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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 11, 2018 8:04 pm
by Gymfan15
Ugh, yes on the no doubling Roots and Stones. That REALLY makes it a grind. Ah well. Like you said, at least Nachous drops a lot of Nachore and doubles it.

FK, for what it's worth, regarding baitkeeps and QQ:

I've read that the catch rate on QQ is not awesome enough to make using Baitkeeps entirely worthwhile...but, your milage may vary. People have been suggesting using Baitkeeps on Nachous/Inferna (with Nachous getting the edge because he's much easier to catch) and using better charms for QQ.

But, I don't really have a choice, since I've got exactly one Baitkeep left lol.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 12, 2018 6:10 am
by starkat
I'm up to pump level 6. I've got 2 flamin' spice leaves. I'm going to have to go on a major bland queso hunt after this.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 14, 2018 2:51 pm
by fantasia
Still at pump level 9, but just got the base. I'm in business now! Pumping 225 bland queso every hunt. Next step: Queen Quesada!

Gymmie, thanks for the tip. I took it and got extra Nachore off of Nachous with the few remaining Baitkeep charms I had.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 14, 2018 3:22 pm
by Gymfan15
Woo! It's a good feeling, innit? :D

I just got all the stuff I need for my first batch of Wildfire; I just need to get the Bland. Probably will take me a solid day of farming? I bought some Pump charms off the Marketplace because why not.

Treasure maps have been steadily ticking themselves off...I've been taking advantage of a wide friends list with a decent number of people who have access to Queen Quesada, haha. Soon I'll join the ranks and I'll be able to target more of our NWeb friends for maps since I'll be able to catch QQ myself.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 17, 2018 2:34 pm
by starkat
I could use some advice on what to focus on next aside from getting enough bland queso to convert the flamin'. What's the best way to go after the base? I finally got enough of a combo to snag the nachore to get to pump level 7.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 17, 2018 8:34 pm
by fantasia
Well Gymmie's method is the way to go. If you have enough Baitkeep charms, get one recipe of Flamin' Queso now, and then use the charms to not run out while you get the drops for the base.

I personally did NOT have enough Baitkeep charms to do that, so instead I just ground my way up to pump lvl 9 when you REALLY have loads of queso dropping. Then I farmed the Flamin' cheese and got the base. :)

Does that help at all?

As of tonight I have all the Ember Roots and Stones I need for a recipe of Wildfire Queso. I'm about 1/5 of the way there on the Bland Queso, and since I had this massive pile of Tonic sitting there doing nothing, I figured I may as well use some of it for the last push to get my first Queen Quesada. Maybe tomorrow? That'd be cool. :)

I'm also about halfway on my Nachore to Pump lvl 10. I haven't really been trying for it, it's just a nice bonus on the side to farming Wildfire cheese. :) I finish that up as soon as I catch the Queen.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 18, 2018 9:19 am
by starkat
A little. I have 40 baitkeep charms at the moment. I may try that. But I still am over 7K away in bland queso. So I may try and get my pump up to level 8 before I do much of anything else.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 20, 2018 7:56 pm
by fantasia
I hit Pump Level 10 today. Huzzah! So all I have left to do in this area now is get the trap and then I'm done. :) I guess after that I'll focus on getting my level up to Elder. And then ??? I don't think there will be any additional areas this year, except maybe between the Halloween and Christmas events.

ETA: Did you all see the new mouse Jacob drew during art FBF for (I assume) the Town of Digby? Hahaha! Hilarious.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 21, 2018 10:27 am
by shastastwin
I'm still working on Pump level 8, but I have completed the adventure, caught all the new area mice except Queen Quesada, and bought my Ember Base to help farming queso go more smoothly now. I'll probably be making very slow progress here for the foreseeable future, as my active hunting hours have been greatly diminished. I'm pleased with where I am, though. I'm going to farm up a ton of queso and try to do a massive hot/flaming run for nachore so I can level up my pump and go after QQ before Halloween. ;))

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 23, 2018 1:30 pm
by Ryadian
I'm afraid I'm going to be taking you all back in time a bit with this question. ;)) So, I'm trying to upgrade my fort at Fort Rox, but it really seems like I've hit a brick wall. The next thing I need to get is a cannon, which requires 5 bloodstone. As far as I can tell, the only way to get bloodstone is to survive the night until at least midnight. The only way to help me survive that long is to upgrade my fort. All of the fort upgrades (with the sole exceptions of the Silver Ballista and Power Enchantment) require bloodstone.

Is there an alternative source of bloodstone anywhere in the game? Or is there a way to survive longer during the night? I have an Arcane (ACRONYM) and a shadow (Clockapult of Time) trap, but I have a hard time making enough Moon or Crescent Cheese since those require meteor pieces, which I also need to use to rebuild my walls after they inevitably come down again.... *Sigh*

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 23, 2018 1:42 pm
by fantasia
Yes, I would definitely get an upgraded shadow and arcane trap elsewhere before you tackle the Fort Rox area. The Clockapult of Time is pretty low leveled and so I'm not surprised you're not making it far in.
You could go for the Reaper's Perch which looks like you get from the Crystal Library boss, Zurreal, and try to grind your way through the area. But I'd probably skip it and get the shadow and arcane traps out of the Living Garden areas.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2018 12:37 pm
by Ryadian
Drat, it looks like I haven't unlocked either of those areas yet. :( I did notice that I have access to the Seasonal Garden, which is one I hadn't noticed before, so I'll try for that for a while. ;))

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2018 12:46 pm
by starkat
Is the chrome upgrade to the storm ballista trap worth it?

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2018 8:28 pm
by Gymfan15
"Worth it" is always relative, IMHO...if you are an end-game player with the trap and have the gold, I think upgrading is always worth it. If you don't have that trap yet or you won't have it for a long time, hold off.

I think the Storm Ballista upgrade will be especially nice if you have the Denture base because now we'll be needing Scales/Teeth more than ever, and every caught Ful'Mina makes it that much easier.

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Jul 25, 2018 5:46 am
by starkat
I do have the trap. I just wasn't quite sure it was worth it for only a 200 power upgrade. I've gotten most of the charms I wanted and the base. Not sure what else I'll get at the moment. Thanks!

Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

PostPosted: Aug 08, 2018 5:22 am
by fantasia
I got the Chrome Storm Ballista, as well as the Denture Base, but mostly I went through this morning and bought lots of upgrades for charms and such. I like having a nice stockpile of things like Super Soap Charms for the Toxic Spill, and especially those Compass Magnet Charms for the Labyrinth.
I did NOT get any super Queso Pump charms (whatever they're called) as I wasn't willing to spend Wild Tonic on them. I save my Wild Tonic for Nachous and his Nachore drops. ;)) And the Super Enerchii charms were hilarious as prior to Queso Canyon being released, I had probably.... 500-900 Enerchi Charms? And used them all up in Queso Canyon right before Ronza got here. Oops. LOL
Farewell until (probably) next year Ronza! Thanks for your wares. :)

In the meantime, when I'm not doing Chrome maps, I'm working on getting my trap in Queso Canyon. I'm about 1,700 nachore away, so almost there.

ETA: 11:20pm at night, wow! I managed to get my trap. Kind of surprised in a pleasant way. Now all that's left is farming materials for the Egg Hunt and them I'm gonna focus on leveling up. :)