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Ditto Fountain I

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 22, 2009 8:11 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

((narnianerd, the reason we don't have shoes (or why I didn't have any shoes) is because I had just gotten out of bed when I went to my computer. Since I don't sleep with my shoes on, I didn't have any shoes. ;) I'm just glad I got dressed into real clothes before I went to the computer! :P))

"Oh um, could we get the water to go?" I asked Kari, thinking it sounded pretty ridiculous, but feeling bad for ditching her so soon.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bookwyrm » Sep 22, 2009 11:15 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

"Well, I happen to think Katie Navy Blue is a pretty name," Miss Lucinda said, beaming down at the little girl.

The two walked along for a little while and then Miss Lucinda came to a halt at a small, cozy-looking cottage painted a light yellow color. There were a flowers neatly arranged in small flowerbeds scattered throughout the tiny yard. A few cats roamed around, but scattered when they spotted the newly arrived duo.

"Here it is! My humble abode. Come inside, come inside! I can't wait to show you everything, dearie. I hope you like it," Miss Lucinda exclaimed, skipping up the sidewalk to the front door of the house. The door swung open as Miss Lucinda neared it and she disappeared inside.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Sep 23, 2009 6:30 am

A Funny Thing Happened

"Oh yeah, sure!" Kari said, darting behind the counter and pouring their waters into to-go cups. "Where are you all off to?" She asked conversationally. Her quick hands put the full to-go cups on the counter as she finished each transfer.

I took a cup.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 23, 2009 6:47 am

A Funny Thing

((Nerd, same reason as Ryan. I was inside. On carpet. No shoes in our house. Thus....))

Nerd fiddled with a squirt gun or something, so I pointed to it. "What's that?" I asked him, nodding.


Annika reached up and stroked his velvety nose. He lifted his head against the pressure. "Is he..." she said nervously. "Gelded?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 24, 2009 11:54 am

Caden just shrugged "As far as I know... no" he climbed on the horse "I found him as a one year old colt in the woods soon after I was banished, we kinda grew up together"
A funny Thing
I looked up from inspecting my gun and said "I was out hunting squirrels with Sarg ok? Then I went back to the house put Sarg in his stable and got on NW, without taking my hunting cloths off" for the first time I noticed I reeked like skinned squirrel "Oh great"
((I'm editing my back story thingy cause I didn't understand how I was supposed to get to ditto town I'll edit all my posts to))
The Aftermath
Mathew looked at his sun dial "You have around two hours, here I'll come with you. I need to inspect the new recruits anyways" he stood up and hooked his sword to his belt.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 24, 2009 5:08 pm

The Aftermath
"Alright." Ellie said back cheerfully. She was glad she didn't have to go to her duties just yet. "But I'll have to go grab my things quick." she said as she got up out of the chair. She hadn't had time to stop in her quarters this morning to grab her things before she had gone to Matthew's office. "It's on the way though, so it shouldn't be much trouble."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 24, 2009 5:40 pm

The Aftermath
"It wouldn't have been a bother anyways, anything to get me out of this hole" he slammed his log book and walked towards the door "let go" when they got to Ellie's room and she went inside Mathew waited outside as John walked by "Hello Matt" the Prince said and Mathew replied
"How was your night?"
"where you going"
"Me and Ellie are heading down to the training fields, she forgot her wepons in her room"
"Say I havn't been down there in while and I have nothing to do, mind if I join you"
"well I couldn't say no"
You see Mathew and John were like John had once said "Brothers, all but in blood"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 25, 2009 8:51 am

The Aftermath
Ellie and Matt paused outside Ellie's room while she opened the door and slipped inside. She grabbed her sword from where it hung, but debated whether or not to bring her bow and quiver. She drew her knives from the scabbards in the back, but figured she could always grab her bow later if she needed it when she was on duty, so she left it on her bed. She wrapped her belt around her waist, and added the knives to the special scabbards opposite the sword side of her belt. She was attaching her sword while she walked towards the door, and heard Matt talking to John about joining them. For such a restless night, this was turning out to be a pretty good day. "Hi John," she greeted him cheerfully when she walked out the door. "How are you?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 26, 2009 10:09 am


"So how old is he now?" she challenged Caden, raising an eyebrow.


A Funny Thing

"And that's legal to carry a gun around and shoot squirrels?" I asked carefully, partly because a) after all, he DID have the gun and (b)If NarniaWeb forum rules applied here, I had to be polite.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 26, 2009 10:29 am

Funny Thing
I shrugged "In my state it is" I pulled out my lisence "You do have to he one of these though" I waved the slip over paper in front of her nose, this girl was begining to become annoying ((JK!))

HamelinCaden thought for a moment "Around seven" he said after a few moments of thought "All this dithering won't help, you either trust me or you don't, but I'm still going with you. My brother's with them"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 26, 2009 11:25 am

A (Slightly) More Normal Life

"Cor," Katie said, her eyes widening as she took in the house. "This 'ere's a nice 'ouse, Miss Lucinda." She skipped up to the door and peered inside, grinning.

"I never seen such loverly flowers." She gestured to the flowerbeds outside as she stepped into the house.


Jakov stepped forward with a slight frown, looking from the Autobot to Chase and back again.

"What's this about the Ditto Metru?" he asked, curious to know where and what it was. And if Maria Sanchez lived there . . .


A Funny Thing Happened

"Just to the Realms bookstore," I said to Kari, taking my cup with a grateful smile and sucking on the straw for a few seconds. The water was cool and refreshing, the best I had ever tasted.

"Thanks for the waters," I added, turning then to look expectantly up at Drake.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 26, 2009 12:44 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

"You'll give me a paper cut!" I exclaimed, pushing the sheet of paper he was waving in my face away. I took a sip of the water Kari has given us, and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't gross. And.... it was pretty real. Which once again reminded me this wasn't a dream.

"So Sarg is your horse?" I said, playing with my hair tie.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Sep 26, 2009 12:48 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

"Yeah, thanks!" I said, daintily sipping at my water and then downing it in not-so-dainty gulps. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was. Looking at Drake and Cordelia, I waited to leave along with everyone else.

Kari frowned as she filled the last to-go cup. "I thought it was closed today." She looked curiously at Drake and then at the strangers.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Arwenel » Sep 26, 2009 6:22 pm


Olivia shifted her weight uneasily. "You don't have a problem with him coming, do you Annie?" she asked in a low voice. "We could use another person; particularly one who knows about living in the woods."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby zlcva » Sep 27, 2009 7:59 am

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Solarflare looked down at Jakov, not sure whether or not he should be annoyed by his eavesdropping. He decided not to.

"We're heading over there," he said. "Why do you ask?"


"Our future?" Warpath asked incredulously. "What, y'all are time travelers?"

"Ah, no," Bursa said, a little disappointed that the Autobot didn't get it. "We're the next generation of Transformers. In Cybertron's ongoing efforts to conserve energon, a new upgrade program has been introduced. We are the products of that program. We are more fuel-efficient than Autobot chassis, an are capable of taking on organic alternate modes. We are the Maximals."

"Um, 'k," Warpath said, still a little uncertain. "So, you're like Micromasters, then?"

"Absolutely not!" Truffler exclaimed in a wounded tone. "Our technology is hecka better than that!"

"Calm down, Truffler," Bursa said firmly. "Actually, Warpath, the Maximal Upgrade does have similar goals as the Micromaster Program. But, as Truffler so crudely put, ours is much improved over those old methods."

"I see," Warpath said in a tone that left some doubt as to how much he did see. "So... what brings you here, exactly?"

"Why, the Upgrade, of course," Bursa said. "It's been mandated by the Autobot High Council that all Transformers are to be upgraded. We've come to upgrade all of you."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 27, 2009 2:41 pm


"No, no, that's fine," Annika said, shaking her head. "Sorry. You're right."

"I'm just...tired," she tried, looking at her friend, then back to Caden.

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