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The Post Office

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Weirdo » Feb 01, 2012 1:08 pm

General Information

Character Name: Weillyn Rachelle Weirdsworth Do
Character Nicknames or Titles: Wei R. Do, Llyn
Screen Name of Author: Weirdo

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Short reddish hair/green eyes
Weight/Height: 5'7"
Distinct Markings: Blonde streaks in hair
Clothes and Other Accessories: Black pants, black leather jacket, dark grey shirt, dark grey converse high tops (Also sometimes an invisible cloak).
Weapons: M4, glock, several throwing knives, throwing axe, and a whip

Occupation: ANTI agent
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Protective, fiery, logical at times, and blunt
Personality Flaws: Can be overly blunt, and tends to blow up when a relative/friend is harmed
Hobbies: Practicing with her weapons, killing Muffins and Muppetz
Likes/Dislikes: Fighting, sneaking around/Muffins and Muppetz, or anyone who harms friends or relatives
Long-term Goals: Get rid of the Muffins, Muppetz, and anyone who has anything bad to do with them
Skills: Fighting and killing

Family: Evil Dr. Joe Weirdsworth III (is on mission with him)
Friends: Cyko
Enemies: Muffins, Muppetz, and anyone who has anything to do with them

Stories character is in: ANTI

Picture: (with green eyes)
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Jill » Feb 16, 2012 1:28 am

Why lady's how truly lovely to meet you, I'll take that cup of tea if you are making one, tea is my one weakness.
Character Name: Elizabeth Gorgina Panworth
Character Nicknames or Titles: Liza to most people Gorgie to those she shouldn't, but invariably does know.
Screen Name of Author: Jill

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: long, wavy Black hair, blue eyes that verge on purple
Weight/Height: 5'4 heavier than she looks (not very heavy) but strong
Distinct Markings: Rose tattoo on the back of her neck usually covered by her hair but occasionally revealed, it withers and blooms according to Liza's state of health and changes colour according to her mood.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Long and impractical but beautiful dresses of several different centuries when not fighting any battles. She has a ring with a bird on it the bird when touched in a certain way becomes a remarkably clever golden eagle.
Weapons: Bow and inexhaustible supply of arrows, an old fashioned method of attack but it suits her.
Armor: Very little, a breastplate, a helmet and a chain mail tunic in times of utter peril and extreme emergency but usually very little

Residence: the ancestral home is a castle, well hidden
Occupation: The most visible jewel anywhere, the most invisible fighting force anywhere else.
Mode of Transportation: Horse and trap, just the horse if she needs to move quickly.
Overall Personality: Bright and bubbly, very alive, over emotional
Personality Flaws: irritable and fatally easily distracted, concious that she is beautiful
Hobbies: She can never stop singing, reads a lot (arranges her library far too often) and spend hours just talking
Likes/Dislikes: adores chocolate, music and laughter can't stand disorder in the library, ballroom or battlefield and order anywhere else also really dislikes too much noise when she is not making it
Long-term Goals: "I," she insists, "am a lady, I am here to be adored that is what I really want, to be utterly adored"
Skills: Can shoot anything within sight with perfect accuracy, weaves pictures that can transport a person from this world to another
Magic Skills: has a great knowledge of healing magic, it is in her blood and comes, with the right words out of her hands

Family: Two younger brothers she has to keep under control
Friends: Many, she may be rather over self worshipping but is charming company and very funny when she want to be.
Enemies: Fewer than she believes but more than are apparent
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: The eagle from her ring, Gwen, is not exactly a pet or a side kick, at any rate she doesn't wish to be thought of that way, but is closer to that than anything else

Short History: Born into a noble family Liza's blood is, supposedly blue although nobody has ever seen it. At 15 she lost both her mother and her father, her mother died giving birth, to twin boys and her father died in battle this left her with two brothers to control, not the easiest of tasks and the world to face, at 18 she fought her first battle she is now hoping for a little more peace and quiet but, naturally that's not going to get it.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Apr 23, 2012 2:29 pm

Character Name: Nolen Märresk
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Witch-Boy, Nolie
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown-ish blonde, deep brown
Weight/Height: about 5'10" tall, 150 lbs.
Distinct Markings: a slightly crooked smile
Clothes and Other Accessories: brown tunic, forest-green trousers, leather belt, hooded cloak, satchel (when going out), leather boots, brown jacket with a lot of little pockets
Weapons: none
Armor: none
Residence: the woods of North Erandor
Occupation: Wizard / Spellmaker
Mode of Transportation: his feet, occasionally spells
Overall Personality: happy-go-lucky, ready to laugh at anything, impetuous, lively, brave, rash, optimistic, loves learning, hates cleaning, witty
Personality Flaws: rarely thinks before he speaks or acts, is awkward around girls, sometimes takes serious things too lightly, can "give his two cents" without being asked... But always with the intent of being helpful!
Hobbies: reading, learning, spell-casting, walking
Likes: the forest, Celyn, animals (especially squirrels), magic, books, adventures
Dislikes: being shunned, girls, pessimists, anything dark or serious
Long-term Goals: to make sorcery a respected and acceptable practice, to help cure the plague, to take care of Celyn
Skills: vast knowledge of woodland lore, knows how to read, write and speak the ancient tongue of Magic
Magic Skills: a wide array of spells, potions and talismans are his to command, along with an inborn ability to befriend and command animals
Family: parents, seven siblings
Friends: Celyn
Enemies: TBA
Sells: potions
Short History: Nolen was the son of a common farmer, the fourth of eight children. In other words, he was as normal as normal could get. But one fateful day, the enchantress Celyn happened to wander into the little village his family lived in, and saw the boy's natural affinity for magic. She persuaded his parents to let him become her apprentice, and he gladly left the common life behind forever.
Living with Celyn, he has learned more than many master sorcerers know of magic, but his control of the outcome of his spells is sometimes lacking. He loves living in the forest with his master, helping her make the potions that they sell to support themselves, and occasionally going out to find some rare herb or magical creature. Nolen has no friends besides Celyn - he has quickly learned that while most people think magic is a useful thing, they also fear it and those who wield it - but he is always on the lookout for someone who will accept him for who he is. His cheeky, witty personality has emerged fully, but he has a sensitive, serious side that has not yet emerged. Some great danger may yet draw it out...

Stories Character has been in: Legends of Erandor



Character Name: Celyn Tamare
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Forest Witch
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Age: 58
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown turned grey, clear blue
Weight/Height: about 5'4" tall, 136 lbs.
Distinct Markings: snub nose
Clothes and Other Accessories: sky-blue dress, leather belt, herb satchel, silver earrings, leather shoes, shoulder cloak, walking staff
Weapons: none
Armor: none
Residence: the woods of North Erandor
Occupation: Enchantress
Mode of Transportation: her feet
Overall Personality: wise, thoughtful, brave, just, affectionate (to a very few), good judge of character
Personality Flaws: stubborn, (rarely) harsh, not very merciful
Hobbies: practicing magic, teaching Nolen, making beautiful things by magic (especially toys)
Likes: children, Nolen, magic, the forest, a calm afternoon, a good book
Dislikes: prejudice, ignorance, her grey hair, injustice
Long-term Goals: to make Nolen a better conjurer than she is, to stop the plague
Skills: sewing
Magic Skills: can cast an astonishing array of various spells and potions, an inborn ability to correctly judge character at first sight
Family: none living
Friends: Nolen, the village children
Enemies: TBA
Sells: potions
Short History: Celyn has been a powerful and wise enchantress in the north of Erandor for many years, and is as greatly feared as she is appreciated. Her powers of seeing people's character at a glance are said to have been gained when she sold her soul to some dark power, but the truth is, she was born with this talent. Living alone for many years, she has many customers for her potions, but no friends.
Having taken Nolen as her apprentice when he was just ten years old, she has come to love him as if he were her own son, though his curiosity and rashness sometimes conflict with her more calm, measured approach to magic. His antics have taught her to laugh and enjoy life, although she is still occasionally slightly wistful. She also loves to have the village children come visit her, though they do this without the knowledge of their parents.
Celyn regrets her old age, complaining that she still has so much she wants to do, and tries many dyes and potions to try to cover her greying hair. She also regrets the fact that magic, while allowed, is feared and misunderstood. She has had a vision that her apprentice will one day change this, but she has yet to reveal the prophecy to Nolen...

Stories Character has been in: Legends of Erandor


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Rising_Star » May 28, 2012 12:56 pm

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Re: The Post Office

Postby narnianerd » Jun 01, 2012 2:50 am

General Information

Character Name: Torin Anwae
Character Nicknames or Titles: none
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Hooman
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/Hazel
Weight/Height: 150/5’10
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: normal peasant clothing
Weapons: He’s got two fists, a dagger a bow and an attitude that would scare off a rampaging bear, that’s all he needs
Armor: none.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A room above his uncles Tavern.
Occupation: Troublemaker by day, bartender the rest of the time.
Mode of Transportation: Usually foot.
Overall Personality: The dude is cocky, he’s arrogant and he is a total flirt. He see’s in black and white, either you are good or you’re bad. There is no in-between. On the flipside, he’s got a big heart, he hates seeing people in pain and he’ll fight to defend those who can’t defend themselves. He’s brave but not fearless, kind and yet blunt. He isn’t afraid to give his opinion, anytime and anywhere and to anyone regardless of their rank. He won’t bow down to or move aside for any man, it can be hard to gain his total trust, but when you do you might as well have bought yourself a loyal guard dog for a friend.
Personality Flaws: See above.
Hobbies: Hunting, while he isn’t the greatest he has a fun time doing it and Gambling whether with cards, beer or with his fists.
Likes/Dislikes: Girls, good Beer, justice, good times, challenges/Injustice, stupid people, the majority of the upper class, spinach and losing a fight.
Long-term Goals: He really hasn’t thought any out, he prefers to live in the moment.
Skills: Fighting, knife throwing, Bow and Arrow, Cards.
Magic Skills:

Family: His Uncle Jonathan
Friends: Alex, Elaina, possibly Aedra, and just about all the single girls in the town.
Enemies: Ellion, Xeras, few others.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Haha. No.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Legends of Erandor



General Information

Character Name: Colton Turner
Character Nicknames or Titles: Colt to his friends, Sheriff Turner to everyone else.
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/Green
Weight/Height: 170/5’11
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: His Grey Wool Uniform, Purple Tie, according to his subordinates, he never takes it off. Even though he does, he’ll usually be found wearing something with a sheriff badge on it, even his t-shirts.
Weapons: Standard Issue Blaster Pistol, Occasionally he’ll break out a Rifle.
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) He has a small cot shoved into his office and he usually sleeps there, but he does have an apartment.
Occupation: Ditto Town’s Sheriff
Mode of Transportation: Police Speeder
Overall Personality: Hard working, he’s brutally honest, cocky, brave, sharp witted and loyal, likable and charismatic. Honestly, he’s a bit overwhelmed with his position and he’s got an insecure side which he hides pretty well behind a wall of toughness.
Personality Flaws: He does everything by the book, even when the book is wrong.
Hobbies: He's pretty much married to his work.
Likes/Dislikes: Cases solved, bad guys caught, good beer, Fish and Chips / Law breakers, spinach, annoying new recruits and his rival over at the Monsteropolis Police Department.
Long-term Goals: Survive the hectic job that is being Sheriff for Ditto Town, oh yeah, and get married someday.
Skills: Crack shot, excellent swordsman and pretty good at hand to hand combat.
Magic Skills: None

Family: His little sister Harley, both his parents were murdered during a robbery when he was 14.
Friends: Nathan Benedict, Warpath, others
Enemies: Law Breakers and Monsteropolis sheriff Jaxon Sanchez
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: His father was a lawyer and his mother was a doctor, the two met in collage while training for their respective careers. A few years later they got married and bam, Colton was born. Four years afterwards Harley came into existence. After that the family lived in relative peace until Colt’s fortieth year, when on one fateful night Mr. and Mrs. Turner were gunned to death while on a date during a robbery at a high end restaurant. For a while, he and his sister lived on the streets. Then he got a job as a copy boy at the police station when he was fifteen, and moved up through the ranks, going to college when he was nineteen and coming back as a deputy when he was twenty two. He hadn’t been working there for more than a year when the sheriff was shot and he was promoted.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Absolute Terror

Image Image


General Information

Character Name: Harley Turner
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/Green
Weight/Height: 115/5’4
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Denim Coat, Black T-Shirt and Cargo Pants
Weapons: Virboknife
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc)
Occupation: Waiter at the Cup and Platter
Mode of Transportation: Feet, Public Transportation
Overall Personality: Confident, almost bubbly, likable and yet spunky, she’s sarcastic and has a biting edge but if you threaten her family and her friends she’ll turn that biting edge on you. She’s got a knack for getting into trouble, often just to spite her older brother.
Personality Flaws: Like her brother, she buries her deepest feelings of hurt and anger. She had to in order to survive the streets and now, old habits die hard.
Hobbies: She’s got an old podracer that she’ll race once in a while illegally of course.
Long-term Goals: She isn’t the type to think these out.
Skills: She’s a pretty decent mechanic and a beastly pod racer
Magic Skills: None

Family: Colton, her brother
Friends: Nathan Benedict, R5 – W3 and others
Enemies: A couple racing rivals, nothing serious.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: See Colton Turner

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Absolute Terror



General Information

Character Name: Xavier Talon
Character Nicknames or Titles: General Talon, General X or simply Boss
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 54
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Grey/Blue
Weight/Height: 201/6’2
Distinct Markings: He lost his right arm a long time ago after a battle wound gave him an infection and it had to be amputated. He refuses to wear a prosthetic limb and so he simply has a stub at his elbow
Clothes and Other Accessories: A Dress Military Uniform
Weapons: Pistol
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) He lives on the Burg Military Base in the Generals mansion
Occupation: six star General, basically he is in command of the Army, Navy and the Air Force, he’s very popular with his troops as he will defend their actions in any court of law, the media hates him as do many civilians, he also has a testy relationship with the President, who views Xavier as a threat.
Mode of Transportation: Army SUV
Overall Personality: Gruff, Brooding and Intimidating but he’s Charismatic and Loyal. He’s Patriotic and yet cunning, he’s very introverted. Not your typical solider, he doesn’t think with his gut and his tongue, instead he keeps his thoughts to himself, only revealing as much as is needed.
Personality Flaws: He’s like a school yard bully, he’ll protect those whom he believes will further his own purposes and no one can touch them. However, if you cross him he’ll release the fullness of his wrath. If he perceives you as a threat to his position, don’t be surprised if you go missing. Permanently.
Hobbies: Not many.
Likes/Dislikes: Quick wars, successful campaigns, good moral among the troop and an Ice Cold beer/The President, people who cross him and loosing at anything.
Long-term Goals: He likes to think that he has achieved them
Skills: He’s a good shot, but he hasn’t had to use this skill in over ten years.
Magic Skills: none

Family: One daughter, his wife left him after she got fed up with the whole Army-Wife thing.
Friends: Not many.
Enemies: A ton.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Maybe Later

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Jul 02, 2012 7:58 pm

Character Name: Vhexani
Character Nicknames or Titles: Vhex
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan
Age: 9,381
Gender: female
Species: Toa of Lightning
Hair/Eye Colors: no hair / green eyes
Height: 7'7"
Distinct Markings: bands of silver protodermis shaped like vines welded onto her wrists as decoration
Clothes and Other Accessories: carries a high-powered welder to repair injuries, a few basic blacksmith tools. Wears a "Kanohi Akaku" - a Great Mask of Vision - which allows her to see through solid objects, the density of matter and heat signatures.
Weapons: a thick metal rod that she uses both as a quarter staff and a conductor for her elemental power
Armor: Sapphire blue torso, tricep and calf armor; white bicep, thigh and neck armor
Residence: Formerly, Saeras Islet; currently, wandering DT
Occupation: protecting matoran/weaker beings, fighting oppressors
Mode of Transportation: her feet
Overall Personality: witty, sarcastic, sympathetic, positive, playful, just, emotionally secure, confident, patient, creative
Personality Flaws: likes to debate people and correct them, has a high opinion of herself and her abilities
Likes: protecting the weak, bringing down villains, a sunny day, poetry
Dislikes: injustice, back-door deals, traitors, oppressors, the dark
Long-term Goals: to get back to her universe, to hold to her Bloodbrand oath, to honor the Toa Code
Skills: use of her metal quarterstaff, an amateur blacksmith, highly proficient in use of her element
Magic Skills: control of the element of Lightning, high resistance to electric damage
Family: other members of the Kin are considered family
Friends: Kaelen
Enemies: The Academy, Santun, the Makuta, Zyrule
Stories Character has been in: Ditto Town
Short Long History:
Relatively young for a Toa, Vhexani was recruited into the Kin soon after she was transformed from a matoran. She used her talent with her elemental power to made up for a lack of physical skills. In time, she became competent with her quarterstaff, but she still relies heavily on using Lightning. She also made a point of learning how to repair minor wounds and reshape broken armor, though she is not highly skilled at this.
Vhex considered it a shame to her people that Lightning was mostly used as a basic stun by most Toa and set herself the task of creating new forms and uses for her element. She studied the anatomy of many species and discovered how to channel electricity through key pathways in the body to create the most damage. (her Mask of Vision helps her with this) As such, her fighting style is highly dangerous and unorthodox - it is partially what enabled her to escape the Kin Massacre at Saeras Islet.
Despite having escaped the slaughter of her brothers and sisters to a strange world, Vhex feels that by running, she has betrayed the Great Master and must regain her honor. As such, she is determined to return to her universe and help reestablish the Kin. In the meantime, she is trying to help the people of Dittotopia and learn the culture. What she will do when she discovers the Kin's most deadly enemy has followed her remains to be seen.

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Dinode » Jul 02, 2012 9:52 pm

Character Name: Mango Essmob
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mango, Mango the Cat
Screen Name of Author: dinode

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Mobian (sub-species cat)
Hair/Eye Colors: Orange/Blue
Weight/Height: 77 lbs/3ft 2in
Distinct Markings: None unless you count orange fur and super extendable claws.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Fingerless gloves, sandals, a belt with several places for hanging items, a device for sharpening his claws.
Weapons: Extendable claws from his hands and feet made of a material harder than diamond and super sharp.
Armor: None.

Residence: On the streets.
Occupation: "Protecting" people from thieves and vandals in exchange for money or food.
Mode of Transportation: Feet, hitchhiking.
Overall Personality: Sarcastic, smart, extremely helpful to people he likes.
Personality Flaws: Can be rude, doesn't trust people, self-serving, a bully at times, not particularly courageous.
Hobbies: Relaxing when he's not busy, listening to music.
Likes/Dislikes: Pizza, city life, music, animals, getting paid/Being called a cat, fish, wildernesses, not getting paid, magic users.
Long-term Goals: Go back to living like he used to before he ended up in "this place infested with weirdos", never be abandoned again.
Skills: Intimidation, climbing, street-smarts, basic first aid, running, jumping.
Super Skills: See weapons.

Family: Parents left when he was 5, hasn't seen them since.
Friends: None yet.
Enemies: Magic users (doesn't trust them).
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None (he would be insulted at the idea).

Short History: He was born with super hard extendable claws. His parents abandoned him at 5, which is young even for a mobian to be out in the world, he has a hard time trusting people as a result. He wandered about for years, during which a scientist gave him a device for sharpening his claws after saving his life. He eventually settled in a mid-size town for several years in which he started a "protection" business keeping vandals and thieves away in exchange for money or food, until a mad scientist starts zapping some sort of ray around town and he gets caught in the cross fire. Next thing he knows he's falling from the skies of Dittopia...

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Ditto Town Mystery Mansion
Picture: Courtesy of my sister...
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Re: The Post Office

Postby MountainFireflower » Jul 11, 2012 2:33 pm

General Information

Character Name: Julietta Embry
Character Nicknames or Titles: Anything that Dr. Wallaby concocts. ;)
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Auburn, bluish-green
Weight/Height: 115 lbs, 5'1"
Distinct Markings: None.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Jeans & a blouse.
Weapons: None other than a scalpel. :P
Armor: N/A

Residence: An apartment in downtown Arida.
Occupation: Nurse.
Mode of Transportation: A Jeep that she's owned since med school.
Overall Personality: Sweet, a little ditzy. Definitely a klutz. She can be serious when she needs to be but she is very prone to flights of fancy. Adores Romano and has a tendency to gush whenever she's around him.
Personality Flaws: She's a klutz, she's a perfectionist and berates herself when things don't go right, she complains at times, and like I said: she's ditzy. :P
Hobbies: Knitting. Admiring Romano. Playing Scrabble. Eating Jello.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Jello, Romano, food, popcorn, medical stuff, kittens, hedgehogs, ducklings, shopping. // Dislikes: Being a klutz, awkward moments, getting injured, and embarrassing herself (especially if it's around Romano).
Long-term Goals: To get as good at her medical skill as she can, and to eventually become a doctor. (If she can just stop being a klutz in the midst of important operations.)
Skills: Drawing blood, shooting hoops (yeah, she doesn't mind being an athlete, surprise, surprise.)

Family: Two parents.
Friends: Romano, Dr. Wallaby // Kiev (in This Is Eden).
Enemies: None at the moment.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: One kitten.

Short History: Julietta grew up in a small town with her parents until she went away to med school, following her dream to go into the medical field. This is where she met Romano. (See This Is Eden.) She and Romano both got employed by Dr. Wallaby, where she spends her time trying not to drop things and trying to curb her affections for Romano (it doesn't work). Until the supernova happened... and, as supernovas are apt to do, it changes everything.

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Stories Character has been in: Supernova, This Is Eden.

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Re: The Post Office

Postby narnianerd » Aug 01, 2012 1:18 pm

General Information

Character Name: Katherine Talon
Character Nicknames or Titles: Kat
Screen Name of Author: Joe

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde/Green
Weight/Height: 134/5’5
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Average stuff
Weapons: None, but she usually has a protective detail assigned to her.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) The Burg Military Base
Occupation: Army Brat
Mode of Transportation: CMT Stingray
Overall Personality: Bubbly and extraverted, in that respect, she is very much unlike her father (He says that she gets it from Mom). However, like her father she doesn’t like being told what to do but has no qualms about ordering others around, she is likable but has a mean side to her. She easily makes friends and yet can be abrasive and create enemies.
Personality Flaws: Can go all OCD on your.
Hobbies: She’s pretty good on the guitar
Likes/Dislikes: I hate this part
Long-term Goals: Unknown
Skills: She’s been trained by Army Specialists in shooting, hand-to-hand combat and agressive/defensive driving.
Magic Skills: Portal Creation, basically, she can create a portal from on place to the other. But first she has to have seen the place first, in a photograph or in real life.

Family: Her dad
Friends: Many
Enemies: None of her own.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Coming soonish.

Stories Character has been in: Supernova

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Re: The Post Office

Postby PrinceCor004 » Aug 06, 2012 5:58 pm

General Information

Character Name: Emily Jackson
Character Nicknames or Titles: Em, M (used for signing things)
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brunette/Green
Weight/Height: It's rude to ask a girl her weight. ;)
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal though somewhat stylish. Typically wears jeans and assorted tops, occasionally goes for a dress if needed.

Residence: Centreville
Occupation: College student and employee at Nick's Record Bin
Mode of Transportation: Car, feet, occasionally a bus. Despises bikes.
Overall Personality: Moderately outgoing, very snarky and laconic. Knows a lot about various subjects, but is mostly interested in the arts.
Personality Flaws: Flirty, is dismissive of people she finds "un-interesting"
Hobbies: Collecting books and music... and the occasional boyfriend.
Likes/Dislikes: Italian food, music, "artsy stuff", guys/school (for the most part)
Long-term Goals: Unknown

Family: Mrs. Jackson, Tony Jackson (brother)
Friends: I'll get back to you on this
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: One dog and a garden snake

Short History: Later...

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
This is Eden

Emily Jackson 2.jpg
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Re: The Post Office

Postby PrinceCor004 » Aug 13, 2012 4:11 pm

General Information

Character Name: Marcus Cunningham
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mr. Cunningham, Marcus, MC (jokingly used)
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 68
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black, though graying/Brownish
Weight/Height: 180/ 6'0"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual, though usually wears some kind of suit, carries a watch with a leather band and occasionally brings along a small gadget of his own making.

Residence: Downtown Burg
Occupation: Military science (a rather hush-hush job)
Mode of Transportation: Car or feet
Overall Personality: Cunningham is a gentleman from a previous decade, so his personality is charming, friendly and just a tad short tempered.
Personality Flaws: Can lose his temper with "young people" and especially with the government/military he grudgingly works for.
Hobbies: Making various small gadgets and computer programs for his own amusement... or to impress others.
Likes/Dislikes: The Lawrence family, creating various tech things, talks with intelligent people/the current government/military, parties (for the most part)
Long-term Goals: Currently up-in-the-air
Skills: Extremely intelligent and can create just about anything.

Family: Wife (deceased)
Friends: Malcom, Jennings, others
Enemies: A few. Or several. Depends on who you talk to.

Short History: TBA

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Oct 13, 2012 2:09 pm

General Information

Character Name: Laureli Wilson
Character Nicknames or Titles: Eli, Laurie
Screen Name of Author: Chloe Mairead

Character Information

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Long dark brown hair, blue eyes.
Weight/Height: Petite, about 5'3"
Distinct Markings: She has a small tattoo of a heart on her hand, near her thumb.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Laureli doesn't follow any set fashion rules. Instead, she flaunts her own style. From neon colors to random patterns, she likes to make a statement with every outfit she chooses.

Residence: She lives in a small apartment with her cat Feathers.
Occupation: She works at the cafe on campus and also pulls the graveyard shift at a small diner.
Mode of Transportation: The bus.
Overall Personality: Laureli can survive alone or in large groups. She's a friendly person and can get along with most people, except for spoiled sorority girls (and even at that point she tries her hardest to like them). She's an extremely individual person; she doesn't need other peoples' approval to live. She's eccentric, comical, and alert to the needs of others.
Personality Flaws: She can be judgmental.
Hobbies: Painting, sewing, drinking tea/coffee, reading, playing with her cat, and cooking.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes cats, art, coffee, dogs with floppy ears, and daisies. She dislikes loud music, girls who wear too much perfume and soda.
Long-term Goals: She wants to design her own line of clothing.
Skills: She can make the perfect cup of coffee, sew almost anything, and work any outfit she throws together.

Family: Her mother, who she calls every night and morning.
Friends: She has a lot.
Enemies: A few, but she tries not to let that fact bother her.

Short History: Laureli grew up with her mother on the edge of a busy city. At 18, Laureli moved into her apartment with her best friend, who recently moved out once she got married. For now, Laureli is looking for a new roommate and trying her hardest not to fail college.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
This is Eden

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 01, 2012 12:38 am

Character Name: Brennan Paine
Character Nicknames or Titles: Ignition
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Age: 26
Gender: male
Species: superhuman
Hair/Eye Colors: short black / brown
Weight/Height: 5'8" / 167 lbs.
Distinct Markings: N/A
Clothes and Other Accessories: military uniform when on duty, complete with a hand gun, a sniper rifle and a bayonet-like knife. Off duty, blue jeans, polo shirt, comfy sneakers
Weapons: military issued 9mm handgun, sniper rifle, bayonet/knife, hand grenades, tear gas grenades
Armor: military issued bullet-proof vest
Residence: Originally from Riverfield; was vacationing in Burg at the time of the Supernova and is staying there for the time being.
Occupation: sniper in the Azureman military
Mode of Transportation: jeep-like car
Overall Personality: brave, cool under pressure, quick-thinking, pleasant, funny, a teeny bit of a flirt
Personality Flaws: stubborn, not easily angered but once he is, he stays that way, morally questionable at times, somewhat calloused to the loss of life if he deems them "criminals"
Hobbies: practicing with guns, playing strategy games
Likes: his dog, his job, people who don't take themselves too seriously, a good movie, protecting the innocent, killing the bad guys, taking walks, women who like to have fun
Dislikes: failure, snobs, being angry, the bad guy getting away, being helpless
Long-term Goals: to help protect and rescue other superheroes, to keep from being captured
Skills: excellent marksman (obviously), knows a bit about computers, good cook
Magic Skills: when he consciously chooses to use his power, he can create, manipulate and direct fire. He does so with his mind and does not need a physical motion to control it.
Family: father (Robert) and mother (Laura), both retired and living in Arida, a younger sister who died as a kid (Noel)
Friends: TBD
Enemies: anyone who wants to hurt the innocent citizens of Azurema, anyone who wants him eliminated
Pets: German shepherd/black labrador mix named Cadet

Short History: Brennan was not only a good sniper; he loved it. His job generally required him to take out someone holding a hostage or a volatile weapon; he performs best in these high-pressure situations. While he did not feel conflicted about the lives he had taken, he loved nothing better than saving innocent victims.

When the Supernova hit, Brennan was on vacation in the city of Burg with his beloved dog, Cadet - his family owned some property there and he was staying in their empty apartment. Although he was not on duty or in his district of military clearance, he helped by rescuing some of the people who had gotten into mysterious accidents. Although curious about the reports of so called "superpowers" that the police were getting, Brennan did not give the stories much credit. When the orders came in from Judicia that these superhumans now had a bounty on their heads, dead or alive, he was appalled and confused; his loyalty to the government conflicted with his personal belief in saving the innocent. Still unaware that the Supernova had given him powers too, he began helping the afflicted citizens of the city by any means, still trying to find out where his true loyalties now lie. He currently runs a "safe house" out of his apartment, and is considered AWOL by the Azureman military.

Stories Character has been in: Supernova


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Re: The Post Office

Postby humdedum » Dec 03, 2012 7:19 pm

Originally included in this post

General Information

Character Name: Zachary A. Carter
Character Nicknames or Titles: Zach
Screen Name of Author: humdedum

Character Information

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown/Blue
Weight/Height: 130 lb/5’6”
Distinct Markings: Several burn scars on hands and arms (from dealing with too-hot crockery)
Clothes and Other Accessories: Anything comfortable, economic, and not particularly flashy.
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: SoL - Ditto Town, VA.
Occupation: Student; unpaid waiter/busboy/dishwasher
Mode of Transportation: Walking.
Overall Personality: Resourceful, responsible, a follower.
Personality Flaws: Passive aggressive, unforgiving.
Hobbies: None
Likes/Dislikes: Sleep, biology / People at school, the restaurant
Long-term Goals: Move out of state.
Skills: Running.

Family: Only child; both parents work at the restaurant they own in downtown Ditto
Friends(ish): Just classmates
Enemies: The bullies at school, comprising Larry [eustacegirl] and his friends.

Short History: Zach grew up in Ditto for the first fourteen years of his life: going to school and getting bullied for being short/quiet/a pushover to his parents, helping at the restaurant, and feeling rather frustrated with it all.

Stories Character has been in: Sunrise of Life

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Re: The Post Office

Postby MountainFireflower » Dec 08, 2012 12:01 am

I shall fill this in as we continue to plot, but here is Blair thus far. ^.^

Information subject to change.

General Information

Character Name: Blair Pendragon
Character Nicknames or Titles: Princess, Bee.
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: TBD
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blonde hair, brown eyes.
Weight/Height: 150 lbs, 5'9"
Distinct Markings: A few scars here and there
Clothes and Other Accessories: She prefers trousers, boots, and a simple tunic. She wears earthy colors that help her blend into the forest, specifically browns and occasionally green.
Weapons: Sword, bow & arrows
Armor: Chain mail, breastplate, gauntlets

Residence: Pendragon Castle
Occupation: Professional warrior
Mode of Transportation: Her horse, as well as her feet. She's good at running.
Overall Personality: Blair is very guarded and icy around those she doesn't know well and doesn't trust. She doesn't trust people very easily, though she does let her guard down around a select few, including her brother.
Personality Flaws: Not trusting people. :P This is both a flaw and an asset in many ways. She can be hotheaded and stubborn (a trait she got from her father) and often has a hard time truly listening to other people.
Hobbies: Chess. She is a serious master at chess.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes peppermint tea and running, as well as all sorts of weaponry and physical training. She dislikes most people, as well as cold baths and potatoes.
Long-term Goals: She wants to be the best warrior she can be and prove herself to those around her.
Skills: Swordfighting, archery, and she's average at knife-throwing. She's good at tying knots and also tracking things.
Magic Skills: TBD

Family: Her parents, Arthur and Guinevere, and her brother, Gabriel.
Friends: TBD
Enemies: TBD

Short History: TBD

Stories Character has been in: Blood of the Sword

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Dec 08, 2012 7:50 pm

Yay, we're posting Camelot characters! :D

Character Name: Keera of Breen
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Bitter One, Keera the Cruel
Screen Name of Author: Dernhelm_of_Rohan

Age: 19
Gender: female
Species: half-human, half-sylph (a magical creature that controls air and wind)
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown / ice blue
Weight/Height: 130 lbs / 5'4"
Distinct Markings: a silvery sheen to her skin
Clothes and Other Accessories: a deep purple dress that reaches to her ankles, tight sleeves banded with gold thread, a silver belt and leather slippers. She almost always wears a small leather pouch under her dress that contains a powder that creates darkness; she has a special pocket to access this pouch when she needs a quick diversion.
Weapons: a small sharp dagger forged from a dragon's scales
Armor: none (unless you count the occasional shielding spell)
Residence: Castle le Fay
Occupation: sorceress, apprentice to Morgan le Fay
Mode of Transportation: wind riding, magically shape-shifting into a horse
Overall Personality: calculating, calm, patient, cold, unloved, melancholy, practical, devious, power-hungry
Personality Flaws: hardly any scruples, no respect for the lives of others, unloving and unloved (with the one exception of Morwenna), remorseless
Hobbies: searching for rare or magical creatures, weaving Trapping Tapestries
Likes: being in control, magic, making others feel hurt, Morwenna
Dislikes: being powerless, surprises, thinking about her childhood, seeing other people happy
Long-term Goals: to take Morgan le Fay's place as ruler of the castle, to find her mother and kill her
Skills: weaving, alchemy, some herbal knowledge
Magic Skills: spells, charms, dark magic of all kinds; especially strong air-related spells
Family: her mother, a Sylph who abandoned her as a child; unknown human father
Friends: Morgan le Fay (ally and surrogate mother), Morwenna le Fay (adopted sister)
Enemies: King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Camelot, anyone who is happy, her mother
Pets: a Fäeren Dragon named Simlan - a rare breed of dragon about a foot long with four dragonfly-style wings and an appetite for rabbits. Given to her by Morwenna.

Short History:
Keera was the illegitimate daughter of an unknown man and a female magical creature called a Sylph. When Keera was five years old, her mother, being a creature who not only controlled but also embodied the element of Air, simply forgot that her daughter existed. As the wind never stays in one place too long, Keera's mother simply wandered away and left her in the middle of the forest.
She was found a few hours later by a girl not much older than herself - the eight year old Morwenna le Fay. Pitying the smaller girl's cries of hunger, Morwenna took Keera back to her home, much as she took in wounded forest animals. When Morgan found out what her kind hearted daughter had done, she announced her intention to throw young Keera out and let her fend for herself. At this, Keera let out a scream of fear, her Sylph blood triggering a magical breeze inside the castle. Morgan, surprised at magic in one so young, decided to keep Keera and train her as an apprentice.
Over the years, Keera has become more like Morgan's daughter than Morwenna. She is first in everything and she may be the one person Morgan truly trusts. As for Keera herself, she keeps her loyalties and plans to herself. Her one stated goal is to find and kill her mother in revenge for her abandonment.

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Stories character has been in: Blood of the Sword


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