoughtful and gazed at the ground. Slowly, her head turned and her body followed until she had done a complete 180. With hands stuffed in her pockets beneath the cloak, she began to walk away from Micah, head tilted towards the ground the entire time. About 6 feet later she spun back towards Micah.
"As a general thing, I leave the bandits alone and they leave me alone. But then, I'm only one person and they've never even noticed me." She chuckled softly under her breath and it's tone was that of dark pleasure.
"Nevertheless, I have a pretty good idea of where their current camp lies and with these fresh tracks-" she gestured to the ground that she had been examining "-I may be able to bring you to it. But do keep in mind that while this group is far from professional, they do live in the woods and are rather skilled in it's crafts. In other words, they leave far less of a trail than you do-" here her eyes glinted meaningfully "-and they have wood-skilled guards keeping watch over their camp. If we go on this expedition it will require a good deal of stealth. And when I say stealth, I mean total and complete silence. My point is, you may need some lessons first." She laughed.
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Madam Sephora/Evewen

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 06, 2011 7:33 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Once they were back at the camp, Sephora let the men deal with the prisoners. "Evewen, come with me." she said as she passed a female dark-haired thief.

The thief, who was called Evewen, stood from her squatting position by the fire and followed Sephora into her lodgings. "What do you want?"

Sephora stood before a basin of water and dipped a rag into the water. She turned slightly and said, "Does a mother need a reason to talk to her daughter?"

"No, but you do." Evewen said, crossing her arms.

"Eve..." Sephora shook her head. She didn't say anything until she was finished washing her hands. She pulled them out of the water and said, "I forbid you to go and see your father."

"What?" Evewen said, her mouth dropping open in disbelief. "Why?"

"Because I need you to do something for me." Sephora sat down. "I need you to find Lord Henrik and give him a message."

"Lord Henrik is constantly travelling! How am I supposed to find him?" Evewen asked, crossing her arms once more. She leaned against the doorframe.

Sephora smiled at her daughter. "How do you think anyone finds anybody? You look for them." Sephora pulled a piece of parchment from a box and a quill pen. "You will leave soon. Be ready. You are excused."

Evewen glared at her mother as she began writing. She pushed the door open and let it slam shut on her way out.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby eustacegirl » Jan 06, 2011 8:09 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Edmund found himself being dragged into a prison and the ropes taken off him. As soon as a guard's back was turned, he angrigly kicked a wall, then turned to his friends. "How did we get here? What do they want with us?"
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Lady Shyanne

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 06, 2011 8:31 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

"I don't know what they want with you, but getting angry about it isn't going to help matters." Shyanne snapped.

"I know what they want with me." Shyanne said, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She had sank to her bottom the moment she was put in the pit. Standing was only a waste of energy and she was tired.

"They're going to ransom me off to my father." She said quietly, taking a deep breath. "I did all this just to get away from him and now I'm going to be handed to him like merchandise."

"I just hope Micah will come before their plan is set into action." Shyanne said looking up through the wooden platform above them.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby eustacegirl » Jan 06, 2011 8:57 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Edmund said, "I am on the run from the king and his men, but I don't see what a bunch of theives would have to do with it! Would they be on the Hunters' side?"
He took a few breaths, lowering himself to the floor. "Sorry. So, why did you run awya from your dad?"
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Lady Shyanne

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 06, 2011 9:08 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

"I'd rather not talk about about, actually." Shyanne said, looking at Edmund, glad to see he had finally calmed down.

She looked at Susanne, "What do you know about the 'Hunters?' Do you think they could be working with them?" Shyanne pointed up, talking about the bandits.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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"Swift Falcon"

Postby Reepissweet » Jan 06, 2011 10:31 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Chloë Máiréad wrote:Isla repositioned the strap of her satchel-like bag. "What do you suppose the man was hiding, Falcon?"

Falcon was in mid thought, thinking about what they were to do next when Isla asked him a question. “Every man has secret, just like every box has something in it. What do you do if you want to open a box? You find out how to open it, does it need key? Does it have rusted hinges? Is the latch stuck? These are the questions you ask. The same thought should be placed on this man, look at it from another angle that is not disturbed by the mystery of what is being hid. Perhaps the “key” to this mystery is in your memory.”

Falcon hoped that that would suffice for an answer, and maybe clear things up for Isla. She seemed very confused, more then she had ever been before.
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Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 06, 2011 11:53 am

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Isla frowned, her dark eyes narrowing as her hands ran through her hair. Her elbows finally came to rest on her knees and she stayed silent for a long while, a thoughtful expression on her face. It was obvious she was searching deep within her memory.

Suddenly, however, her head snapped up and her eyes widened. "Falcon! The ring!" She stood, shoving the letter into his hands and pointing to a particular paragraph. "Why didn't I think of it before? Why didn't I think of anything before?"

Isla sat back down, looking stressed and tired. "The ring belonged to my father. I stole it from him before he marooned me. I didn't know what it was, but my sister, Evewen, swore it was a key. She didn't know what it would open and we never got a chance to find out before my father banished me. My mother was Madam Sephora, a bandit by trade, but still my mother. It seemed my parents were drawn to risky occupations. When my father was made captain of his own ship, he named it 'Sephora', after my mother. However, he changed it later to 'Evewen's Star', after my sister or my father's mother. I can't be sure which." She shook her head and said to herself, "Why have I been so dense and blind all these years? I could have found out everything about my past years ago if I had just opened my eyes."

Isla closed her eyes. For the first time in three years, Isla remembered almost everything. The only thing that remained a mystery was the author of the letter that Falcon held in his hands. She could remember life on her father's ship, right down to swabbing the deck and she could remember life in her mother's clan of bandits, right down to picking coins out of unsuspecting peoples' pockets.

"I have to get the ring back." Isla said, looking at Falcon. "I have to find my sister."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bother Eustace » Jan 06, 2011 3:45 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

For the second time that day, Micah found himself threatening Telwyn with his blade, and once again he was stuck with the dilemma of trying to decide whether he should lower it or not. Perhaps his assumption of her guilt was a bit hasty; after all, it didn't make much sense that the others would be captured and he be spared; not unless the captors didn't know about him. Plus, she was a self-proclaimed master at scouting and tracking, and therefore his only hope of finding the others.

With an exasperated sigh, Micah calmed his nerves and replaced his sword. "Alright, fine. I will give you a fair amount of trust once again. Now, what do you mean by 'Lessons?'"


Tristan returned to his personal tent at the camp, to put away the valuables and weapons he had taken from the captives. That was the job Sephora usually entrusted him with; keeping the valuables safe until they were distributed amongst the bandits at a later date as payment. Sephora trusted him to keep them hidden until then, and he always did.

He placed the items in a chest beside his bedroll, locking it tightly with a key he wore around his neck. "More hard-earned wages," he chuckled with delight. He'd long since lost any feeling of guilt over stealing; after years of ignoring such feelings, the heart hardens to them. Still, he felt pity for the captives in the dirty pit in this weather, especially the young women; but he didn't let it bother him too much.

He realized that he was quite hungry, so he left the tent, giving a farewell whistle to a caged canary that he kept there named Emiline. Then he made his way through the camp to the communal fire, where he knew he could procure a nice warm meal.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby lover of narnia » Jan 06, 2011 4:06 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Like the others, Susanne listened the bandits instructions on which way to walk, and how fast or slow. When they had arrived at their captors hideaway she found herself over come by a wave of shivers, a result of the cold wind that had blown up after the sun had been obscured by dark clouds. They were all led to the 'pit' which one of the men had mentioned some time ago. She looked down into the blackness and shook her head, backing away, but was roughly shoved down into the dark. She gasped as she stumbled and fell into one of the walls. She sighed, and sunk down to a sitting position, watching as the others were also placed in with her. She battled with the urge to weep, knowing it would only worsen her discomfort.

"What do you know about the 'Hunters?' Do you think they could be working with them?" Shyanne asked her

"I doubt that these bandits are working with Hunters. I haven't heard much, but from the tales and rumors that have been whispered in my presence, I doubt that the ruthless men who are our enemies would stoop as low as to ask some roving bandits for assistance" Susanne answered. She looked down and rubbed her wrists, which only moments before had been bound with rope. In the dim light she saw the scraps and cuts that the man who had tied her up must have seen. Frowning, she buried her hands into the folds of her skirt.


Vincent strode across the deck of the Evewen's star, observing the work of the crew. The canvas sails were heard loudly snapping above him, being bent and whipped in and out at the mercy of the ocean breezes. A cold wind was sweeping across the sea, blowing in patches of pregnant clouds that chose, from time to time, to give birth to torrents of rain before leaving as swiftly as they had come. It was a restless evening open the ocean, the sailors were uneasy at the proposition of a storm coming, and Vincent's own mind was troubled with thoughts. He mounted the steps to the helm, and approached the Captain, who was standing resolute at the wheel.

"We are nearing Vayond's port Capt'n." Vincent said, standing behind his superior. A salty current of sea breath came rushing up and over the ship, whipping Vincent's hair around his face. "I'll be glad to get on land with the weather the way it has been of late"

"Aye, there is something brewing on the old Calissa." He said, referring to the ocean they were sailing on.

"A storm." Vincent said, turning and walking to the rail, staring out over the miles of water stretched out before them. It was a wild un-tamable thing, the ocean, and almost mystical. It could capture a man's heart like the most beautiful woman, and tempt him into her grasp. He closed his eyes, and tried to conjure up the woman he had loved once, and still did, but had not seen for years. She was like the ocean, in many ways. Wild, free, spirited, pretty, and courageous with a feisty unpredictable nature that drew you to her. She was a lady of the sea, like him and he longed to see her again. That was hardly a possible wish though, for several years before they had marooned her on an island, and he wondered if she were even alive. It hadn't been his wish to abandon her, but he had hardly any say in her fate. It had been up to the Captain to decide and he had made his decision, unwilling to go back on it.

A sudden shout from the crew on the main deck brought him from his reminiscing and back into reality. The wharf at Vayond had come into view, and the sailor's spirits had risen to a cheer at seeing it. He left the helm, a smiling breaking across his lips, as he began to shout orders among the men to prepare for docking.


Quill had joined the other bandits at the fire, warming up her cool fingers. She loathed the amount of air her tattered costume let touch her skin, and told herself she would change as soon as she had eaten. Their catch was safely locked in the pit, and she look forward to a full nights rest.

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Lady Shyanne/Madam Sephora/Evewen

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jan 06, 2011 5:55 pm

Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Shyanne leaned her head against the dirt wall. Her hair was still partially braided, the curls locking the plaits together. "Tell me about the Hunters. I've never heard them mentioned until I met you. I'm afraid curiosity is getting the best of me."


Sephora looked up as her daughter opened the door and walked out. "Don't slam the door!" Her command came too late and Evewen did slam th door. Something beside the door fell, but Sephora left it. She would return it to it's proper place when she finished the letter.


Evewen sat down by the fire and threw a few twigs into it. Tristan and Quill joined her soon and she said, "My mother is sending me on a fool's errand. I'll be gone the whole season trying to track down Shyanne's father!"
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