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Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

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Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Madame Gosté » Oct 15, 2009 8:55 pm

Here in Ditto Town, when one of ze stories in ze Ditto Town Fountain becomes popular enough, I give them their own thread, to keep things neater and more organized. Moi, I’m proud to feature some of Ditto Town's best role-plays.

If vous would like to join any of these role-plays, please PM the creator first.

Please follow zese guidelines in your posts:

• Please keep all posts rated “G” or “PG” for ze sake of our younger members.

• Cooperate with ze plotter, as they basically have ze final word for ze storyline.

• Please try to make your posts longer than 10 words and shorter than 600 words. If vous want to chat (“I’m at work today. How are vous?”) instead of role-play (“Chedder ze Chipmunk flings himself from branch to branch, looking for his lost thimble.”), please go to ze Chat Room.

• All role play characters should be characters vous have invented yourself, not stolen from ze other authors. Vous can use names created by others, but zey must be different characters. Vous can use your characters from ze Ditto Story and Fountain, or ones made up just for this thread. Vous can post a biography of your characters in ze Ditto Town Post Office.

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Ditto Town Featured Role-plays Presents:

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

created by:

written by:
Bookwyrm, Lady Arwen, Rising_Star, sweeetlilgurlie, PrinceCor004, qwertykate88, narnianerd, princess_of_narnia, greenleaf23, humdedum, zlcva, and Captn. Peregrin

When a mysterious blue and white vortex appears on a computer screen, various Ditto Town writers are sucked in to the world of Ditto Town, where a serious threat caused by the arrival of the notorious Le Loup Noir awaits them. They must find a way to keep him from destroying Ditto Town and find a way back home before it's too late.

Vous can read A Funny Thing Happened from the beginning here.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Rising_Star » Oct 15, 2009 9:03 pm

I grinned faintly as Zack introduced us all to Zacce and his daughter. I was about to step up and say something, when an explosion shook the building slightly. I stumbled and almost fell, but caught myself on Booky's arm.

"What was that?" I exclaimed.

I ran to the window and looked out. My heart sank to my stomach where it began pounding incessantly. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no," I murmured.

There were dozens of soldiers marching their way up the street from the place where the Fountain was. They were all carrying weapons of some kind and they all wore black armored suits. In the middle of their chests was Le Loup Noir's insignia. The silhouette of the black wolf howling at the full moon.

I turned to stare at the others. I was sure my eyes were wide. "He's here," I said numbly. Turning to Drake I tried not to look as panicked as I felt.

"If you're going to take us all to Estee, we have to go now," I said. "We have to find out all we can about this guy before we can know how to take him down. I mean, I know some things, but I need to know if anything changed . . ."

I trailed off, knowing I sounded crazy. Maybe I was.

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby zlcva » Oct 15, 2009 9:32 pm

Zacce smiled graciously to Cor and Narnianerd and inclined his head.

"And greetings to you," he said. "But there's no need to bow. I haven't been a Jedi for years."
I wondered if Zacce still had any bitterness about that fact. My thoughts were interrupted by the explosion, however, and I barely maintained my balance. I cast a worried glance at Ryan, and waited for what would happen next. I had a sneaking suspicion as to the identity of this "Black Wolf" person, though I hoped I was wrong. I noticed Zacce placing himself protectively between Rianna and the doorway. He looked at Ryan searchingly as she spoke.

"I can call in the Autobots to buy us time," he said. Then, after a pause, said, "If you want."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby narnianerd » Oct 15, 2009 9:37 pm

I wasn't as lucky to have booky next to me and fell on my face, I rolled over stood up and pulled my revolver the slunk to the side of the window... I figured it was from watching spy movies yeah that was it, I didn't think that the small twenty two would have been effective against the black armor of the soldiers. I ran to a chair and grabbed it then wedged it up against the door handle "Come on do something!" I said to Drake. When the former Jedi knight mentioned the autobots I would have said yes but Nalume was directing his question at Ryan.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby PrinceCor004 » Oct 15, 2009 9:38 pm

Just as I replied to Arin with a pleasant "Thank you", the bookstore shook. I had seen enough movies to know that this was probably caused by an explosion of some sort. Walking over to one of the windows, I saw a line of black armor clad soldiers marching our way. Definitely bad guys.... I thought as I looked over the black armor of the troops as they approached.

"Now would be a good time to leave...." I said as I walked over to where the others were standing. Strangely, instead of being scared, I felt more excited than anything. Just don't do anything stupid and get yourself killed.... I thought as I glanced between Ryan and guy holding the staff who appeared to go by the name Drake.

"We're leaving by magic?" I inquired. Stupid question, but still.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 15, 2009 10:28 pm

Matthias materialized next to Cordelia and took her hand in his, looking downright fierce and determined.

"We'll hold them off if they head this way. Go ahead and get out of here, while you still can."

Drake looked less than thrilled about leaving his friends behind to possibly fight the approaching horde, but I knew him too well, being his author. He wouldn't risk our lives unless he had good reason to believe we deserved what was coming for us.

"Gather around, all of you. You're going to need to join hands, so we'll form a large circle. Don't be shy, germs are the least of your worries, judging by what's coming through the Fountain," Drake instructed.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Rising_Star » Oct 15, 2009 10:51 pm

I surprised myself by actually hesitating before nodding to Zacce's suggestion.

"Call them in," I said. For some reason my gut twisted. I tried my best to fend off the sick feeling, but I had never actually been the cause of anyone's death before. I mean, not in real life. And this was too close to real life than was comfortable.

When Drake said to join hands, I grabbed Kate's and Booky's instinctively. I could not help but glance out the window again, at the long line of soldiers that kept coming and coming and coming . . .

I did this, I realized with another sick punch to my gut. I brought this to Ditto Town.

Normally I did not have a problem bringing destruction and mayhem to Ditto Town. I mean, that's what made RPing so much fun. But being here now, with Zacce and Drake and young Rianna standing in front of me, real and tangible, it brought everything into perspective. If anyone was killed today, it would be real flesh and blood, not some character in some RP that was written and read over the internet.

I felt like I was going to throw up, but I kept my emotions in check as best I could. Suddenly I was very glad I was an actress.

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby narnianerd » Oct 16, 2009 5:49 am

I holstered my revolver and jumped up immediately grabbed Booky' and Zack's hand's and desperately hoped that none of these guys had the swine flu… even though I’m an actor and can usually keep my emotions behind my face I had never had an army of bad guys attacking us an now my face was showing it openly. What I would give to have Shono or Matthew or even a David by my side right now, I just really hoped that Shono would be among the autobots coming to help, Shono, Solarflare, Blades and Flamewing is who I would pick to send.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Oct 16, 2009 6:01 am

I quickly took Zack's hand and Evory took mine. She stood there next to me, diminuitive and serious. Battles were far more dangerous to her than to me, I realized. Poor girl. Did she realize who I was? She had known my name- did she know that I made her with a 90 day lifespan? Did she want more than that?

I shook my head to clear it and tried to stay calm. Yeah, really scary guys were coming from the direction of the fountain with the intention to kill us (probably), but we would be gone in a moment. Just hold on. I thought to myself. I randomly wondered if being apparated would hurt.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby zlcva » Oct 16, 2009 6:03 am

Zacce nodded and spoke quickly into his M-Vice. As much as I wanted to see the Autobots in action, I knew I'd more than likely get a chance later. As everyone joined hands, I hesitated, unsure of whose to grab. Surprisingly, my hands were grabbed almost simultaneously by Narnianerd and Sweeet. I suddenly felt very popular. :P
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby narnianerd » Oct 16, 2009 7:08 am

I heard someone coming through a side door and cursed myself for not wedging that one when I saw a red dome come around a corner I relaxed "Its R5" I thought. The droid had its head turned towards the door so he didn't see us untill he ran into me, conecting him into the link of hand's. Suddenly I felt a lot safer with that droid around... It might of had to do with the repeating blaster and other goodies like that the Benedict line had installed it that scrap heap, yeah that was it.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby qwertykate88 » Oct 16, 2009 9:28 am

"It's more rewarding in person," I answered Nathanael with a smirk. So were hugs from a certain member who had named herself my Twin. I started to stand up to return the favor when something that sounded explosive knocked me from my really unbalanced position onto my backside.

"Eh!" A blur of fur then attached itself to my shoulder, shaking uncontrollably.

Reaching up, I awkwardly patted frightened Mintoo on the back, since her head was buried underneath of my hair. "Great," I muttered from the floor. Of course this was Ditto Town. Death. Destruction. More death. More destruction. Although at least the good thing to look forward to was a happy ending.

Or a sequel.

Following Ryan's lead, I took one of Ame's hand in mine, using both of them as leverage to pull myself up from the floor. "Hiya," came my belated reply to Ame.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby PrinceCor004 » Oct 16, 2009 9:29 am

When the wizard, magician, whatever-he-was said to hold hands, I grabbed Lady A's and Kate's. Great, I grabbed the hands of two of female RPers.... I thought, hoping they didn't mind having me between them. Considering that we would be attacked soon, it was a pretty petty thought at the time looking back on it.

I glanced back at the front door and the Jedi as they prepared to fight off the soldiers. There was a part of me that wanted to stay, watch the fight and maybe even get involved myself. If Ryan is right about having to go and fight this evil guy... force .... thing, then we'll probably all get a chance to fight whether we want too or not. I let out a slight sigh and prepared to be teleported or whatever Drake was going to do. Does being teleported hurt?
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby princess_of_narnia » Oct 16, 2009 10:51 am

I took my time getting to the bookstore. I looked around myself, soaking the wonderful world of Ditto Town. Suddenly an explosion dropped me to my knees. My heart skipped a beat as I looked behind me. A line of soldiers, dressed darkly marched closer and closer toward me. I ran the last few yards into the bookstore. Slamming the door behind me, I looked around the room, trying to catch my breath. It was packed with people. People that I did not recognize. With an army behind me and a hoard of strangers in front of me, I began to wish that I had fallen into facebook instead of Ditto Town. My eyes darted from person to person, and all of them had something in common--they were holding hands. I quickly looked for a hand that had not been taken, but the ring was firm around me. They must be moving out of here by magic. I had to catch a hand or I would be left behind. I thought with a shudder how that might play out.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Captn. Peregrin » Oct 16, 2009 11:30 am

Fortunately, I was still by the bookcase when the building shook, so I grabbed onto a shelf and managed to only get hit by one or two rogue books. I stayed there for a minute after the ground stopped shaking. I'd never felt an explosion before, and I'd hardly ever heard gunshots (except on TV, of course). Watching the black-armoured people marching down the street, I was almost too scared to move. Somehow, though, I managed to draw myself away from the bookcase and grab two random hands.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A Funny Thing Happened

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 16, 2009 11:33 am

Realizing that Cor, Kate and myself had just made a small circle of our own, I disengaged from Cor's hand and Kate's.

"If Mintoo is coming, have her go between us," I said to Kate. "Cor, take pon's hand."

I quickly grabbed Silvren's hand as the twins joined hands on the other side of her--Arin was already holding the tot's other hand. I watched Alàtariël look around for a few moments, then, as it appeared everyone else was already in the circle, she took Evory's hand, making the circle complete.

((I think everyone is in the circle...))
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