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Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 16, 2010 4:02 pm
by Rising_Star
General Information

Character Name: Countess Valentina Bellona Caprica
Character Nicknames or Titles: Lady Valentina, Lady Caprica, or simply Val (but only to a very select few)
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Humanoid
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/blue
Weight/Height: lean and muscular (as in, very fit)/5'7" (5'9" in her stiletto boots)
Distinct Markings: rune tattoos all over her body
Clothes and Other Accessories: black leather unisuits with black stiletto boots and weapons belt
Weapons: various throwing knives, some on her belt, some hidden elsewhere on her person
Armor: the leather is made out of special material that stops most weapons, excluding lightsabers and close-range blaster fire

Residence: Rasior de Lune
Occupation: Lieutenant for Le Loup Noir
Mode of Transportation: various commandeered vehicles
Overall Personality: Calculating, cold, resolved, driven, calm, cool, collected
Personality Flaws: has a hard time showing emotion of any kind, thinks feelings are for the weak
Likes/Dislikes:getting the job done/lollygagging
Long-term Goals: unknown
Skills: fighting, flying, some martial arts
Magic Skills: telekinesis and slight telepathy

Family: all dead
Friends: Jamison, more or less
Enemies: Anyone who gets in her way mainly

Short History: Valentina was hired by Le Loup Noir as a fellow bounty hunter to find a Sith Artifact. He made her a Lieutenant and put her in charge of her own small squad of soldiers. Despite this, he rarely speaks to her or gives her orders of any kind. Many wonder about the Captain's intentions in hiring her, though she pulls her own weight without complaint and has made herself and invaluable part of the ship's crew.

Stories Character has been in: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum



Concord Edan Aduviri

PostPosted: Apr 19, 2010 10:43 pm
by Elsendor

General Information

Character Name: Concord Edan Aduviri
Character Nicknames or Titles: Connor, Aiden
Screen Name of Author: Elsendor

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Part human, part fey
Hair: Black, streaked with cobalt blue. Short, shorter on the sides, flopping from a center part and partially covering his forehead
Eyes: Blue, greyish when he is upset or afraid, flecked with silver when he is angry. Rather large for his face and slanted slightly downwards, giving him an exotic appearance.
Weight/Height: 112 lbs, 5’3”
Distinct Markings: Scars adorn his entire body, apparently made by a knife or razor. Arcane forms and runes tangle themselves in his skin, shocking, yet intricate and subtly beautiful. An ornate butterfly’s wing spreads over the left side of his face, a cruel scar but with blue and white colouring tattooed within the thin lines to disguise the scar as a tattoo itself. The back of his left hand, his right palm, and several other points bear Gaelic words inlaid with very thin silver wire that moves with his skin. His features are distinctly exotic, not so terrifyingly beautiful as a pure fey, but not quite human either. His ears are the telltale feature, long and tapered to gentle points. Two dragon wings, obsidian with cobalt blue lining, extend from his back; they can recede into his skin, becoming instead an odd tattoo.
Clothes and Other Accessories: A print T-shirt over a long-sleeved one, oversized blue or black jeans, a black hoodie patterned in blue, and black Converse All-star chucks. Sometimes he wears a more formal dress shirt over his generic T-shirt. He is seldom seen without his very old iPod classic and blackout headphones. He is never seen without a slender silver chain around his neck, holding a small glass pendant with a forget-me-not preserved inside.
Weapons: A remarkable way with words, a recurve bow that is not originally meant for killing people (which he uses with great skill), and three knives (which are purely for intimidation).
Armor: A tendency to retreat inside himself

Residence: None yet
Occupation: None yet
Mode of Transportation: Bus, hitchhiking, by foot
Overall Personality: Concord’s personality is an odd blending of bitter cynicism and clueless innocence. He is a coward, easily knuckling under pain or threat of pain, yet his intentions are true. Selfishness is instinct for him, bred by three years of self-preservation. The existence of others often fails to factor into his thinking, not out of maliciousness but because simple neglect. He is usually well-meaning, but he is impetuous like many a teenager and emotionally very unstable. He is unreliable and unpredictable, and has much growing to do. There is tremendous guilt riding him down, for having left his younger sister in his father’s clutches...
Hobbies: Horseback riding (when he is lucky enough), writing, reading.
Likes: Music, reading, horses, his drug addiction.
Dislikes: His father, pain, his drug addiction.
Skills: He is a very skilled archer, though the recurve bow he owns is technically meant only for sport. Horseback riding is as innate as breathing to him, even though he has not had a lesson since he was eleven. His best skill, however, is with words; he can capture a fleeting sentiment or an unspoken longing with an aptitude rarely seen in one so young. He is also a natural liar, his lies indistinguishable from truth.
Flaws: Concord is addicted to three different drugs and dabbles with a fourth (Not going in detail here as I don’t think it falls under G – PG). He struggles with depression and isolates himself too much. Yet at the same time he is remarkably naïve and impressionable. He is also extremely vulnerable to pain—rather than having a higher tolerance for it as a result of his past, he has a very low threshold for pain and is easily swayed by torture or even threats of it. He has very bad wrists and almost always wears braces for support; if he overstrains them they go dead and useless for hours or even days.
Long-term Goals: Escape his father, live up to his mother’s memory, and find his own place in the world.
Magic Skills: None which he has discovered yet, however he will later begin to discover certain abilities. He has inherited much of the power of his mother’s ancestors, a particular strain of ice fey closely tied with light. He can lower the temperature around him within about a thirty-foot radius and manipulate ice, skills common to winter fey. His particular strain, the Auroel, is specially known to create mirrors and prisms out of ice in order to manipulate light in any way they like. He can attract light to himself and even produce it in small amounts, though the latter comes at a great cost to his own energy. Under the Northern Lights the Auroel’s power is at their height. From his father’s distant ancestors, the dark fey, he has a subtle ability to hide in shadows, but any greater dark fey abilities are beyond him as he shares little blood with that strain.

Family: His father
Friends: None yet
Enemies: His father
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None yet
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None yet

Short History: His father was of Welsh descent with a smattering of fey in his blood, his mother half fey, half human of Irish and Native American background, and both were artists. Concord rarely saw his father, who loved his mother to distraction but loved his extravagant, ephemeral art projects even more. His mother was quieter and more subdued, but had a wild spirit and imagination that flew with eagles, ran with horses, and hunted with wolves. She raised Concord and his little sister, Lexington, to follow their dreams and spoiled them shamefully until her death, protecting Concord in train accident that occurred when he was eleven. His father blamed him for the incident and in revenge, used him as the medium for his next series of artistic ventures, never allowing him to see his sister but using her as a pawn to manipulate Concord. For three years his father worked wonders with a razor in his flesh, taking months between to let the scars fade and then starting anew. The abuse broke him, and shortly after he turned fourteen he attempted to kill his tormentor. His father, enraged, got high on drugs and then proceeded to work his most masterful piece ever, gouging arcane symbols and breathtaking forms into the boy’s body and showing no mercy even when he fainted from blood loss. In his anger he left Concord in front of an orphanage; three months later he returned to take him back, and seeing him, Concord fled. He hitchhiked his way through the Midwest, intending to escape to some place where his father could never find him again. At some point he accidentally crossed through a chink in the world that landed him in Ditto Town… (This was originally a whole Word page long—I couldn’t get it any shorter than this. I’m rather afraid it may be overstepping the G - PG standards… Mods, please let me know if I should understate further)

Stories Character has been in: None yet

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 20, 2010 12:44 pm
by Rising_Star
General Information

Character Name: Unknown
Character Nicknames or Titles: Raphael (named for the Angel of Healing)
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: Unknown, stuck at 15
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown/dark brown
Weight/Height: slender/5’5”
Distinct Markings: fangs when he’s thirsty
Clothes and Other Accessories: black normal casual
Weapons: none

Residence: no fixed location
Occupation: Coven leader
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: suave, charismatic, patient, deceptively calm, has a sense of humor
Personality Flaws: deadly
Likes/Dislikes: vampires, half-demons, Unnaturals/mundanes, sunlight, silver, wooden stakes, crosses, holy water, etc.
Long-term Goals: to rid Ditto Town of all mundanes and create a haven for Unnaturals
Skills: super-speed, super-strength, martial arts

Family: his coven, believes all fellow Unnaturals are family and calls them all “brother” or “sister”
Enemies: anyone who stands against him and his goal
Sidekicks: Mihael (more or less)

Short History: Not much is known about Raphael’s background. His real name is unknown, but he calls himself “Raphael” after the Angel of Healing because he believes he will bring healing to his family (the persecuted Unnaturals). It isn’t wise to underestimate him.

Stories Character has been in: Unilluminated


General Information

Character Name: Unknown
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mihael (named for the Angel of Loyalty)
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: stuck at 16, has walked this earth 348 years
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/brown
Weight/Height: lean/5’8”
Distinct Markings: freckles/moles on his face and neck, fangs when he’s thirsty
Clothes and Other Accessories: black mostly, in obvious mimicry of Raphael
Weapons: none

Residence: no fixed location
Occupation: part of Raphael’s coven
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: fiercely protective of all coven members, especially Raphael; eager to please, serious, loyal
Personality Flaws: somewhat hot-headed, can be impatient
Likes/Dislikes: Raphael, his leader and best friend, his coven family/mundanes, wooden stakes, silver, holy water, crosses, sunlight, etc.
Long-term Goals: to ensure Raphael’s safety, always
Skills: super-strength, super-speed, martial arts

Family: his coven
Friends: Raphael
Enemies: any enemy of Raphael’s
Characters to whom yours is a sidekick: Raphael

Short History: Mihael’s real name is unknown. Raphael gave him the name of “Mihael” after he sired the boy, observing Mihael’s fierce loyalty to him. Mihael never speaks of his past. Raphael seems to know the younger vampire’s background, but doesn’t divulge any information on inquisitors.

Stories Character has been in: Unilluminated


General Information

Character Name: Sofia le Fay
Character Nicknames or Titles: Le Fay, Sofe (pronounced “soh-f”), but only by Raphael
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: 200
Gender: Female
Species: Sorceress/Inventor
Hair/Eye Colors: black/green
Weight/Height: curvaceous/5’6”
Distinct Markings: tattoo of snakes curling up her forearms that actually slither up around her arms and back again
Clothes and Other Accessories: black slacks with black boots, some dark colored blouse under a black leather jacket
Weapons: aside from a dagger, her spells

Residence: no fixed location
Occupation: part of Raphael’s coven
Mode of Transportation: feet, teleportation
Overall Personality: although she’s haughty, prideful, contemptuous, and dainty, she’s very loyal; she also gets frustrated when her "clever" and "revolutionary" inventions go wrong
Likes/Dislikes: turning unlucky victims into various little critters, Raphael, research, science/mundanes
Long-term Goals: unknown
Skills: myriad of special potions do separate things that she uses for either personal use or to distribute among other Unnaturals
Magic Skills: incantations can control parts of nature to use either as weapons or for positive purposes

Family: Raphael’s coven
Friends: few
Enemies: many

Short History: Sofia joined Raphael’s coven as a sort of doctor/scientist. She was drawn in by the promise of good care and a house of her own once they purge Ditto Town of mundanes.

Stories Character has been in: Unilluminated


General Information

Character Name: Tala
Character Nicknames or Titles: none
Screen Name of Author: Rising_Star

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Hair/Eye Colors: blonde/blue
Weight/Height: thin/5’5”
Distinct Markings: various scars
Clothes and Other Accessories: tattered and dirty jeans and t-shirt
Weapons: none

Residence: no fixed location
Occupation: prisoner/pet of Raphael’s coven
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: withdrawn, feral, distrustful, savage
Likes/Dislikes: not much/everything
Long-term Goals: to be free
Skills: super-strength and speed when transformed

Family: dead
Friends: none
Enemies: vampires

Short History: Tala was caught trying to assassinate Raphael one night while the coven was camped in an abandoned hotel, waiting out the sunlight. Mihael wanted to kill her, but Raphael forbade the killing of a fellow Unnatural, claiming she was “family.” However, they do keep her chained up as she has tried to kill Raphael several times since.

Stories Character has been in: Unilluminated



Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 20, 2010 5:59 pm
by lover of narnia
General Information

Character Name: Ilna Violet Casper
Character Nicknames or Titles: Il
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Witch/werewolf
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown straight/ blue
Weight/Height: slender 115 pounds/ 5'1
Distinct Markings: a thin scar on the bank of her neck, hidden by her hair
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual clothes, jeans and a T-shirt. Also her tavern dress, which is a faded black and white. Aside from those her wardrobe is made up of normal pieces./ A violin. She calls it "Violine" or enchanting song. It is something she will never part with. It's made of cherry oak, with a slick finish and wrote carved designs.

Weapons: No more than her violin and magic. No other weapon suits her

Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Nothing permanent. Stays in a shabby apartment currently.
Occupation: Violinist, tavern maid
Mode of Transportation: Walking
Overall Personality: Snappy and quiet, with a edge of sharp temper, hiding her inner skill. She neither trusts, nor likes any humans, but trusting anyone was not something she normally does, unnatural or natural. Plus her ability to use magic often makes people uncomfortable around her
Personality Flaws: Snappy, with a temper. Plus her un-trust worthy attitude and unfriendly harshness towards many people gets her know friends, which means she live most of her days in isolation.
Hobbies: Violin playing and poetry. When she is alone a different person emerges
Likes/Dislikes: Music, quiet, sunlight, magic and practicing her spells, singing/ humans, naturals,
Long-term Goals: None really. She isn't sure what her place in life is
Skills: Magic and Violin playing, singing
Magic Skills: General. Magic has always come naturally once she discovered she was a witch and could use it. Her most favorite is enchanting unknowing victims, and putting them into sleep. She has learned cause of harsh and grueling studying many of the spells and abilities she has. All the way from death magic, to healing magic she can do.

Family: None. Her Mother and Father died when she was quite young
Friends: None
Enemies: A handful or so
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A goldfish
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Ilna's Mother and Father died when she was five, and she was unfortunately not blessed with any other relatives or siblings. Her Father was a night werewolf and her Mother a witch. Because of their marriage some considered them an abomination and some even believed they were murdered not 'accidentally killed'. Though, no matter how strange it may seem she grew up almost completely like her Mother. Very few traits from her father were ever inherited. She has a beautiful voice and sharp pointy fingers nails, but other than these she is a full witch. She learned many things, and got a job when she was 14 as a maid in a house. But there she was treated horribly and ended up leaving landing a job was a tavern maid when she was 18. She has worked there since, living in a run down apartment building near by. She learned about her magic one day when she was fifteen when she accidentally killed a young boy in the forest. He had touched and played her sacred violin. In anger she had yelled at him and uttered a gibberish that, at that time had even been strange to her. Then, magic and come from her and struck him down. Then, realizing what she had done, she had rushed to his side and held him tenderly in his arms. He died speaking her name. Since then she has avoided any over exposure to naturals, or any humans of any kind. She has kept the fact that she is a witch a secret, since she knows that unnaturals are persecuted much in the land. She doesn't much enjoy her current job, but it is the thing keeping her living.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
none yet....but hopes to someday be in UI.

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: The Golden Ring
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) drinks and food...some shabby upstairs rooms
Manager and Employee Names: Dirk her manager is made of money. Besides him and her there is many other employees.


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 21, 2010 6:15 am
by narnianerd
General Information

Character Name: Reagan Firelight
Character Nicknames or Titles: N/A
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 150 looks 18
Gender: male
Species: elf
Hair/Eye Colours: Brown, Brown
Weight/Height: 150/5’6
Distinct Markings: None
Weapons: .45 colt revolver, small throwing knifes.
Armour: N/A

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Wherever his coven goes
Occupation: part of Raphael’s coven
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: Quiet, insecure but masks this around others, loyal, kind, brave, gentle
Personality Flaws: He takes orders way to willingly without questioning there correctness
Hobbies: Attempting his hardest to get along with vampires?
Likes/Dislikes: Raphael coven, Unnaturals / humans in general
Long-term Goals: To live a live devoid of running from humans
Skills: excellent sniper, martial arts, politics, all elves seem to have a knack for politics.
Magic Skills: He is a keeper of minor dragons which of course grants him magic skills, but yet unrefined, lacking training in the art the magic is prone to go a little haywire

Family: The son of Desperado
Friends: Anyone who is part of Raphael’s coven, unnaturals
Enemies: Humans
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: he has four minor dragons: Dandle, scales: Green, Power: Healing. Aden scales: Blue, power: Photo graphical memory, Zac, scales: Red, power: Fire, Jetta, Scales: Purple, power: laughter
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Raphael

Short History: After his father was captured he began to realise he had been passed down a portion of his power. This manifested its self in the discovery of his first egg; Zac. Soon enough however the city was ransacked and he was forced to flee, when he found Raphael and his coven he joined simply because he needed a place to stay. After that he found a stash of four eggs, one is still in its shell but the other four are out.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion role-play, Fountain
role-play, and Ditto Story numbers): Unilluminated


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 22, 2010 11:27 am
by lover of narnia
General Information

Character Name: Rilan Riskar Torn
Character Nicknames or Titles: Ril
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Hair/Eye Colors: Longer black/ Redish black
Weight/Height: thin 130 pounds/ 5'10
Distinct Markings: A scar that runs from the middle of his right cheek down to his jaw bone
Clothes and Other Accessories: A rumpled, dirty black T-shirt, that he has worn for as long as he can remember. It has various small rips, and stains of blood, and other things. Also, a pair of faded blue jeans, that are cut at the knees.

Weapons: fangs, hands
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A small, uncomfortable, cruel, cage. His left wrist and write ankle are chained securely to the bars forcing him to stay there almost unable to move. He is generally kept in a dark, cool room, in a forgotten part of his master's manor. But on occasion, he is taken out though usually only in the day to prevent his running away.

Occupation: A pet, used for entertainment and often being tormented by his master

Mode of Transportation: Walking when he can, but he is often too weak from lack of blood.

Overall Personality: Quiet and viscous, was a constant desire for blood and freedom. His imprisonment has taught him to hate and distrust all humans and naturals, making him angry and mean toward them. He is relativity silent when left be, and has a high tolerance for pain. Pain inflicted as long it is not done by lethal silver. His afraid of only two things, and is stubborn and brave.

Personality Flaws: Viscous, un-trust worthy. He would betray anyone for his freedom.

Hobbies: Sucking blood

Likes/Dislikes: Blood, fresh hair, darkness, moonlight, freedom, walking, quiet, peace, to be left alone,black, others like him/ his master, wooden stakes, silver, sunlight, cages, chains, humans, naturals, elves, dragons

Long-term Goals: To escape, and taste the winds of freedom again

Skills: Biting, running

Magic Skills: None

Family: None

Friends: Very few. Those of who which call him friend are those who simply use him

Enemies: His master, his master's servants, guests, and friends. They all mock him. Also humans, vampire slayers, naturals, elves, dragons

Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: For the last three years, he's been kept as a prisoner. No friends....only fear, anger and humans. He was captured when he was twenty, and taken to a manor house where instead of killing him, the master of the manor had locked him in a cage, for entertainment. Since then that is where he has been...and not much is none about his past. Who is family was, or where he used to live. They all no him as that vampire in the dark. The one kept in the cage in the backroom. They know him as a viscous killer with no heart or fears, and just the desire to suck blood. But what he truly is has been locked up for years. He is afraid, and tormented and angry. He hates humans, and has sworn he will someday escape. Until then he was still contained, mocked by humans and abused by naturals. Just until his day of freedom comes...

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
None yet. But hopes to be in UI soon

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A



General Information

Character Name: Trianna Marie Troy
Character Nicknames or Titles: Anna, Triane,
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/ Brown
Weight/Height: 125 pounds/ 5'4
Distinct Markings: None

Clothes and Other Accessories: A pink summer dress, with silver designs and lacing. Also casual, which consists of studded blue jeans and halter top shirts. Usually in shades of, yellow, pink or green. She also has a wool cloak, and various skirts and dressed. Along with shoes to math each set.

Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A manor house on the outskirts of a city.
Occupation: Daughter
Mode of Transportation: Walking, Riding in a carriage, or on a horses back

Overall Personality: Kind but slightly full of herself. She can be snobby when annoyed but she is mostly nice. She keeps to herself mostly, but when a subject she enjoys is brought up she can talk the night away. A very sensitive person her mood can be darkened easily, but on of the things that makes her upset the most is when she hears of unnaturals being abused. Her Dad often brings homes stories of such cases. She has great pity for orphans for she was once one.

Personality Flaws: Sensitive, snobby, arrogant

Hobbies: Sewing, riding, playing piano, reading books and writing poems. Studying Lore and History

Likes/Dislikes: History, riding, reading, writing, playing piano, flowers, colors; pink, yellow, and green, roses and geraniums, she also has a fascination for unnaturals which she keeps hidden from everyone else/ persecution of unnaturals, blood, dirty clothing, shabby houses, violence, boyfriends,

Long-term Goals: To someday find what her hearts desires. She is never sure what this feeling, nagging at her heart day in day out is. But whatever it may be, she is determined to quench the desire. Another thing that sometimes bothers her, though she has mostly forgotten about is her real parents....

Skills: Sewing and playing instruments.
Magic Skills: none

Family: Her Father Dirk, Her Brother Carter
Friends: Her dog 'Scruffy'
Enemies: A few for which she doesn't name
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: 'Scruffy' a Jack Russel Terrier
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: No one knows who Trianna's real parents are, since she could remember she had been in the orphanage. That had been until she was six, when the wealthy Troy family came to adopt after's Mrs. Troy's death. They had taken her in and given her the name of Troy. Over they years she almost completely forgot about her past, or really that she had ever been an orphan. Dirk and Carter are her 'family'. She has grown up to be a fine woman, but has many secrets including her inner sympathies for unnaturals; the not human creatures that roam the land. She has much knowledge on the lore and history of not only the land but these strange beings and desires to someday meet one. She has also a passion for old things and learning of the past. She is very close to her brother, and confides in him often. She is also not very fond over her Father's great hate for they unnaturals. The reason for his great malice toward them is that when Trianna was 10 she was almost killed by one in her sleep. This vampire, had been caught by her father's hunters the next day and disappeared never to be seen again. But before he was killed, or 'deposed of' Trianna had gone to seen him where her Father had kept him bound in the basement. Though this man had tried to kill her, she hadn't been afraid but curious. She had stared at him for hours and actually grown found of his pale skin and red eyes, when her Father's men had come and taken him away. Since then she has always like.... unnaturals.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
None yet, but hopes to soon be in UI

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A



General Information

Character Name: Dirk Thomas Troy
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mr. Troy, Dirk, Tom
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 49
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black/ light brown
Weight/Height: 200 pounds/ 6'3
Distinct Markings: A scar on his jaw
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual clothing, jeans, T-shirts and sweaters. For special occasions; suits, ties and pressed pants.
Weapons: Revolver, fists
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) His Manor house near they edge of Town
Occupation: Lord, unnatural hunter
Mode of Transportation: Car, horse, feet
Overall Personality: Protective and strong, with a slight higher posture because of his birth. He's stern and bossy at times, but usually knows best and can help in many situations. He is knowledgeable, but in a fight anger often blinds him to facts and information. He is a do it now, talking later type of guy. His love for his family, and his desire to keep them safe makes him a good Father and a natural born leader

Personality Flaws: Bossy, angry, stern,
Hobbies: Hunting, riding
Likes/Dislikes: His family, horses, hunting, friends, humans, stories, pictures, stars, rest, Margaret, being a father, rules and laws, peace, guns, justice, common sense, solutions / unnaturals, killers, freedom for un-human creatures, threats, stupidity, questions unanswered,
Long-term Goals: To someday see the world rid of all un-humans and any who would threaten his family
Skills: Hunting, talking, fathering
Magic Skills:

Family: Trianne his daughter, Carter his son, and his dead wife Margaret
Friends: A few
Enemies: A handfuf
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: 'Scruffy'
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Dirk was born to Lady Micheal and Lord Derek in a quiet cottage on the edge of a town. Though he was born in this quaint surrounding, he grew up in his grandfather's manor, and was schooled and learned by him. He barely knew his Father, who abandoned him and his Mother when he was two, and left her, weak and frail from his birth all alone to care for the boy. She then took him to his Grandfather's and that is where he grew up. He was taught everything he needed there, and finished his education when he was 17. After this, his grandfather gave him a portion of money and a vehicle and Dirk set out in the world to find a wife and build a fortune. 4 years after he left, both his Grandfather and Mother, died, forcing him to return and take up residence and ownership if his estate. 2 years later he married Margaret Lailen. They were happily wed and lived together in his large house. A few years past, and they had a son, and named him Carter. But because of weakness his beloved Margaret fell ill and died on his young son's first birthday. When carter was two Dirk decided he needed a sibling, someone to play with. So they adopted Trianna. They were schooled and taught just like he had been.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
None yet but hopes to someday be in UI

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A



General Information

Character Name: Carter Lelined Toy
Character Nicknames or Titles: Carter Le, Cart
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blondish light brown/ blue
Weight/Height: 170 pounds/ 5'10
Distinct Markings:
Clothes and Other Accessories:
Weapons: Guns, usually small handguns and concealable weapons such as revolvers.
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) His Father's manor house.
Occupation: Son
Mode of Transportation: Car, walking, riding

Overall Personality: Kind and quiet, considerate and comforting. He is also protective of his family, especially his sisters who he's closest too. He's slightly prejudice against unnaturals, knowing they are unlike him and tried to kill Trianna once before. He is more likely to talk before rushing into a situation, and less likely to kill if their is an option of showing mercy. He's strong and courageous, with a good heart and a desire for all criminals to be brought to Justice. He believes that someday the humans and unnaturals can live together in peace

Personality Flaws: Slow to act, prejudice
Hobbies: Writing and riding, along with going on hunting trips with his father, and playing the violin.
Likes/Dislikes: Violins, horses, cars, writing, music, peace, justice, work done honestly, pictures, his father and his sister/ injustice, unnaturals who are violent, dishonesty, arrogance, full moons, drinking
Long-term Goals: To someday leave his Father's manor and get an honest job, working for his money instead of getting it freely
Skills: Writing, Hunting, Riding, playing the violin
Magic Skills: None

Family: His sister Trianna, his Father Dirk, His dead Mother Margaret
Friends: A few buddies that go one hunting trips with him and his Father
Enemies: None that he knows of....but many that are behind his back
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: 'Scruffy' his sister's Jack Russel Terrier
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Carter was the first and last child born to Lady Margaret and Lord Dirk. A year after his birth his Mother passed away, and he was left alone with his father and servants. When he was 6, his Father took him to an orphanage where they adopted a little girl. Trianna. Since that day Carter and Trianna grew up together and became close. They confide in each other and share basically the same interests, except Carter detests old lore and books while Trianna always has her face buried in one old manuscript, or another. Carter loves horses, and seems to have an unusual way with them. He has they strange ability to tell their emotions through body language...what their feelings are, and their current mood. While his Father passes it off as a gift, his younger sister, Trianna, thinks other wise. While Carter is always open to new things and suggestions, he is unwilling to believe Trianna's hunch that his Mother Margaret was part unnatural and his father never knew. He has finished studying and currently lives at his Father's manor, training and riding horses. He also rents them and sells them to other people, as kind of a, 'family profit'. His dream is to someday leave they comforting walls of his home, and go into the world to find honest work and a good steady pay. Maybe even marry, as his Father is pushing constantly for him to do. Right now though, leaving is a mixed emotion and he waits patiently for the day to come when it will feel right to leave.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Not yet....but hope to be in UI soon

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Apr 27, 2010 4:40 pm
by Bookwyrm
General Information

Character Name: Beatrice Ares
Character Nicknames or Titles: Slayer
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Slayer
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/blue
Weight/Height: Average/Short
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal girl stuff, nothing exceptionally frilly or overly dressy
Weapons: Knives, occasionally swords, stakes
Armor: None

Residence: Currently living in the Fountain Castaways Hostel
Occupation: Slayer
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Snarky, intelligent, resourceful.
Personality Flaws: Has difficulty trusting people, manipulative.
Hobbies: Learning how to be better at killing things
Long-term Goals:
Magic Skills: Bea has all the standard Slayer powers. Prophetic dreams, accelerated healing, increased agility and strength, vampire Spidey sense.

Family: None
Friends: The other Slayers
Enemies: Vampires and other forces of darkness
Pets, Sidekicks, etc. OR characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Beatrice was an average girl living in Poseidon, Florida, when Willow Rosenberg's spell transformed the world's potential Slayers into fully-fledged Slayers. Eventually she ended up with Giles' and Faith's group of Slayers. While there, a thief stole the Books of Ascension from Giles' possession. Bea was selected from the ranks of the Slayers to pursue the thief and recover the Books. A spell from Willow sent her on her way and she emerged from the Fountain in Ditto Town.

Stories Character has been in: A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

General Information

Character Name:
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Bookwyrm

Character Information

Gender: Male
Species: Cyborg
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/brown
Weight/Height: Tall/Average
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal clothes
Weapons: Assorted guns
Armor: none

Occupation: Terminator
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality:
Personality Flaws:
Long-term Goals:
Magic Skills:

Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History:

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A (Slightly) Less Normal Life


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: May 05, 2010 11:23 am
by PrinceCor004
General Information

Character Name: Marcus
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: Unknown, has been around for a while, though. Looks to be in his mid 20's
Gender: Male
Species: Warlock
Hair/Eye Colors: Black/Dark
Weight/Height: Well built/6'1
Distinct Markings: Tattoo of twin dragons on his palms. The dragon tails go up his lower arm and end around the elbow.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Semi casual clothes, carries around a pipe that the bowl is in the shape of a claw, a satchel with various bottles of potions and the like in it (most of them for defensive purposes or healing)
Weapons: A retractable metal walking stick/spear, various potions and magic.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) None
Occupation: Part of Raphael's coven
Mode of Transportation: Walking, sometimes public transportation if needed.
Overall Personality: Charming, smug,
Personality Flaws: See above
Hobbies: Creating new potions in his mock laboratory.
Likes/Dislikes: Fighting, women, good drink, learning new spells/humans.
Long-term Goals: None at the present.
Skills: Extremely strong, excellent hand-to-hand fighter, potion maker.
Magic Skills: Has mastered control over the basic elements (earth, wind, fire and water) and can control them for either good or ill, can levitate himself and/or others.

Family: Unknown
Friends: Some
Enemies: Many

Short History: Marcus joined Raphael's coven shortly after arriving in Ditto Town. The Warlock liked the idea of getting revenge on the humans, though he is not particularly loyal to Raphael or anyone for that matter.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

Marcus.jpg (76.93 KiB) Viewed 20944 times

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: May 07, 2010 1:34 pm
by Emylla
General Information

Character Name: Matt Ryan
Character Nicknames or Titles: Matt, wife sometimes calls him Matthew
Screen Name of Author: Emylla

Character Information

Age: 29
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown/ green
Weight/Height: 6'2, tall
Distinct Markings:
Clothes and Other Accessories: suit, tie, polished shoes/ briefcase
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc)
Occupation: news caster
Mode of Transportation: minivan
Overall Personality: loves his wife most compassionately, fears the Lord, politicians, finds joy when being with his wife and talking with the Lord, is patient with his wife, and other ppl he meets, he's kind to children, hates when ppl do the wrong thing to other ppl, trusts completely, you can also trust him as much as he trusts you,
Personality Flaws: gets angry when something happens and he could have prevented it,
Hobbies: riding, hunting,
Likes/Dislikes: likes young children, wife's homemade cooking/ look at personality flaw
Long-term Goals: having a TV channel of his own, lots of kids
Skills: talking with ease, making other ppl talk and be around ppl without being nerves
Magic Skills: none

Family: wife, Jesslyn, younger brother,
Friends: co-workers
Enemies: the 'bad guys'
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: grew up like any other kid, played football in highschool, married at 26, his first wife got shot by a thug in the street and died in the hospital, years later, met Jesslyn, married her, has a job as a news reporter, and that's where we are at the moment

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: none
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc)
Manager and Employee Names: none


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: May 12, 2010 8:07 pm
by pickle
General Information

Character Name: Sirius Telanor
Character Nickname(s) or Title(s): Pup (Sirius is the name of the “Dog Star” of summer)
Screen Name of Author: pickle

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair: Dirty blond, some call it brown
Eyes: Dark blue, almost purplish
Weight/Height: 126 lbs, 5’2”
Distinct Markings: Deep, Searching gaze
Clothes and Other Accessories: A simple tunic and pants, wears a large coat most of the time, always carries several bags full of objects such as: a telescope (always carries it with him), a tripod for his telescope (strapped to one of his bags), cooking ware (like Samwise Gamgee), some small jars (for catching and observing insects and small animals), etc.
Weapons: None, may acquire later
Armor: None, may acquire later

Residence: None (yet)
Occupation: Tanner's apprentice
Mode of Transportation: Walking, sometimes horseback or something similar
Hobbies: Stargazing, growing plants, befriending and observing animals
Likes: The open sky (especially at night), plants, animals, nature in general
Dislikes: Cloudy skies (NOT clouds themselves), grows rather quiet when it is overcast), bell peppers
Skills: Outdoor skills such as: making fire, constructing a tent out of sticks, branches, leaves, etc., climbing trees, swimming, very fast

Family: Father, mother, one brother (I might make a character out of him,too), all good and loving
Friends: Brother, animals
Enemies: None (yet)
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Jaegar, a wild tiger that he found injured but nursed back to health
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None (yet)

Short History: On the night he was born, his mother was surrounded by wolves, and would not run away when his father tired to scare them. As they began to close in, a stray dog leapt out of the darkness and placed itself between Sirius’s (though he had not yet been named) mother and the wolves. Enraged, they attacked the dog, and in the chaos that ensued, Sirius’s mother escaped unharmed. When she lifted her head to give a prayer of thanks, she perceived the star Sirius, which is called the “Dog Star”, and she named her son in honor of the dog that saved her.
When he grew older, Sirius heard the story of the dog that rescued him, and his mother taught him about many things, including plants and animals, which he grew to love. He was also intrigued by the constellations, and he eventually built his own telescope, which he now always has with him. Sirius also found that he has quite a talent for cooking, so he carries a few small pots to experiment with recipes.

Stories character has been in: None (yet)

Hi Elsendor! :D

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: May 14, 2010 3:53 pm
by Warrior Of Narnia
General Information

Character Name: Ace
Character Nicknames or Titles: Unit 157
Screen Name of Author: Warrior Of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: brown hair, brown eyes
Weight/Height: 180 pounds, 6'
Distinct Markings: The way his hair hangs over his face, he also carries scars on both of his upper arms, he doesn't talk about them much.
Clothes and Other Accessories: He wears a pair of dark pants, made of damage resistent material (doesn't tear easily), usually a black t-shirt made of the same, and a jacket (in picture).
Weapons: His favorite are a pistol with a laser sight (always carrys that), a laser machine gun, a fletchet shotgun, and a sniper rifle....
Armor: not usually much to speak of, sometimes a light armor under his jacket.

Residence: ummm....
Occupation: kinda a mercenary, but usually works for the good guys :D (up until he was 20)
Mode of Transportation: Feet, speeder, tank... whatever he can get his hands on when he needs it.
Overall Personality: kinda quiet, and rather curt, unless he has something that has to be said. Friendly with those he knows.
Personality Flaws: sometimes tends to think he is right over what others think, occasionally will shoot first, ask questions later.
Hobbies: Practicing with his guns, keeping up on all news... trying to find ways to escape MESS.
Likes/Dislikes: helping those in desperate need, especially if they can't help themselves (if they can, he may just walk away), money (he is a mercenary), he would love to be free from the MESS / He hates it when people try to control him, doesn't like those that harm his friends or allies, and really can't stand traitors... and on top of that, he dislikes oppressors, (although it can make good business to help people all the time).
Long-term Goals: Right now..., escape from MESS, and get rid of this oppressive government... so he has to find and help the resistance, since he's smart enough to know that he can't do it alone.
Skills: Stealth, accuracy, intelligence.
Enhanced Skills: Extreme eyesight, he almost doesnt need to use the scope on his sniper rifle.

Family: Unknown
Friends: Some... but he won't give you their names... and he's managed to keep MESS from finding them... there are those that want him dead, and maybe them too.
Enemies: Many... mostly those that he has performed missions against.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: He usually works alone, or did, until he was forced to work in conjunction with the MESS soldiers.

Short History: Ace grew up in obscurity, a simple boy from a simple family, but he never felt he belonged. His simple life ended when he was 12 years of age. His real father returned, telling him that after his mother had died, he had left him with his foster parents, because his occupation was too dangerous. He took Ace with him, when he returned to his life, one as a mercenary.

As Ace grew up, he learned all the tricks of the trade from his father, and his own, not unconsiderable skill, grew with him. However, along with his skill, he also grew apart from his father, they worked too diferently. Whereas his father would work for the highest bidder, no matter what the job, Ace would refuse, and argue with his father because he didn't think it was right. When he reached the age of 16, his father left again, with only a simple note explaining that it was for the best. He hasn't heard from him again.

Ace felt totally abandoned, but soon found himself again, helping those that needed it. He decided that he would only do jobs that he felt comfortable with. As the trouble with the Senate grew, and the situation slowly got worse, Ace found himself doing jobs that were against Mess, often delaying their plans in one way or another.

At age 20, After one particularly daring job, protecting an individual that was hacking a senate compter terminal, he was caughty by MESS soldiers and taken to their holding facility. While there, it was decided that he would be the first test subject for dna modification of older individuals. It was a sucess, and he ended up with greater eyesight than almost anyone else. However, as if they hadn't done enough to him, he was also forcably conscripted into the MESS army, unable to leave on pain of death. While this would not normally have stopped him from attempting to escape (and he has tried a few times), he is unaware if they have done anything else to him, such as implanted a kill-chip, that would prevent his escape.

For the past 6 years, he has waited, living in hate of the soldiers around him, yet unable to do anything, perhaps his time is coming...

Stories Character has been in: Return of the Fountain Felloship.


Alexei Auroel

PostPosted: May 27, 2010 4:19 pm
by Elsendor

Pickle’s gonna be so proud of me! I wrote a character who doesn’t have a horrific past, wasn’t abused, and isn’t addicted to drugs. Mwahahaha

General Information

Character Name: Alexei Auroel
Character Nicknames or Titles: Alex
Screen Name of Author: Elsendor

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair Color: Honey-blond
Eye Colors: Periwinkle blue
Weight: 118 lbs.
Height: 5’4”
Distinct Markings: The Auroel family crest is tattooed on the back of his neck, a little towards the left and below the hairline.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Alexei’s fine tastes are manifested in the way he dresses. The silks, satins, and the occasional velvet that make up much of his wardrobe are relatively simple in design, but unfailingly elegant and of the best craftsmanship. He never seems to wear the same thing twice, and yet there is a sameness to his appearance too, as he seems never to wear anything without a hint of blue. Most of his shirts lack more than one colour; however, with the inlaid designs in the fabric, the subtle embroidery, the mutely shimmering silver filigree, they can hardly be called plain. His soft doeskin leggings are a little loose on him, an endearing reminder of his adolescence. Outside the palace he almost manages to upkeep the same flowing, elegant appearance, but he will also typically don a tunic of fine leather, worked to satin softness. The one he typically uses sports motifs of vines and lilies tooled into the material, so subtly that they are scarcely noticeable. His boots, however, are too heavy and stiff for him, made to impress rather than for comfort or practicality. Though they look nice, it is quite clear they are the single piece of his wardrobe he has not picked out himself, or else the one thing he has picked.
Weapons: A simple, elegant dagger and a recurve bow of dark wood, simple but clearly well made. He owns a sword but it seldom leaves its place on his bedroom wall save at his father’s express command.
Armor: None, save a pair of leather bracers that cover his arms from wrist to elbow.

Residence: Vayond, in the manor at his father’s vast estate
Occupation: Ostensibly naught but a spoiled noble’s son; underground, a sympathizer and key supporter for the rebellion.
Mode of Transportation: Horses or nothing.
Overall Personality: Yes, Alexei is spoiled silly. Yes, he has a ridiculous penchant for fine clothing. Yes, he doesn’t know anything about what it’s really like outside his father’s manor. And yes, he can be rather shallow and even, at times, a tad airheaded. But Alexei knows that commoners are and have been mistreated for centuries, and his strong sense of justice forbids such. Though he is shallowest of the shallow in shallow matters, where the heart and mind really matter he can be surprisingly thoughtful. Because he is still a boy and thus still in training, his days are not quite as leisurely as those of his father and some others of his status—but the considerable leisure he does get is spent reading and, as he might grandly state, pondering the deep secrets of the universe or considering the everlasting why.
Hobbies: Alexei loves horseback riding more than anything else in the world. Archery for him is more a passion than a sport or a part of war he must learn. He has, against his father’s will, become interested in smithing, both the finer art of jewelry and the deadlier realm of weaponry. He is definitely a better at making beautiful things than practical ones.
Likes: Commoners, people from outside his sphere of experience, horses, archery, smithing, clothes, heroic legends,
Dislikes: The king and his oppressive laws, education, his stifling upbringing.
Skills: A supreme fashion sense (in his mind, at least) tops his list of gifts. Alexei was born to ride horses, and the clumsiness of his awkward age falls away when he mounts. His skill with the sword is only by sheer hard work and he hates it; he was required to learn swordfighting because of his status, but he has never been a natural at it and he has trained only to appease his father. Whoever said the sword would be an extension of your arm? He works better with small blades—a dagger, a slender knife between the ribs—which his father would nigh beat him for using with any seriousness. His best weapon is a bow. Though archery is also something he must learn, it has never been a drudgery—he knows his bow better than his own body, uses it with more skill and grace than he walks or moves. His good eye for archery transfers over to throwing, as well—he can easily knock out a person with a suitable stone from a hundred or so feet away. He has a competent understanding of politics due to his education, though he does not love it.
Flaws: His obsession with clothing is both a weakness and an impediment to him, and a constant annoyance to others. Alexei has repeatedly proved himself a failure with any weapon besides his beloved bow and the knives he has taken to keeping with him all the time. Axe, spear, glaive, crossbow—even the sword escapes him if he does not practice faithfully. He is rather shallow in everyday matters, and pretends he is in almost everything else. Alexei is also rather naïve—he does not really know what it is he is getting into when he assists the rebellion or speaks up against the king’s actions. Because of his cluelessness, coupled with his boyish brashness, he is likely to get himself into loads of trouble.
Long-term Goals: Put an end to oppression, get out of his father’s authority, be able to do whatever he wants to whenever he wants to.
Magic Skills: None (unless Vayond involves magic…)

Family: His domineering father and his invalid mother. He has no siblings to divert his parents’ constant attention from him, unfortunately.
Friends: None yet
Enemies: None yet
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: His three horses—Tariq, Azrael, and Florien
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None yet

Short History: Alexei’s past has been supremely uneventful. He is the only child and heir of the Lord and Lady Auroel, and as such has been raised from the cradle as his father’s successor. His training, education, and even leisure have been formed with such a goal in mind. From an early age he was trained to use a sword as his primary weapon, and to competently handle any other weapon he might need to use. Of them all, he mastered only the bow and the sword, the latter only by sheer hard work out of a desire to please his father. His education centered around the duties of a nobleman and lord of a manor, especially economically and judicially. He has always hated it. Ever shirking his studies, he has been known to disappear into quiet areas to think and keep an extensive journal of his thoughts on the world and his wishes of how it would be. Alexei, despite his penchant for finery, has long fostered a fascination for the common folk and a desire to aid them in their predicament. He has lately begun to lend funds and information to the rising bands of rebels, not fully aware of the impact and consequences of his actions.

Stories Character has been in: None yet, but will soon join Vayond

Reference pic (just for the face... obviously not the clothing)

must..resist...making it...much...longer...

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jun 02, 2010 10:38 am
by Emylla
General Information

Character Name: Ted (Country) Cole
Character Nicknames or Titles: Teddy or Country
Screen Name of Author: Emylla

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dirty blond, dark blue eyes
Weight/Height: 5'9, 175, very muscular
Distinct Markings: long scar on his right thigh,
Clothes and Other Accessories: cowboy boots, cowboy hat, jeans, T-shirt, and jean shirt
Weapons: maybe a gun at his uncle's ranch
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc)
Occupation: working on his uncle's ranch
Mode of Transportation: horse sometimes, families car, uncle's Dodge truck,
Overall Personality: gentle to kids, polite to ladies, loves babies, respects adults, loves his family, dislikes rude ppl, very charming, uneasy when there's nothing he can do in a crisis, loves slowly, but unconditionally, very smart
Personality Flaws: gets angry when not told something, but can control it, most of the time,
Hobbies: riding, hunting, playing his guitar,
Likes/Dislikes: good homemade food, spoiled kids
Long-term Goals: going to a professional rodeo, getting married, have lots of kids
Skills: rodeo, horse riding, roping,
Magic Skills: none

Family: Dad, Mom, uncle
Friends: buddies in the rodeos, friends at school
Enemies: none
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: grew up in south Texas, started ridding horses when he was 4, did lots of rodeos growing up, his family moved out of state, he stayed with his uncle for two more years, and now he's going to move back

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): none

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: none
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc)
Manager and Employee Names: none


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jun 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by Lady Arwen
General Information

Character Name: Treasa
Character Nicknames or Titles: n/a
Screen Name of Author: Lady Arwen

Character Information

Age: 4602 (ALTERNATE TIMELINE to b. 4509 BES)
Gender: Female
Species: G’ni Elemental
Hair/Eye/Skin Colors: Black/Olive/Olive
Weight/Height: 120/5’ 10”
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories:
Common Clothing Color: Dark Water Colors, so usually blues or black or silver
Common Clothing Style: Grecian
Common Hairstyle: Loose
Common Ornaments: silver bracelet and flower ring, made of topaz and diamond.
Common Nail Decorations: No decorations.
Weapons: extensive knowledge of nearly every topic possible and her Bavre alliance, Isra
Armor: Isra

Residence: G’ni District of Annagda
Occupation: Librarian, counselor, mentor
Overall Personality: Quiet and thoughtful
Personality Flaws: must examine everything from every possible position before determining her answer or course of action, thus can be very slow and refuses to be rushed, no matter what the situation is.
Hobbies: Learning new physical activities with Isra. The two are currently working on mastering the katana.
Likes/Dislikes: clouds, blue, and windy days/hyperness, impetuous people, and white bloods
Long-term Goals: n/a
Skills: The knowledge of the G’ni provides for nearly every skill except for physical skills. G’ni are not a physically strong people, preferring to observe the world or stay in their libraries
Magic Skills: n/a

Family: n/a
Friends: Isra
Enemies: Devracs and Kiotaie

Short History: n/a

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Mansion 16(old forum) or 1(new forum)


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jun 10, 2010 8:21 pm
by lover of narnia
General Information

Character Name: Vivian
Character Nicknames or Titles: Viv (Only people she gives person to can call her by her nickname)
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: Stuck at 22. Has walked this earth for 525 years
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown / light gold
Weight/Height: slender, 121 lbs. / 5'4
Distinct Markings: A split lip that never goes away, long white finger nails
Accessories: Silver earrings, decorated with light sapphires
Clothes Casual: Black stretch pants, a light pink and black ruffled top with leather straps, black leather, a long wool gray shawl
Weapons: Fangs
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Rapheal's Coven
Occupation: N/A
Mode of Transportation: Walking, vehicles
Overall Personality: Quiet, seducing, sweet, mysterious, a rather strange but beautiful girl. She's very loyal to Raphael, and would do anything if he asked her to
Personality Flaws: Seductive, sly, overly friendly just to lure people in, distractingly beautiful
Hobbies: Doing what vampires do best...
Likes/Dislikes: Blood, black, Rapheal, the coven, darkness, animals (she finds them intriguing), Quiet / Mundanes, bright sunlight
Long-term Goals: None at this point. She goes where ever Rapheal takes them. His goals seem to by the goals of everyone there, making them her's as well
Skills: Stealth, blending into shadows, smooth talking,
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Her "Family" consists of all the members of the coven. Though she may not see them as that close to her, Raphael insists they are their brothers and sisters
Friends: Rapheal, and the coven members
Enemies: Many
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: She never speaks of herself, or her past preferring to live in the present future. She came to Raphael's coven some time ago, and is loyal to him. No one really knows what she did before, and asking her would be dangerous. There were rumors of her imprisonment, and a romance with a young mundane man, but these are only whispers

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jun 17, 2010 11:50 pm
by Warrior Of Narnia
General Information

Character Name: Liminata
Character Nicknames or Titles: Limi
Screen Name of Author: Warrior Of Narnia

Character Information

Age: Not known when she was created.
Gender: Female
Species: AI
Hair/Eye Colors: Blue, Blue, and her skin is blue too
Weight/Height: Weighs nothing, height is how ever high she is projected.
Distinct Markings: The lines of scrolling code on her body
Clothes and Other Accessories: Being an AI, she can dress in whatever suits her. Most often appears in a Tank top and pants.
Weapons:None per se... she can hack into and use mounted or automatic weapons linked to a computer system.
Armor:Her armor consists of the armor of whoever or whatever is carrying her at the time.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) In a computer memory chip or inside a computer system.
Occupation: Artificial Intelligence Mercenary
Mode of Transportation: Someone or something that carries her. Or she can 'move' through a computer system... entering one dataport, exiting another.
Overall Personality: Peppy, Smart, sometimes excitable, but calm when relied upon
Personality Flaws:What can i say? She's an AI, and she's not going to let you forget it...
Hobbies: Hacking any and all systems that she can.
Likes/Dislikes: Loves hacking, and likes her friends... dislikes enemy AI's (of which there are few) and anything that blocks her access to data.
Long-term Goals: Her goals change about as quick as anything... but for a long while now it's been to help whomever seems to be doing good. Her current goal is to rid the world of the MESS in any way possible.
Skills: Hacking... hacking...computers.... data gathering... hacking... :D

Family: She doesn't have any
Friends: Three particular Mercenaries that she has been friends with for quite a while...
Enemies: MESS... and others... whoever the enemy seems to be at the moment.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Her friends are kinda like sidekicks... or she's like a sidekick to them...
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: look above.

Short History: Liminata is an AI... but she does, in fact, Live. She was created from computer code routed through the cells of a cloned human brain. AI donors (those from whom the brains are cloned) are selected for their mental strength and resilience. Becaus of the process, Liminata has almost all of the personality of her donor, as well as her own added tweaks.

She was created an unknown amount of years ago (although not a really long time...probably around 10 or so) to be a battle assistant AI to a military general. In that capacity, she would organize troop locations, devise strategies and tactics, and issue orders to multiple units in unison.

However, Her attached General died in battle, possibly because of an error on her part, and when he did, she suddenly found herself abandoned on the battlefield. Only her previous 'owner' knew how to access her core to talk to her (a failsafe for battle). She was temporarily incapacitated from the stress of the loss of her general and any commands. After she 'recovered' she decided that she would be her own commander...

No one knows how she managed to break the personality encryption on her chip, nor how she moved around after she refreshed herself... but she did.

Eventually, Cy Grel ran across her code chip in the wreckage of a speeder crash in a deserted alley. He took her with him to a meeting of various mercenaries, and she has been with various ones or on her own since then.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Return of the Fountain Fellowship


General Information

Character Name: Cy Grel
Character Nicknames or Titles: CYG
Screen Name of Author: Warrior Of Narnia

Character Information

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: was Human, now Cyborg
Hair/Eye Colors: Unknown
Weight/Height: Weighs 400 LBS, 7ft. Tall.
Distinct Markings: He's a cyborg and you are asking for distinct markings?
Clothes and Other Accessories: He doesn't need any
Weapons: A rotary blaster rifle strapped to his right arm, and a short vibroblade attached to his left. Other than that, whatever he picks up.
Armor: His cyborg enhanced body is his armor... it has a layer of 2 inch thick Durasteel and Ti-mesh materiel under it.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Has no official home... he hangs out at the mercenary meeting places... if he had a place, it would be the alley hideout.
Occupation: Mercenary
Mode of Transportation: His legs, the short range lift jets in the bottom of his boots, or whatever he can actually fit in... he has to watch weight limits.
Overall Personality: Gruf and menacing (at least at first) if you are his friend he is as loyal as a dog and meaner than a shaved wookie if you need help.
Personality Flaws: He comes across as very rude and menacing. And he has a problem with being slightly brutal when on missions. (think: "Droids don't tear peoples arms out when they loose."
Hobbies: Hmmm....
Likes/Dislikes: He is for hire... he likes what his boss likes, and hates what he doesn't... but he also thinks for himself... so he decides what he does and doesn't like (not me :D). The one thing he has hated since forever is the man who made him who he is... the man that forced him to live as he does. When he finds that man... look out.
Long-term Goals: Aside from just surviving, he is in the revenge business. He hopes to find the man that made him the way he is, the 'gentleman' that reduced him to nothing but a machine.
Skills: Extreme strength and speed, and being a cyborg, he is kinda half robot... so he has some custom stuff... like advanced targeting and things of that nature.

Family: None known living
Friends: The only individuals he calls friends are three other mercenaries. He personally found one laying amongst the wreckage of a speeder... he found her in a Datachip. After he found her, he had a special socket built into his right forearm, to hold her chip and have her interface with his systems.
Enemies: whoever his boss tells him... the MESS because... well because. And the Mysterious man...
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Friends yes... sidekicks.. no.

Short History: Cy Grel wasn't always a cyborg. No... at one time he was a very successful tech engineer for a reputable manufacturing company. He was hired by an outside company to perform some tests on equipment. When he arrived at the meeting spot, he was kidnapped and taken to a lab... there he was 'modified' into the being he is now...

They forced him to become a cyborg, and he hates it. After they had run him through the exercises to get him used to his body, he tore the lab apart. When wasn't able to find the man that had kidnapped him and performed the complex surgeries, he swore to hunt him down. That man is his sworn enemy, even if he doesn't know it. Cy has been searching for him for the past years, the entire time he has been a mercenary.

After he left the lab, he was alone on the street, and looking for something to do. He was found by an older mercenary, who helped him 'fit in' with other mercenaries, and find work. He was also introduced to the man's son, and the two worked together through quite a few missions.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Return of the Fountain Fellowship


General Information

Character Name: Shalen Tera-fin
Character Nicknames or Titles: Just Shalen
Screen Name of Author: Warrior Of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black, Dark (not sure what color)
Weight/Height: 120 pounds, 5' 5 inches.
Distinct Markings: Several ugly scars that are across her upper chest.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Usually wears black shirt and pants, a belt with pistols and ammo pouches and a datapad.
Weapons: double laser pistols or a laser rifle. Also carries a combat knife.
Armor: a simple layer of light combat armor that she sometimes slips on over her clothes.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Various places that she knows of.
Occupation: Mercenary
Mode of Transportation: Feet, speeder, public transport
Overall Personality: Quiet, smooth, and kinda distant at first glance
Personality Flaws: ummmm....
Hobbies: Practicing with her pistols or knife
Likes/Dislikes: Likes her work mostly, she really tries to pick the right in every job, and usually checks out both sides. Dislikes the MESS for many reasons... also hates annoying people and traitors.
Long-term Goals: Live her life so that she feels comfortable with it.
Skills: All the skills that she needs to survive.

Family: unknown
Friends: Various Mercenaries. Three in particular who have been her friends since she was about 17
Enemies: Lots of them... but most don't know where to find her.

Short History: At the age of 10, Shalen was taken from her family during a raider attack on the outlying farms near Ditto Town. Once in their clutches, she was broken forced to their will, and became a part of their band. For 4 years she was with them, doing missions, and constantly on the run. She tried to escape several times, which only resulted in her being locked up every time they rested.

Then, while in their lair, the raider band was attacked by a posse of townsfolk and farmers. The posse was led by two experienced mercenaries, a father and son duo. The boy personally rescued Shalen from the dungeon of the raiders, and saved her life. The entire band was wiped out, except for her. The mercenaries persuaded the posse to let her go and she moved to the city where she became a mercenary.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Return of the Fountain Fellowship
