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Ditto Fountain I

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 15, 2009 8:24 pm

Yo! Grumpy!" yelled Kale as she followed behind Matthew "If someone's hurt back there you better tell us were you are!" she said. Matthew began pulling at a large beam "Ah heck with it" he said and lifted it with the force revealing an unconscious Aaron "Get him out of here" Kale pulled him out of the store. Matthew walked under the beam then let in crash back in the rubble. "Grump shut up the goddess just saved your blimey life and I'm not sure why" he knelt beside her "You okay?" he asked.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby zlcva » Sep 15, 2009 11:36 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

The flying Autobots caught up with the descending stasis pods and positioned themselves around them. Their engines screamed at maximum power as they did their best to match the speed of the pods.

"Deploy magnetic bonds!" Silverbolt ordered. From the sides of each jet, a semi-transparent beam of energy lanced out, intersecting with the beams fired by their wingmates to form a net of sorts that wrapped around the trio of pods. The net held firm, and the Autobots began to slow their descent and pull up in slow, well-synchronized movements, diverting the course of the pods so they wouldn't crash into the middle of Ditto Town.

"Alright, they're clear," Silverbolt said after several tense minutes into the operation. "Release the net on my mark.... Mark!" The squadron complied, and the pods were released. The Autobot jets banked away and allowed the pods to land. It wasn't long before they crash-landed on the far side of the Ditto Town forest, kicking up huge clouds of dirt and debris and knocking over a good many trees. After gouging rather large swathes of destruction into the landscape, the stasis pods finally came to a halt, several dozen meters apart.

Silverbolt and the Air Team transformed into their respective robot modes and landed near the crash site.

"Silverbolt to Autobot City. Planetfall successful at coordinates Delta-4-Omicron. No permanent damage done, no one hurt. Orders?"

<Stay with 'em,> Warpath replied. <Ground support is in enroute. Keep any looky-loo's away till we figure out what those things are.>

"If I may," Silverbolt said quickly before Warpath terminated the signal, "These things are definitely Cybertronian. They have an insignia on them, but I don't recognize the faction."

<What's it look like?>

"Well... kind of like a feline face," Silverbolt replied.

<Weird. I'll be there in 150 astroseconds. Hang tight. Warpath out.>
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Bookwyrm » Sep 16, 2009 3:03 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

"Oh, I see. You're from out of town. I can help with that, if you can tell me where exactly you're from. I dabble a bit in universe-hopping," Drake replied.

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Cordelia had barely had enough time to protect herself and the customer next to her. She threw up a bubble of solidified air to protect the two of them. A few beams and fragments of wall smashed into the shield, but Cordelia was able to hold it up.

Matthias had gone down hard when Aaron's armored form crashed through the front of the store. As he climbed to his feet, he frowned down at a ragged hole torn through his chest.

"That's really annoying," Matthias commented and concentrated on regenerating the building. Random pieces of the building flew up into the air and replaced themselves.

Sylvia got to her feet a bit unsteadily and said,"I'm fine. Just a little shaken up. My essence is a bit bruised from that shrapnel."

Aaron staggered to his feet, the armor clanking loudly. He was banged up and bruised, but basically fine. The suit had absorbed the impact, protecting him from harm. Aaron almost stepped on Cordelia's shield and staggered off to the side trying to avoid it. This led to him tripping and falling through an undamaged section of the wall. The armor wasn't enormously heavy, but it was heavy enough that Aaron's impact smashed him right through the wall.

"Sorry, I'm so, so sorry. No clue what happened. The thrusters seem to be misfiring again," Aaron said apologetically, his suit distorting his voice until he sounded like he'd just inhaled helium.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Sep 16, 2009 4:51 pm

A Funny Thing Happened

"Um..." I started, but then shut my mouth. I had a very bad habit of interrupting when other people were explaining something. The habit quite often got me into trouble, and I did not care for that to happen now.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 16, 2009 5:26 pm

The Aftermath
(thanks for startin' it up again Joe :])
"Not right now." Ellie replied. But instead of moving towards the door she stood where she was, which made Matt look up. "I saw John a few evenings ago." She shrugged, barely noticeable to almost anyone but Matt. He noticed, and gave her a curious look. She'd decided she'd try to get her question out one way or another. "How has he been?" she asked.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby eustacegirl » Sep 16, 2009 5:46 pm

The Aftermath

Molly could overhear Ellie talking with some guy (where are they?) She decided to join in the conversation simply because she was bored and had nothing else to do. "Hey." She truend to teh guy, "What, may I ask is your name?"
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 16, 2009 7:32 pm

((Eusy... Next time before you post you should read up on our last posts... Matt and Ellie are in his private office... untill you edit we'll just ignore that post two, sorry about the long wait))
The Aftermath
"Oh, Johns been fine, the kings doing well too, for his old age" a man walked in the room and handed Matt a report from last night "Thank you" he said then motioned for the man to exit.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby humdedum » Sep 17, 2009 6:35 am


Annika gulped, grabbed Caden's arm, and pulled him up. "What are you doing here?" she asked him, looking from him to the pipe recently pulled up and back.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby Rising_Star » Sep 17, 2009 8:43 am

A Funny Thing Happened

"Um," I started the same as Sweeet. "That's a little hard to explain," I said finally. I glanced around the room. "Is there someplace we can talk, you know, more privately?"

The last thing I wanted was for us to be overheard by someone who would make a big deal out of this whole situation.

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life

Grump stopped pulling on his ears when he saw that Sylvia was okay. However that did not stop him from grabbing a mop and proceeding to slap Aaron with the wet side, his ugly face twisted in disgust.

"You're. Making. A. Mess!" he screeched, accenting each word with a wallop of his mop.

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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 17, 2009 8:49 am

Caden looked puzzled "Were else would I go besides this, I got my name posted on every sheriffs office and wanted poster for miles around. All because I killed a dear for my family to eat" he said the last part quietly. He shook his head, looked down and kicked the dirt. Looking up he said "But that doesn't matter now the piper has the children and we got go!' he whistled loudly and they heard horse hoofs galloping towards the three humans.
Matthew force gripped the mop and took it out of grump's hand "Okay now grump thats enough" he turned to walk out the door but he couldn't resist having the last word so he turned "Now if your antics are over for the day Aaron I'll be leaving, please watch out for buildings next time you dicided to going flying" He said in his best speeking to idiots voice.

Shono began flying towards where the Autobots had landed, did a 3-60 around the area and said "Permission to land?" over the comlink.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 17, 2009 6:44 pm

The Aftermath
Ellie waited until after the man left to reply. "I haven't been able to talk to John much lately." she said once he left. "I kind of miss our conversations." she added with a quiet sigh. They used to talk often, about stories and current events and other things that interested them both. Then John's father, the King, began to get older and John had to take on more responsibilities, and Ellie always had her duties.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby zlcva » Sep 17, 2009 8:48 pm

A (Slightly) Less Normal Life
"Permission granted, Shono," Silverbolt replied. Space Case and the others had already begun to set down in the crash area. A few minutes later, several Autobots with emergency vehicle forms pulled into the area and started to put out the fires that had been started by the crash. The area quickly became very crowded with nearly two dozen of the large robots, and the Air Team formed a cordon to keep ample space around the crashed stasis pods.

"I'm telling you, this is going to be big," Skydive said eagerly to Space Case as they waited by the edge of the cordon.

"Yeah?" Space Case said, clearly not impressed. "Then how come nothing's happened yet? Those pods are just sitting there."

"Maybe they're waiting for the top dog to get here?" Skydive guessed, his tone scornful.

"Yeah, well, the 'Top Dawg' is here," Warpath said as he suddenly pulled in behind the young robot, clearly not impressed with his little quip. Skydive couldn't suppress a slight jolt of surprise, and he slunk a few paces away from the burly Autobot leader.

"Awlright Silverbolt, what've we got?" Warpath drawled as he approached the Air Team commander.

"Nothing new to report, sir," Silverbolt replied. "They're just sitting there."

"Any signs of life?"

"Affirmative. We've detected a spark inside each pod, but they appear to be in stasis mode."

"Well, I reckon that's why they call 'em 'stasis pods'," Warpath said with a chuckle. He started to walk towards the nearest pod with the intent of examining it closer, but halted abruptly as a long antenna extended upwards from each pod. Towering above the heads of even the tallest of the gathered Autobots, each antenna had a round node on the top. Suddenly, two semi-transparent fans of orange light beamed out from opposite ends of the nodes and began to rotate. The Autobots tensed as the beams passed over them, but they were left unharmed.

As unexpectedly as they appeared, the lights suddenly snapped off, and each pod began to vibrate as something stirred within. After a few moments, the vibrations ceased, and each pod began to hiss open.


"Well!" Chip said with a happy sigh as all the commotion finally died down. "That was exciting! What shall we do now?"

"How about we find a translator for the manuscript?" Nessie asked, very impatient to get back to their original mission.

"Oh! Right! I nearly forgot!" Chip said, quite surprised at himself as he held the manuscript in his hand as if noticing it for the first time.

"Nearly?" Nessie muttered skeptically. Thankfully he didn't hear her.

"Well, since we didn't find anyone in the Cup & Platter that could translate this for us, we'll need to search elsewhere." Chip said thoughtfully.

"Where can we go?" Nessie asked. "Do you know anyone that could help us?"

"Hmm... let me see now..." Chip ran his fingers through his tousled hair absently as he wracked his brain for anyone he might know that could aid them.

"We need to find someone with connections to Ditto Metru," he finally said.

"Okay..." Nessie replied expectantly.

"Well, I know Cordelia has been there..." he paused and listened to the commotion going on in the Realms. "...but I don't think she's available at the moment. The only other person I know of would be Jedi Sanchez. But I have no idea how to contact her."

"I can help you," a voice spoke from behind them. Chip whirled around in surprise and looked up at the red Autobot towering over them.

"I'm Solarflare. I can get you to Ditto Metru."
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 18, 2009 6:08 am

The dimutive Autobot suddenly felt small around all these huge robots... This was why he preferred organics to his own species; he didn't like feeling small. It mad him feel insecure and helpless even though he knew he could hold his own with the best of e'm. Now when the stasis pods began to open he lifted his hand blaster... Just in case.
The Aftermath
"I think John will make a great king when his father dies, don't you?" asked Matthew, he had nothing to do ti'll about the time Ellie did so he was trying to keep the conversation going as long as time permited it.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 18, 2009 7:17 pm

The Aftermath
Ellie took the hint and sat down into the chair across from Matt's desk. "Definitely.", she agree. "He has all a king needs and more." She fiddled with the button on the cuff of her sleeve. "But I don't think he's quite ready yet. It's a good thing he still has time to learn all he needs know." she said. "Although I'm not really one to talk." she added with a quiet chuckle. She was younger than John, but had experienced much more than he had. She thought he would naturally make a good king, but there were still things he needed to learn to make a great king.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby narnianerd » Sep 18, 2009 7:47 pm

The Aftermath
"Aiy, I know what you mean" replied Mathew "And if the council has anything to do about it his rising to the throne might be thwarted if the King did not express his approval of his son before he died. That blithering bunch of old men may have been usful at one point but now all the do is sit around and argue" as you can see Matt clasified council members with paperwork.
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Re: Ditto Fountain I

Postby greenleaf23 » Sep 18, 2009 7:59 pm

The Aftermath
"That's how it always is." Ellie said in frustration, "All they want is more power for themselves. Even though John would do ten times better then they could ever do." She sighed. "Why does it always have to be that way? If they actually cared about someone other than themselves I'd give them a chance, but they just don't care." She released her clenched fist before she went on. "Although it shouldn't be much of a problem." she added, "No one doubts the King's favor of John. After all, he's the king's only son."
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