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Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby AslansChild » Aug 12, 2013 8:38 pm

Ithilwen wrote:I'm not sure if you've seen that episode yet or not.

I haven't, no. So far I've seen, Blink, Rose, The Christmas Invasion, & The Doctors Name, which was very good, but I didn't really understand the whole, "That's me, before I was me, the not Doctor me, "Introducing John Hurt" bit""at the end. And...the kiss - /:) :-o @-) :-\. Nasty.

This is goofy though, I like DW, but I feel like I can't watch one episode without coming back here with questions. :-?? So confusing... :p

& I looked at Capaldi's list on IMDB, I haven't seen him in anything, but I still say he looks familiar, like My Favorite Martian or Back to the Future or something... /:)

I also found out that I've seen companion Clara is something else. She was a main character in BBC's Titanic, http://mselifloraperiodramas.blogspot.i ... tanic.html as a maid with a much higher-sounding voice. (Sophie Winkleman was also in it too, as an American actress.)

shastastwin wrote: You should see some Classic Who.[/color]

Are there any Doctors &/or episodes you'd recommend? I know I'd like to see Sylvester McCoy sometime, I really enjoyed watching him in the Hobbit, I know he's known for being the Doctor, so I guess he was good.

So my next question is: do we now get a new companion to go with the new Doctor? ;))
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Ithilwen » Aug 12, 2013 10:36 pm

AslansChild wrote:& I looked at Capaldi's list on IMDB, I haven't seen him in anything, but I still say he looks familiar, like My Favorite Martian or Back to the Future or something... /:)

You're probably thinking of Christopher Lloyd.

This is goofy though, I like DW, but I feel like I can't watch one episode without coming back here with questions.

If you don't mind, I don't mind. B-) It gives me an excuse to talk about my favorite show, which I'm always in the mood to do. Keep the questions coming. ;))

Are there any Doctors &/or episodes you'd recommend? I know I'd like to see Sylvester McCoy sometime, I really enjoyed watching him in the Hobbit, I know he's known for being the Doctor, so I guess he was good.

For Sylvester McCoy, avoid his earlier episodes like Time and the Rani and Paradise Towers, unless you're in the mood for a cheesy mess. I would recommend Remembrance of the Daleks if you're going to watch a Seventh Doctor serial. But my favorite Classic Doctors are Two (Patrick Troughton) and Four (Tom Baker).

For Two, I would recommend Tomb of the Cybermen, and especially The Mind Robber.

For Four, I would recommend The Ark in Space, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars, Seeds of Doom, Robots of Death, Hand of Fear, City of Death, and (if you don't mind a little mysticism in it) The Brain of Morbius. On a side note, if you've seen the BBC Narnia miniseries, Tom Baker played Puddleglum.

Three (Jon Pertwee) is also a good Doctor. For him, I'd recommend Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons, and The Sea Devils.

Personally, I rank the Doctors in this order, (1 being the favorite, 11 being the least favorite) -

1. Christopher Eccleston (The Ninth Doctor)
2. David Tennant (The Tenth Doctor)
3. Tom Baker (The Fourth Doctor)
4. Patrick Troughton (The Second Doctor)
5. Jon Pertwee (The Third Doctor)
6. Paul McGann (The Eighth Doctor) (The movie was terrible, but I liked him as a Doctor)
7. William Hartnell (The First Doctor)
8. Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor)
9. Peter Davison (The Fifth Doctor)
10. Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor)
11. Colin Baker (The Sixth Doctor)

So my next question is: do we now get a new companion to go with the new Doctor? ;))

Nope. They plan on delving deeper into Clara's character next season. She's rather new, so we probably won't get a new companion for a little while. ;)

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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Aug 13, 2013 6:36 am

My favourite to least favourite:

1. David Tennant (The Tenth Doctor) - seen all
2. Tom Baker (The Fourth Doctor) - seen many
3. Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor) - seen all
4. Jon Pertwee (The Third Doctor) - seen many
5. Christopher Eccleston (The Ninth Doctor) - seen all
6. Patrick Troughton (The Second Doctor) - seen several
7. Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor) - seen several
8. Paul McGann (The Eighth Doctor)
9. William Hartnell (The First Doctor) - seen some
10. Peter Davison (The Fifth Doctor) - seen several

I've never actually seen a Colin Baker story (The Sixth Doctor).
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby King_Erlian » Aug 14, 2013 3:11 am

My view:

1. Jon Pertwee (Third)
2. David Tennant (Tenth)
3. Paul McGann (Eighth)
4. Matt Smith (Eleventh)
5. Peter Davison (Fifth)
6. Christopher Eccleston (Ninth)
7. Patrick Troughton (Second)
8. Tom Baker (Fourth)
9. William Hartnell (First)
10. Colin Baker (Sixth)
11. Sylvester McCoy (Seventh)
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Aug 14, 2013 6:47 pm

Wow! There are some real differences between our preferences!
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Ithilwen » Aug 14, 2013 7:42 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I've never actually seen a Colin Baker story (The Sixth Doctor).

So, you haven't met the Valeyard yet? :-o You need to at least watch Trial of a Time Lord sometime soon. B-)

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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Aug 14, 2013 10:32 pm

Really? I've heard Colin Baker's stories are pretty terrible. I guess I'll give that one a go.
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Ithilwen » Aug 14, 2013 10:47 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Really? I've heard Colin Baker's stories are pretty terrible. I guess I'll give that one a go.

They are terrible. ;)) But the Valeyard is a pretty big deal. And if he's ever introduced on the show, it would probably be at any time now, since he apparently came about "between the Doctor's 12th and final incarnation". And we're not sure if Hurt's Doctor counts, or if the Doctor-Donna counts. So if there's any time that's best to catch up on all the Valeyard stuff, I suppose it would be now.

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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby coracle » Aug 14, 2013 11:54 pm

I'm a keen fan of the revived Dr Who, and have most of the episodes on DVD. I can't tell you the names of the episodes, or the monsters, but I do love the humans and the Doctors.
Oddly enough, although I got to see bits of Dr Who in my childhood and youth, I can't recall seeing McCoy or McGann or Peter Davison.
We didn't have TV until I was about 14, and even then I didn't see it often.
It didn't grab me until later. I saw the 25th anniversary one in London in November 1988, which was shown on the day that it was actually set on (23 November 1988 - or possibly one day out). I remember hurrying to get my laundry done at the laundrette and rush back in time not to miss any of it. I watched on a 20" black and white TV in the attic room where I was staying. Very exciting to be living in London for a few months, and to see a Dr Who special on 'the day', with glimpses of previous Doctors.
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Louloudi the Centaur » Oct 10, 2013 7:49 pm

This is fantastic news for fans of the show everywhere. In the year of the 50th, one complete story from the Patrick Troughton run and one nearly complete story from the Patrick Troughton run have been found. :)
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby Ithilwen » Oct 17, 2013 8:20 pm

Concerning The Name of the Doctor and the 50th Anniversary Special:

Is everyone sure that the brief blur during the Clara-Saves-the-Doctor montage *is* Eight? What if it's someone else?

Because, if Eight is missing from the montage, that would add credence to the theory that John Hurt is an older Eighth Doctor. It might also be what Moffat is referring to when he says to rewatch our DVDs.

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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby King_Erlian » Oct 18, 2013 7:34 am

A few thoughts on the Doctor's regenerations:

1. The very first regeneration, from William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton, was not referred to as a "regeneration" at the time, but as a "renewal". I believe the term "regeneration" to describe the process whereby the Doctor apparently gets a new body was not used until Jon Pertwee's time in the early '70s. When Patrick Troughton began his stint as the Doctor, it may have been suggested or implied that Troughton's Doctor was simply meant to be Hartnell's Doctor but a bit younger. Subsequently the Hartnell-Troughton change was described as a regeneration (e.g. by Peter Davison's Doctor in "The Five Doctors" and "Mawdryn Undead") but maybe it wasn't a "true" regeneration after all...

2. We never saw the second regeneration from Patrick Troughton to Jon Pertwee. That apparently happened on Gallifrey and was forced upon him by the Time Lord Council. Again, the term "regeneration" wasn't used; they simply talked about "a change of appearance".

3. The Doctor could sometimes exist and even interact with people in a mid-regeneration state - the Watcher in "Logopolis" was in between his fourth and fifth selves, and the Valeyard was supposed to be between his twelfth and thirteenth incarnations.

4. As others have pointed out, we never saw Paul McGann regenerate into... Christopher Eccleston? Or someone else?

5. David Tennant's Doctor began to regenerate after being hit by a Dalek exterminator beam, but channelled the regenerative energy into his preserved severed hand, creating the "Doctor-Donna" clone of himself. Does that count?

6. River Song gave him the energy from all her remaining regenerations after he was poisoned. Just to heal him, or did that give him more regenerations?
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby King_Erlian » Nov 11, 2013 5:43 am

Latest trailers for the 50th Anniversary special:
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby King_Erlian » Nov 18, 2013 5:33 am

Also on the BBC Doctor Who website is a special mini-episode which acts as an introduction to the 50th Anniversary episode proper, which will be broadcast this Saturday. The mini-episode is well worth a look! :)

Looking forward to Saturday, watching the special in 3D. :D
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby stargazer » Nov 21, 2013 1:22 pm

In honor of this 50th anniversary, my cable provider's On Demand section has lots of DW stuff: all episodes of the current reboot (allowing me to catch some of those earliest ones I've missed), all of Torchwood (I've started watching the season 4 "Miracle Day" episodes, which I've never seen), not to mention all of the special retrospectives on all the Doctors. If I had enough spare time I could be watching a very long time! ;))
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Re: Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

Postby AslansChild » Nov 21, 2013 10:29 pm

*walks in, sits down*

Will we be able to watch the special online as it airs? I've been looking and looking, I can't seem to figure that out, it's airing on the BBC, but does that mean I can watch it on BBCs site?

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