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Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Jan 02, 2013 12:11 am


Lalien had just begun drawing figures on the ground with her staff when the rain suddenly stopped - she no longer heard it hitting the ground. Now it seemed to be father away... As if there was some sort of very large umbrella over the whole castle. She felt a cold and far-off magic that she guessed belonged to the Overlady.

So the Lady was a wizard, too. Just as well. She would set up the wards in case. That dark power she had felt would not merely be limited to chemical rain, she was sure. Waving her left hand, she dismissed her umbrella of water, which splashed to the ground and left a large puddle. Carefully, she traced a rough circle on the stones of the courtyard of the Ivory and Gold Tower. A sort of rich purple mist drifted low to the ground, marking the place her staff had touched. Inside the circle, she drew a crescent moon and three stars, then a long wavy figure along the sides that might have been a vine. Counting out her steps, she drew two letters beside the circle before speaking a long sentence of words that jumbled into each other and seemed to have very few vowels.

The purple mist flashed golden, then sped towards the walls of the castle. Carefully, like a bird settling down on it's nest, the mist encircled the whole castle, hovering at the base of the walls.

Lalien smiled. Although she could not see the results of her work, she could feel the magic protection it now afforded the castle's inhabitants. The Lady would be pleased, she thought.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Bookwyrm » Jan 02, 2013 12:26 am


"An ice shield has formed over the Castle, Sir. The mutant abominations are unable to penetrate," Pilot said.

"A minor setback. Unleash the flame-spitting wyvern-bears. Strong enough to smash through the ice, plus they can fly and spit fireballs. Escalation is a glorious thing."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Melian_Maia » Jan 12, 2013 5:34 pm


Lia was still skipping with her shiny sword when she heard her Overlady's voice. "LIA! BE A DARLING AND GET THOSE LAST FEW ANIMALS IN!" it shouted from somewhere way up high.

Lia looked up and saw Lady A at the very top of the watchtower. She saluted and sheathed her sword. "Here, leetle animals," she called whilst clapping her hands. "Time for some lovely cappuccinos." Once she had a merry band of animals following, she led them past the gates of the castle and into the courtyard. "What good little creatures," she said as she poured them bowls of coffee.

The Side Effect

Ten months before the outbreak. . .

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away," said the minister, holding his Bible. "We're here today to celebrate the life of a young man who was taken from us long before his time. Mike Robison was a good kid. Loved his parents and sister and pets. Never missed a Sunday service in his life." His voice droned on as he listed the good attributes of the dead boy.

Tate never heard a word of it. She was focused on the coffin. It was closed, due mostly to the fact that he was too cut up from the accident and partially because her mother couldn't bear to look at her youngest child and know that he was dead. Tate thought that that was a halfway selfish reason for keeping the casket closed, but it wasn't her choice and deep down she felt the same way. Her hand had been squeezed in a comforting way more times than she could count and she was beginning to smell like old lady perfume from all of the hugs she had received.

She fidgeted with the edge of her skirt and stared at the ground as the service came to an end. They were going to lower the coffin now. She had to escape before everyone saw her breakdown and cry.

So Tate Robison ran.

Three weeks before the outbreak. . .

"It's not the end of the world, Tate," said Sadie King, pushing her curly hair over her shoulder and leaning forward into the table. "You've gotta get out of this funk you've been in since everything with Mike. You're depressed. Get out and do something fun. Go, I don't know, shoot something if that makes you feel better."

Tate took a sip of her coffee and made a face at her friend. "I don't need to do anything. And I'm not depressed."

Sadie rolled her eyes and banged her head on the top of the table. "You're so stubborn," she said, voice muffled by her hair. "Just admit that you haven't been the same since Mike died."

"Fine," Tate said angrily. "I haven't been okay since my little brother got killed by a drunk driver and I didn't get to say goodbye. I'm kinda doing my best to hold it together most days." She stood up abruptly and pushed her chair in. "Maybe you're right. I do need to go shooting."
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Jan 12, 2013 7:22 pm

The Side Affect

When they had briefed him, they had informed him that his target was a senator. They also had clued him on on his target being a female. What he hadn't been briefed in on was that she was attractive. Not to mention the fact that she was a single-mom with two kids.

"This job is freaking brutal." He muttered, it wasn't fun. Ruining families, but it paid good."

Colton Edward Ryker was looking down the 3x20 power scope of his FN SCAR-H Long Barrel. The combat rifle fired a 7.62×51mm round. It was more powerful than the standard military ammunition and he liked that. Anything that put more lead down range was a plus to Ryker. That was also the reason that the magazine held a total of twenty bullets, not that he ever planned to use the whole clip.

His local? Well he was in Shelby, the capitol city of Ford. Ward was perched atop a billboard, his subject was nearly a mile away and approaching her car with a stroller containing two small children. "I'm sorry, me childer."

The Pear is his cargo-pocket began buzzing and in response Colt reached down and pulled out the smart-phone. "'ello?"

"Sir, this is Wilson. The NAH just jumped up ten points and I've got a broker here who wants advice."

"Listen up you gobdaw, this isn't really a good time- hold up! The NAH started climbing? Tell him to buy, I think they hit bottom. Thats savage! Heck, buy me thirty percent." Meanwhile, his target had put her children in the car and was walking to the driver door. This was his chance. Colton took a breath, exhaled and stopped halfway through. Then he slowly and smoothly squeezed the trigger. This set off a series of reactions, eventually ending in a firing pin smashing through a small steel wall and into a tiny amount of explosives.


"Congratulations Mr. Ryker, you are now a minority owner in NAH."

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby PrinceCor004 » Jan 12, 2013 9:10 pm

The Side Effect


"No, no! That's the remake! Why on earth would you want to watch that one??"


"O.K, the original is the one starring Harold Lance and Vivian Yearwood. It's kinda tame on the gore by todays standards, but it has a strong story and the acting is great. Also, miss Yearwood isn't too shabby on the eyes..."


".. oh and Christopher Milan's score is excellent. Much better than that droning garbage HackSign pulled together for the remake."

After informing his friend of the differences of the two "The Apex" films, Richard McTiernan laid aside the pistol he had been using to shoot the targets at the end of the field.

It was a good day to be at the shooting range. The weather was surprisingly mild for this time of year and Rick sorely needed an excuse to "go shoot a monkey" as he jokingly called it. The morning shift at the store had not been kind to him today. Rachel, the fiery and very attractive redhead daughter of Mr. Collins, had tried getting him fired... again. Something about Rick "putting his moves" on her or something plus being a lousy employee. All lies and thankfully Mr. Collins knew this. Still, it was frustrating to say the least.

"You do have an accent that drives the girls mild, ya know." Bart teased as the two friends headed back to the cafe on the grounds.

"Heh, Sarah gives me a hard time about that already. She wants to know how come I have a "cool accent" and she's stuck with a typical Shelby accent." Rick chuckled slightly as they neared the small cafe.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Jan 18, 2013 6:47 pm

Blood of the Sword

It had been a long road to get to where he was now. From the time he had left Camelot at age seven, he’d gone through a never-ending process of change. When he started out on this path to knight-hood he’d been a child, who’d been drug off to strange new world. The castle Joyous Guard, home to Lancelot Du Lac, the greatest knight who’d ever lived. Or so the scribes said, but to Gabriel Adrian Pendragon he was Master Lance. To Gabe, Lance was everything, a mentor, teacher, friend and above all a father-figure.

That’s why it was hard to look into the King’s face and connect that image to the words 'dad'. In the past, Arthur had been someone he saw on occasion, at feasts, tournaments and other such events while Lancelot had always been there, teaching, training and instructing the young man in the ways of the world.

“Kneel, my son.” Ordered Arthur, so that is precisely what Gabriel did. He’d become a knight in just a second, it’d been his lifelong goal. But at the same time, it was a change he wasn’t sure that he was ready for. For after he was knighted, he’d be thrust back into a world he hadn’t known since childhood. The world of a Prince, that’s what the knighting was really about. It wasn’t about the young Pendragon becoming a knight; it was about him having to switch his families.

“Do you swear to speak only the truth?”

“I do”

“Do you swear always to be loyal to your lord?”

“I do”

… The list went on, until the King reached a particularly funny promise which then proceeded to utter, lacing it with mirth.

“Do you swear to always defend a lady, except when she is defending you?”

Chuckles went out across the crowd. The story of Galahad had once saving the Prince was well known by now and was a source of giggles for everyone. Except for Gabe, he was rather embarrassed by the whole thing.

“I do.”

Well then! By the power invested in me, by God and my forefathers. I dub thee a knight,” with those words Arthur unsheathed Excalibur and touched Gabriel’s shoulders with the regal sword. “Rise Sir Pendragon, Knight of Camelot.”
Sir Gabriel Adrian Pendragon stood, a knight and a prince. Ready for the former but not at all prepared to be the later.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Jan 18, 2013 7:37 pm

Blood of the Sword

It was happening. Gabe’s knighthood was happening, right now, and there was nothing Blair could do to stop it.

She knew the proper response would be to be happy for her older brother, to congratulate him and rejoice with him. But she couldn’t. Because right now, he was getting everything she ever wanted.

She watched as Arthur told Gabe to kneel, a hint of a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. And there was admiration hidden in his gaze as well as a smile. How much had she wanted to see the same look of pride that Arthur bestowed upon her brother now?

She sat forward in her uncomfortable wooden chair, gripping the armrests. She was ready to make a run for it, but was stopped by her mother’s hand on her arm. Queen Guinevere gave Blair a slight shake of her head. Blair could read her mother’s disapproval in her expression. No. Wait.

Blair bit her lip and sat back, watching Gabe’s knighthood play out in front of her.

“Kneel, my son.”

A collection of pretentious words followed; King Arthur asked if Gabe would swear to do various things, and Gabe agreed.

She zoned out until the crowd burst into a chorus of chuckles. Blair rolled her eyes. Oh, yes. The illustrious Galahad, saving her brother’s life. Blair had only heard that story a million times.

And then, in a rush of events that Blair was powerless to stop, Arthur withdrew his sword from his sheath. “Well then! By the power invested in me, by God and my forefathers. I dub thee a knight.” He pressed the flat of his blade against both shoulders, and tears of shock and frustration burned at Blair’s eyes. It was over. It was done.

“Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a banquet directly following the ceremony. Please give us some time to set up the tables, and then we will adjourn to the banquet hall,” Arthur announced.

The crowd started buzzing and milling about the room. Blair whooshed out a breath and stood. Finally, she was free. She turned towards the door.

“Blair.” Guinevere’s voice was low, her voice stern. “Aren’t you going to congratulate your brother?”

Blair turned back around and held her head high, trying to keep her voice even. “Congratulations, Gabe. I hope you wear your knighthood well.” And according to just about everyone, better than I would.

She let out another pent up breath and then walked to the left side of the throne room, exiting into a narrow hall. She glanced on either side of her. Good, no one was around. Here, in this hall, was the only chance that she had to let out her emotions. All other times, she would be forced to fake happiness for her beloved older brother. She leaned against the wall, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

Blair felt numb to her core. She had been hoping that by some miracle this knighthood would not occur, but it had. A few tears slipped down her cheeks. For everyone else, this was a great gain. Who wouldn’t want Gabe to protect their kingdom? But years and years of training and swordplay and trying to prove herself to her father had shattered in this moment. No one in this kingdom knew how much Blair had lost.

“Looking forward to the roast mutton?”

Blair jumped, wiping the tears off her cheeks. It was Gawain. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

Gawain stepped through the door to her left and onto the stone floor. “I hear that the cook is making honey cakes.” He leaned against the wall next to Blair, folding his arms. “I’m going to be expected to escort you, you know.”

Blair dropped her eyes to her feet, gritting her teeth. “I know.”

“The banquet hall’s almost ready.”

“Really?” Blair asked, her tone completely monotone.

“I believe so. Your father’s men work fast.” Gawain extended his arm to her, and she reluctantly grasped it. “Shall we?”

They started walking down the hall, and Gawain looked at her. “Are you ready for the announcement?”

As if the knighthood wasn’t enough, tonight was the night that Blair’s betrothal would be announced to the entire kingdom. She held her head high, pondering a response. “Of course I’m ready,” she said, her tone icy, even though she wasn’t ready at all.

They reached the door to the banquet hall and Blair’s heart sunk. She briefly thought of running away, but she couldn’t. She had to fulfill the expectations set before her, no matter what the sacrifice. No matter how much she hated it.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Jan 18, 2013 7:56 pm

Blood of the Sword

Galahad du Lac stood near the front of the crowded hall in Camelot Castle, dressed in her finest court clothes of blue and green, and beamed at her best friend Prince Gabriel Pendragon. She had known him since he was seven and she was six, and seeing him now achieving everything he had dreamed about, she felt she might burst with pride for him. The two were best friends and had been so since his squireship to her father began. Though a full year younger than he, she had always followed his example in the knightly arts as far and fast as she could, learning to wield mace and lance, ride a charger and run the tilt.

"Do you swear to always defend a lady, except when she is defending you?”

King Arthur's query turned her smile into a smirk for a moment, and a ripple of quiet laughter made it's way through the hall. They all knew the story. It was nearly six months since the hunting of the wild boar that had nearly killed her and Gabriel; six months since she had saved Gabe's life and been named the first female knight of the three realms. She thought she detected a wince of embarrassment from the prince, but since he was facing his father and not her, it was impossible to be sure.

A moment later, though, as King Arthur smiled, lifted his sword and called his son a true knight of Camelot, Gabe stood proud and straight. Despite the solemnity of the moment, Galahad felt she would like to erupt in cheers. Such an act would, of course, have shamed her in the eyes of the king, so she kept her jubilant spirits controlled. Just wait till they break out the ale; then I'll hurrah with the best of them, she thought as Gabe turned to face the crowd. She looked past him to the wooden thrones behind the King and the Prince, where Queen Guinevere and Princess Blair sat. Galahad rolled her eyes at the princess's not-so-subtle look of jealousy.

Weakling, she thought in disgust. If she wants to be knighted so badly, let her put in all the hard work that Gabe and I have!

“Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a banquet directly following the ceremony. Please give us some time to set up the tables, and then we will adjourn to the banquet hall,” Arthur announced.

As the courtiers, guests and servants broke their formation and began milling about the room, Galahad pressed forward to congratulate her friend. But there were so many waiting to do just the same thing that she hardly got a word in edgewise. She tossed her head in annoyance, but couldn't help thinking that Gabe looked really splendid tonight. Most of the time, she didn't think of him as a prince - he was Gabe, her best friend, her fellow dreamer and confidant. But tonight, he looked like a Pendragon.

Galahad felt a slight pang as she realized he would no longer be living at her home, Joyous Guard; he would have duties of his own now and they could never again be so nearly brother and sister. She brushed the thought away. This was a celebration, and her temprament was not made for unhappiness.

A page announced that the dining hall was nearly ready and Galahad walked as quickly as was possible while still maintaining her dignity. She was going to try for a seat near the royal family, and given her standing in the kingdom, that did not seem so impossible. She wanted only to be near enough to laugh with Gabe, punch him in the shoulder and perhaps - oh, if it could be so! - to hear King Arthur speak and even have him address her. She smiled at the thought and searched for a seat near the royal dais.

As the courtiers, guests and sundry tramped into the dining hall, a splendid hunting hound slipped away from the grasp of a servant and ducked under the immense table. No doubt the dog was merely looking for the scraps that would fall during the long feast that was to commence, as any dog might. But keen eyes might have noticed that there was a strange light of intelligence in the hound's eye, as if waiting for something more.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Jan 18, 2013 8:42 pm

Blood of the Sword

Gawain pushed the door open and Blair followed him, feeling glued to his side due to the rule demanding she hold onto his arm. She wished she could have a little more independence than she was granted in this instance. And if this was the way things would be with Gawain all the time, heaven help her. No, heaven help Gawain, since Blair felt she may very well snap one of these days.

Together the two of them crossed the threshold into the banquet hall, and she scanned the room. Tables had been placed; the royal dais was at the forefront. The rest of the tables filled the rest of the large expanse in five long rows. White tablecloths, red and yellow cloth napkins, her mother’s prized crystal goblets. Overall, fit for a king. Or a knight.

The hall was empty, except for…

“Galahad,” Blair said, her voice strained. The girl, Gabe’s best friend and the first female knight of Camelot, stood by the royal dais, searching for a seat.

“Lovely to see you,” Gawain smoothly took over, inclining his head slightly. Perhaps his congenial manner would be an asset in the coming days; it would certainly keep Blair from having to say too much. Just the way Blair liked it. That was possibly the only up-side to this betrothal.

Blair surveyed Galahad, the one who had been promoted to knighthood six months ago. Galahad had practically had her knighthood handed to her because of a lucky incident where she saved Gabe’s life. Blair, on the other hand, had been training for knighthood for two years, and her father still refused to recognize her abilities as valid.

Even her dress was a sign that Galahad was more free than Blair. A deep green dress over blue leggings. Leggings were not permitted for princesses to wear in court, and instead Blair was burdened with a “glorious” white dress, as her mother put it.

Galahad was also wearing her boots, the ones with dragons etched into the leather. Catching sight of them made a memory flash across Blair’s mind, since Galahad had been wearing them the day she saved Gabe’s life.

Blair had been hacking away at a pillar of wood, trying to build up her strength, when the news arrived. The hunting party had ridden through the gates, bearing tales and laud of the praise-worthy deed Galahad had committed. Covered in sweat and dirt and grime from her efforts to prove herself, Blair had to watch as Galahad was greeted by her father and hugged. Hugged! His words of praise echoed in her mind, making her even angrier. She had been striving so hard to earn approval from her father and king, and yet Galahad received them with hardly any effort and a random stroke of luck.

The knighting of Galahad was not much easier to stomach. The irritation at the event was only rivaled by the anger she felt over Gabe’s knighting. Both of them were knights now. Even worse.

She doesn’t deserve the title, Blair thought, anger burning in her chest. Have her prove it!

Sir Gawain led her to the royal dais and sat down on the end. “I assume this is your seat?”

Blair nodded. As always. She sat down, and then directed an icy smile to Galahad. “I’m not sure if there’s room for you on the dais. You might have to sit with the peasants.”
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Jan 18, 2013 9:14 pm

Blood of the Sword

As Galahad wavered over a choice of seats - this one was too far from the king, this one was too near and felt presumptive - she heard one of the side doors open and turned to see Sir Gawain of Lothian walk in with Princess Blair on his arm.

Typical, Galahad thought, gazing at the princess's fantastical white dress that seemed as if faëries had stitched it. Whenever she walks into the room, she has to make everyone else feel ugly. Her own green dress seemed plain and unflattering all of a sudden.

“Galahad,” Blair said flatly.

"Your Highness," Galahad replied as she always did, her tone somehow twisting the title into an insult.

“Lovely to see you,” Gawain said politely, inclining his head slightly.

Young du Lac bore no ill-will to the courteous knight, and smiled back at him, curtsying slightly out of deference for the knight's superior rank. "And the same to you, Sir Gawain."

Gawain turned his attention back to the princess and gestured at one of the chairs placed at the high table. “I assume this is your seat?”

Blair nodded. She sat down, and then directed an icy smile to Galahad. “I’m not sure if there’s room for you on the dais. You might have to sit with the peasants.”

Galahad's face went white with anger. The insult was clearly leveled at her mother, who had been a Saxon. Galahad's own flaxen hair was a clear indication of the mixed blood that flowed through her veins. She met Blair's cold smile with a dark frown. "Fortunately, this night is not a celebration of your knighthood; it's for your brother. And seeing as Gabe was my father's squire, I have no doubt I will be invited to sit at your Highness's table, however much it may soil your gown to sit with the daughter of the greatest knight in the three realms."

With a defiant flip of her yellow braid, Galahad quickly slid into a chair mid-way between the King's seat and the end of the table. With a smug look, she clicked her silver spurs against each other - spurs were a symbol of knighthood and the honor of the wearer. That was something Blair would never wear, for all her fine trinkets and jewels.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Jan 18, 2013 9:41 pm

Blood of the Sword

Blair watched as all the color drained out of Galahad’s face, something that filled her with smug satisfaction. That satisfaction quickly evaporated as soon as the poisoned words flew out of Galahad’s mouth. “Fortunately, this night is not a celebration of your knighthood; it’s for your brother. And seeing as Gabe was my father’s squire, I have no doubt I will be invited to sit at your Highness’s table, however much it may soil your gown to sit with the daughter of the greatest knight in the three realms.”

Blair’s jaw dropped open for just a moment, but then she closed her mouth in a firm line. Anger laced through her tone—not an angry explosive anger, but an icy, reserved anger, which was almost far worse. “Do not insult my father in such a manner; he is the king and far better than you or your father. And don’t you dare speak to me about knighthood. You are hardly qualified to speak on such a subject after having yours served to you on a silver platter.”

Blair swallowed hard and turned back to the table, glancing vaguely at the draperies on the opposite wall.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Jan 18, 2013 10:29 pm

Blood of the Sword

After his knighting and while people were filing out of the great hall, Gabe got a good forearm hand-shake from his father, “I’ve got something to give you Gabe. But right now, you should go say hello to your mother, I think she’s about to hyperventilate.”

It’d been years since he’d done it, she’d always been ‘queen’ and he’d always had to respect her like a subject. But now, she was mom and he gave her a great big hug. “I will do nothing of the sort, young man. So don’t let your father worry you, besides if I pass out now I’ll miss the party!”

“Hah. She never misses a chance to get at the mead, why don’t we get you out of the ridicules cape, Eh son?”

Gabriel removed his head from where it was buried in his mother’s mass of raven dark hair and nodded. The huge red cloak that Lancelot insisted on him wearing had been choking him throughout the entire ceremony. “Hey, what happened to Blair?”

His sister, not a year younger than him and yet he never really had gotten to know her. Her’s was another face that he would have to connect with a new label. Galahad was his sister if not in blood than in dirt and sweat. He and Lancelot’s daughter grew up together, fought together and fought with one another. That’s what made siblings, not blood.

“Oh, I’m not exactly sure what she’s doing. But she ran off in quite a huff,” said the mother once they had arrived back in the royal solar. That’s a bedchamber for those who don’t know the jargon. Gabe unhooked the cloak and handed it to his mother, who put it away for later.

Meanwhile, Arthur was digging through a wardrobe. He then proceeded to stumble out carrying a long, sheathed dagger. “Son, this was your grandfathers and I’d like you to have it.”

The king handed his son the blade and the son received it as a knight would. “Thank you, my king.” But Guinevere would have none of it, “Gabriel, If I ever here you call your father that again, I’ll wash your mouth out with soup.”

Arthur laughed, “You still don’t get the whole rank thing, do you?”

“No! Now Gabe, I’m sure you want to catch up with your sister. She’ll be down in the great hall, I’ve got some things to do up here, so if you want to make your way down there that’d be fine."

Gabe took his leave, strapped his father’s knife to his belt and headed straight for the great hall.

When he arrived, there was Blair alright, there was also Galahad and they both were staring bolts of lightning towards each other.

“eh, hello?”
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Jan 18, 2013 10:54 pm

Blood of the Sword

Blair snatched her gaze away from the tapestries to see Gabe standing in the doorway. Ah, lucky her—now she had to deal with two people she absolutely despised.

“Eh, hello?” Gabe’s voice echoed through the chamber, seeming lone and tiny in comparison to the expansive dining hall.

She swallowed hard and slightly inclined her head, keeping her tone distant. “Gabe. The illustrious knight.” If one listened closely, one could hear the pain in her voice. She gestured to the decadent banquet hall around them, a slight edge of subtle sarcasm in her tone. “Welcome. You’d better enjoy this banquet. Mother and Father are going to a great expense for you.”
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby narnianerd » Jan 18, 2013 11:22 pm

Blood of the Sword

Gabe was a good listener. He heard the pain, he also heard bitterness and anger and he immediately knew this wasn’t going to be a happy family reunion. “It does seem to be quite expensive, but I didn’t ask for this. Blair.” He walked up to the Diaz, continuing to talk on the way. “And I can assure you, I am most grateful.”

He reached across the table to shake Gawain’s hand. They had met before, on several occasions and he knew him to be a good knight, “Sir, its good to see you doing well.” He was saving Galahad for last, the two had come to Camelot together earlier that day. But he was sure that she would be impatiently waiting on him.
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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Jan 18, 2013 11:32 pm

Blood of the Sword

Hot fury flooded her veins. How dare this simpering prissy princess accuse her of not earning her rank?! She had not been "given" anything - it had been years of dedication and toil that led up to the moment when Gabe was in danger. "Had my knighthood handed to--"

"Eh, hello?" a familiar voice interrupted.

Galahad saw Gabe enter a moment after Blair did. Her blood cooled at the sight of him and she smiled, genuinely pleased. He had taken off the stifling red cloak and looked much more like himself now, like the friend she had shoved into the watering trough only last week.

Blair's voice cut in again, smooth and cold. "Welcome. You’d better enjoy this banquet. Mother and Father are going to a great expense for you.”

Galahad's hand twitched angrily, fingering the hilt of the ceremonial sword she wore at her belt. She was about to fling back a heated remark when Gabe spoke in a much more mild tone.

"It does seem to be quite expensive, but I didn’t ask for this, Blair.” He began a slow, measured walk to the dais, his expression firm and collected. "And I can assure you, I am most grateful.” He greeted Gawain in a polite manner, shaking hands and enquiring after his health before turning to face Galahad.

She grinned broadly, slipping out of her chair and sliding across the table in a most unlady-like manner to greet him, shoving plates and goblets to the side as she did so. "Gabe!" She held her hand out and the two performed several mirrored motions that could only be described as a secret handshake. She took the opportunity to whisper in his ear, "Don't mind her; she's only a snub-nosed twit." As she pulled away, she added more clearly, "I'm so happy for you. You deserve every bit of how much this feast costs, considering how hard you've trained. My father says you'll be an even greater warrior than Uther Pendragon."

As she spoke, she flung a meaningful glance at Blair, as if to say, "Gabe is more my brother than he ever was yours". Judging by the look on her face, Blair did not care much who's brother he was.

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Re: Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

Postby MountainFireflower » Jan 18, 2013 11:48 pm

Blood of the Sword

Gabe’s response was not as angry as Blair expected it to be, and his kindness took her off guard, nearly making her drop her icy emotional mask. “It does seem to be quite expensive, but I didn’t ask for this. Blair. And I can assure you, I am most grateful.”

Of course you didn’t ask for it. Our parents showered it upon you. Not me.

It was then that Galahad flounced over to her brother and whispered something in his ear. Heaven only knew what snide remark she’d made about Blair in secret. But that didn’t trouble her as much as the look Galahad gave her afterwards, a look that proved that Galahad was most closer to Gabe than she was. The weight of the loss she’d sustained by having Gabe away all these years hit her like a slap in the face. Yes, she hated him for all he’d attained, but he was still her brother, her blood relation. The brother she’d once fought with wooden swords and made pillow forts with. It was only now that she allowed herself to realize how much she missed the bond they’d once had.

Blair’s heart ached so badly over this that she could not bring herself to respond, to either Gabe or Galahad. She just tried to swallow past the lump in her throat and keep her outward appearance as normal as possible, even though she was breaking inside.


Gawain stared at the ceiling during Galahad and Blair’s exchange. He didn’t feel like it was his place to intrude. Unless Blair grabbed a candlestick and started swinging it—then he’d most definitely intrude.

Marrying her is bound to be interesting, he thought dryly.

He was glad for the intrusion of Gabe and welcomed it wholeheartedly. He slid his chair away from the table and stood to greet the new knight. “And you as well, Gabe—congratulations on your knighthood.”
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