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Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 17, 2011 1:07 pm
by Shastafan
General Information

Character Name: Eula Summerson
Character Nicknames or Titles: Summer
Screen Name of Author: Shastafan

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Half human, half MUPPETZ (HumETZ)
Hair/Eye Colors: Long wavy auburn/ Green
Weight/Height: Light and skinny/ 6' 3''
Distinct Markings: Silver tooth, barely visible scar on lip
Clothes and Other Accessories: Very fashionable yet modest British clothing, necklace with opals on it, red reading glasses
Weapons: HIS (Hydro Icy Shooter)
Armor: Nothing in paticular yet either

Residence: An temporary apartment on the highest floor at Bonkers Building in Lunatic Heights; an apartment in London, England
Occupation: Secret A.N.T.I. Agent (and artist off-duty)
Mode of Transportation: The bus, plane
Overall Personality: Cheery, adventurous, wise, clever, gracious, optimistic
Personality Flaws: She's very forgetful, can overeact, and is a bit gullible at times
Hobbies: Painting, pottery, dancing, karate
Likes/Dislikes: Art, friends, London, A.N.T.I., missions, fun, adventure/ villians, spiders, bullies, tragedy, being tricked, forgetting
Long-term Goals: To fight evil, and to have a family
Skills: Karate, painting, spying, anilizing, researching, designing
Magic Skills: If she takes off her opal necklace, she becomes a furry red creature. She also has the strange ability to have flashbacks of the early days of MUPPETZ.

Family: A father who's a MUPPETZ, a human mother who died not long after her birth, and her brother Winter.
Friends: A.N.T.I., Fall (formerly), Spring
Enemies: M.U.P.P.E.T.Z.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: An orphan in London, all she wanted was to find something worth doing. Her friend Fall said that there was a evil group called MUPPETZ, but neither she nor their friend Spring believed him. But at age 20, she took a trip to Lunatic Heights. Resulting from a whirlwind of events, she became a A.N.T.I. agent. Now at age 21, she's worked hard to help her fellow agents, even when she's struggling herself. After finding out she had a brother and was a HumETZ, she felt more alone then ever. Now that her secret's out, she wants to find her missing brother, figure out what happened to her now-enemy friend Fall, Winter, and Spring, and help ANTI defeat MUPPETZ before it's too late.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A.N.T.I(American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

The Grin Reeper

PostPosted: Jan 17, 2011 1:21 pm
by Reepissweet
General Information

Character Name: Grin Reeper
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Grin Reeper, or just Reep
Screen Name of Author: Reepissweet

Character Information

Age: That’s kind of a funny question. See being the unfortunate brother of The Grim Reaper, he’s always just been. Thus keeping track of his age was lost after the first 300 years of his life.
Gender: Male
Species: He looks human… Just like his brother is the personification of death and depression, he is the personification of life and happiness.
Hair/Eye Colors: short dark hair/ they change depending on his mood.
Weight/Height: average weight, average Height, not so average guy.
Distinct Markings: N/A
Clothes and Other Accessories: He wears a hat that is typically worn by Robin Hood, a shirt from the renaissance era, bell bottom pants, and Victorian spats on his shoes. Over that he wears a green trench coat-hood type thing which was given to him a long time ago./ Instead of having a sickle like his brother, he carries with him a completely indestructible blue ukulele. He also wears a backpack that contains many different accessories which he pulls out throughout the day.
Weapons: He doesn’t really have a weapon; instead he uses whatever is useful when he gets in a fight.
Armor: N/A, though his ukulele works as a great shield.

Residence: He’s had many places that he called home throughout history
Occupation: to make people smile.
Mode of Transportation: his feet.
Overall Personality: Overall happy person, since his goal in life is to make people smile.
Personality Flaws: He is rarely serious.
Hobbies: Playing his Ukulele, making people smile, and playing Bob it!
Likes/Dislikes: Smiles, happy stuff, cereal, and Bop It!/serious situations, his brother, and Big Foot (If you ask him why, he’ll tell you that he cheats in Poker)
Long-term Goals: make people smile.
Skills: He can make people smile.
Friends: He’s made a lot of friends.
Enemies: Such a happy person has to make enemies sometimes… most of the time…

Short History: He is the unfortunate brother of the Grim Reaper, as was mentioned before, and instead of going around doing deathly deeds such as his brother, his job is to make people smile. Actually it’s not really his job, it's more of a must for if he doesn’t see a smile in 24 hours he begins to get sick, since his invulnerability feeds off the happy energy of your average smile. He can’t die, however, since his brother is the Grim Reaper he can’t actually let him die since it would be a conflict of interest. Recently he has been trying to foil the plans of the M.U.P.P.E.T.Z because they are trying to take over everyone who actually makes children smile, like him.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 21, 2011 4:14 pm
by Silver the Wanderer
General Information

Character Name: Echo Oz
Character Nicknames or Titles: Miss Oz
Screen Name of Author: Silver the Wanderer

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human/MUPPETZ hybrid ("humETZ")
Hair/Eye Colors: Long, straight, black hair with streaks of blue, blue eyes
Weight/Height: slightly scrawnier than normal, 5'8"
Distinct Markings: Scar on her arm, just above her elbow, from when she slipped and fell on her ship's icy deck when she was thirteen
Clothes and Other Accessories: She prefers to wear dark blue jeans, a black tank top, and a military-style jacket over it. Sometimes she'll wear a bandana over her hair. She wears black leather boots to keep from slipping on deck, a pocket watch, and a silvery necklace with a charm in the shape of a bird.
Weapons: Her pocket watch doubles as a hypnotizer.
Armor: None.

Residence: Her father's warship
Occupation: Student/Daughter-of-the-Admiral
Mode of Transportation: Ship - but wants to ride a moped when on land
Overall Personality: Echo is a quiet, somewhat detached type of person. She doesn't say much and is very skilled at concealing her thoughts and emotions. But deep down, she has a longing for companionship She is bold and straightforward, and she wastes no time in getting things done.
Personality Flaws: She tends to have a hot temper and hates admitting when she's wrong. She has difficulty trusting others, which makes it hard for her to make friends.
Hobbies: Having lived on a ship for most of her life, Echo has dedicated much of her time to studying. She has memorized pages and pages of field journals in an attempt to impersonate a wide variety of animals. In addition, she enjoys sketching and writing her own field journals. She also enjoys stargazing.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes reading, writing, drawing, studying, animals, stargazing, the color blue, swimming, exotic fruits, marshmallows, and cheese puffs. Dislikes crowds, big cities, the cold, lack of privacy, people prying into her business, people who are annoying, and meat (she's a vegetarian).
Long-term Goals: To one day escape from her father's warship and his MUPPETZ minions. Oh, and save the world, of course.
Skills: She's very tech-savvy and knows how to operate her father's warship, even though she's never actually done so before (but she's studied manuals). She knows all about many different types of animals, and also anatomy and biology in general. From overhearing her father, she also knows a lot about military strategies and MUPPETZ.
Magic Skills: The presence of both human DNA and MUPPETZ DNA within her activated a normally dormant gene that allows her to change form. BUT, she can only transform into living, breathing creatures that she has personally encountered. Taking on the appearance of another humanoid is easiest for her because she need only alter her outward appearance, but her voice remains the same. When transforming into an animal, she needs to know enough about it's internal workings beforehand or risk harming herself. She is limited by the intelligence of the creature she impersonates, for if she stays in its form for too long, she may forget who she really is and end up becoming that animal permanently.

Family: Father - Admiral Hank Oz; Mother - a MUPPETZ (haven't really decided which one yet); no siblings.
Friends: None currently (poor thing).
Enemies: She's in such a position that she really doesn't know what side she's on.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Just her knowledge and her books. And anyone she happens to hypnotize with her hypnotizer weapon (whom she can make do her bidding).

Short History: Echo Oz is the hybrid cross between a human and a MUPPETZ - a "humETZ", her father calls it. Her true form is a blue, human-shaped, rather furry creature, but she uses her shapeshifting ability to change her appearance to look more, erm, normal. She grew up on the Admiral's warship, surrounded by his minions. Her family ties are weak, and she dreams of one day being free to go where she pleases. Once, she tried to run away but was discovered and brought back. Since then, everyone has been keeping a close eye on her - she knows too much about the MUPPETZ to be allowed to go free and potentially fall into the hands of ANTI. She hasn't tried to run away since then, but she is constantly searching for an opportunity to escape.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 28, 2011 9:39 pm
by malkah
General Information

Character Name: Mal'ady
Character Nicknames or Titles: Secret Agent Mal'ady, Agent Nose-in-Book, the Nacho Ninja
Screen Name of Author: malkah

Character Information

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Unruly reddish-brown hair, brown eyes
Weight/Height: Slender, 5 '10
Distinct Markings: Freckles, a small burn scar on her jaw
Clothes and Other Accessories: Dark clothing, black-rimmed glasses, an orange shoulder satchel, and a satellite phone disguised as a book of Shakespeare's sonnets.
Weapons: Twin handguns named War and Peace. And Nacho Cheese Doritos.
Armor: None.

Residence: A small bungalow on Cuckoo Lane in Lunatic Heights. She shares it with a friend who travels the world and is hardly ever home.
Occupation: Secret Agent and Research Specialist for A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently).
Mode of Transportation: The M-BOO (Mobile Base Of Operations bus)
Overall Personality: Compassionate, loyal, nearly always happy and enthusiastic, and a hopeless bookworm.
Personality flaws: Impulsive and idealistic, tends to get lost in her books at inconvenient moments, clumsy, a bit of an off-kilter nerd
Hobbies: Reading, writing, crocheting, shoe-shopping, making chocolate chip cookies, and trying to teach herself to play the bagpipes.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes Celtic music, birds, and all things orange. Dislikes flip-flops, TV, and fire.
Long-Term Goals: Triumph over the MUPPETZ and write a novel.
Skills: She's quite savvy with technology, at least in things book or research-related. She has a photographic memory and is a talented researcher and wordsmith. She's also pretty handy with her guns and her ninja skillz.
Magic Skills: None.

Family: None that she knows of. She's an orphan.
Friends: All of her fellow ANTI agents, and her housemate, Daff Woode.
Enemies: Anyone connected with the MUPPETZ organization.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None as of yet.

Short history: Mal'ady grew up in an orphanage in Plano, Texas. A shy, awkward child, she learned to withdraw into books, where she found both "friends" and a world less unfair than the one she lived in. When she was seventeen, during a school trip to Lunatic Heights, she stumbled upon the vile activities of MUPPETZ and the resistance effort by ANTI. Mal'ady's passion for books and passion for justice met perfectly in ANTI, and she joined them as an agent once she turned eighteen. She has no knowledge of who her parents might have been, and although she's curious, she keeps her questions locked away in the back of her mind.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Jan 28, 2011 10:49 pm
by Narnia_Fan12
General Information

Character Name: CyKo
Character Nicknames or Titles: Cy, Psycho, Secret Agent CyKo, Chief, COP (chief of operations).
Screen Name of Author: Narnia_fan12

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human (or is he? :-o)
Hair/Eye Colors: Hair- its black or blonde. He can't decide. :P Eyes- his eyes are blue, but change colors to a light green occasionally.
Weight/Height: Masculine :P 5'6.
Distinct Markings: Has a mole behind his ear that has a hair growing out of it... :P
Clothes and Other Accessories: A tuxedo as every cool spy has. Awesome gadgets that come outta nowherez ;)
Weapons: A pistol that shoots sweet tarts, and a nerd (the candy, not the human-nerd) rope whip.
Armor: Belt buckle counts, right? B-)

Residence: His secret agent office.
Occupation: Secret Agent, chief of operations for A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently), student :P
Mode of Transportation: The M-BOO (Mobile Base Of Operations bus)
Overall Personality: Humorous, serious, unable-to-see-the-whole-of-things... and more that he prefers not to say.
Personality flaws: Ooooh. They are many. Too quick to jump into things, loves candy, gets the teletubbies theme song stuck in his head, says things over and over to annoy people, makes weird faces... :P
Hobbies: Reading, writing, eating chocolate chip cookies, shooting his sweet tart gun, making jokes, having fun, airsoft, eating, sleeping...
Likes/Dislikes: Likes- Likes TV, guns, shiny things 0.0. Dislikes- people who say things over and over to annoy him... Lol :P
Long-Term Goals: Defeat the MUPPETZ and banish them into the void.
Skills: Awesomeness, great aim, knowing what to do and when to do it, creating jokes, leading ANTI.
Magic Skills: Durn good looks :P

Family: 2 Parents (obviously) :P, 8 brothers and sisters (soon to be 9). Tons of other family.
Friends: All his ANTI agent friends, people on the Narniaweb chat (of which he is addicted to in his free time).
Enemies: Badguys? :P
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: I like goldfish. But they die within three days... such a tragedy... :( :((

Short history:
CyKo was a part of the FBI investigation squad in search for evidence that the MUPPETZ exist. Unable to find anything, he was fired from his job. Continuing his search via internet connection, he found traces of the MUPPETZ through spy networks. Seeing the danger faced, he recruited a bunch of his closest friends and allies into his attempt to change the fate of the earth- from doom to happiness. He likes junk food. :P

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

Pic: Image

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 05, 2011 7:00 pm
by wolfloversk
General Information

Character Name: Jackson Redsun
Character Nicknames or Titles: Jack
Screen Name of Author: wolfloversk

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark Brown/ Brown
Weight/Height: average
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: black or gray suit with a suitcase, clean professional shoes
Weapons: his brain and mouth
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Ditto Town
Occupation: Lawyer
Mode of Transportation: Car
Overall Personality: Freindly, respectful
Personality Flaws: he likes to talk a lot
Hobbies: playing sudoku and logic problems, working on a case
Likes/Dislikes: To be discovered in RolePlay
Long-term Goals: To become a top notch lawyer
Skills: He's really good at thinking outside the box, and talking his way through a problem
Magic Skills: none

Family: unknown
Friends: unknown
Enemies: the laywer who ends up on the opposing side
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: After finishing law school early, he worked for sometime as an apprentice at the local courthouse. He got his first case almost by accident, he was called in tpo sub because the original lawyer couldn't make it.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Sunrise of Life

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2011 11:04 am
by PrinceCor004
General Information

Character Name: Cheyenne
Character Nicknames or Titles: Harmonica, Roguely (by MUPPETZ)
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark/Brownish
Weight/Height: Well built/6' 3"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Black everything, fedora, duster leather jacket, musical pocket watch/compass/hologram communicator/light, harmonica
Weapons: Blaster with settings daze/stun/serious harm, pocket knife, classic revolver (hardly ever used)
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) No fixed location
Occupation: Full time rogue, part time freelance agent
Mode of Transportation: Whatever he can find, but mostly walking
Overall Personality: Charming, somewhat distant, can appear quite laconic at times
Personality Flaws: Manipulative, obeys commands only when they fit his ideas
Hobbies: Playing his harmonica, listening to soundtracks (thanks to Corter), playing cards (when he has them), conversing with attractive women (when available)
Likes/Dislikes: Good company, music, toying with the Man, a good meal and drink, being a rogue/The Man, Corter (more of a love/hate thing), being on MUPPETZ Island
Long-term Goals: Do what he wants for as long as he wants
Skills: Quick with guns/blasters, plays harmonica beautifully, has a way with women (sometimes...)

Family: Unknown
Friends: Some
Enemies: Many
Short History: Cheyenne's history is as complicated as any myth can be. All that is readily known is that he has been an agent for both ANTI and MUPPETZ, though neither side seems to remember tht he has double crossed them. Cheyenne is currently working for MUPPETZ, though this may change shortly....

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): ANTI (or American Nitwits who Think Intelligently)

Cheyenne.jpg (23.83 KiB) Viewed 23312 times


General Information

Character Name: Corter (pronounced like "quarter")
Character Nicknames or Titles: Bonkers, Mr. Crazy, The Hermit
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: Old
Gender: Male
Species: Human-like
Hair/Eye Colors: Grey/green
Weight/Height: Very skinny/5' 10"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Rags
Weapons: Old crooked walking cane
Armor: Nope

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Cave on MUPPETZ Island
Occupation: Being crazy
Mode of Transportation: Feet and all fours
Overall Personality: Insane
Personality Flaws: Read above
Hobbies: Listening to soundtracks, talking about soundtracks, you get the picture
Likes/Dislikes: Soundtracks, Harmonica/people whi dislike soundtracks
Long-term Goals: Get more soundtracks to add to his cave collection
Skills: Excellent tracker

Family: Unknown
Friends: Harmonica
Enemies: A few

Short History: Nothing is known about this strange hermit. Corter has supposedly always lived on the island that the MUPPETZ own and you are likely not to get a straight answer out of Corter even if you tried. Of note: Corter talks with soundtrack tracklistings in his speech. The track titles will be capitalized.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): ANTI (or American Nitwits who Think Intelligently)

Corter.jpeg (6.99 KiB) Viewed 23312 times

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 16, 2011 2:30 pm
by wolfloversk
General Information

Character Name: Wolf
Character Nicknames or Titles: Wolf, the she-wolf, The Noble Wolf, Wolfy
Screen Name of Author: wolfloversk

Character Information

Age: whatever 18 is in canine years
Gender: female
Species: wolf
Hair/Eye Colors: mostly grey fur, amber eyes
Weight/Height: average
Distinct Markings: in some stories-wings
Clothes and Other Accessories: Official Gremlin Hunters Leader collar, radio
Weapons: phaser, her claws and teeth
Armor: Typical body armor, force field

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Spare Oom
Occupation: Leader/ Co-founder of the Gremlin Hunter
Mode of Transportation: by foot or by wing
Overall Personality: kind, extremely loyal to her friends, but she will not sacrifice her morals for anything
Personality Flaws: She can be very indecisive at times, sometimes a bit too curious
Hobbies: running, playing tag, hunting, tracking, exploring
Likes/Dislikes: Loves milk, freedom, everything wild/ hates people who try to oppress freedom, liars, gremlins that plot to take over the world
Long-term Goals: To be able to live in a place of safety and harmony
Skills: Excellent in combat, has good aim with phasers, excellent howler
Magic Skills: um... top secret? (Haven’t thought up any yet)

Family: unknown
Friends: Benciark the raven, various members in either side of the overdom wars
Enemies: Zigbot the gremlin
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Benciark is kind of like a sidekick
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Benciark (mutual sidekicks?)

Short History: Earliest documented origins in the Spoiler Wars in which she was a pilgrim, who had quested with the monks, latter she fought with both the Castle and the Bounty Hunters Guild, but finally she left the Overdom Wars to help start the Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb, and free the land of Zigbot’s clutches

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): The Overdom Wars (formerly), The Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb

General Information

Character Name: Benciark
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Raven, the wild raven, Second in Command of The Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb
Screen Name of Author: wolfloversk

Character Information

Age: young adult
Gender: male
Species: common raven
Hair/Eye Colors: black, shiny feathers, black eyes
Weight/Height: average
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: raven sized microphone and radio, Gremlin Hunters Second in command leg band
Weapons: talons and beak
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Spare Oom
Occupation: Gremlin Hunter, Spy
Mode of Transportation: flight, or by riding on wolf
Overall Personality: loyal and wild, not afraid to speak his mind, always knows what to say
Personality Flaws: Can be argumentive at tinmes
Hobbies: flying, gliding
Likes/Dislikes: likes: freedom, dislikes: gremlins
Long-term Goals: um...
Skills: excellent spy, good warrior
Magic Skills: none

Family: unkown
Friends: Wolf
Enemies: ZigBot and the gremlins
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Wolf
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Wolf

Short History: First appeared in the Overdom Wars, spied for a while but later cofounded the Gremlin Hunters with Wolf

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): The Overdom Wars, The Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb

General Information

Character Name: Zigbot
Character Nicknames or Titles: to be revealed
Screen Name of Author: wolfloversk

Character Information

Age: unknown
Gender: male
Species: Gremlin
Hair/Eye Colors: mostly green skin, beady eyes
Weight/Height: average for a gremlin
Distinct Markings: torn left ear
Clothes and Other Accessories: Crown
Weapons: technical skill
Armor: same as above

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) TNEC (The Non-Existent Channel)
Occupation: Leader of the Gremlins
Mode of Transportation: whatever he can make, walking
Overall Personality: practically, pure evil
Personality Flaws: has a thing for “world domination”
Hobbies: messing up technology
Likes/Dislikes: likes building and breaking things/ hates wolves that get in his way
Long-term Goals: To rule the world and bring the virtual world to its knees
Skills: excellent at making and breaking things in creative ways, dangerous fighter
Magic Skills: none that are known

Family: unknown
Friends: his gremlin minions
Enemies: Wolf and the other Gremlin Hunters
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: none

Short History: Leader of the gremlins, he’s wreaked havoc upon all of NW, especially TNEC. Most recently he’s attacked Ditto Town and Spare Oom. He plans to rule the world and make it come crashing down

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): The Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb

Character Name: Flow
Character Nicknames or Titles: Flow, The Backwards Wolf
Screen Name of Author: wolfloversk

Character Information

Age: whatever 18 is in canine years
Gender: male
Species: wolf
Hair/Eye Colors: mostly dark brown fur, amber eyes
Weight/Height: average
Distinct Markings: in some stories-wings
Clothes and Other Accessories: At one point a mind controlling device
Weapons: fire and ice, his claws and teeth
Armor: Typical body armor, force field

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Ditto Town
Occupation: unknown
Mode of Transportation: by foot or by wing
Overall Personality: Quiet and to the point, known to be vicious when angry
Personality Flaws: He has a VERY dark side
Hobbies: running, hunting, tracking, fighting, flying
Likes/Dislikes: likes it when he gets to think for himself, a good duel, dislikes labs (the building not the dog)
Long-term Goals: To be free
Skills: Excellent in combat, excellent howler, enjoys using fire and ice balls.
Magic Skills: um... top secret? (Still haven’t thought up any yet)

Family: unknown
Friends: the albino bat
Enemies: Zigbot, Wolf

Short History: Although his first appearence is in the Overdom Wars, his origins lie in the Gremlin Battles. A victim of a lab experiment gone wrong he had fought along side the gremlins for some time, as their captive, his mind being held as a slave. Eventually his mind was freed, but he left to enter the Tower in the Overdom wars

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): The Overdom Wars, The Gremlin Hunters of NarniaWeb[/color]

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 20, 2011 2:42 pm
by daughter of the King
General Information

Character Name: Dotty King
Character Nicknames or Titles: none at the moment
Screen Name of Author: daughter of the King

Character Information

Age: early 20s
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: short,blonde/pale blue
Weight/Height: slim/5'7"
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: anything fashionable can be found in her closet. However, she always wears a jacket or sweater no matter what the weather because she gets cold easily.
Weapons: standard phaser
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Spare Oom
Occupation: Gremlin Hunter
Mode of Transportation: feet, motorcycle
Overall Personality: amiable, polite, speaks her mind quietly
Personality Flaws: prone to sarcasm in tense situations, has difficulty opening up to new people
Hobbies: reading, stargazing, listening to classical music, quoting everything she reads and/or watches
Likes/Dislikes: sunny days, beaches, good books, anything chocolate/dark, damp places, winter, gremlins, unsalted french fries
Long-term Goals: stop the gremlins so she can pursue owning a book store in relative peace
Skills: basic hand-to-hand combat skills
Magic Skills: um.....none?

Family: father, mother, older and younger siblings
Friends: other gremlin hunters
Enemies: gremlins
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Up to this point Dotty has lived a basically normal life. School, friends, family.....She worked at a book store when she was a teenager, giving her the idea of owning her own after finishing her education. However, half-way through her final year of college it became known that the gremlins were infiltrating Spare Oom and other places. She put her education and her beloved book store on hold to fight the gremlins.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
The Gremlin Hunters of Narniaweb


General Information

Character Name: Vertex Maximum
Character Nicknames or Titles: Mister Maximum
Screen Name of Author: daughter of the King

Character Information

Age: 28
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: brown/grey
Weight/Height: average/tall
Distinct Markings: looks confused most of the time
Clothes and Other Accessories: suits, dark glasses, hand-held computer
Weapons: phaser
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Spare Oom
Occupation: general expert on absolutely everything except how to meet people
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: quiet, geek, smart
Personality Flaws: too smart, hopeless in a crowd, doesn't trust easily
Hobbies: reading computer manuals, even the twenty years out-of-date ones, avoiding dinner parties
Likes/Dislikes: computers, books, Star Trek/crowds, parties, giving speeches
Long-term Goals: stop the gremlins from destroying his computers, getting better people skills, creating the perfect firewall
Skills: photographic memory, black belt in karate
Magic Skills: none

Family: father, mother
Friends: he's never really been friends with anyone, he generally classifies people he sees often as non-hostiles
Enemies: gremlins, anyone who asks him to give a speech
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Vertex was the typical klutz in school who all the other students picked on. He showed a distinct talent for written work, but was miserably bad at any type of oral reports. One teacher decided to test him and discovered his photographic memory and general ability to gather, classify, and analyze information on absolutely anything. He was put in a private school for exceptionally bright students where he excelled academically. However, because of his early bullying experiences, he avoided human contact whenever it was possible. Eventually, he began to use his skills to solve problems. He worked in the computer, medical, and economical industries creating better software, better equipment and balancing budgets. He is often invited to the social dinners that the companies he has helped put on in a token of gratitude. He has been presented with numerous social awards, and has been asked to be the speaker at several events. He loathes all of this. He started taking karate while in college to stay physically active and so he could be sure no one would ever be able to beat him in a fight again. He joined the Gremlin Hunters mostly to make sure the gremlins did not win, but also so he could step out of the public eye at least for a little awhile.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
The Gremlin Hunters of Narniaweb

picture hopefully coming eventually

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 21, 2011 12:23 am
by lover of narnia
*Note: This is an Updated Profile for my Main character in Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters. I created her profile long before I started my RP, and I think she needs an update desperately :)

General Information

Character Name: Susanne
Character Nicknames or Titles: Susanne
Of the White Knights

Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Brown / Pale Blue
Weight/Height: Thin, a bit below average weight / 5'4
Distinct Markings: Aside from her temporary scratches and marks, none
Clothes and Other Accessories: A tattered dress and a cloak
Weapons: None (Currently)
Armor: Hm, possibly later on

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) No set spot. Her and the others camp wherever they can
Lady of the White Knights

Mode of Transportation: Feet, Horse
Overall Personality: Kind, gentle, sweet, introverted, and shy, with her moments of spark and liveliness usually brought out by someone she loves or someone who loves her, stubborn
Personality Flaws: Introverted, stubborn
Likes/Dislikes: Family, Friends, fine dresses, soft beds, (a bit of) adventure / Hunters, Danger,
Long-term Goals: See her friends and herself freed from the Shadow of the Hunters
Skills: .....
Magic Skills: None

Family: Uncle
Friends: Micah, Shyanne, Jarien, Adi, Edmund, Brendlyn, Telwyn ( /:) )
Enemies: The Hunters
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Susanne's parents were killed not long after her birth, leaving her an helpless orphan. Her uncle took her in and raised her as best as he could, but was unable to explain the deaths of her parents. Not much else is known, aside from the fact that about a week ago a blacksmith found her on his doorstep....

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Featured Roleplay: Vayond: The Shadowed Hunters

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Feb 26, 2011 12:19 am
by Jillhope
General Information

Character Name: The Crazy Feery of infinity awesomeness
Character Nicknames or Titles: sprite gurl
Screen Name of Author: Jillhope

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human (thinks she’s a fairy)
Hair/Eye Colors: nobody knows what colour her eyes really are because she’s always wearing different coloured contacts.
Weight/Height: below average weight, is really short.
Distinct Markings: pale (albino) skin
Clothes and Other Accessories: she always wears something crazy and colourfull
Weapons: None (Currently)
Armor: none yet

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) unknown
Occupation: N/A

Mode of Transportation: jetpack (flying)
Overall Personality: weird/crazy/multiple personalities/fun to be around.
Personality Flaws: a little bit “in your face”
Hobbies: being a fairy
Likes/Dislikes: she likes colourful things
Long-term Goals: unknown
Magic Skills: she thinks that she can work magic… but she can’t

Family: none
Friends: unknown
Enemies: unknown
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Has always thought she is a fairy and is considered to be something of a crazy head.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): ANTI

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Mar 01, 2011 6:27 pm
by lover of narnia
General Information

Character Name: Serria Griffen
Character Nicknames or Titles: Sesi
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 16 almost 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Light Brown, Loosely Curly / Brown
Weight/Height: 115 lbs / 5'2
Distinct Markings: Several scars on her wrists
Clothes and Other Accessories: Simple clothes. Sweaters and Jeans.
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A small one story house that she rents
Occupation: To be found out
Mode of Transportation: Feet, Bus
Overall Personality: Introverted, Sad,
Personality Flaws: Sadness, Anger
Hobbies: Writing
Likes/Dislikes: Ditto Town, sweaters, spring, light blue, / sand, prison, Ronians, war
Long-term Goals: Make a living and forget Ronia
Skills: Writing, sewing
Magic Skills: None

Family: Mother, Father who were both ambassadors to Ronia but were killed during the war
Friends: Kevin
Enemies: Ronians
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Serria was in Ronia at the time of the war because her parents were ambassadors there. She was captured by the Ronian rebels with Kevin, a young soldier who defended her and her family, but her Mother and Father were killed still. She was imprisoned until the Dittopian Government managed to rescue them. Having suffered much at the hands of her captors, the government sent her and Kevin back to Ditto Town.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Featured Roleplay: Sunrise of Life

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A



General Information

Character Name: Jack Alton
Character Nicknames or Titles: Jack
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Red / Green
Weight/Height: 160 lbs / 5'9
Distinct Markings: A Birth Mark on his shoulder
Clothes and Other Accessories: Cowboy Jeans, green t-shirts
Weapons: "The Pen is mightier than the sword" :p
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A Small Horse Farm just outside DT
Occupation: Artist, Horse Wrangler
Mode of Transportation: Truck, Feet
Overall Personality: Friendly, eccentric, patient
Personality Flaws:
Hobbies: Painting, Riding Horses
Likes/Dislikes: Painting, Horses, green, owls, pepperoni pizza with olives and peppers and sauce made of ketchup, / gloomy days, lemons,
Long-term Goals: He's undecided. He wants to paint, but he also likes raising horses
Skills: painting, horse training
Magic Skills: None

Family: Father who lives in the Big city
Friends: None really. He's a bit odd.
Enemies: A few
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Horses
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Jack grew up on the farm outside of Ditto Town. His Mother was an artist, and his Father a cowboy with a love for Horses. He's like both of his parents, and lives alone in the house. He's a trifle eccentric....the decorations in his western home mostly of owls or horses painted by his own hands. He loves every shade of green, and his wardrobe is mostly made of up green T-shirts and western jeans. His farm truck actually has painted sides, which he did himself.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Featured Roleplay: Sunrise of Life

Shop Information

Shop or Business Name: N/A
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) N/A
Manager and Employee Names: N/A

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Mar 02, 2011 10:31 am
by narnianerd
General Information

Character Name: Nathaniel Harrison Green
Character Nicknames or Titles: Nate
Screen Name of Author: Little Joe

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Black hair, Green eyes
Weight/Height: 140/6'1
Distinct Markings: A sharp scar across his cheek, a fake leg
Clothes and Other Accessories: Red tee shirt, black pant, assorted mission clothes
Weapons: Pistol, and when in need of more firepower, an M-14 Carbine
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A white, farm style house in the middle of Ditto Town
Occupation: FBI agent, Mechanic
Mode of Transportation: Skate Board, AMX
Overall Personality: Quiet, Grim, Thoughtful, Kind, Charismatic
Personality Flaws: He often lets his anger get the best of him
Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Airsoft, skateboarding,
Likes/Dislikes: food, music, NASCAR, video games, blowing stuff up/ war, roadside bombs, spinach
Long-term Goals: None really, now that Ronnie has been beaten into submission.
Skills: Sharpshooter, hand to hand combat, playing guitar, defusing bombs, repairing cars, nomming all food in a thirty mile radius
Magic Skills:

Family: Greg, Angie (adopted parents) and Kevin
Friends: Skyler and numerous others
Enemies: David, just about anyone who threatens his friends
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: N/A
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Director Dan

Short History: TBA

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): SOL and Funny Thing (ALT Nate)


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Mar 04, 2011 6:15 am
by Chloë Máiréad
Updated version of Rosamunde Lee Troy.

Character Name: Rosamunde Lee Troy
Character Nicknames or Titles: Ro
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 18, almost 19.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Long, light blonde, wavy/Brown.
Weight/Height: Fit/Tall
Distinct Markings:
Clothes and Other Accessories: Bright colors and multi-colored headbands.
Weapons: N/A.
Armor: N/A.

Residence: Ditto Town.
Occupation: College Student (Junior).
Mode of Transportation: An old Camaro.
Overall Personality: Artistic, slightly eccentric, fun-loving and random.
Personality Flaws: She tends to be messy and unorganized.
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, photography.
Likes/Dislikes: Horses, bright colors, Sharpie markers, country music, flowers, cooking/Homework and reading.
Long-term Goals: To paint a famous masterpiece.
Skills: Painting and drawing.
Family: Parents - Robert and Taylor Troy.

Short History: Ro's parents were both artists, and she followed in their footsteps.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Sunrise of Life


Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Mar 04, 2011 5:54 pm
by Shastafan
General Information

Character Name: Winter
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Shastafan

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Part Human, part MUPPETZ (humETZ)
Hair/Eye Colors: Very blonde/Deep blue
Weight/Height: Just right/6'6''
Distinct Markings: Serpent tattoo intertwining on his right arm, unusually sharp razor teeth and finger nails
Clothes and Other Accessories: He is usually wearing a dark blue and black MUPPETZ uniform (although he wears a polo t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers when he's undercover), and secretly wears a opal bracelet on his left arm.
Weapons: Anything anyone gives him (or he finds)

Residence: MUPPETZ Lab 369, or at least he was before...
Occupation: Former MUPPETZ agent, MUPPETZ prisoner
Mode of Transportation: Anything that transports...
Overall Personality: He's very serious and quiet, and if you get on his bad side, he's angry and vicious. But once you get to know him, he's a very thoughtful, compassionate, clever, confident, and defensive of what he loves.
Personality Flaws: He holds grudges a lot, he's serious and skeptic, and sometimes struggles to follow someone else. And if he gets angry...
Hobbies: Writing, spying, learning, reading
Likes/Dislikes: His sister, good memories, exercising, going on missions, adventures/ANTI agents, people who tease him, his temper, bad memories, failing
Long-term Goals: To find his beloved sis (Eula) and protect her, and figure out where he really fits in.
Skills: He never forgets anything (which often comes in handy), he's very flexible and strong, he learns very quickly, and knows how to handle things he knows about and understands.
Magic Skills: Being half MUPPET and half human, he can do things normal people can't. He can't shape-shift like Echo (which he envies), but whenever his temper gets out of control or he's really stressed, he'll change into a giant serpent (which he hates being). It takes a while before he transforms back, so until then, he normally slinks off to where he won't be found. The bracelet he wears keeps him from turning into his true form, a white furry human-like creature.

Family: Mother (a human who died from sickness), Father (a MUPPETZ of some kind, although it's unknown where he is), Eula Summerson (a humETZ who he lost years before)
Friends: Summer, ANTI (or at least they are now after what's happened)
Enemies: MUPPETZ (they used to be his former allies, until they brtrayed him)
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Winter always knew (even at age 2) that he wasn't a normal human being. So when his sister was born, he vowed that he'd always be there for her no matter what. But shortly after, after his mom had passed away, he and his father were captured by MUPPETZ, and since they didn't know Eula was one, they abandoned and orphaned her. Years later, he came across his sister again, and bonded with her in the short time they were together. After departing, one of his teammates found out what he had done, and the MUPPETZ jury sentenced him to thrown into the prison on MUPPETZ Island (unknown to him).

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): A.N.T.I. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently): The Rebellion

General Information

Character Name: Lavender Allison Pinkston
Character Nicknames or Titles: Fall
Screen Name of Author: Shastafan

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Male (yes, the name is confusing...)
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark brown, nearly black wavy hair with bangs/Brown eyes (although it has been said that they look red when he's mad)
Weight/Height: Healthy weight/5'11''
Distinct Markings: None that he'll tell anyone about...
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal MUPPETZ Chief Agent uniform, used to wear t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.
Weapons: Black-out Blaster, MUPPETZ Mighty Gun, and many others that he helped invent.
Armor: Nothing at the moment.

Residence: MUPPETZ Camps, or anywhere MUPPETZ.
Occupation: MUPPETZ Chief Agent, Inventor, and Planner
Mode of Transportation: MUPPETZ Transportation
Overall Personality: Stubborn, firm, extremely clever, smart, imaginative, persistant, hardworking, and sometimes even humorous, shy, cogenial, and friendly.
Personality Flaws: He can be really prideful and stubborn about something. Unknown to himself, because of MUPPETZ, his mind was twisted, making him very evil, agressive, and to hate ANTI.
Hobbies: Inventing things, catching up with old friends, designing, pondering life, and collecting junk.
Likes/Dislikes: Winning, inventing new creations, his friends, useless junk, power, Agent Clo/failing to ANTI, Hallie Springs, secrets, being ignored, his name, ANTI
Long-term Goals: To defeat ANTI for good, along with building amazing inventions.
Skills: Inventing, planning, designing, creating, leading, fighting, quick mind and reflexes.
Magic Skills: Although completely unknown to him, the MUPPETZ hypnotizing gave him some magic skills. He has unusually great senses, and can spot, hear, and feel something or someone from far away. He also has a "sixth sense," and can tell when trouble or any other thing is coming.

Family: Mom, Dad, Todd, Gregory, and Owen (Fall's older brothers)
Friends: Summer, Spring, Clo
Enemies: ANTI (including Summer)
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Fall grew up as a highly intelligent child, even more than his older brothers had been. Todd, the eldest, joined the FBI in hopes of destroying MUPPETZ, but was one of the first who got kicked out because he had no proof of them. Gregory, Owen, but especially Fall, thought this was unfair, and vowed when they were old enough, they'd join Todd to defeat MUPPETZ. Years later, Fall studied MUPPETZ (along with relunctant Summer and Spring, who didn't believe him at the time). But one day, he went too far, and his foes were able to trick him into being hypnotized to become of of them. That was a year ago, and now, Fall is fully commited to overcome his former allies of ANTI, and unless someone can free him from MUPPETZ's power, he may turn out to be one of their biggest threats.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): ANTI: The Rebellion

Re: The Post Office

PostPosted: Mar 11, 2011 9:35 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
General Information

Character Name: Mississippi Laureda Green
Character Nicknames or Titles: Missy, Laura (in rare circumstances)
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: honey-brown curls/bright green eyes
Weight/Height: 115 lbs/ 5' 6"
Distinct Markings: a few freckles across the nose, a beauty mark on her right cheek
Clothes and Other Accessories: She is generally a simple dresser but has fun dressing up on occasion. Her favorite outfit is a pretty skirt, a blouse and chucks.
Weapons: None.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A small, homey two-story house in southern Nebraska.
Occupation: None. She is still in school and when she grows up she is going to be a wife and mother.
Mode of Transportation: Walking, bike riding or the bus.
Overall Personality: quiet and serene, intelligent, thoughtful, creative
Personality Flaws: she is often moody and silent and won't let anyone in, also she can be just as hard-headed as her sister when she wants to be
Hobbies: sewing, cross-stitching, bike riding, reading, math class, playing with her cat, figure skating, being with friends, writing poetry and short stories
Likes/Dislikes: people that are quiet like her, people that make her laugh (like her sister), having fun, spring, the color pink, flowers (especially tulips), birthday-cake, celebrating everything with her twin sister/ people that are noisy or obnoxious, when her sister is in a bad mood, when people tease her for being so quiet and 'perfect' all of the time
Long-term Goals: to be a wife and a mother of at least four or five children (or as many as God gives her)
Skills: she is a very quick learner and does very well at sports where balance is required, she is a wonderful figure skater

Family: her father Thomas, her mother Kate, her twin sister Phoebe, her little brother Tom
Friends: Ashley Carter, Georgia Baskell, Josie Drewers
Enemies: None.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: her fat cat, Armathos (a name she made up)

Short History: Missy has lived a quiet, enjoyable life with her family and is content where she is in life at any given time as long as her family is there with her

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): None yet.

General Information

Character Name: Phoebe Leslie Green
Character Nicknames or Titles: Phee, Be-be, Bee
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark honey-brown hair (slightly curly)/dancing brown eyes
Weight/Height: 120 lbs, 5' 4"
Distinct Markings: she has a few freckles and a scar across her chin from a minor childhood accident
Clothes and Other Accessories: Phoebe is a fashionista who is always sewing herself or her friends new clothing (she also has a small online business for sewing and costume-making). She is often wearing a beautiful, modest outfit wherever she goes. She loves to accessorize and has a very crazy, outgoing personal style though even her sister often has to admit how nicely she dresses.
Weapons: None.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) The same house as her sister.
Occupation: School. She has no plans past graduating, seemingly thinking that she'll be a kid forever.
Mode of Transportation:Walking or, more likely, bike riding (she refuses to ride the bus)
Overall Personality: outgoing, spunky, smart, easy-to-please, friendly
Personality Flaws: looks before she leaps, has a quick temper (although most times, just as quickly as she gets angry, she is smiling again)
Hobbies: sewing, jogging, hiking, singing off-key, playing video games, making up her own songs with her friends, is starting speed skating
Likes/Dislikes: friendly people who are easy-to-please like she is, her sister and family, hockey (though she never plays)/ school, chores, cats (Armathos is barely tolerable)
Long-term Goals: to graduate high-school
Skills: she can do pretty much whatever she sets her mind too, though her schoolwork is lacking (she is not trying her hardest on that)

Family: same as her sister
Friends: Jessie Aravige, Joelie Nelson
Enemies: None.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: a floppy-eared blood-hound, Tickles (a spin off of the word 'tick', which Tickles always gets during his many romps through the woods around their home)

Short History: Phoebe is just happy having a twin sister and being a kid. She loves to have fun.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): None yet.

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: Phoebe Green's Sewing Boutique
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) clothes, accessories, costumes (all hand or machine sewn by Phoebe)
Manager and Employee Names: None; she runs her own on-line store in her spare time for a few bucks, that's all.